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Second Niagen clinical trial confirms Niagen raises NAD+ effectively

niagen nr nicotinamide riboside

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#31 bluemoon

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Posted 27 September 2017 - 04:33 PM




This is all silly talk. Neither is having the budget to do anything with full force. Neither EH or Chromadex have an interest to have the price collapse. The world is a big place with a potential 1B users of NR. At 25 dollar per can you have a potential 300B USD market. So certainly Chromadex has the potential to have >1B sales per year. The used car sales man Frank is going to be a billionaire. As for EH they have no IPR at all, so in this whole mess they have the weakest position but could still do well given the size of the market..



Yeah, all those becoming billionairs are just around the corner. ChromaDex claimed in April that it does have the budget to go retail and advertise despite doubts from shareholders. I think the best prediction for the price of a bottle of a month's supply of NR at 250 mg a day in 2018 will be about where it is today: $80 for 3 months (if HPN) or $27 a month. Elysium and ChromaDex will get competiton from vendors who will sell NR just as Elysium is getting it.


It doesn't look great for ChromaDex at the moment. They just put out a weak press release while Elysium provided more detailed data on raising NAD+ with NR and put it on their website a full ten months ago.  We will probably see Chromadex get a third of the market, Elysium a third and other vendor the other third.     

#32 MikeDC

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Posted 27 September 2017 - 04:44 PM

You are saying 2/3 of people are stupid? Whatever Elysium is selling has not been through clinical trials. The only clinical trials data they have is from using Niagen. Why would anyone buy Basis now when you can buy an proven product from HPN at much cheaper price? ChromaDex should have a special to get pterostilbene free when you buy Tru Niagen. This is another prove that there is no business person in the ChromaDex team since they are not doing it. Bad management will always be bad management. Don't think mistakes are one time thing.
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#33 stefan_001

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Posted 27 September 2017 - 04:55 PM





This is all silly talk. Neither is having the budget to do anything with full force. Neither EH or Chromadex have an interest to have the price collapse. The world is a big place with a potential 1B users of NR. At 25 dollar per can you have a potential 300B USD market. So certainly Chromadex has the potential to have >1B sales per year. The used car sales man Frank is going to be a billionaire. As for EH they have no IPR at all, so in this whole mess they have the weakest position but could still do well given the size of the market..



Yeah, all those becoming billionairs are just around the corner. ChromaDex claimed in April that it does have the budget to go retail and advertise despite doubts from shareholders. I think the best prediction for the price of a bottle of a month's supply of NR at 250 mg a day in 2018 will be about where it is today: $80 for 3 months (if HPN) or $27 a month. Elysium and ChromaDex will get competiton from vendors who will sell NR just as Elysium is getting it.


It doesn't look great for ChromaDex at the moment. They just put out a weak press release while Elysium provided more detailed data on raising NAD+ with NR and put it on their website a full ten months ago.  We will probably see Chromadex get a third of the market, Elysium a third and other vendor the other third.     



Well who knows if Jaksch makes it to billionaire but the company has all potential to reach a >1B market cap. No idea why you rate EH so well positioned but in any case if each have a third of the market they will all 3 do very well. Personally I think TRU Niagen is in a better shape than Basis. From a US perspective EH maybe doing well but for the rest of the world the TRU Niagen story looks good, in particular a because Watson has outlets in dozen's of countries.


#34 able

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Posted 27 September 2017 - 04:59 PM

You are saying 2/3 of people are stupid? Whatever Elysium is selling has not been through clinical trials. The only clinical trials data they have is from using Niagen. Why would anyone buy Basis now when you can buy an proven product from HPN at much cheaper price? ChromaDex should have a special to get pterostilbene free when you buy Tru Niagen. This is another prove that there is no business person in the ChromaDex team since they are not doing it. Bad management will always be bad management. Don't think mistakes are one time thing.


I think what Elysium has done is scummy.


But... Saying their "new" Basis has not been thru trials is a BIG stretch, and just sounds desperate,  imo.


Their NR is from a different manufacturer, and perhaps a different method.  But is the exact same molecule afaik.  


Yes, it likely has different trace elements like Toluene.  In very small quantities, well below the FDA limit.  About 1/2 as much as Chromadex own pterostilbene has.

#35 MikeDC

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Posted 27 September 2017 - 05:06 PM

Now we know at least one is willing to pay more for a product that claims to be the same as a brand product with no data to prove it.
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#36 bluemoon

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Posted 27 September 2017 - 05:30 PM



I think what Elysium has done is scummy.


But... Saying their "new" Basis has not been thru trials is a BIG stretch, and just sounds desperate,  imo.


Their NR is from a different manufacturer, and perhaps a different method.  But is the exact same molecule afaik.  


Yes, it likely has different trace elements like Toluene.  In very small quantities, well below the FDA limit.  About 1/2 as much as Chromadex own pterostilbene has.


The "scummy" move by Elysium may have been withholding payment last year, but they also claim a breach of contract by ChromaDex. I don't understand the legal procedings well enough to know who is right in that case. The lawyer who keeps up on the legal side also apparently doesn't know since he has been surprised by rulings made over the past half year. 


  (ChromaDex's hypocrisy with respect to Toulene was pretty funny!)

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#37 able

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Posted 27 September 2017 - 06:14 PM

Now we know at least one is willing to pay more for a product that claims to be the same as a brand product with no data to prove it.


If you're referring to me, that is just silly.


I never said I would consider buying from Elysium, and I never would pay the extra $$  for it.


I think they use their nobel prize winning advisory board strictly for marketing.  Likewise, the addition of ptero - just to differentiate.


I merely was pointing out that their testing on "old basis"  was  valid for the "new basis" - imo.


Really, if you would not exaggerate and over-inflate your claims so much, your sometimes valid points would get a lot more respect and attention, instead of making yourself a joke.

Edited by able, 27 September 2017 - 06:15 PM.

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#38 MikeDC

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Posted 27 September 2017 - 06:21 PM

We will know who are the jokers on the board. People don't have the broad understanding and vision that I have.
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#39 Nate-2004

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Posted 27 September 2017 - 06:22 PM



First, I think the stock did go up on this news, but earlier in September. 


That press release is dated yesterday.

#40 bluemoon

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Posted 27 September 2017 - 07:47 PM




First, I think the stock did go up on this news, but earlier in September. 


That press release is dated yesterday.



But people had some news prior to this non-anouncement just as some know the results of the U of Colorado trial. Others then watch the stock go up so there is a possible brief snowball effect.    


The press release just confirms what was aready obvious: ChromaDex is stalling, and I assume for good reasons. But we can't be too far away from getting more concrete informatation - my guess is before Christmas.

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