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Colloidal Gold

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#1 revival

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Posted 09 March 2006 - 03:34 PM

Has anyone ever experimented with taking Colloidal Gold?

I came across this review of the use of gold in medicine and it references a study which indicated that four weeks on colloidal gold at 30 mg/day might increase IQ scores by 20% (but the study was quite small).

Colloidal gold is meant to be harmless so I'm thinking of trying it myself. Not sure where to obtain it though.

#2 enigma

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Posted 09 March 2006 - 04:11 PM

This study is from the


So I wouldnt trust a scientific paper from a crazy holistic medicine religious organisation that suggests eating gold to increase your IQ 20% :)
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#3 simple

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Posted 09 March 2006 - 04:48 PM

There is a serious study's being carried on regards to the use of colloidal gold and treatment for cancer, never heard anything about it and intelligence, be carefull with what you take.

#4 bacchus26

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Posted 10 March 2006 - 03:48 PM

I don't know about gold, but I know that taking colloidal silver will turn you blue as a smurf. Seriously, here's the link on wiki - Argyria. I would imagine that taking colloidal gold could have the same disastrous effects, so unless you want to look like a damn robot for the rest of your life you should probably avoid ingesting that.
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#5 simple

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Posted 10 March 2006 - 05:40 PM

It is true, colloidal silver is beneficial, but it is very hard to get rid of metals in your body, silver will accumulate in blotches, under the sun ligth your skin will turn dark in patches, that is the accumulation of the metal

QUOTE minerals have a smaller toxic to benefit ratio than vitamins. What this means is that amount of a mineral which might be used for supplementation is not much lower than the toxic amount. For minerals the toxic level might be only 3 to 10 times the therapeutic amount. For example, selenium requirements are usually around 50 mcg per day and typical selenium supplementation amounts are 100-400 mcg per day. However, toxicity can result at around 1200-1600 mcg per day over an extended period. So if we take a safe amount of 400 mcg and a toxic amount of 1200 mcg, that is only a 3:1 ratio. It's important that you realize the importance of not taking too much.

The toxic to benefit ratio of vitamins is much higher. Our bodies have a much higher capacity to excrete unused amounts of vitamins than unused amounts of minerals. For example we might have a B vitamin requirement of 2 mgs, a supplemented amount of 100 mgs, and a toxic level of 10-50 grams. There is not the same danger of over supplementing vitamins as there is of over supplementing minerals.

The one exception are the oil soluble vitamins: A, D, E, and K. These build up in the tissues and can cause problems. For example, we might take 5000 IU of vitamin A, but 100,000 IU over a period of months can cause severe headaches. In the arctic some people have died from eating the liver of animals because the vitamin A content was so high that the person's body couldn't eliminate it fast enough.

#6 revival

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Posted 12 March 2006 - 07:29 AM

Thanks for pointing out the origin of that study- I should really look harder at what I read!

Obviously gold doesn't really crop up much in stuff we ingest every day so colloidal gold wouldn't exactly be a "natural" supplement. I might put this one on ice.

#7 acoli

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Posted 14 March 2006 - 08:44 PM

The study is legit. Here it is: http://www.optimox.c...ol/frntPer.html

I'm gonna take the same version they took which is 99.99 % colloidal gold in 10 mg tablets, 3 a day for a month and see if it is as good as the study says it is.

#8 acoli

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Posted 14 March 2006 - 09:07 PM

If you type "colloidal gold iq" on google, numerous sites mention the study. I thing colloidal gold should be considered a powerful nootropic as it is the only substance proven to increase iq in normal healthy subjects, although I'm sure other nootropics probably do the same. Nevertheless, only colloidal gold has the study to back it up.

#9 tracer

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Posted 19 March 2006 - 11:02 AM

Erm... in the words of that erstwhile poet Eric Cartman - "Hippies!!! Goddammit!!! I hate hippies!!!".

That said, I'm ALWAYS skeptical about hippie science... there seems to be an interesting empirical result here. However, the "WHY" is still unanswered. Why should gold increase cognition? What does it do in the body?

#10 tracer

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Posted 19 March 2006 - 11:47 AM

So, I went hunting on this one...

Google is swamped by the damn hippies and their websites, confounding any real research attempts. It seems every man and his dog are trying to sell Colloidal silver, gold, bronze, plutonium, etc.

Then on to PubMed, where the above study does not seem to be listed... this aroused my suspicions... so I did a bio on the first named author (in Engineering, that's typically the guy who either did the most work, and usually who wrote the actual paper).

Guy E. Abraham, M.D., is a former Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Endocrinology at the UCLA School of Medicine. Some 36 years ago, he pioneered the development of assays to measure minute quantities of steroid hormones in biological fluids. He has been honored as follows: General Diagnostic Award from the Canadian Association of Clinical Chemists, 1974; the “Medaille d’Honneur” from the University if Liege, Belgium, 1976; the Senior Investigator Award of Pharmacia, Sweden, 1980.

Assuming it's the same guy, it's probably not complete hippie nonsense... he's got a few books but no journals that I could find (although if he was a professor, he probably has a few tucked away).

However, the study was not double-blind, cross-over. The subjects were few and very different (5 aged 15 to 45, one male, 4 female), and the 15 year-old was too young for the WEIS-R tests (designed for 16-years old and up, apparently)... but lets not split hairs.

There is no uniformity in the response to the Verbal/Non-verbal tests... which lads me to an interesting question - were the same WAIS-R tests readministered (familiarity) or were new ones given?

This study doesn't tell me a whole lot, personally. Acoli - please will you update us with feedback on your experiment so we can see if it's working?

#11 gintrux

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Posted 22 July 2020 - 11:52 AM

Any new data on this?

#12 gamesguru

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Posted 22 July 2020 - 03:38 PM

An absolute waste of money, promoted only in the rungs of homeopathy and quackery, which is toxic in large, continued doses and accumulates beyond the body's natural excretion abilities, even for which in lesser concentrations there is as yet no corroborated (or even reasonably suspected) mechanisms of promoting health or youthfulness :sleep:


An overpriced "staple" which probably finds its only utility in topical rubs and natural toothpastes



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#13 gintrux

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Posted 22 July 2020 - 04:28 PM

I'm actually looking into trying it because I don't have much to lose. Even if the evidence is lacking, a couple of user reviews on this forum and reddit looks ok for me to attempt without placing any hope in it.

I'm having trouble finding a vendor. I see that I need about 30mg/day, Aurasol brand had 10mg in a tablet but it's discontinued.

MesoGold has liquid and I don't find how many mg of colloidal gold is in each ml of it.

#14 gintrux

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Posted 22 July 2020 - 05:39 PM


on this product description it says 

"The final product is an ionic colloidal gold produced by electrolysis with a concentration of 20 PPM (20 mg / L)"


mesogold is also 20ppm, so it looks like this liquid shit is heavily diluted?


If anyone can find a proper vendor for me to try 30mg/day, I will buy with my own money and will report back if anything positive comes out of it. Just help me find it, because I can't spend hours looking for a vendor and not find it.

#15 kurdishfella

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Posted 23 July 2020 - 02:48 AM

Why are you wanting to try colloidal gold? just curious. When There are other things like semax and lion's mane which boost brain power goodly(with more research behind them). Or have you tried those already.

Edited by kurdishfella, 23 July 2020 - 02:58 AM.

#16 gintrux

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Posted 23 July 2020 - 07:52 AM

Why are you wanting to try colloidal gold? just curious. When There are other things like semax and lion's mane which boost brain power goodly(with more research behind them). Or have you tried those already.

these didn't do much for me. I'm always open for new possibilities. 50$ not much to lose.

#17 gintrux

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Posted 25 July 2020 - 04:37 PM

Apparently gold can be pretty psychoactive.


It treated someone's autism disorder




In some ancient chinese book, gold described as "aiding the spirit"


Edited by gintrux, 25 July 2020 - 04:39 PM.

#18 gintrux

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Posted 25 July 2020 - 04:55 PM

I found a forum of colloidal gold production and it has some reports. Apparently, it can be quite a psychoactive shit





One month now since I started with colloidal gold so I believe it's the time to describe the results.

I take daily two ounces of 40ppm colloidal gold (that means 2.4mg/day).

On the first day, after the second dose I had to take the train and go to work. It was the moment when I had a sudden and very intense panic attack who kept me busy for about 45 minutes. Slowly I calmed down and after that I had a very strange emotional outburst, like I was part of everything. I wept on the platform of the train station then I went to work. It was like I loved everybody, some kind of unconditional love for every being. For some days I was some kind of blue but not sad, let's say unplugged but aware, like the brain muscle was relaxed after a long period of stress. I slept a lot and most of the time, the dreams was very real. The first days, memory played tricks; I did not known for real if it was dream or reality. Now everything is back to normal and I realize that I am more emotionally stable, I am not worrying for every shit, I am more relaxed and stress free. The IQ did not get any higher than 135, just like the last time, four month ago.


Who wouldn't be excited?





I have taken a lot of gold over the years, mostly because it helps  myopathy1 and  my autoimmune joint disease2.  But I believe it also has some interesting mental effects.  I have not taken large amounts for long continuous time periods though.  Mostly, I have taken 10mg of gold for a few days to a week until my leg muscles recover from the myopathy, and then I would stop for long periods, sometimes months before I would need to take it again. 

I have decided to take colloidal gold continuously at a rate of 20 to 30mg (40ppm 500 to 750 ml per day) for a while as an experiment.  The work by Dr. Abram at the Optimox Corporation which did the studies on cognition and also arthritis treatment with gold used a daily dosage of 30mg for an entire year and no toxicity resulted.  Hence my chosen dosage.  My favorite delivery method is a mug of CG, with 2 teaspoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of instant coffee, and cream. 

I am about a month into the experiment right now.

First I want to mention what it has not done.
I have not experienced esp, telepathy, telekinesis, visualization of auras etc.  I cannot jump tall buildings with a single bound and I cannot stop a speeding bullet (without great harm).  I have not lost the 100lb which I should. 

I think the effect on me is better than those things although it would be really cool to have them.

I hypothesize that the primary effect (on me) is to increase the communication between right and left brain hemispheres, and/or between conscious and sub-consciousness. 

The gold effect was subtle at first, but seems to be increasing.

Intuitive flashes seem to be happening more frequently.  It feels like information is being downloaded directly into my mind, but I suspect that it is actually uploading from my sub-conscious and somehow being processed differently.  This is an important differentiation in that if it comes from my own subconscious, it would be limited to something I have already experienced, whereas if it came from 'elsewhere' it would not.  Now, lots of people have such intuition.  You probably have experienced it yourself.  It just seems stronger and more frequent now for me.

The best example of a mental download I can think of involved the popular Sci-Fi series Babylon 5,  The writer, J. Michael Straczynski, claimed that the entire 5 year plot line, characters, dialogs etc came to him in an instant, and it took him an entire year to write it down.  Where did that creativity come from?  Was it from his own subconscious, or was it from somewhere else?  Whichever it was, such an ability is certainly an advantage.

At this point, the biggest manifestation for me has been to be able to see relationships between events, objects, people etc quicker and better.  I feel like I can look at a situation and just see the truth of it. 

Perhaps the main thing gold does is make one delusional smiley.gif  Time will tell.

Regarding physical changes, I have noticed a greater improvement in my joints.  Perhaps the gold will stop my own immune system from completely destroying my cartilage and allow it to regrow.  I think my sense of balance is better also.  That is the one thing I can actually objectively measure, and do everyday.  I use the app for the Wii Fit which tests body balance, and it shows improvement in my ability to stand perfectly still.

Anyway, the experiment is just starting.  I'll report again, if WWIII doesn't prevent it and the internet stays up.





I have only just started with colloidal gold -- and so far have taken 20mg over two days.  I must say I do feel different. 

1.  Calmer - as if I've been doing meditation for an hour.
2.  Vivid and interactive dreams - where I feel a growing sense of collectedness and calmness.
3.  Alertness - no mental tiredness and 'slump' after lunch for example, and overall a feeling of being 'reset' mentally -- nothing explicit, but more subtle.
4.  Memory - seems to be better connected - for example, whilst doing my morning 'prayer/ intention' meditation, I was running through the things I usually visualise, and I found I was able to go through the list, go into items, explore them and carry on, with a better sense of the totality of the thought.
5.  Fluidity - I seem to be able to connect thoughts, words, pieces of ideas, etc. better into a cohesive whole, faster and on the fly.   I spend all day thinking and writing, so this was quite noticeable to me, and also to a co-worker, who made a comment about it as well.
6.  Concentration, focus and insight seem better. 

This is pretty good for two days of testing ...  cheesy.gif  I'm happy to be a gold drinker!   The colour is appealing as well - no wonder Isaac Newton was so in demand with the royalty of the time - he was able to make the 'real thing'!

7. Oh, and another thing was, recently I'd been trying to cut back on casual drinking, and I was surprised to feel/see my own reaction yesterday when I went to the supermarket and saw the advertising for beer - I found it amusing and had no inclination to drink any.

PS my partner had the same dose as me, and felt a Herxheimer reaction.  However, I've been detoxing for the past 6 months off heavy metals with iodine, so maybe that helped me cope better.  She might have had a mercury detox effect, as she complained of a 'heavy head'.




Edited by gintrux, 25 July 2020 - 05:04 PM.

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#19 krcswen

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Posted 13 September 2021 - 01:58 PM

I found a forum of colloidal gold production and it has some reports. Apparently, it can be quite a psychoactive shit




Who wouldn't be excited?



Thank you for letting me discover the treasure!

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