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Google Attacks NaturalNews.com... The Politicization of Biohacking?

politics conspiracy theories naturalnews.com

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#1 jroseland

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Posted 24 February 2017 - 06:29 PM

Last year Dave had a very interesting interview with this Mike Adams...
He runs a lab in Texas, has a very popular site NaturalNews.com which is a news site as it's name would suggest, mostly focusing on health. Pretty similar to Bulletproof or any number of Biohacking brands.
I've followed this site for a while and it's tone is a bit conspiratorial sometimes but they don't fall for or push any really outlandish conspiracy theories; UFOs, Aliens, Bigfoot, flat earth, etc
It's a pretty mainstream libertarian news site. Nothing that's undeserving of reasoned debate.
The political slant of the website is patriotic, libertarian and Pro-Trump, but nothing that's extreme or outside of the mainstream of what about half the country believes.
Just a few days ago Google delisted and removed 140,000 NaturalNews.com pages from it's search results.
NaturalNews.com is popular enough that it being banned sparked a bit of a scandal that Google did respond with this generic statement
We don’t comment on individual sites, but if we find that a site violates one or more of our Webmaster Guidelines we may take manual action against it. For webmasters who have questions about their own sites, our Webmaster team provides support through platforms such as the Webmaster Forums. Once a site has remedied the problem, the webmaster can submit the site for reconsideration.
It's very hard to get banned from Google.
You have to be doing really egregious black hat stuff for Google to blacklist your entire website. A lot of Biohacking brands and health websites are very aggressive in their SEO and Google doesn't blacklist them.
The optics are REALLY BAD for Google here...
Google should come out and make a statement about this as opposed to just saying... Well, they violated our terms of service...
Google could use this as a real instructive opportunity to show what NaturalNews.com did wrong that actually got them totally banned.
If they don't, isn't it really clear that this is political censorship?
I hate to see Biohacking become politicized; but the government has grown to large and everything is becoming politicized.
I'd like to think that Biohackers are pragmatic enough group that the politics of an individual should not matter that much.  
If there was, for example, a communist Biohacker guru, I would try to look critically at the biohacking strategies or tools they were advocating, I would not disregard them because they are a communist.
It looks like Google is not being so fair though...
The Biohacking and anti-aging industry is enjoying meteroic success thanks largely to the big government staying the hell out of the way. What can be done to keep the government's tentacles from strangling the our Biohacking freedoms?
Let's avoid getting into too much of a debate about vaccines or any one of these politicized science issues. I'm more interested in discussing if Google (or Facebook or Twitter) should be responsible for figuring out what is fake science and what is real science?
I feel like we don't need an Ministry of Truth to tell us what to believe, I'd rather visit two or three different websites and get a diversity of opinions and data on a subject and then make up my mind.
I'd much rather see Google push debates to the top of their search results than consistently siding with one political ideology so we can hear both side's arguments being scrutinized by experts. I'm a big fan of Intelligence Squared Debates
They do these long form debates between two teams of experts on a given topic. They've changed my mind about a couple of things...
I find it deeply troubling that Google is now in the business of deciding what science is real so I signed this petition.

#2 Hip

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Posted 26 February 2017 - 10:36 PM

I get very annoyed with NaturalNews.com. 


I like complementary medicine, and myself have no problem with combining alternative treatments with conventional ones, to get the best of both worlds. However, NaturalNews.com often presents not complementary medicine, but contemptuous medicine (to coin a phrase).


Contemptuous medicine I define as the practice of detailing an alternative medicine treatment, but at the same time strongly criticizing any convention treatment that addresses the same illness or same symptoms. It promotes one approach, but is contemptuous and scornful of the other.


Contemptuous medicine is a politically charged and polarized practice, where your primary concern is not the health of the reader, but engaging in an ideological war against conventional medicine and the science behind it. If your concern was for the health of the reader, you would present all treatments, alternative or conventional, on an equal footing, detailing the efficacy, benefits and side effects of both, so that the reader can get a good picture of what might help them. If you gave this fair and balance treatment, the reader can then decide for themselves whether they want to go for an alternative treatment, a conventional treatment, or both. Myself I very often use both alternative and conventional treatments at the same time, to get the best of both worlds, and a more effective treatment.


But those who espouse contemptuous medicine care less about your heath, and more about fighting a political war that is primarily concerned with promoting their own favored medical ideology. 

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#3 pamojja

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Posted 27 February 2017 - 07:56 AM

But those who espouse contemptuous medicine care less about your heath, and more about fighting a political war that is primarily concerned with promoting their own favored medical ideology. 


With a chronic health condition where invasive pharmaceutical medicine provided no alternatives, and with contempt despised all alternative medicines I used instead (orthomolecular, ayurvedic, even lifestyle changes) - which after years reversed my condition considered non-reversible by conventional medicine - I admittedly got a bid contempt of their ignorant approach myself. You simply can't discuss the latest science of which most MDs are ignorant off, and most often than not simply refuse to read.


However, not because I want promote my own ideology, but to fight the obstacles put in place by conventional medicine against. For example again misinformation, lack of freedom of choice and denial of access to 'alternative' medicine - which is the only one which helped in my case. The actual prevalent contemptuous medicine in my view is rather the prevalent one.

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#4 Hip

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Posted 27 February 2017 - 04:37 PM

You simply can't discuss the latest science of which most MDs are ignorant off, and most often than not simply refuse to read.


Ignorance of a subject is not the same a contempt: if an MD does not know much about alternative medicine, then that's not an issue in itself. It's not the area they trained for, so why should they know about it? There are plenty of alternative medicine therapists you can got to; in any case, for me the essence of alternative medicine is becoming your own doctor, learning about what supplements and herbs there are available, and trying them out yourself. You do not need a doctor for that; you just need to be happy to take some responsibility for your own health.



However, you do also get some pro-conventional medicine individuals who scoff at alternative medicine (usually these individuals have little or no experience of using alternative medicine; thus they criticize at a subject they know little about). This is just as bad.  


Though some areas of alternative medicine are pseudoscientific nonsense, so I don't mind alternative medicine being criticized where it deserves it. Usually the areas of alternative medicine that work (eg herbs and supplements) have been backed up by scientific studies. 

Edited by Hip, 27 February 2017 - 04:40 PM.

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#5 shifter

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Posted 19 March 2017 - 10:21 PM

I used to be super enthused about this guy. He didn't take money or commissions in plugging any products so you could believe what he endorsed was his own belief. That all changed and now he is a complete sell out and entirely for profit. And frankly the views he sells as truth are incredibly dangerous. He is totally against vaccines of any kind and even took the side of parents who starved their baby to death due to feeding the baby nothing else but breast milk for 11 months. He believes anyone who eats meat should eat cow brains amongst other bizarre and stupid things he says.


He doesn't market health. He markets fear, to which is your supposed friend against it. The guy is dangerous and the internet would be a lot smarter without the likes of him


Have a read of




for a real eye opener


I believe complimentary medicine has its place, and there are plenty of medicines out there I would rather stay away from but this guy rubbishes real medicine, real doctors, science and facts to promote himself and make a ton of profit scaring any of his readers with what really his FakeNews page. If Google has removed a lot of his pages from their search listings, good on 'em


Mike Adams used to be a 'crusader for TRUTH'. Perhaps the old Mike Adams would be celebrating the removal of these pages as they were probably anything but TRUTH



Edited by shifter, 19 March 2017 - 10:25 PM.

#6 pamojja

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Posted 19 March 2017 - 11:02 PM

Have a read of
for a real eye opener

First got interested, but already with the 2nd article got nauseated by their Christian zealotry, demeaning even yoga practice as unknowingly worshiping Satan.

Where they enter into alternative medicine most directly is in their promotion of magic. They no longer in public call it magic -- anymore than they call themselves witches ("Wiccan" etc.) nowadays. The terms "witch" and "magic" tend to be very bad marketing for them, because both are truthful descriptions. They delude themselves that they have magic-energy healing therapies and "faith healing" that is entirely absent of the faith component. Their "spiritual healing" is an attempt to seduce us away from God and into their fold.
They sometimes begin by first attempting to pull Christians (and Muslims too) into alternative religions, because a more frontal attack against God would meet with too much resistance. The "spiritual" promotion of Yoga for instance, is one of their methods of pulling the faithful toward the Hindu religion. Once an individual is taken by this and lost, it is much easier to begin a conversion process. If even they fail, they still win, because the most important thing -- defiance of the one true God -- has been accomplished. Corruption is the goal, but they call it "spiritualism". Like with all of the other lies, it is actually the very opposite of being spiritual.


How ignorant. I consciously decided to leave the Christian god described as tribal god in the old testament to himself. Too telling that his followers are the first to call for censorship..

Edited by pamojja, 19 March 2017 - 11:08 PM.

#7 shifter

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Posted 19 March 2017 - 11:11 PM

I agree, its another site full of fruit loops however one that collated the character of Mike Adams all in one place easily.


You can google 'Mike Adams Fraud' and (although its a leading statement) you can find out plenty of information as to why this guy really is a fake.


I once had joined Natural News to my facebook feed. I was utterly embarrassed by the anti vaxxer crap that was spewing out of there on a daily basis. I quickly unfollwed!

#8 pamojja

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Posted 19 March 2017 - 11:19 PM

I once had joined Natural News to my facebook feed. I was utterly embarrassed by the anti vaxxer crap that was spewing out of there on a daily basis. I quickly unfollwed!


Again, absolutely no need for censorship. Too many personal acquaintances who have their bad experiences to tell after vaccines in their susceptible child, beside the majority without susceptible children.


No need to censor the truth unless there is something to hide.

#9 shifter

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Posted 19 March 2017 - 11:42 PM

There is equally no need to brand every parent who vaccinates their children as child abusers as he and his cult followers spout


I see he still pushes the debunked (and faked) Vaccines cause Autism chestnut


I don't see it as censoring truth. I see it as censoring lies made out to be the truth that is doing real harm in society. It's not like Natural News has been censored, just search results.


These days, a diagnosis of Autism is not the same as decades prior. Now it's on a wide reaching spectrum, so that even if your child is a little shy, he can be diagnosed with Autism too. If they had a vaccine, it's an easy scapegoat


I certainly do not condone censorship on political ideologies, but I think NaturalNews would have suffered the same fate regardless of which political party they plugged.

#10 pamojja

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Posted 20 March 2017 - 12:04 AM

There is equally no need to brand every parent who vaccinates their children as child abusers as he and his cult followers spout


Didn't knew. Sorry if he did. However, the bigger problem and injustice are mandatory vaccinations. The problem with medical exceptions is they are only given once harm is already done by previous vaccinations (and not only because of a little shyness) in the experience of my acquaintances.


How a live-long damage does compare to this silly insult?


The truth always shows. If google is in bed with big pharma, which is exempted from any liability and let instead the tax-payers pay 3.6 billions for vaccines harm, it will show.


Edited by pamojja, 20 March 2017 - 12:18 AM.

#11 Mind

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Posted 24 March 2017 - 09:43 PM

Considering Eric Schmidt's all-out effort to get Clinton elected last year and Googles' censorship of alternative views, I now use the hashtag #googleschmidt when discussing the company.

#12 maxwatt

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Posted 24 March 2017 - 09:54 PM

WRT Mike Adams.  He bought a used HPLC machine.  Doesn't understand how to properly use it.  Draws unwarranted conclusions based on his "results".

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