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A few personal thoughts...

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#301 jack42

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Posted 02 March 2006 - 03:44 AM

I have not been to the site in weeks and just waded through all the post.
I have to say I was taken back. When I first started here a year or more,
ago I definately thought LifeMirage was a MD passing on his knowledge and
experience with the people he treated. I am shocked at the deception to the
organization and its members.
The old saying of "do not believe any thing you hear and only half of what you
read" certainly applies to the internet.

#302 kevink

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Posted 02 March 2006 - 04:57 AM

I'm soooo glad this happened. A lot of smart people got a real wake up call. Myself included.

Trust No One. Especially pseudo-anonymous user accounts.

I did however assume that someone at ImmInst verified credentials/identities before handing over the keys. Not your fault (OK, it was to a large extent), but I see it as mostly my fault for not asking the right questions.

Even though some of my PM's with LM were...a little off at times, the problem is a lot of smart people are "a little off" so it's hard to tell. [wis]

From my side, the exchanges between LM and Adam were childish and spiteful and unbecoming anyone I would associate my company with. Just because the Bloods prove the Crypts killed a cop, doesn't mean that I'm going to have the Bloods over for brunch. People have to be a lot more consistent and beneficial than an apology email or two. I've seen business associates "snap" and it's not pretty. If you see signs of instability in your associates, include them if you must, but think defensively or pay the price later.

Fraud is inexcusable and LM should be removed if all this proves to be true. His old posts should be modified or deleted so new visitors will not see "MD" and "thousands of patients" and take that at face value. IANAL, but I would think leaving them intact, from the time ImmInst anointed him "Advisor" status could lead to possible legal action?

One such subcommunity is the nootropics enthusiasts. They can be as enthusiastic as they want about nootropics, and it's not going to detract from leadership's focus on our primary goals.

Does that go for the "Health" forum in general?

And what are those Leadership goals? Not that genetic engineering, stem-cell technology, nanomedicine (and non-profit profit?) aren't important, but frankly, it's a luxury twenty-somethings can wait for, but forty-somethings cannot...and so the "Health" related topics become far more important to master in order to slow down the clock a bit.

If one goes back and looks at some of the "brilliant" predictions from the 60's and 70's about the year 2000, one might be less optimistic about biotech 2050.

I'd also mention that many ancient texts describe energy channels and points running through the body that play an equal, if not more important, role in "life" so even after science has the physical body doing certain things, there's a line they'll simply not be able to cross using technology alone...but then people might think I'm "a little off". :)

#303 jaydfox

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Posted 02 March 2006 - 05:13 AM

I am also going to take this opportunity to say thank you to Adam Kamil. A lot of people did not believe him, because of past events. But he did some great work, along with Bruce, and I think he should be thanked for his digging, regardless of anything else in the past. I hope others recognize this.

I recognize it. A few days ago I was already regaining my respect for Adam. This certainly helps matters a lot.

#304 LifeMirage

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Posted 02 March 2006 - 05:35 AM

None of this is true kevink you may pm me for proof of my ID.

#305 jaydfox

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Posted 16 March 2006 - 04:14 PM

Leadership has voted to move this thread back into the open, so that everyone can have the benefit of reading through it. This is thread in which:
A) LifeMirage resigned, then rescinded his resignation.
B) It was revealed that Lee Crost denies being LifeMirage

It should be noted that the final post in this thread was LifeMirage's final post before being suspended (and subsequently banned).

I will leave this topic closed, to prevent the trolls from having their fun with it. If you want to discuss, there are plenty of open threads, or you can open a new one. Discussions outside the Free Speech Forum will be moderated for ad hominem attacks, etc.

#306 jaydfox

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Posted 16 March 2006 - 04:16 PM

Hmm, wrong thread. Forgive me, I'm a bit spaced out today. Leave this in LM file.

#307 jaydfox

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Posted 22 March 2006 - 03:35 PM

Okay, this thread is now coming back out into the public. I've partially redacted Sherwyn's store number, but other than that, I haven't made any edits. In fact, since the thread was pulled from public, the phone number edits are the only ones that have been made.

Before the thread was locked and moved to leadership, LifeMirage deleted a few posts from this thread (including some by other leadership, before his moderation powers were suspended), and some minimal moderation was probably done by ImmInst Navigators while the thread was still public. See my remarks, two posts prior to this one, for information about this thread.

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