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Open Invitation to Steve Sliwa and LifeMirage

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#31 Trias

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Posted 09 March 2006 - 09:47 PM

Search for "Unique Nutrition" on:


accordning to those records EDWARD YOUNAN is the president.

Not bad detective work for a swede ?

Amazing work for a Swede indeed ;-)


Anyway, I find it this quite weird:


Notice the bottom of the page - unique nutrition insists on listing "LEE CROST MD" as an advisor...... did he not deny on the phone any connection to them?

And... in his blog, why does Steve Sliwa call himself "president" of unique nutrition ?

#32 Mind

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Posted 09 March 2006 - 09:56 PM

Questions, Questions, Questions. The questions never seem to end in this case, but we are getting closer. Nice work Raptor.

Edit: Also the LifeMirage brainmeta reference is now gone from Sherwyn's website.

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#33 stellar

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Posted 09 March 2006 - 10:07 PM

Wow!  You dropped the bomb, that's for sure.

I'll say! [thumb]

#34 Live Forever

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Posted 09 March 2006 - 10:16 PM

Notice the bottom of the page - unique nutrition insists on listing "LEE CROST MD" as an advisor...... did he not deny on the phone any connection to them?

So, he denied being connected to unique nutrition, but he is connected...

He also denied being LM, so what does that mean? Was he lying about both things?

#35 Mind

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Posted 09 March 2006 - 10:20 PM

So, he denied being connected to unique nutrition, but he is connected...

He also denied being LM, so what does that mean? Was he lying about both things?

I suspect there will be some changes, either at Sherwyn's or UN, with regard to having Lee "on staff". Sherwyn's knows about this and are not happy. It might....MIGHT have been done without Lee's permission.

#36 Karomesis

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Posted 09 March 2006 - 11:02 PM

Edit: BTW, when I say "open the floodgates", I don't mean for trolls

Damn. There goes that idea. [tung] (meaning=take a joke prometheus) As a true scientist I would hope you need to evaluate all the data and then pass judgment like you do so well. [thumb] As soon as I have all the relevant data then I can join the angry mob, you have read my sig, right?

Edited by karomesis, 10 March 2006 - 02:30 AM.


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Posted 10 March 2006 - 12:07 AM

Damn. There goes that idea.

Surely you have something of substance to contribute here.. Aren't you a noo's user?


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Posted 10 March 2006 - 02:30 AM

While our offices are in Chicago our business license was not obtained in IL and our GMP approved lab is not in IL either. We have been around for over 6 years and continue to grow, no matter some people choose to think about us. I have no comment however if the company licensed in IL owned by Heather is a separate division of our company, but it only started 3 years ago.

Old it right there good buddy...

If your business license was not obtained in IL where was it obtained from? .. yes we want to look it up ..

You still claim you dont know who Edward Younan is (listed at the President of your company) yet you know who Heather Hansen (listed as the secretary) is?

Why are you so desperately trying to distance yourself from the President of your own company?

What's going on?


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Posted 10 March 2006 - 02:34 AM

You can stop this, Steve, by just coming clean.

Admit that LifeMirage was a fabrication - likely a composite of people - designed to promote sales for your company and we will let it go at that. A public statement will suffice and I will not post anything else on your company on any other forum.

Interesting marketing ploy by the way..


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Posted 10 March 2006 - 02:41 AM

How, I wonder, did you "find" these posts when they are in fact PM's addressed to LifeMirage?

#41 uniquenutrition

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Posted 10 March 2006 - 02:43 AM

The membership have read the discussions. Some participated in the chats. Conspiracy theories of several varieties abound: some with LifeMirage and Steve Sliwa as conspirators to conduct viral marketing and/or identity fraud, some with ImmInst leadership as conspirators with Adam Kamil to discredit a competitor (Unique Nutrition), some more difficult to categorize.

I'd like to invite Steve to clear this up. LifeMirage's account has been suspended and will soon be banned, but he obviously has some sort of personal relationship with Steve that should allow Steve to act as a conduit to answer any questions, at least for the time being. In fact, Steve nearly always puts his posts in bold, so it shouldn't be difficult for Steve to post on behalf of LifeMirage in unbolded text for easier distinction.

So when I (supposedly) post as LifeMirage I do it without a bold and myself with bold.

It worked for Superman and Clark Kent. Perhaps Adam should do the same and no one would know.

So, what are some things that I'd like to see cleared up? First, I ask Steve and LifeMirege (if he's even a different person) to stop lying. Don't play dumb or say you were misunderstood or that you stick by what you said. We all know it was bullshit, Steve. You're not fooling anybody, except maybe some of the die-hard conspiracy theorists, but I figure they get what they deserve for being so anti-"establishment" that they choose to buy your bullshit.

Nice language.

Steve, come clean. Save yourself the embarrassment of having this story spread throughout the internet. Just start telling the truth. You'll find it might be hard at first, but you'll be glad you came clean later.

The good cop bad cop thing works well for you.

Steve, are you running this whole operation by yourself, or do you have help? That's my first question. Are you the owner of the LifeMirage account, or do you just use it occassionally? Or did you just help set it up for Edward? Is Edward the primary account holder/operator? How much is Edward even involved in this whole mess? Is he the "brains" of this operation. Are you guys a team, or does one take orders from the other?

My company has over 6 people involved. Lee has used my computers when he visits my office. You will have to ask Lee about his connection to Edward.

How much is Lee Crost involved? Before you begin your bullshit story about how Lee really is LifeMirage, save it. I'd be willing to believe that Lee has offered advice, offered the use of his name, maybe even helped with some of the scientific details. Regardless of whether he has personally written a post as LifeMirage, it's obvious that he's not the only person using the account, if he's using it at all.

Please enough with the profanities. “Save it” I will.

Steve, just come clean. No bullshit. Just answers. You could have hundreds of years of healthy life ahead of you, given the way technology is advancing. But your ethics are a core part of who you are, and changing your ethics once you get to your 40's will be very difficult, especially if you've made your whole life for yourself through lying and fraud. Change now, try to become an honest person while you're still relatively young, while your mind is still malleable.

When did you become a psychologist?

I'd also like to know what the extent of the viral marketing is. Did you create extra accounts to pose questions and/or support your statements? Did you have friends pose questions for you to swoop in and answer, to establish your "expertise" and deep knowledge?

No. No. I never claimed to have “deep knowledge” in nootropics. My degree is in business.

I'd also like to know how you or Edward got editing access to Sherwyn's webpage. Was it an inside job? Did you hack the site? Was Lee involved, or a fourth person who hasn't been named yet?

You would have to ask Lee or Edward. Oh something of interest see the Pyritinol link (http://search.lef.or...word=pyritinol ). Perhaps LifeMirage hacked LEF’s website as well being a Smart Nutrition rep.

For personal reasons, I'd like to know: Was the $500 lifetime membership donation truly in support of ImmInst's mission, or was it just a public gesture to make LifeMirage seem magnanimous, to help drive the viral marketing tactics?

You would have to ask LifeMirage.

Also for personal reasons, I'd like to know: how much increase in business was attributable to this whole viral marketing strategy at ImmInst. Did you see a 10% increase, 100%, 500%? I realize for trade secret reasons you wouldn't want to give away your revenues, but could you at least ballpark the relative increase in business that you saw?

Imminst is a very small Internet forum. I get more sales from Avant Labs and Cerebral Health.

Also for personal reasons: Do you regret any of this? I mean, besides regret that you got caught, of course. Do you regret that you lied and misled people? That you put people's lives at risk? That you have negatively affected ImmInst's mission? Any regrets that might hint that you're worth saving? Are you glad that you got caught? I know some criminals express their gratitude about being caught, because it forced them to become a better person and take responsibility, and it also prevented things from getting worse. So be honest, are you glad you got caught, or are you still regretting it?

As far as I’m concerned you created your own mess and are desperately trying to find someone else to blame. Sounds like our current government.

Please take your time to answer these questions, Steve. Please put some real thought and heart into this matter. I know you're probably weighing your options as to how much you have to come clean, and how much you can still get away with lying about. But I think if you tell the whole truth, even revealing lies that haven't been uncovered yet, you'll be doing yourself a big favor. You'll show people that you take this seriously, and that you want to make amends of some sort. Please give us the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. You don't just owe it to us, you owe it to yourself.

I owe you nothing. However I will ask one question.

Why is Leadership (Prometheus) going out of his way (and forum) to attack our company on Avant Labs (who we sponsor btw)? This is how a respected organization’s leaders function? Does this support your “mission” somehow? Or more likely it’s just a personal attack. Fascinating. You say you prevent personal attacks on your forum and yet you’ve done nothing but that towards me, LifeMirage, Edward, and whoever else you came somehow connect through weak and probably created “evidence” by Adam or who even knows.

My suggestions:

1. Take responsibility for your mistakes and unless you have hard evidence (which can hold up in a court of law) I would refrain from making statements against anyone. Oh and leadership (Bruce) post someone’s work number who expressed they did not want to be contacted at work seems personally rather than professionally motivation.

2. Focus your attention on far more important matters to your organization than “the nootropics forum”. You have openly stated you have spend far more time on this matter than should be required, when you could have been strengthening yourselves in other areas.

3. Don’t have any sponsor/advisor for the supplements/nootropics forum, if in fact you are truly concerned about liability matters and anyone questioning whom you support and why. The Mprize and other projects that will have a real impact on aging seems more important.


While our offices are in Chicago our business license was not obtained in IL and our GMP approved lab is not in IL either. We have been around for over 6 years and continue to grow, no matter some people choose to think about us. I have no comment however if the company licensed in IL owned by Heather is a separate division of our company, but it only started 3 years ago.

This will be my last post in this sad turn of events for Imminst who has lost the respect of several of its members.

Sincerely Steve Sliwa
Unique Nutrition


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Posted 10 March 2006 - 02:44 AM

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#43 Karomesis

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Posted 10 March 2006 - 02:44 AM

prometheus, as insufferable as you are, I have to agree with you on this one

How, I wonder, did you "find" these posts when they are in fact PM's addressed to LifeMirage?


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Posted 10 March 2006 - 02:52 AM

This is the post Steve Sliwa just deleted and Karomesis is referring to:

I found this post on Brainmeta interesting.

Feb 23 2006-17:36 [ Forward PM | Reply ] AuthorPrivate Message[ Delete PM ]Mind

Group: Treasurer
Posts: 2225
Joined: Aug 23 2002Dear Life Mirage:

You know I feel bad about the handling of this whole "misrepresenting" thing. I felt from the beginning that it should have been dealt with privately. It was also somewhat unfair in my view that a whole new slew of requests, requirements, and changes were being proposed to the advisor position and you were caught in the middle.

The positive aspect is that the Institute should be able to move forward safely and stronger than before. Hopefully Imminst will be able to manage the risk that comes with discussing radical supplements and therapies.

I am just suggesting these things because you seem like someone who is very interested in life extension and knowledgeable about noos, and if you are who you say you are, I think you can make valuable contributions far into the future.

Sincerely, Mind

A sincere request
Feb 14 2006-20:40 [ Forward PM | Reply ] AuthorPrivate Message[ Delete PM ]Lazarus Long

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Joined: Aug 21 2002Hi Lifemirage,

Would mind if I just call you Lee?

My point is that I would like to ask you to give me an idea of how you would like this process to go forward. I am very unhappy about how it is unfolding and I am unsure why this is happening. I have my suspicions but what is more important to me is to find out from you what you think would be a fair outcome that treats you with respect but addresses the concerns of others.

I have purposely not taken a open stand because I was frankly outside the loop when this all began and I have been trying to come up to speed. As fast as I read somethings others are printed that take issues to another level. Do you have any suggestions about how we can resolve and move past this situation?

Again I apologize for how you have been treated and I wish that when we had the discussion over the CV in the beginning it had been addressed more directly. I think it is wrong to consider you responsible for that decision then. The problem is that the issue is now being framed around other concerns of extended liability and this is not unreasonable in our overly litigious society IMHO.

Anyway I hope we can find a better way to resolve this.


Lazarus Longone o many PM's
Feb 25 2006-17:35 [ Forward PM | Reply ] AuthorPrivate Message[ Delete PM ]caliban

Group: Advisor
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Joined: Aug 18 2002Dear Life Mirage

allow me to express my sincerest regrets concerning the way this issue was handled.

I hope you will not walk away to far, but wherever your path may take you, I wish you well.


May 14 2005-09:11 [ Forward PM | Reply ] AuthorPrivate Message[ Delete PM ]BruceKlein

Group: Director
Posts: 8790
Joined: Aug 6 2002When we bring you into Leadership soon, you'll find our lengthy discussion of why I think Adam's ban should be reversed. I think we as Leadership have made a mistake. Adam will be successful, regardless of his sometimes abrasive behavior. I want ImmInst to be a part of this success.



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Posted 10 March 2006 - 02:55 AM

In case you delete this too...

The membership have read the discussions. Some participated in the chats. Conspiracy theories of several varieties abound: some with LifeMirage and Steve Sliwa as conspirators to conduct viral marketing and/or identity fraud, some with ImmInst leadership as conspirators with Adam Kamil to discredit a competitor (Unique Nutrition), some more difficult to categorize.

I'd like to invite Steve to clear this up. LifeMirage's account has been suspended and will soon be banned, but he obviously has some sort of personal relationship with Steve that should allow Steve to act as a conduit to answer any questions, at least for the time being. In fact, Steve nearly always puts his posts in bold, so it shouldn't be difficult for Steve to post on behalf of LifeMirage in unbolded text for easier distinction.

So when I (supposedly) post as LifeMirage I do it without a bold and myself with bold.

It worked for Superman and Clark Kent. Perhaps Adam should do the same and no one would know.

Nice language.

The good cop bad cop thing works well for you.

My company has over 6 people involved. Lee has used my computers when he visits my office. You will have to ask Lee about his connection to Edward.

Please enough with the profanities. “Save it” I will.

When did you become a psychologist?

No. No. I never claimed to have “deep knowledge” in nootropics. My degree is in business.

You would have to ask Lee or Edward. Oh something of interest see the Pyritinol link (http://search.lef.or...word=pyritinol ). Perhaps LifeMirage hacked LEF’s website as well being a Smart Nutrition rep.

You would have to ask LifeMirage.

Imminst is a very small Internet forum. I get more sales from Avant Labs and Cerebral Health.

As far as I’m concerned you created your own mess and are desperately trying to find someone else to blame. Sounds like our current government.

I owe you nothing. However I will ask one question.

Why is Leadership (Prometheus) going out of his way (and forum) to attack our company on Avant Labs (who we sponsor btw)? This is how a respected organization’s leaders function? Does this support your “mission” somehow? Or more likely it’s just a personal attack. Fascinating. You say you prevent personal attacks on your forum and yet you’ve done nothing but that towards me, LifeMirage, Edward, and whoever else you came somehow connect through weak and probably created “evidence” by Adam or who even knows.

My suggestions:

1. Take responsibility for your mistakes and unless you have hard evidence (which can hold up in a court of law) I would refrain from making statements against anyone. Oh and leadership (Bruce) post someone’s work number who expressed they did not want to be contacted at work seems personally rather than professionally motivation.

2. Focus your attention on far more important matters to your organization than “the nootropics forum”. You have openly stated you have spend far more time on this matter than should be required, when you could have been strengthening yourselves in other areas.

3. Don’t have any sponsor/advisor for the supplements/nootropics forum, if in fact you are truly concerned about liability matters and anyone questioning whom you support and why. The Mprize and other projects that will have a real impact on aging seems more important.


While our offices are in Chicago our business license was not obtained in IL and our GMP approved lab is not in IL either. We have been around for over 6 years and continue to grow, no matter some people choose to think about us. I have no comment however if the company licensed in IL owned by Heather is a separate division of our company, but it only started 3 years ago.

This will be my last post in this sad turn of events for Imminst who has lost the respect of several of its members.

Sincerely Steve Sliwa
Unique Nutrition


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Posted 10 March 2006 - 02:57 AM

It's bad form by the way, posting PM's without permission. I don't expect too many people will be trusting you with a PM from hereon..

#47 jaydfox

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Posted 10 March 2006 - 03:19 AM

Wow, lying through his teeth to the bitter end, and trying to spin it as a miscarriage of justice to boot. Anyone that buys it at this point deserves to be a sheep to this shephard.

#48 enigma

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Posted 10 March 2006 - 04:28 AM

So perhaps Steve Sliwa is Edward Younan, I still dont think that LifeMirage is Steve though.

I recall that there has at times been conflict between Steve and LifeMirage, for example LifeMirage complaining about Steve advertising on the site, and LifeMirage being against the idea of UniqueNutrition being a sponsor of the board.

Also LifeMirage didnt just promote the products that Steve had in stock, he promoted in general, nootropics and supplements (though not every single type) and didnt seem to give an advantage in promoting products which Steve sold.

If it turned out that Steve actually was LifeMirage all along I would be very surprised, that would make for one hell of a crazy person, but I guess if you take as many nootropics as LifeMirage it might just make you a little crazy... [huh]

#49 jaydfox

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Posted 10 March 2006 - 04:38 AM

I have very little doubt that the LifeMirage persona hasn't been used by at least two individuals. Steve is one. Edward would be the second person, unless he's Steve. If Steve=Edward, then I don't know who the second person is; maybe Lee Crost, maybe a fourth unknown individual. Lee's involvement is minimal, I suspect, if he's involved. The childish behavior LifeMirage has been exhibiting lately is completely out of character for the type of person Lee Crost purportedly is.

#50 Shepard

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Posted 10 March 2006 - 05:05 AM

Has anyone noticed that LifeMirage gave great reviews to all of Relentless Improvement's nootropics? Why would he do that if he was trying to increase business to Unique Nutrition?

#51 opales

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Posted 10 March 2006 - 05:21 AM

You would have to ask Lee or Edward. Oh something of interest see the Pyritinol link (http://search.lef.or...word=pyritinol ). Perhaps LifeMirage hacked LEF’s website as well being a Smart Nutrition rep.

This makes me even more convinced that LifeMirage is Steve or at least in very close contact with him. He refers to the same post that I brought up in the original, now missing thread. I claimed Edward might be a Smart Nutrient representative. Within half a minute of my post, LifeMirage was eager to agree, which was pretty much the only thing he was willing to agree in the that thread. That got me me really suspicious so I read the post by Edward again. I realized I had misread it and that he did not actually imply he was representing Smart Nutrient, but only mentioned that they have this particular product, which he did of lot of other companies also. What Edward did say was that he was going to bring pyritinol to his health store, which I took as referring to Sherwyn's.

Posted 4/30/2001 2:14 PM (GMT -5)

Hello Tom and Life Extensionists
Recently a company called SMART NUTRITION http://www.smart-dru.../olymprod.html) in CA, started selling Pyritinol and Idebenone
I am curious if the FDA has approved them as supplements as vinpocetine was (Dec 1998). I asked LEF if they would start carrying them but they made it sound like it was still not approved. I plan to buy them for myself and give it a try and bring them into my health food store.
Any thoughts TOM?

Thank YOU
For Longer Life
Edward in Chicago

Has anyone noticed that LifeMirage gave great reviews to all of Relentless Improvement's nootropics? Why would he do that if he was trying to increase business to Unique Nutrition?

I have been saying ad nauseum, Unique Nutrition is a nootropic supplier for other companies, for Relentless Improvement also until very recently at least, he does not have to refer to specifically to Uni to increase their overall sales.

#52 enigma

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Posted 10 March 2006 - 05:29 AM

Steve and Edward may or may not be the same person, but they both work for Unique nutrition.


If either of them was LifeMirage then why would LifeMirage act this way in this thread?

Why would he vote against what they wanted to do if he was one of them?


I think personally, it is a very far stretch to say that LifeMirage existed for the promotion of UniqueNutrition sales.

Steve would naturally want to defend the integrity of LifeMirage because his business would likely take a hit if LifeMirage was to be shown to be a lier.

The fact that Steve defended LifeMirage's integrity, therefore, does not indicate that Steve is LM.

The fact that Edward Younan is listed as the president of the company UniqueNutrition, does not reveal a great deal, as we do not know what Edward Younan's involvment was.

Edited by enigma, 10 March 2006 - 05:44 AM.

#53 Shepard

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Posted 10 March 2006 - 05:32 AM

It was just one reply which caught my attention: Finally, a proven pure aniracetam. This is long after UI had been selling their own brand.

I don't know, I quit following this mess a while back, but it just sounded odd considering all the Steve = LM statements some have backed.

#54 opales

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Posted 10 March 2006 - 05:55 AM

Steve and Edward may or may not be the same person, but they both work for Unique nutrition.


If either of them was LifeMirage then why would LifeMirage act this way in this thread?


I think personally, it is a very far stretch to say that LifeMirage existed for the promotion of UniqueNutrition sales.

You can view that comment in another way also:

I think one sponsor for the health forums is enough....especially since they carry your products

#55 enigma

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Posted 10 March 2006 - 05:59 AM

You can view that comment in another way also:


I think one sponsor for the health forums is enough....especially since they carry your products

No, because then why would Steve and or Edward have started the thread in the first place if he thought one was enough?

For the inherent sake of arguing against what he was trying to promote?

It therefore makes the information provided on this link all the more confusing [sfty]


#56 opales

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Posted 10 March 2006 - 06:30 AM

No, because then why would Steve and or Edward have started the thread in the first place if he thought one was enough?

For the inherent sake of arguing against what he was trying to promote?

It therefore makes the information provided on this link all the more confusing  [sfty]


No actually I think they really might a different person, I tried to edit my previous comment but the editor failed. The thread could have just been a cover up. Or maybe Edward realized Steve had fucked up and tried to gracefully end the conversation. Or maybe Steve=Edward got pissed, but realized later it might have been stupid in the long run so posted there as LifeMirage. I am not sure how plausible these explanations are but they are possible.

It's not out of question that other companies would be involved, and I do think Lee Crost has some involvement.

Anyway, that link you posted and million other pieces of evidence of their guilt have been brought out here. Unfortunately some that was in a thread that is now gone and being investigated by the leaders. A lot of evidence is preseved in the Tradewinds post, you may want to check that out.

We might never find out what exactly was going on and why, but we do know LifeMirage and Steve lied their asses off whenever they could. For their motives for that, well, I think it's pretty fair to assume the worst.

Edited by opales, 10 March 2006 - 06:42 AM.

#57 enigma

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Posted 10 March 2006 - 06:36 AM

We might never find out what exactly was going on and why, but we do know LifeMirage and Steve lied their asses off whenever they could

Yes, actually I think LifeMirage should have his account name changed to LieMirage.

#58 drmz

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Posted 10 March 2006 - 06:56 AM

Steve and Edward may or may not be the same person, but they both work for Unique nutrition.


If either of them was LifeMirage then why would LifeMirage act this way in this thread?

Why would he vote against what they wanted to do if he was one of them?


I think personally, it is a very far stretch to say that LifeMirage existed for the promotion of UniqueNutrition sales.

Steve would naturally want to defend the integrity of LifeMirage because his business would likely take a hit if LifeMirage was to be shown to be a lier.

The fact that Steve defended LifeMirage's integrity, therefore, does not indicate that Steve is LM.

The fact that Edward Younan is listed as the president of the company UniqueNutrition, does not reveal a great deal, as we do not know what Edward Younan's involvment was.

Fax: 1-773-xxx-4943

Phone: 1-xxx-278-4942 (9-5 pm central time)


Unique Nutrition 207 E. Ohio #352 Chicago, IL 60611

Blog: http://uniquenutrition.blogspot.com

Advisor: Lee Crost M.D.

It's hard to tell which information is posted and which is not. I didn't know that this Lee Crost is also and advisor at Unique Nutrition

#59 Infernity

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Posted 10 March 2006 - 12:18 PM

Enigma, I tend to love your analysis, mmm great job.

Hmm I wonder why LM did not tell his name in the first place even when becoming a leader, that is suspicious.

Jay, I don't get it, isn't this http://www.imminst.o...9617&hl=many&s= telling us exactly who is LM? [huh]


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#60 jaydfox

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Posted 10 March 2006 - 12:53 PM

Infernity, the leadership thread you linked to doesn't tell us that Steve Sliwa is LifeMirage, only that they are related aliases. The LifeMirage account has been used by at least two individuals, given the writing/grammar/spelling styles used at various times. Steve Sliwa is one of those individuals, as the evidence in that thread seems to indicate. However, Steve's role in the LifeMirage persona might be minimal. It's sufficient for him to be included in the motion you linked to.

Until we know the full extent of Steve's involvement, I'm still leaving this open invitation for Steve to clear matters up. So far he's chosen to spin more lies, but the clock is ticking and he still has a chance to come clean.

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