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Immortalists disorganized and dying.

Richard's Photo Richard 06 Mar 2003

Everyone is waiting for some other entitiy to figure immortailty out for us. We will all be dead by the time they do. What good is that going to do us? Hope that they dethaw us correctly and don't go out of business and throw us in the garbage like a bad tasting icecicle.

We need to step up to the plate. The following objectives must be achieved in order for us to actually survive.
1. Identify the 5 most promising methods for life extension acchievable within the next 20 years.
2. Get as much money thrown at those 5 methods as possible.
3. Actually use the methods discovered and refined in step 1.

So far the only scientifically proven methods for life extension are a calorie restricted diet and avoiding behaviors known to result in death. (smoking, russian rullete...)

Does anyone have anything to add to these 2?

For industries to get money thrown at, I have:
1. Nanotechnology (machines to fix cells.)
2. Bilological extension. Getting the body to fix itself better via drugs, also gene therapy or viruses that repair your dna and other vital systems.

I could put tons of other industries on here (mind uploading.) But those will not be feasable within the 20 yr mark.

Looking forward to your input.


Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 06 Mar 2003

Welcome Richard,

We're discussing many of the ideas you suggest... If you get a chance, please check out two important threads

1. Biological Causes of Aging: http://www.imminst.o...=44&t=826&st=0

2. Taking Action: http://www.imminst.o...ST&f=1&t=929&s=

kevin's Photo kevin 06 Mar 2003

Hi Richard,

Glad to see another person looking for answers and solutions.. I know you'll find lots of food for thought.. and maybe even action.. here..


reason's Photo reason 06 Mar 2003

Couldn't agree more, Richard. My nascent efforts at advocacy can be found at http://www.longevitymeme.org.

I think you'll find that most of us agree wholeheartedly with your three step plan. It's the high view, however. When it comes to actually doing something, most people see the following:

Step 1: Let's do something!
Step 2: ??
Step 3: Immortality!

Where Step 3 is pretty much your three step plan when people stop to discuss the details :)

So I think the issue for us is largely breaking down my step 2 above ("??") and pinpointing concrete, achieveable tasks that we need to accomplish and *can* accomplish. These will be aimed at getting us to the point of your three step plan. This concrete get-out-and-do-something stage is where most people falter and need leaders or ideas.

We'll certainly welcome your ideas and contribution: you should sign up for the Longevity Meme and Imminst.org newsletters, since a lot of sabre-rattling and idea formation is going on there.

Founder, Longevity Meme

Richard's Photo Richard 10 Mar 2003

My current plan is as follows:

Continue to amass wealth. Diversify that wealth into more industries. Then attack the life extension industry. Right now the only players I can think of are lef.org and alcor. That is just not enough competition.

Sad thing is, people aren't even thinking about life extension. They don't even care. Evidence of this are the following count of the number of searches that almost every major search engine except google and Aol received in January.
6928 life extension
1162 life extension foundation
252 life extension magazine
171 life extension mix
98 life extension institute
95 life extension vitamin
80 nanotechnology in life extension
55 boiler extension life

Look how sad that is compared to:
244135 viagra
3386599 sex
1627036 travel
1322832 mp3

With everyone's mindset shifted in every other direction but ours, there is no hope out there for public support, or understanding of the cause. People don't know, and they don't care. Until they even realize its possible, there will be no assistance from them.

I hope to use commerce to bring much needed progress to this field. I feel that a properly tailored marketing campaign that emphasizes the possiblities and amplifies the pain of not acting would make for a viable business, one day going public and using that funding to achieve what I feel is the most important task of my life. Survival.


Richard's Photo Richard 10 Mar 2003

By the way, I could use your help. Right now in the lineup I am hunting down coral calcium, hgh, and the regular popular vitamin line-ups, I have also purchased our own brand of what I believe to be the purest ground up vegatables, fruits, and green vegtables anywhere. What other products need to be in the lineup to make a state of the art life extension store?

I am also contemplating the sponsership of some college students to find out what really works and what doesn't, and find out why the okinawins are the logest living nationality on earth. Is it genetics or behavior? If I can derive this information from the current literature without the study, then I can sick them on something else.

In short, what products and information would make for the worlds best life extension store and resource?


reason's Photo reason 10 Mar 2003

My current plan is as follows:

Continue to amass wealth.  Diversify that wealth into more industries.  Then attack the life extension industry.  Right now the only players I can think of are lef.org and alcor.  That is just not enough competition.  

Agreed, competition is a good thing. Are you wealthy already, perchance? :) I think we're still at the stage where a dollar put into advocacy (i.e. convincing other people to put dollars in) is a better choice than direct funding.

Sad thing is, people aren't even thinking about life extension.  They don't even care.  Evidence of this are the following count of the number of searches that almost every major search engine except google and Aol received in January.
6928  life extension
1162  life extension foundation
252  life extension magazine
171  life extension mix
98  life extension institute
95  life extension vitamin
80  nanotechnology in life extension
55  boiler extension life

Look how sad that is compared to:
244135  viagra
3386599  sex
1627036  travel
1322832  mp3

Have a look at the numbers for variations of "anti-aging," "health" and "medicine" however. People want to be healthy for longer. That's the way into the mindset. They just don't equate "healthy for longer" with "life extension." To most people "life extension" implies being old for longer, being crippled for longer. It's not attractive.

So there's an image/meme problem. Poor marketing.

I hope to use commerce to bring much needed progress to this field.  I feel that a properly tailored marketing campaign that emphasizes the possiblities and amplifies the pain of not acting would make for a viable business, one day going public and using that funding to achieve what I feel is the most important task of my life.  Survival.

I wish you the best of luck, and quite agree with all of the above. My advice is start modest, start small and start soon. There are many other groups to run with, cooperate with and compete against right now. We'd all welcome another member of the stable.

Founder, Longevity Meme

reason's Photo reason 10 Mar 2003

By the way, I could use your help.  Right now in the lineup I am hunting down coral calcium, hgh, and the regular popular vitamin line-ups, I have also purchased our own brand of what I believe to be the purest ground up vegatables, fruits, and green vegtables anywhere.  What other products need to be in the lineup to make a state of the art life extension store?

I am also contemplating the sponsership of some college students to find out what really works and what doesn't, and find out why the okinawins are the logest living nationality on earth.  Is it genetics or behavior?  If I can derive this information from the current literature without the study, then I can sick them on something else.

In short, what products and information would make for the worlds best life extension store and resource?


You're basically asked where the gap in the market is. Or at least, that's the question I'm going to answer :) There are many, many supplement selling concerns out there. From the Life Extension Foundation (http://www.lef.org) on down. I suggest you do a lot of careful research, since it's a very crowded market.

So what can you do that's different and useful? Hmm. Here are some options:

1) Be a calorie restriction diet store/service provider. You can advertise this as the diet that works and extends your life. You can sell prepacked fresh food (and resell other food) that's measured for calorie intakes, food services as well as CR literature and advice. I think that this one has a shot, since dieting and weight loss are so formost in the cultural memeset at the moment. Also, CR is hard, hard, hard for many people to do. Just getting someone to give you a good diet is something that many people would pay for.

2) Focus on a small line of products that actually work (or have a great deal of scientific weight behind them). Be as much a skeptical provider of information as a seller of stuff. Most current concerns, including the LEF, just sell any old thing. The customer has to so a lot of work. I think there's room for a skeptical store that people can see as a brand that isn't going to push every new thing down their throats and they can rely on for the best advice.

(Okinawa: have you seen this? http://www.okinawaprogram.com/. I like the idea of sponsoring college students. Very workable, even at low levels of revenue).

Founder, Longevity Meme

Mind's Photo Mind 10 Mar 2003

Sad thing is, people aren't even thinking about life extension. They don't even care. Evidence of this are the following count of the number of searches that almost every major search engine except google and Aol received in January.
6928 life extension
1162 life extension foundation
252 life extension magazine
171 life extension mix
98 life extension institute
95 life extension vitamin
80 nanotechnology in life extension
55 boiler extension life

Look how sad that is compared to:
244135 viagra
3386599 sex
1627036 travel
1322832 mp3

So it looks like a good marketing strategy for life extension would be to tie immortality in with what people currently think is important.

"Have better sex with a younger body"
"Live long enough to travel to the moon"

....hmmmm....ok I can't think of a mp3/immortality tie-in

erzebet's Photo erzebet 18 Aug 2009

Richard, i will put some steps here regarding your topic:
1. think of each day as the last one and decide what could be done today to preserve? what is the most important part of one that can be preserved?
2. wealth is good but it would be better if more people chose science careers, i think that if more people would be interested in science and not afraid of doing practical things outside their "field of study" humanity would be more advanced- and science is much more fun that watching TV
3. only after doing everything you could in your science domain you could think about investing in other firms; cooperation between scientists is more important and any scientist should be good in marketing to attract funds and grants in the end that is why i insist on research

niner's Photo niner 18 Aug 2009

2) Focus on a small line of products that actually work (or have a great deal of scientific weight behind them). Be as much a skeptical provider of information as a seller of stuff. Most current concerns, including the LEF, just sell any old thing. The customer has to so a lot of work. I think there's room for a skeptical store that people can see as a brand that isn't going to push every new thing down their throats and they can rely on for the best advice.

Since this thread from days of yore has been woken up, I read this for the first time. Six years old, and the advice is as fresh as ever. A skeptical provider of information. This is worth thinking about. It describes what would be the ultimate provider of life extension supplements. A skeptical provider of information. I should be saying this in the vendor forum...

Luna's Photo Luna 19 Aug 2009

The only two methods you mentioned, unfourtunally, result in death.. that's disheartening.
I just noticed the date on the thread.. not much seemed to have changed since then!
Edited by Luna, 19 August 2009 - 06:32 AM.

Loot Perish's Photo Loot Perish 23 Aug 2009

Everyone is waiting for some other entitiy to figure immortailty out for us. We will all be dead by the time they do. What good is that going to do us? Hope that they dethaw us correctly and don't go out of business and throw us in the garbage like a bad tasting icecicle.

We need to step up to the plate. The following objectives must be achieved in order for us to actually survive.
1. Identify the 5 most promising methods for life extension acchievable within the next 20 years.
2. Get as much money thrown at those 5 methods as possible.
3. Actually use the methods discovered and refined in step 1.

So far the only scientifically proven methods for life extension are a calorie restricted diet and avoiding behaviors known to result in death. (smoking, russian rullete...)

Does anyone have anything to add to these 2?

For industries to get money thrown at, I have:
1. Nanotechnology (machines to fix cells.)
2. Bilological extension. Getting the body to fix itself better via drugs, also gene therapy or viruses that repair your dna and other vital systems.

I could put tons of other industries on here (mind uploading.) But those will not be feasable within the 20 yr mark.

Looking forward to your input.


Sounds like a sort of grandiose plan, Richard. Seeing as how we are lucky to be able to build a major highway or a high speed train line once every couple of decades or so, I think maybe you had better scale back these ambitious plans.

If I were you, I would think about how you personally can sign up for cryonics and stay signed up. Because all those great futuristic technologies are probably going to take centuries to develop.

Just focus on getting yourself signed up for cryonics and figuring out how to get your own personal situation set up so that you can optimize your chances for being cryopreserved.

Teixeira's Photo Teixeira 01 Dec 2009

Everyone is waiting for some other entitiy to figure immortailty out for us. We will all be dead by the time they do. What good is that going to do us? Hope that they dethaw us correctly and don't go out of business and throw us in the garbage like a bad tasting icecicle.

We need to step up to the plate. The following objectives must be achieved in order for us to actually survive.
1. Identify the 5 most promising methods for life extension acchievable within the next 20 years.
2. Get as much money thrown at those 5 methods as possible.
3. Actually use the methods discovered and refined in step 1.

So far the only scientifically proven methods for life extension are a calorie restricted diet and avoiding behaviors known to result in death. (smoking, russian rullete...)

Does anyone have anything to add to these 2?

For industries to get money thrown at, I have:
1. Nanotechnology (machines to fix cells.)
2. Bilological extension. Getting the body to fix itself better via drugs, also gene therapy or viruses that repair your dna and other vital systems.

I could put tons of other industries on here (mind uploading.) But those will not be feasable within the 20 yr mark.

Looking forward to your input.


I have been able to get a "super human nature" that is like a palace compared with the caravan of a human nature, and nobody cares about that!!!
I came to the conclusion that nobody is interested in improving his quality of life and his body properties!
I was surprised when I saw somebody wanting to survive so much!
Take a look at my topic and ask me anything you want.


Teixeira's Photo Teixeira 01 Dec 2009

Sad thing is, people aren't even thinking about life extension. They don't even care. Evidence of this are the following count of the number of searches that almost every major search engine except google and Aol received in January.
6928 life extension
1162 life extension foundation
252 life extension magazine
171 life extension mix
98 life extension institute
95 life extension vitamin
80 nanotechnology in life extension
55 boiler extension life

Look how sad that is compared to:
244135 viagra
3386599 sex
1627036 travel
1322832 mp3

So it looks like a good marketing strategy for life extension would be to tie immortality in with what people currently think is important.

"Have better sex with a younger body"
"Live long enough to travel to the moon"

....hmmmm....ok I can't think of a mp3/immortality tie-in

"Have better sex with a younger body"
The reality is better than imagination!! With a "super human body" you can have sex at 30 or 40 one million times better than you had when you were 20!! And this is not speculation, I experienced it, believe it or not!!


Keanu X Knight's Photo Keanu X Knight 18 Dec 2009

Steep Zero: take care of your life

shawn's Photo shawn 31 Dec 2009

All these technologies and supplements are a step in the right direction, but most importantly what we need to figure out is how to correct the defects in the human body which cause the problems in the first place.
-Why do we lack extraordinary perception? and why do we require certain chemicals to open that up briefly? Why isn't this a default state?
-Why do we not regenerate new tissue since we grew it in the first place? Why can't we access that at will?
-Why do our cells replicate ever more imperfectly as we age?
-Why do we slowly calcify?
-Why are we not able to deal with bacterial and viral pathogens better?
Answering these questions properly are to me of far more interest than in finding some miracle pill that most will never be able to afford.

ihatesnow's Photo ihatesnow 17 Apr 2010

you can help this research group find some cures


bacopa's Photo bacopa 17 Apr 2010

The only two methods you mentioned, unfourtunally, result in death.. that's disheartening.
I just noticed the date on the thread.. not much seemed to have changed since then!

What are you talking about? Aubrey, Methueslah, tons of people starting groups on Facebook...media spots on television, radio, soo many more books on life extension. You are not looking at things as objectively as I have.

We are making tons of progress getting the ideas out there, and lots are working on the problem now. biotech companies are now working on the problem.

N.T.M.'s Photo N.T.M. 17 Apr 2010

The SENS platform is our best bet. Fundamentally we already understand it. However, one of the best parts is that initially we can "ride the coattails" of progressing medical technologies pertaining to other things. Take stem cells for example: They're critical for rejuvenation (age reversal), but they also hold promise for various maladies. The latter is predominantly the reason for the funding, but of course that doesn't mean that we can't apply the progress.

The single best thing we can do is disseminate the news about Aubrey's work.

Edited by N.T.M., 17 April 2010 - 09:50 PM.

bacopa's Photo bacopa 17 Apr 2010

The SENS platform is our best bet. Fundamentally we already understand it. However, one of the best parts is that initially we can "ride the coattails" of progressing medical technologies pertaining to other things. Take stem cells for example: They're critical for rejuvenation (age reversal), but they also hold promise for various maladies. The latter is predominantly the reason for the funding, but of course that doesn't mean that we can't apply the progress.

The single best thing we can do is disseminate the news about Aubrey's work.

And I can assure you many of us are already helping him...he has lots of willing and able volunteers.