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Please help me cure my anhedonia

anhedonia testosterone dopamine

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Posted 15 July 2017 - 07:39 PM

Hi guys, I am really looking for some help here


I am 23,male and for the past four years i have suffered with anhedonia. I also have aspergers and being unable to enjoy my hobbies and obsessions has been complete hell as it served as my only escape. My memory has also taken a huge battering and there are a great many things from recent years and my childhood that I can not remember. That symptom has been more recent.


I have stopped caring about the things I loved and become completely apathetic. I have lost my imagination and a big chunk of my intellect. I no longer want to do anything. Nothing interests me now and I have become like a zombie. I desperately need help as this is effecting me greatly and my life is wasting away because of it. I can't even bring myself to watch anything or read a book at the moment.


To explain what happened, I began taking fluoxetine in 2011 and for 2 years it worked rather well. Things were very enjoyable and it was effective for my depression. However suddenly in 2013 I began to notice a decline and feel down again. Believing that the fluoxetine had stopped working I rather stupidly quit it cold turkey. I can't remember if I had the anhedonia before stopping the Prozac or after quitting. I think it was creeping up on me while I was on it. It was gradual at first but then everything became unenjoyable and I didn't want to do anything. Eventually I was prescribed new meds to help but this process was rather long and unsuccessful. I tried for a spell without them and failed.

I can not remember the names of them all but there were quite a lot. Unfortunately I was placed on Risperidone which I think did some damage. I had no idea what it was at the time. One I was most hopeful for, Wellbutrin, had no effect on the anhedonia and neither did amitriptyline. I have just come off the amitriptyline due to heart palpitations but I was on it for two years. All it did was act as an anti depressant and make it easier to cope and somehow get on with things. But I don't want to hide away from the issue anymore.


I have tried so many different medications and none have touched the anhedonia at all. Currently I am off anti depressants and trying l tyrosine to address possible low dopamine but it hasn't had any effect. Neither did vyvanse or tianeptine, actually.  I am willing to try other supplements for relief but I want to solve the problem. Or even any medications that may help but I know they are few and far between. I do not feel depressed anymore, purely anhedonic. Though that may change in the future.


Recently I have come to believe that in my case it may all be down to hormones, and I intend to see an endocrinologist soon. In 2015 one of my eyes went out of alignment and I put it down to a lazy eye I had as a child. Now I am not so sure but I have been to the opticians and eye hospital several times since and i'm sure they'd of spotted something. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in December last year and suspect i have had an underactive thyroid for several years. After starting levothyroxine I was hoping that treating the thyroid would help the anhedonia but it hasn't at all. I also feel I have low testosterone and may have had for a long time too. This I believe could be key. My results for that, my thyroid and several other hormones are as follows..


TSH 3.98 mu/L   (0.35-5.50) 

Testosterone 6.3 nmol/L (8.40-28.70)

Prolactin 53 mu/L (45.00-375.00)

Cortisol 429 nmol/L (171.00-618.00)

Oestradiol 49 nmol/L (41-159)



In addition to all this, I also feel like I have chronic fatigue and become exhausted from doing minor things, and It's like I have lost my personality and the person I was. I desperately want to resolve the anhedonia as it has already took up so much of my life and I want rid of it once and for all. I want to be able to enjoy things again as I feel life without emotions is completely pointless. I have poured in countless hours of research but I just need some advice. Thanks and I hope you can help me





#2 jaiho

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Posted 16 July 2017 - 01:13 PM

What makes you think its hormones? Try to refrain from obsessive internet research, this can have the effect of ensuring Anhedonia remains with you.


Firstly, you need to forget the idea that meds or any substance you've taken for mental health has caused the Anhedonia. You need to go out and live life as if you don't have Anhedonia, along with robust exercise & strict meditation practices. Doing this trains your mind out of Anhedonia. If you convince yourself you have a brain fault / chemistry problem, you will remain in the state most likely.


This is assuming what you're suffering isn't a biological disorder.


Now if after a period of time that doesn't relieve symptoms, you have to start looking at it as a chemical problem, generally with a family history of depressive illnesses, or other mental problems.


In that case this website's algorithm provides the very best chance for you.


Best luck to you, i know the hell you're going through.

Edited by jaiho, 16 July 2017 - 01:14 PM.

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#3 Answers

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Posted 16 July 2017 - 08:46 PM

Just from what I have read about how hormones effect the brain and the fact i have had thyroid problems, low testosterone etc. It  seems too coincidental and

there are some online who have had similar experiences and responded from treatment. You could argue i'm being rather hopeful by thinking this way but the hope of getting better and regaining my emotions is the only thing that gets me through each day.


Unfortunately i have an obsessive nature and have tried ro refrain from research and to get on with my life. I've been unable to do it though, as the anhedonia seems to just persist and infuriate me, forcing me to somehow take action.


I was actually on amitriptyline which i understand has very similar properties to norttriptyline as they are both tricyclics. I hated the side effects on it and I would be hesitant before beginning another TCA. That said, if nothing else will help then it is something i shall consider once i have exhausted all other options.


#4 jack black

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Posted 16 July 2017 - 09:01 PM

I agree low T and low thyroid will give you those symptoms. Your labs do support it. Especially if you gained some weight, it would support it more. How old are you? Did you take lithium?

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Posted 16 July 2017 - 09:11 PM

I'm 23 and no i did not take lithium. The reason i gained weight was due to going on amitriptyline two years ago. Prior to that i was always quite skinny.

#6 jack black

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Posted 16 July 2017 - 09:31 PM

The best way to boost T is clomifene (or HCG or tamoxifen) with NAC and ashwaghanda. Low dose Zn would not hurt. If that fails, T injections, but that causes shrunk testicles.
Since your thyroid function is borderline, I would try selenium, ashwaghanda, and alpha lipoic acid. Also stop any gluten or soy product.
I know these things firsthand as we have hormonal problems in my immediate family.

#7 Answers

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Posted 16 July 2017 - 10:40 PM

I'm not too sure about clomifene. I heard that the side effects can defeat the purpose of the treatment, not to mention the vision problems some encounter.

Given that one of my eyes went out of alignment already i am a bit hesitant to go on that.


I was looking into tongkat ali but I am hesitant about that too because i have heart palpitations. I need to try something though, trt is seen as a last resort in my eyes given the fact i am only young. I've not heard of NAC for testosterone before but ashwaganda is something i've considered in the past. I heard that selenium aids conversion of t4 into t3 so that is worth a try.



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#8 jack black

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Posted 17 July 2017 - 04:27 PM

I'm not too sure about clomifene. I heard that the side effects can defeat the purpose of the treatment


news to me and i am taking this only for over a year. dude, we are talking about low dose (25mg/day).

but, it's your choice. don't bother asking questions here if you dislike answers, sheesh!

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#9 Answers

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Posted 27 July 2017 - 10:41 PM

I did another testosterone test early one morning. The results was


Total testosterone 12.1 nmol/L (7.6-31.4)


Considering that is when it's supposed to be at its peak it seems low for me still.


The anhedonia is driving me mad and I really need help. I am so scared that I am going to be like this for the rest of my life. I am currently trying rhodiola but it doesn't seem to be doing much. I have also lost so much of my memory and find it very distressing. Something isn't right at all and I need to fix it somehow.


I see my psychiatrist in just over a week and am considering very low dose amisulpride to alleviate the anhedonia. Are there any other medications that could help?




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#10 jaiho

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Posted 27 July 2017 - 10:47 PM



I see my psychiatrist in just over a week and am considering very low dose amisulpride to alleviate the anhedonia. Are there any other medications that could help?


Follow this, it will get you out of anhedonia faster than most methods.

I've referred it to quite a few people now and they report to me they have felt happiness& pleasure again for the first time in a long time.




It's a long read, but it gives you a good idea on what medications are best for it. Highly recommend the SRI + Nort combo to start off with.

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Posted 27 July 2017 - 11:50 PM

That combination does look promising but what concerns me is that i don't know whether or not it was the the amitriptyline that has caused my severe memory loss. If I begin another tricyclic i'm scared of the same thing recurring.


The side effects from ami were horrendous, especially the weight gain. Not to mention it definitely wasn't good for my heart. If I could find a way of countering these effects then i'd definitely try and go on it. It's just very awkward so that's why I was looking at alternatives to TCA'S but unfortunately there doesn't seem to be many that work.

Edited by link11, 27 July 2017 - 11:51 PM.

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#12 jaiho

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Posted 28 July 2017 - 12:02 AM

Amitriptyline is a potent anticholinergic, and Nortriptyline which is a more selective NRI is far less potent as an anticholinergic, which can cause cognitive problems.

The only side effects i get from it is some mild dry mouth.


The problem with Anhedonia though is the meds that work best against it (TCAs and MAOIs) all have some level of anti cholinergic sides, so its up to you wether you'd rather deal with anhedonia or the side effects.


Adding the SSRI to the nortriptyline allows you to avoid the more potent anti cholingergic TCAs like Amitriptyline & Clomipramine.


Edited by jaiho, 28 July 2017 - 12:03 AM.

#13 Answers

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Posted 28 July 2017 - 01:13 AM

Well , if nortriptyline is a less potent anticholinergic then that makes it more favourable in my eyes. I wish i'd tried it before but I can't turn the clock back. It's something I think I will try if all else fails along with the sertraline.


Thanks for the help Jaiho

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Posted 03 August 2017 - 08:51 PM

I am now looking at agomelatine as a real option. It seems to have a good reputation in treating anhedonia. However I have already been on amitriptyline which had 5ht2c antagonism so would the therapeutic effect be any different to what I experienced on ami? Can medications with the same effect on a receptor behave differently?


If not it looks like it will have to be low dose olanzapine or nortriptyline with Zoloft possibly added down the line .The hormonal side of things still needs to be urgently resolved too.

#15 Deaden

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Posted 07 August 2017 - 10:24 PM

I would listen to Jaioh if I was you. You can also try tianeptine, mianserin, and dizocilpine.

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Posted 10 August 2017 - 02:38 PM

I tried tianeptine before with no effect.


Anyway I had a meeting with a consultant as my old psychiatrist left and I don't have one at the moment. He wants me to have a brain scan soon for my memory loss, and for now I am being put on reboxetine.


I tried to get nortriptyline or agomelatine but he didn't want to prescribe either. The reason I accepted the reboxetine is because I saw it mentioned in Dr Gillmans AD algorithm as a possible combination with Zoloft or even parnate to negate the tyramine diet. Hopefully these would work for anhedonia.


I pray the reboxetine does something but I do worry that it can stimulate cortisol. I am already stressed really badly.


Would it be safe/effective if I mixed the reboxetine with rhodiola rossea?



#17 jaiho

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Posted 10 August 2017 - 03:17 PM

Agomelatine is less likely to be effective than Amitriptyline but its worth a try. Is your doctor only prescribing Reboxetine? This drug on it's own isn't very effective, either. It shines best combined with an SSRI.

It will be fine with Rhodiola rosea.


Nortriptyline is actually a metabolite of Amitriptyline, so it's possible that is causing the cardiac side effects. Hopefully you wont get that with Reboxetine.

#18 Deaden

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Posted 10 August 2017 - 05:37 PM

I tried tianeptine before with no effect.


Anyway I had a meeting with a consultant as my old psychiatrist left and I don't have one at the moment. He wants me to have a brain scan soon for my memory loss, and for now I am being put on reboxetine.


I tried to get nortriptyline or agomelatine but he didn't want to prescribe either. The reason I accepted the reboxetine is because I saw it mentioned in Dr Gillmans AD algorithm as a possible combination with Zoloft or even parnate to negate the tyramine diet. Hopefully these would work for anhedonia.


I pray the reboxetine does something but I do worry that it can stimulate cortisol. I am already stressed really badly.


Would it be safe/effective if I mixed the reboxetine with rhodiola rossea?

Maybe just buy the drugs online? I'm thinking of doing that. I don't know about you but I stopped giving a f*** about what doctors want me to be on when they don't know anything. I just want to get out of this once it for all.

#19 Answers

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Posted 10 August 2017 - 06:14 PM

Agomelatine is less likely to be effective than Amitriptyline but its worth a try. Is your doctor only prescribing Reboxetine? This drug on it's own isn't very effective, either. It shines best combined with an SSRI.

It will be fine with Rhodiola rosea.


Nortriptyline is actually a metabolite of Amitriptyline, so it's possible that is causing the cardiac side effects. Hopefully you wont get that with Reboxetine.


I think it's just going to be reboxetine for now and yeah I did say on its own i'm not sure it will be enough. Doctors and psychiatrists can be so stubborn though and hate to be proved wrong. Do you think coupled with Zoloft it could be good for anhedonia? Dr Gillmans algorithm does say it can be used instead of nortriptyline with an SSRI. But is it a less effective combination?


Also, does anyone know how reboxetine effects dopamine and what receptors it works on?


I actually came off the amitriptyline because I was worried it was the cause of the palpitations and my memory loss. My gp hated me being on it and really influenced me to stop. I've been off of it for over a month now though with no change so surely it couldn't still be effecting me. 

#20 Answers

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Posted 10 August 2017 - 06:20 PM


I tried tianeptine before with no effect.


Anyway I had a meeting with a consultant as my old psychiatrist left and I don't have one at the moment. He wants me to have a brain scan soon for my memory loss, and for now I am being put on reboxetine.


I tried to get nortriptyline or agomelatine but he didn't want to prescribe either. The reason I accepted the reboxetine is because I saw it mentioned in Dr Gillmans AD algorithm as a possible combination with Zoloft or even parnate to negate the tyramine diet. Hopefully these would work for anhedonia.


I pray the reboxetine does something but I do worry that it can stimulate cortisol. I am already stressed really badly.


Would it be safe/effective if I mixed the reboxetine with rhodiola rossea?

Maybe just buy the drugs online? I'm thinking of doing that. I don't know about you but I stopped giving a f*** about what doctors want me to be on when they don't know anything. I just want to get out of this once it for all.


It is definitely something I am starting to consider. I don't know where to buy though as I want to make sure I'd be buying the real product.

Edited by link11, 10 August 2017 - 06:22 PM.

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#21 Answers

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Posted 25 August 2017 - 11:25 PM

Well I only took one reboxetine pill and my heart is still going crazy a week after taking it. It zombified me for a day and i couldn't even make facial expressions at times. I already feel extremely numb and lifeless but this made it much worse. I am too scared to take anymore and it's too weak on its own anyway so I don't see a point in persisting with it.


I forgot to mention that when I saw the consultant, he told me that I seem to talk out of the right side of my mouth and that he noticed a weakness on the left side of my face. He said it is possible that my anhedonia/mental problems are being caused by something other than depression, and that is why I've not responded to so many meds.


I don't really know what to do. I can't see another psychiatrist for another 2 months because of the shitty nhs. I guess if I could though i'd try and get some nortriptyline and Zoloft prescribed. 


I've even considered going down the Chinese medicinal route, something I may still do. Anything for some relief!


I've heard that DHEA can be good for the brain and possibly anhedonia. I'm not sure but I may try a supplement to see if it helps. That or buy some medication online... I just don't know , i'm very confused and stressed with it all.






#22 Deaden

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Posted 25 August 2017 - 11:56 PM

After reading this, I suggest you buy some BPC-157 online.

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Posted 26 August 2017 - 01:08 AM

After reading this, I suggest you buy some BPC-157 online.


Have you tried it? I see that it helps with amphetamine induced anhedonia at least. I can only find an injectable form of it though and that's not something i feel comfortable doing. It seems to only be sold as a research chemical too from what I've seen.

#24 Deaden

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Posted 26 August 2017 - 06:06 AM

No I haven't tried it, but I want to. I am not sure yet if it safe to take it with an MAOI I will research it more when I have the time. And yeah, I also thought it only helps curing anhedonia from people that abused amphetamines, but I've been reading about it more on reddit and it seems that even people that gave it a try without having abused drugs are saying it restored their ability to feel pleasure. It looks like it works for quite a few.


To be honest, who cares if it's injections? Doesn't mean it's less safe than pills, although I think they exist but not sure. Also, what is a sting worth if it will make anything that happens in your life much more enjoyable? 

Edited by Deaden, 26 August 2017 - 06:11 AM.

#25 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 26 August 2017 - 12:56 PM

Well I only took one reboxetine pill and my heart is still going crazy a week after taking it. It zombified me for a day and i couldn't even make facial expressions at times. I already feel extremely numb and lifeless but this made it much worse. I am too scared to take anymore and it's too weak on its own anyway so I don't see a point in persisting with it.


I forgot to mention that when I saw the consultant, he told me that I seem to talk out of the right side of my mouth and that he noticed a weakness on the left side of my face. He said it is possible that my anhedonia/mental problems are being caused by something other than depression, and that is why I've not responded to so many meds.


I don't really know what to do. I can't see another psychiatrist for another 2 months because of the shitty nhs. I guess if I could though i'd try and get some nortriptyline and Zoloft prescribed. 


I've even considered going down the Chinese medicinal route, something I may still do. Anything for some relief!


I've heard that DHEA can be good for the brain and possibly anhedonia. I'm not sure but I may try a supplement to see if it helps. That or buy some medication online... I just don't know , i'm very confused and stressed with it all.


Hmm... that actually sounds like a form of brain-damage - STROKE to be accurate! Dunno' why he didn't say that outright - partial facial paralysis is a trademark of stroke - anhedonia can sometimes result from the damage.


A brain-scan with fMRI definitely sounds like a good idea in your case - if you have actual brain-damage then it should be able to pick up on it.


Hey, small idea, dunno' if you've tested it, but NSI-189 is a drug which has given *some* people with anhedonia relief, and it's going to be tested for the treatment of stroke, since it showed benefit in rats given surgically induced stroke, where the rats seem to be recovering almost to their previous state.


Maybe, if you have stroke, NSI-189 could help?

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Posted 26 August 2017 - 06:03 PM


Well I only took one reboxetine pill and my heart is still going crazy a week after taking it. It zombified me for a day and i couldn't even make facial expressions at times. I already feel extremely numb and lifeless but this made it much worse. I am too scared to take anymore and it's too weak on its own anyway so I don't see a point in persisting with it.


I forgot to mention that when I saw the consultant, he told me that I seem to talk out of the right side of my mouth and that he noticed a weakness on the left side of my face. He said it is possible that my anhedonia/mental problems are being caused by something other than depression, and that is why I've not responded to so many meds.


I don't really know what to do. I can't see another psychiatrist for another 2 months because of the shitty nhs. I guess if I could though i'd try and get some nortriptyline and Zoloft prescribed. 


I've even considered going down the Chinese medicinal route, something I may still do. Anything for some relief!


I've heard that DHEA can be good for the brain and possibly anhedonia. I'm not sure but I may try a supplement to see if it helps. That or buy some medication online... I just don't know , i'm very confused and stressed with it all.


Hmm... that actually sounds like a form of brain-damage - STROKE to be accurate! Dunno' why he didn't say that outright - partial facial paralysis is a trademark of stroke - anhedonia can sometimes result from the damage.


A brain-scan with fMRI definitely sounds like a good idea in your case - if you have actual brain-damage then it should be able to pick up on it.


Hey, small idea, dunno' if you've tested it, but NSI-189 is a drug which has given *some* people with anhedonia relief, and it's going to be tested for the treatment of stroke, since it showed benefit in rats given surgically induced stroke, where the rats seem to be recovering almost to their previous state.


Maybe, if you have stroke, NSI-189 could help?


This actually scares the hell out of me. Surely not? I just find it hard to believe that at 23 I have had some sort of a stroke to be fair, but I know it happens. Could it be anything else? I hope to god I don't have brain damage because I cant go on like this. I need the mri but I must either wait three months or go to accident and emergency.


The anhedonia happened four years ago, so is it possible I could have been suffering from stroke all this time? I am a huge worrier and stress about everything so I am finding this really hard to comprehend. All I did was take some ssri's, I'd never took any other drugs in my life before this. I'm so scared the damage could be permanent and I don't know what to do.


I want to try NSI-189 but it is so hard to get ahold of and i'm not sure if it's a sustainable treatment due to its scarcity.

#27 MichaelTheAnhedonic

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Posted 26 August 2017 - 06:29 PM



Well I only took one reboxetine pill and my heart is still going crazy a week after taking it. It zombified me for a day and i couldn't even make facial expressions at times. I already feel extremely numb and lifeless but this made it much worse. I am too scared to take anymore and it's too weak on its own anyway so I don't see a point in persisting with it.


I forgot to mention that when I saw the consultant, he told me that I seem to talk out of the right side of my mouth and that he noticed a weakness on the left side of my face. He said it is possible that my anhedonia/mental problems are being caused by something other than depression, and that is why I've not responded to so many meds.


I don't really know what to do. I can't see another psychiatrist for another 2 months because of the shitty nhs. I guess if I could though i'd try and get some nortriptyline and Zoloft prescribed. 


I've even considered going down the Chinese medicinal route, something I may still do. Anything for some relief!


I've heard that DHEA can be good for the brain and possibly anhedonia. I'm not sure but I may try a supplement to see if it helps. That or buy some medication online... I just don't know , i'm very confused and stressed with it all.


Hmm... that actually sounds like a form of brain-damage - STROKE to be accurate! Dunno' why he didn't say that outright - partial facial paralysis is a trademark of stroke - anhedonia can sometimes result from the damage.


A brain-scan with fMRI definitely sounds like a good idea in your case - if you have actual brain-damage then it should be able to pick up on it.


Hey, small idea, dunno' if you've tested it, but NSI-189 is a drug which has given *some* people with anhedonia relief, and it's going to be tested for the treatment of stroke, since it showed benefit in rats given surgically induced stroke, where the rats seem to be recovering almost to their previous state.


Maybe, if you have stroke, NSI-189 could help?


This actually scares the hell out of me. Surely not? I just find it hard to believe that at 23 I have had some sort of a stroke to be fair, but I know it happens. Could it be anything else? I hope to god I don't have brain damage because I cant go on like this. I need the mri but I must either wait three months or go to accident and emergency.


The anhedonia happened four years ago, so is it possible I could have been suffering from stroke all this time? I am a huge worrier and stress about everything so I am finding this really hard to comprehend. All I did was take some ssri's, I'd never took any other drugs in my life before this. I'm so scared the damage could be permanent and I don't know what to do.


I want to try NSI-189 but it is so hard to get ahold of and i'm not sure if it's a sustainable treatment due to its scarcity.



Just remember that brain is very plastic and even if you have brain damage - recovery is still possible.


You can order NSI from Strangelove user on this forum.

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#28 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 26 August 2017 - 06:48 PM




Well I only took one reboxetine pill and my heart is still going crazy a week after taking it. It zombified me for a day and i couldn't even make facial expressions at times. I already feel extremely numb and lifeless but this made it much worse. I am too scared to take anymore and it's too weak on its own anyway so I don't see a point in persisting with it.


I forgot to mention that when I saw the consultant, he told me that I seem to talk out of the right side of my mouth and that he noticed a weakness on the left side of my face. He said it is possible that my anhedonia/mental problems are being caused by something other than depression, and that is why I've not responded to so many meds.


I don't really know what to do. I can't see another psychiatrist for another 2 months because of the shitty nhs. I guess if I could though i'd try and get some nortriptyline and Zoloft prescribed. 


I've even considered going down the Chinese medicinal route, something I may still do. Anything for some relief!


I've heard that DHEA can be good for the brain and possibly anhedonia. I'm not sure but I may try a supplement to see if it helps. That or buy some medication online... I just don't know , i'm very confused and stressed with it all.


Hmm... that actually sounds like a form of brain-damage - STROKE to be accurate! Dunno' why he didn't say that outright - partial facial paralysis is a trademark of stroke - anhedonia can sometimes result from the damage.


A brain-scan with fMRI definitely sounds like a good idea in your case - if you have actual brain-damage then it should be able to pick up on it.


Hey, small idea, dunno' if you've tested it, but NSI-189 is a drug which has given *some* people with anhedonia relief, and it's going to be tested for the treatment of stroke, since it showed benefit in rats given surgically induced stroke, where the rats seem to be recovering almost to their previous state.


Maybe, if you have stroke, NSI-189 could help?


This actually scares the hell out of me. Surely not? I just find it hard to believe that at 23 I have had some sort of a stroke to be fair, but I know it happens. Could it be anything else? I hope to god I don't have brain damage because I cant go on like this. I need the mri but I must either wait three months or go to accident and emergency.


The anhedonia happened four years ago, so is it possible I could have been suffering from stroke all this time? I am a huge worrier and stress about everything so I am finding this really hard to comprehend. All I did was take some ssri's, I'd never took any other drugs in my life before this. I'm so scared the damage could be permanent and I don't know what to do.


I want to try NSI-189 but it is so hard to get ahold of and i'm not sure if it's a sustainable treatment due to its scarcity.



Just remember that brain is very plastic and even if you have brain damage - recovery is still possible.


You can order NSI from Strangelove user on this forum.




Michael is correct, NSI-189 can be retrieved from multiple sources on this forum - two others are Ark and MrNootropic - all three are trusted and legit sources.


And if NSI-189 doesn't work, there's always Dihexa, or several other neurogenic agents.



But I digress - get a brain-scan, try to find out if there is any visible alterations to your brain - even if you don't have brain-damage, it might pick up on some unusual alterations, perhaps congenital, inheritable, which we could then hypothesize regarding what they mean, and then ultimately perhaps come up with a plausible treatment.

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#29 Deaden

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Posted 28 August 2017 - 02:59 AM

I remember when I used to think being disconnected from my memories and having no sense of time was from damage from a stroke or seizure... until I learned it was all connected to my anhedonia. Worst period of my life, thinking this would be permanent or progress into dementia. I was so stressed, frustrated and hopeless. Made me feel like complete shit and I couldn't help but ruminate on it for days... My numbness became really bad at that time, stress should be avoided as most as possible with anhedonia. Not a good idea to tell him with confidence that he most likely suffered from a stroke... There could be other explanations. Feeling bad for him right now. I wish him luck.

Edited by Deaden, 28 August 2017 - 03:01 AM.

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#30 MichaelTheAnhedonic

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Posted 29 August 2017 - 11:44 PM

So, my doc agreed for SSRI + nortryptiline combo. I'll try it after I fix my thyroid problems. I'm lucky that I found such doctor (it's hard to find good one in Poland...) but unlucky to have this "rare" disease...

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