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the way to make life extension happen fast?

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#1 brokenportal

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Posted 11 February 2006 - 08:51 PM

Well, of course maybe it isnt, but I think it very well may be. It seems to me that the best way to propel life extension into reality is too..

Create a list of ever job that we can imagine, would need to be done to surely extend our life spans, indefinently beyond our current life spans:

Then, put that list on the internet and advertise it like there was no tomorrow. I know that if that list were realized that I would litterally sell everything I own and do everything I could to support a list like that. I would advertise like it was going out of style. Ive set my whole life up for this. Im one of the most serious life extensionists ever in this regard for sure, and more. I want longer life, and I think this is the way. I could be wrong of course. Why or why isnt this legit?

Edited by brokenportal, 09 August 2006 - 10:56 PM.

#2 JonesGuy

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Posted 11 February 2006 - 09:12 PM

I see what you're saying, but I have a question. What would you advertise for?

Suppose "reversing and stopping age accumlated defects in the body" is one of the criteria. What would your advertisement say?

#3 brokenportal

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Posted 11 February 2006 - 09:22 PM

An advertisement that might work for that... What a great question. If I determined that this was realistic, and saw that people were doing it or thought it was a good idea, I would do what I could to help create the list and then spend all my time in anti aging commercials. Ive started a few ideas for myself and any body interested in helping work on them at http://groups.msn.co...ensionmarketing They are just basic ideas to expand on and a central point for me and any body interested to collect ideas for commecials.

In any case, an advertisement wouldnt cover jobs for "reversing and stopping age accumlated defects in the body" in particular. It would cover the idea that there are jobs for everybody, then list some of the main catagories and implore people to go to the list and sign up, with the idea in mind for a lot of the list that, you dont have to commit yourself to the position until all of the other jobs and tasks are signed up for.

It will be outlined why the list of jobs will likely get our life spans extended in our life times and come with the notion that its either all or nothing. You wait until the rest of the world is signed up to help move the boulder, at which point there is pretty sure success rather than people hesitant to sign up because they dont want to waste time in a project that is underesourced and may never be completed.

Edited by brokenportal, 09 August 2006 - 11:08 PM.

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#4 Live Forever

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Posted 11 February 2006 - 11:50 PM

Great idea!



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Posted 12 February 2006 - 03:45 AM

I think this has the makings of a good idea, brokenportal.

#6 fitnecise

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Posted 16 February 2006 - 05:42 PM

does it have to be commercials? I think you could get this working for much less money by simply advertising/posting on other LE websites, and direct them to a central site to organize. I think the majority of people that see a commercial like that will simply ignore it, maybe you should try and target the group of interest. it would spread quickly if enough people take interest. anyways, I think its a great idea either way, I can help you setup a site if you want

#7 JonesGuy

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Posted 16 February 2006 - 06:14 PM

I think you could get this working for much less money by simply advertising/posting on other LE websites, and direct them to a central site to organize.

I see more value in posting in non-LE forums, actually. The idea of life extension needs to be pushed to the masses, because (after exposure) it makes sense.

A good trick is to find a forum regarding a topic you enjoy (other than life extension) and chatting it up there. A discrete sig can go a LONG way, all by itself, but you can be upbeat, positive, and have fun too ... just don't go into a forum and immediately start pushing LE - build a relationship and go from there. Become a member of the community. Let your sig do your advertising for you, at first.

#8 John Schloendorn

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Posted 16 February 2006 - 06:34 PM

Create a list of ever job that we can imagine, would need to be done to surely extend our life spans, indefinently beyond our current life spans: Then, put that list on the internet and advertise it like there was no tomorrow.

The good news is that both the list and a backup strategy are up and running. Now is the time to advertise them.

#9 brokenportal

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Posted 09 August 2006 - 11:28 PM


It would have to be a commercial to advertise for the list. It would kind of be like a volunteer sign up list to go to d-day rather than a draft. I revised the topic a bit so thats where your confusion may have come in too.


Thats a good tip on spreading the meme, but like I stated in my last paragraph, what I mean is more like a sign up list for "d day" with world wide media output rather than general support types of ads for "d day." Even though people dont even really know that we are planning this "invasion" yet, I think that pushing it prior to awareness will work to drive its hype for itself because of the level of its, um, boldness, biggness... Im not sure what word Im looking for.

John Schloendorn,

But then beyond the sens list of 7 deadly things Im saying, what do you think about figuring out like, what the main catagories of things to be done to get sens studied as much as is feasible, study and research all the other feasable methods, figuring out what kinds of boards would be needed to expound on what other avenues may be developed into stratagies and so forth and so on? (I couldnt find that part in sens, maybe it is...)

Then creating a list of all the things that need to be done to get those people recruited, into the idea and everything else. For example, maybe if one thing is that to get attention we need to, as stated around here, to get the scientific community to challenge Aubreys plan in the public arena, then what all can we set up as jobs to get that done, to what degree would we predict would be sufficient, what would goals for whos attention be and etc...

Then for example with the mouse prize, couldnt a list be made with slots on an internet site, and then people can write their name with a sum, with the notion advertised along with this, that nobody that donates through this list has to actually give that amount until the rest of the slots are filled equaling the amount stated, do you know what I mean? Like put, "once enough pledges are written here to equal 10 million dollars then you give your amount, but not before." or however it would be worded best. Thats just the basic idea. Of course, there would be other parts to consider and set up for it. Do you think the idea would work at all?

#10 John Schloendorn

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 09:52 AM

what the main catagories of things to be done to get sens studied as much as is feasible

Do some of the work. If some of it is done, people will have a much easier job believing that more of it can be done.

For example with the mouse prize

I think the idea is quite good if lesser amounts than 10 million were used. I apologize to be explicit, but it's easy to have good ideas. The hard part, and the important part is working to make them happen, and that's were reinforcements are needed. "Recruiting" such reinforcements does no good at all as long as it's just an entry on a wishlist, it actually needs doing!

#11 bender

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 07:12 PM

I don't believe this idea is ready for a scale of mass-advertising yet.. you don't want a multi-million crowd of religios fanatics going after you with torches. Just do your own best and keep active within the right circles, as in my opinion it will yield out the most success.

#12 brokenportal

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 07:56 PM

Do some of the work... I agree of course, that the more work people get done now the better. What Im saying though, maybe your missing my point, maybe Im missing yours, Im not sure but, what Im saying is, ok, your right, pump people up by getting some of the work done, make them see its possible and they will latch on more easily. That is maybe even the most pivital wedge to get this tree to start tipping, but now ok, what can we do for example, to get more people to do the research? Well, one thing of course, donate to the mouse prize, alright, how do we get people to increasingly do that? List those and the sub things that can help under that, and then maybe there is getting more scientists to get excited about the mouse prize so they will know about it and want to go for it, how do we help that along and etc... Sure, we are doing it now, but from what I can see a jobs list would help to create a road map of all the avenues so we can then go from there and expand on it. Then there are things like maybe, develop a constant board to peer review sens, or something like that. I mean, I dont know the idiosyncratic ways things like that fit in, but Im sure theres got to be a bunch more things we can add to a jobs list that could help right?

Of course, then it may turn into a wishlist... maybe it would, but there are ways to hype it and push it and get it going. For example, this isnt the main reason why I think the list could be usefull, but, when people here about life extension there are people who vary to the degree that they are interested. There are people who dont care, kind of care, are to busy, would help but dont know how, would help but think they would have to be a specialist in some area, or whatever, I think a list opens up avenues for these people, amongst other things.


As for mass advertising not being good yet, Ive got to get going but I guess, to put it short Ide have to say that I disagree with that. Also that this isnt really a purely advertising thing I mean by this.

Thanks everybody for humoring me and dialoguing with me on this, I know the idea really might not be anything but I really think it may be.

#13 John Schloendorn

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Posted 10 August 2006 - 10:28 PM

OK, why don't you put some more research into your preliminary list topics, add a few more high level goals, organize it well, and then we discuss it here and add detail?

#14 brokenportal

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Posted 25 August 2006 - 05:21 AM

I would agree that that would be a good idea, though I have other ideas for its development. I had a half assed list. It got erased do to my lack of gain of support and lack in general. I should have saved a personal copy, and I thought I did, but I either cant find it or forgot to make it. Anyways...

Im hoping to find people here interested in helping me dally around with a list of jobs to be done. Sure it may never pan out to be usefull, but you never know. I think of it as an exercise of sorts. Its all pretty much self explanatory, and beyond that. Its useful function comes in in that from what I can see it is adaptive to expansion and discusion.

It has main topics like:

Research topics
Marketing stratagies
admistrative needs
structural needs

and so forth.

If anybody would be interested in humoring me towards putting this, actually meek effort, toward doing something for life extension together, then let me know.

Of course it may pan out to be nothing. I feel though that any brainstorm is worth pursuing. One reason, out of many for that feeling, is that brainstorming in general is a good idea.

Since my list has become erased through neglect to it, if you would be interested in helping me rebuild it, (and it wasnt very complex in its infancy to begin with) then let me know and Ill set up a place to make it happen.

If you dont know, or havent read from what Ive been getting at, I feel that there is a possibility that a list of every detail needing to be done to extend life spans, is a pivitol neccessity. For one, amongst other reasons, I feel that it will show people just exactly how close to completion it is, and encourage them to sign up for jobs, maybe not, but why not try it?

One of the major concerns for this I think, is that people may think its all big level jobs. Though when broken down, its more like, recruiting, fund raising, struture building, (like relevent universities and research labs etc...) and stuff like that.

It may not be, and people like Aubrey, and other stratagy designers or theorists or whatever you call them may feel its much more wrapped up and simple than that, but in the mean time, why not humor this and build a jobs list? If you dont know exactly what I mean by now let me know and Ill explain it, either for the demise of this idea, for the discussion of it, or for the procreation of it. In any case, let me know, and we'll go from there.

#15 brokenportal

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Posted 23 November 2006 - 05:13 PM

Im bumping this.

I cant ever seem to explain it as plainly as I want to. If anybody who is into life extension and everything, but is like a plumber with no life extension network or, no feild or anything, doesnt have any thing really to do for life extension in particular then mess around with this list with me and we'll see if we can make a case for it.

#16 lightowl

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Posted 24 November 2006 - 03:05 AM

I think its a great idea in theory. The main problem, as I see it, is that we don't know all the details of the problem to make a complete list of tasks to be done. So we wouldn't be able to make a list and then say: look, this is all that needs to be done to cure aging.

That being said, I think it would still be valuable to make the incomplete list of tasks to be done. I think we should include on that list tasks that we *think* should be done, but that we don't necessarily *know* should be done. That is after all why we need research: to figure out what specifically needs to be done.

One approach to delaying/reversing aging is SENS. It is a pretty comprehensive plan of what needs to be done. It's a good bet, in my opinion, that it will be effective, but there is really no way to be sure other than actually doing it. What is certain though, is that the research is valuable, and most likely will help developing cures for various age-related diseases.

I think perhaps a more valuable list would be one outlining a list of *skills* that would be valuable in the effort to cure aging. That list could then be expanded with actual tasks to be done by the different skill pools. Adding people to such a list would be immensely valuable. You could classify this as kind of a general human resource directory for the task of delaying/reversing aging. Something I think is painfully needed at this point.

I would be very willing to provide programming skills to develop such a tool. It might also be that a similar tool exists in some form already.

#17 AgeVivo

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Posted 05 September 2008 - 08:45 PM

to make life extension happen fast, PM me if you are potentially interested in participating in the MPrize@ home project (basically going to your nearest pet store and have a few mice at home so that we distribute mice lifespans, a bit like F@ H). I might soon make a new thread/poll about it.

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