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Inhaling Trichoderma mold reduces psychiat...

PeaceAndProsperity's Photo PeaceAndProsperity 30 Aug 2017

I have confirmed this repeatedly, that inhaling green mold (trichoderma) particles will for a short time worsen my chronic fatigue but after that period it has a completely paradoxical effect of making me more attached to reality, focused, socially functional and etc.


For example, I am growing lion's mane and every batch has green mold (trichoderma, very difficult to prevent). I threw out one of the batches outside as it was gone completely green and I kicked it to move it into a corner. As soon as I kicked it a large cloud of trichoderma spores flew into my face and it became difficult to breathe and my sinus was inflamed. For two days I was fatigued, snotty and my asthma was worsened. On the third day I felt paradoxically more focused in my thinking and my senses, more able to function socially, and in general I felt better.


This is not a coincidence, it has happened repeatedly. I am not even sure that it's only trichoderma but certainly there was no lion's mane mycelium visible in the batches, only green mold. This has happened multiple times prior to growing lion's mane. 



Mind_Paralysis's Photo Mind_Paralysis 30 Aug 2017



There are many, many forms of Green Mould, some whom are wildly similar, but have somewhat different chemical properties. Unless you know which specific species this is, it's hard to say what the chemical properties of this mould in particular is.


I suggest saving a sample and having it analyzed by an expert.


I don't recommend you use this as self-medication unless in very rare, specific and calculated occurences, because the side-effects sound absolutely horrific! You don't know what systems the spores are effecting and if there could be long-term damage.



BTW, I don't know if there's any proof of excessive Lion's Mane triggering any schizophrenic symptoms, so this may not be relevant - but it's probably a good idea to be careful with Lion's Mane if you're growing a variation which produces a lot of Erinacine.




The fact that it increases Cathecolamine-production while AGONISING KAPPA-RECEPTORS(!) is somewhat worrying. As you're probably aware, such an agent, could very well be a PERFECT psychosis-inducer, as it activates two different pathways into psychosis, at the same time. Non-selective stimulation of dopaminergic activity is not recommended for someone with Schizoidal symptoms such as yourself.


Now, of course, if the footprint of Erinacine is miniscule and the affinity of the compounds are negligible, then no harm, but DO check it out.


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PeaceAndProsperity's Photo PeaceAndProsperity 30 Aug 2017

BTW, I don't know if there's any proof of excessive Lion's Mane triggering any schizophrenic symptoms, so this may not be relevant - but it's probably a good idea to be careful with Lion's Mane if you're growing a variation which produces a lot of Erinacine.



It definitely is trichoderma.

Lion's mane can worsen flat affect which I assume is opioidergic, so that makes sense, but I have no issue with dopamine or noradrenaline. If anything it seems I clearly lack NE.


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Deaden's Photo Deaden 02 Sep 2017

