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Nate's Full Regimen

regimen cycles supplements

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#1 Nate-2004

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Posted 10 November 2017 - 02:49 PM

My regimen has become far more refined yet complicated since I joined this forum early last year. I thought I'd lay it out for my own sake.


I am doing *some* intermittent fasting and time restricted eating, I am also cycling the keto diet in and out for a couple weeks or more at a time where convenient. I am also following my own version of the fission/fusion protocol from Turnbuckle's thread.


Supplementation / Augmentives on 3 day Cycle:



Day 1 to 3 (fission):


  • Nicotinamide Riboside (750mg) sublingually (HPN)
  • DMSO solution with urea and rosmarinic acid (35%) mixed with NR and CeraVe before face application.
  • Mg + K + calcium + sodium (electrolytes for keto diet)
  • Berberine 300mg x 3 per day with meals
  • D3 (4000 IU) and K with meals.
  • Garlic Extract (Kyolic) 2, 2x per day.
  • Fisetin 1 to 2x per day
  • Add NAM+Ribose on day 2, 1.5 hrs prior to calisthenic/weights workout.
  • L-theanine as desired
  • 3g Glycine just before bed with BioCell Collagen II from Jarrow
  • MCT oil (helps with tremor and appetite)
  • Smoothie: 50g spinach, 20 sprigs parsley (300+mg apigenin), whole tomato, 50g blueberries, 2 celery stalks, 3tbsp ground flaxseed, 2 cups water, walnuts, pecans or macadamias.
  • End of day 3 vitamin C 1000mg

Day 4 to 6 (fusion):


  • EGCG (green tea extract) on empty stomach in morning.
  • 10g stearic acid twice a day on day 4.
  • Muscle Feast Whey Isolate 1 serving before and after 20 min HIIT workout.
  • 1x Gamma E and tocopherols from LifeExtension (with food) 1 hr+ after workout
  • D3 (4000 IU), K, vitamin A (5000 IU) with food 1 hr+ after workout
  • Curcumin (500mg) with food. 1hr+ after workout
  • Garlic Extract (Kyolic) 2, 2x per day
  • PQQ 1 to 2 times a day
  • Broccomax with food 1 hr + after workout.
  • L-theanine as desired
  • 1000mg Vitamin C before bed
  • 3g Glycine just before bed with BioCell Collagen II from Jarrow
  • Smoothie: 4 kale leaves blended with 1 cup water first, then add 50g spinach, one tomato, 80g blueberries, 3tbsp flaxseed, (usually add stearic acid here on first day), walnuts, pecans, or macadamias, 1 more cup water. I usually take the broccomax with the smoothie.


I use the sauna regularly at the gym, sometimes just a single 20 min session after a workout and sometimes two 20 min sessions back to back (10 min cooldown in between). This boosts HSF1 which apparently boosts NAMPT expression which helps with the NAD+ cycle.


When I'm not doing keto I try to stay low carb and higher fat/protein. On fusion days I aim for more fat, on fission days I aim for more carbs. I tend to blood test my ketones every couple of days and stay around 2.9 to 3.1 but yesterday I tested at 5.1 which was a bit shocking. It's been two weeks though so I may back out of keto again.


I also have been taking carnosine more on fusion days than fission days but when I'm on keto I'm not sure if that's good or not since it cleaves transition metals.


Hope this helps.



Edited by Nate-2004, 10 November 2017 - 03:03 PM.

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  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 10 November 2017 - 04:16 PM

You should include your pot smoking habits/frequency, it's going to have an impact on the efficacy and transferability of your regimen.

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#3 Nate-2004

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Posted 10 November 2017 - 05:40 PM

I forgot to include:


Fish oil by Viva Naturals x2 per day

Krill Oil by Viva Naturals during day 4 to 6.

1mg Melatonin on alternating nights

Microdose LSD 5 to 10µg once a week




YOLF stop it. Seriously. Your issues with pot are outdated and unwarranted. Also, I don't *smoke* pot. I vape CBD/THC oil, *occasionally*. It would be more important to include drinking habits, not marijuana extract vaping, as drinking is a thousand times more unhealthy than pot ever could be. I drink only moderately/socially, no beer or wine, just clear liquors where possible.

Edited by Nate-2004, 10 November 2017 - 05:47 PM.

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  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 10 November 2017 - 06:53 PM

I forgot to include:


Fish oil by Viva Naturals x2 per day

Krill Oil by Viva Naturals during day 4 to 6.

1mg Melatonin on alternating nights

Microdose LSD 5 to 10µg once a week




YOLF stop it. Seriously. Your issues with pot are outdated and unwarranted. Also, I don't *smoke* pot. I vape CBD/THC oil, *occasionally*. It would be more important to include drinking habits, not marijuana extract vaping, as drinking is a thousand times more unhealthy than pot ever could be. I drink only moderately/socially, no beer or wine, just clear liquors where possible.

The cannabis actives and their metabolites have pharmacological effects that can last 30 days whether you perceive them or not and are more important than you think. Vaping pot may spare you some ingredients, but the actives/metabolites I'm talking about are still included.


Active alcohol metabolites don't last nearly as long.

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#5 Nate-2004

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Posted 10 November 2017 - 07:29 PM

The metabolites (THC-COOH) are not active, they're inactive and stored in fat and eventually released when you burn fat. For non-chronic users like myself, it stays only up to 7 to 13 days max, sometimes only 24 hrs for fit people like me. If ingested through eating it can last longer.


Regardless, there are no known negative effects of cannabinoids, and as I've repeated time and again and cited references in other threads, higher levels of CBD can be quite beneficial in terms of inflammation. My vape oil contains ~17% CBD and ~17% THC. 


Alcohol may get processed quickly but its damage is accumulative especially for chronic drinkers. It is the most dangerous drug by far. More deadly statistically than heroin. Assuming that the chart's rating of cannabis is based on smoke inhalation.

Edited by Nate-2004, 10 November 2017 - 07:30 PM.

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#6 Oakman

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Posted 10 November 2017 - 07:46 PM

Appreciate your regimen breakdown.  More useful, and lacking, are your feelings so far, your body sense, etc., compared to before. Anything relative to before and/or what you used to take?

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#7 sthira

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Posted 10 November 2017 - 08:18 PM

Thanks for sharing, it's always helpful to see the specifics of fellow travelers. So, how do you feel? BTW, do you track your daily calories and RDA through a program like Cronometer?

As far as your indie supplement decisions are concerned, I wouldn't know. It looks pricey, and on an estimated benefit- ratio I might question spending much on supplements beyond what's available in a healthy diet, like keeping calories low and trying to hit RDA. A whole foods plant based pattern, consistent motion, strength and flexibility training, good sleep, meditation, go hiking, find peace in the forests amongst the mushroom fairies, therein finding your passion in life seem like better guesses than currently available supplements. I mean, unless you've way out deficiencies of something that's known to you through blood panels and the mainstream medical establishment.

A whole plant based diet high in prebiotic fermentable fiber and hormetic polyphenols, while RDAish in protein (with an eye on lower methionine) and lower overall calories -- tracked and recorded, combined with fasting are my guesses at trying to breathe pure.
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#8 Nate-2004

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Posted 10 November 2017 - 08:18 PM

I think that after starting this regimen roughly 2 months ago I have felt and even look younger and more full of energy than ever before. Things just seem more effortless to me. I've described this somewhat in the "Manipulating Mitochondrial Dynamics" thread. 


My skin looks better than ever and some of the candid photos I get in are surprising to me as I see myself better.


I weigh less than I have in 20 years and the scale measures body fat, which has dropped considerably. I actually started getting more comments of shock again (which began to stop somewhat after I turned 40), when I tell people my age. While I try to take the comments with a grain of salt, as the number increases I begin to believe it more.


I plan to continue this regimen and refine it where necessary for the next year. We'll see where I am then.


I do not track calories but I do track carbs and I fast. I have changed my mind about calories and tend to agree with a lot of experts that they're just not as relevant as insulin levels and sensitivity.  My blood sugar spikes in the morning (dawn phenomenon) unlike some people so I can't eat carbs in the morning at all and I generally just fast during this period till just before or after noon. Glycation is a big concern and I think one of the most important areas of focus for SENS.


The supplements ensure that I'm getting what I need. A lot of "experts" out there claim you're getting what you need from diet but when I research based on what I ate the last week, not everything is making it in every day or all the time, it's just not possible. For instance I looked into calcium, which a lot of people claim most people get plenty of, but when I added up my last week in terms of what I'm eating on this diet, I was not getting nearly enough. I don't drink milk and I don't eat almonds and while I got a lot of spinach I didn't get enough to equal even close to the RDA. Sometimes I don't get my smoothie in. Some days are lacking. Some days I don't go outside. Also vitamin D levels need to stay high, around 20+ ng/ml so I want to make sure I'm getting enough. I also don't convert beta carotene to vitamin A very well according to 23 and Me, so I need to supplement a small amount of that 5k IU, I don't do it every day though.  I take these supplements in cycles so it limits my spending to some degree, and I buy in huge bulk so that I end up saving quite a lot of money. It's not nearly as expensive as you might think.


What's expensive is wild salmon and grass fed beef and cheese which unfortunately is far better for you than the conventional abused animal foods given the difference in fat composition and ratio of omega 6 to 3 (why I avoid almonds).

Edited by Nate-2004, 10 November 2017 - 08:35 PM.

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#9 sthira

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Posted 10 November 2017 - 09:00 PM

You should include your pot smoking habits/frequency...

Thank you, this made me smile and reminded me of my mom. I love my mom more than anyone on earth, and a few years ago she wagged her dark head at me and said yeah, you eat all that kale and broccoli, you fast like a monk, you should mention all that pot you smoke. Ahem. So last Thanksgiving we ended up vaping a little CBD-THC together, me & mom, just a hint, a light touch, an easy hello to mom, and she's been quiet about "all that pot smoking" ever since.

Oh, I liked that, she said in the moment, a flower child of the sixties my mom, don't forget our plant guides (!) so maybe we'll try that again this Thanksgiving.
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#10 Heisok

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Posted 11 November 2017 - 02:43 AM

Thanks Nate,


One thing you left off might only be a functional food, but does, depending on quality, have various polyphenols. Olive Oil. If you feel like sharing, how has the E.T. been since going back Keto again?

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#11 YOLF

  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 11 November 2017 - 03:08 AM

The metabolites (THC-COOH) are not active, they're inactive and stored in fat and eventually released when you burn fat. For non-chronic users like myself, it stays only up to 7 to 13 days max, sometimes only 24 hrs for fit people like me. If ingested through eating it can last longer.


Regardless, there are no known negative effects of cannabinoids, and as I've repeated time and again and cited references in other threads, higher levels of CBD can be quite beneficial in terms of inflammation. My vape oil contains ~17% CBD and ~17% THC. 


Alcohol may get processed quickly but its damage is accumulative especially for chronic drinkers. It is the most dangerous drug by far. More deadly statistically than heroin. Assuming that the chart's rating of cannabis is based on smoke inhalation.

They downregulate liver enzymes...

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#12 recon

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Posted 11 November 2017 - 05:59 AM

1) Why Krill Oil only on certain days and not daily like your fish oil?

2) Shouldn’t you take Vitamin E along with your PUFAs? You take fish oil everyday so shouldn’t Vitamin E be taken to reduce lipid peroxidation that upregulates PARP-1 and lowers the NAD+ pool?

3) While deficiency in Vitamin D may promote aging, too much of it will reduce klotho expression. Are you sure you should be taking that daily, not EOD? Have you gotten your levels tested?

3.1) What’s the brand that you use for your D3? I’ve been using Viva Naturals for it along with their fish oils.

4) You’re taking a whole bunch of antioxidants on exercise days. Taking antioxidants during exercise days will blunt exercise benefits.

5) What’s your exercise regime? Doing cardio and strength on the same day blunts VO2max adaptation and muscle hypertrophy compared to each on separate days. That means that you’re getting worse than each individually.

6) You should reduce your melatonin to 0.3 mg. Melatonin is a hormone and high amount of it may downregulate your own production of it by hormesis. A study found that 0.3 mg produces the largest melatonin production an hour later (IIRC) than below or above it; that may explain that this sweet spot being able to “encourage” secretion via feedback without providing too much for a negative feedback.

Edited by recon, 11 November 2017 - 06:16 AM.

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#13 Nate-2004

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Posted 11 November 2017 - 01:42 PM

Thanks Nate,


One thing you left off might only be a functional food, but does, depending on quality, have various polyphenols. Olive Oil. If you feel like sharing, how has the E.T. been since going back Keto again?


Yeah I wish I could edit the original post to correct all that. I take a tbsp of quality EV olive oil on days 4 to 6.

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#14 Nate-2004

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Posted 11 November 2017 - 01:55 PM

1) Why Krill Oil only on certain days and not daily like your fish oil?

2) Shouldn’t you take Vitamin E along with your PUFAs? You take fish oil everyday so shouldn’t Vitamin E be taken to reduce lipid peroxidation that upregulates PARP-1 and lowers the NAD+ pool?

3) While deficiency in Vitamin D may promote aging, too much of it will reduce klotho expression. Are you sure you should be taking that daily, not EOD? Have you gotten your levels tested?

3.1) What’s the brand that you use for your D3? I’ve been using Viva Naturals for it along with their fish oils.

4) You’re taking a whole bunch of antioxidants on exercise days. Taking antioxidants during exercise days will blunt exercise benefits.

5) What’s your exercise regime? Doing cardio and strength on the same day blunts VO2max adaptation and muscle hypertrophy compared to each on separate days. That means that you’re getting worse than each individually.

6) You should reduce your melatonin to 0.3 mg. Melatonin is a hormone and high amount of it may downregulate your own production of it by hormesis. A study found that 0.3 mg produces the largest melatonin production an hour later (IIRC) than below or above it; that may explain that this sweet spot being able to “encourage” secretion via feedback without providing too much for a negative feedback.


1) Krill Oil has better DHA absorption and contains astaxanthin which I don't want to take that every day. Anything anti-oxidant seems better to take during the fusion half of the cycle and after a workout because oxidation is part of what makes a workout beneficial.

2) Again, same as 1, I don't want to take anti-oxidants every day especially when trying to induce mitophagy. It's probably ok to have fish oil without it.

3) I've not heard this where did you hear this? I'm only taking 4000 IU, I doubt that's enough to affect klotho expression. I just want to keep my levels above 40 as there are a lot of benefits in terms of preventing and even reversing bone loss and preventing DNA damage. They haven't been tested recently though.

4) Viva is a good brand but I use Carlson and my brand choice typically follows what's been tested on labdoor.com.

5) I do strength (bodyweight lifting) on days 1 to 3 and HIIT on days 4 to 6 but only timed as every other day, in between I use the sauna and the max number of days at the gym or exercising per week is 4. I'm not sure what you're saying here.

6) I had heard they'd disproven that exogenous melatonin causes your body to produce less. They keep going back and forth on that claim. My melatonin is 1.5 mg per squirt (liquid) so I try to do half of that squirt. I dunno of anyone selling .3. 

Edited by Nate-2004, 11 November 2017 - 02:16 PM.

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#15 recon

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Posted 11 November 2017 - 04:14 PM

1) Why Krill Oil only on certain days and not daily like your fish oil?

2) Shouldn’t you take Vitamin E along with your PUFAs? You take fish oil everyday so shouldn’t Vitamin E be taken to reduce lipid peroxidation that upregulates PARP-1 and lowers the NAD+ pool?

3) While deficiency in Vitamin D may promote aging, too much of it will reduce klotho expression. Are you sure you should be taking that daily, not EOD? Have you gotten your levels tested?

3.1) What’s the brand that you use for your D3? I’ve been using Viva Naturals for it along with their fish oils.

4) You’re taking a whole bunch of antioxidants on exercise days. Taking antioxidants during exercise days will blunt exercise benefits.

5) What’s your exercise regime? Doing cardio and strength on the same day blunts VO2max adaptation and muscle hypertrophy compared to each on separate days. That means that you’re getting worse than each individually.

6) You should reduce your melatonin to 0.3 mg. Melatonin is a hormone and high amount of it may downregulate your own production of it by hormesis. A study found that 0.3 mg produces the largest melatonin production an hour later (IIRC) than below or above it; that may explain that this sweet spot being able to “encourage” secretion via feedback without providing too much for a negative feedback.

1) Krill Oil has better DHA absorption and contains astaxanthin which I don't want to take that every day. Anything anti-oxidant seems better to take during the fusion half of the cycle and after a workout because oxidation is part of what makes a workout beneficial.
2) Again, same as 1, I don't want to take anti-oxidants every day especially when trying to induce mitophagy. It's probably ok to have fish oil without it.
3) I've not heard this where did you hear this? I'm only taking 4000 IU, I doubt that's enough to affect klotho expression. I just want to keep my levels above 40 as there are a lot of benefits in terms of preventing and even reversing bone loss and preventing DNA damage. They haven't been tested recently though.
4) Viva is a good brand but I use Carlson and my brand choice typically follows what's been tested on labdoor.com.
5) I do strength (bodyweight lifting) on days 1 to 3 and HIIT on days 4 to 6 but only timed as every other day, in between I use the sauna and the max number of days at the gym or exercising per week is 4. I'm not sure what you're saying here.
6) I had heard they'd disproven that exogenous melatonin causes your body to produce less. They keep going back and forth on that claim. My melatonin is 1.5 mg per squirt (liquid) so I try to do half of that squirt. I dunno of anyone selling .3.
New sets of numbers:

1) You rightfully say oxidation is part of the beneficial adaptation for exercise. Why take Vitamin E an hour after exercise then? Both muscular and Vo2max adaptation happens during rest.

2) I think I’ve heard that klotho expression is reduced on high Vitamin D in a Dr Rhonda Patrick YouTube video. I’ll see if I can pull that out.

3) The mechanism and impact of exogenous melatonin may be a little fuzzy right now but there that study that 0.3 mg works better than higher or lesser. Shouldn’t that imply a U-dose curve? There are many brands selling 0.3 mg but in tablets rather than droplets, which brings me to

3.1) Why droplet melatonin?
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#16 Oakman

  • Location:CO

Posted 11 November 2017 - 04:26 PM

Nate, low dose is less disrupting to bodily hormonal function and seems to carry benefits, esp. for older individuals.

Here is a good 300mcg low dose from Life Extension, their 6 hour timed release.





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#17 Nate-2004

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Posted 11 November 2017 - 06:14 PM



1) Why Krill Oil only on certain days and not daily like your fish oil?

2) Shouldn’t you take Vitamin E along with your PUFAs? You take fish oil everyday so shouldn’t Vitamin E be taken to reduce lipid peroxidation that upregulates PARP-1 and lowers the NAD+ pool?

3) While deficiency in Vitamin D may promote aging, too much of it will reduce klotho expression. Are you sure you should be taking that daily, not EOD? Have you gotten your levels tested?

3.1) What’s the brand that you use for your D3? I’ve been using Viva Naturals for it along with their fish oils.

4) You’re taking a whole bunch of antioxidants on exercise days. Taking antioxidants during exercise days will blunt exercise benefits.

5) What’s your exercise regime? Doing cardio and strength on the same day blunts VO2max adaptation and muscle hypertrophy compared to each on separate days. That means that you’re getting worse than each individually.

6) You should reduce your melatonin to 0.3 mg. Melatonin is a hormone and high amount of it may downregulate your own production of it by hormesis. A study found that 0.3 mg produces the largest melatonin production an hour later (IIRC) than below or above it; that may explain that this sweet spot being able to “encourage” secretion via feedback without providing too much for a negative feedback.

1) Krill Oil has better DHA absorption and contains astaxanthin which I don't want to take that every day. Anything anti-oxidant seems better to take during the fusion half of the cycle and after a workout because oxidation is part of what makes a workout beneficial.
2) Again, same as 1, I don't want to take anti-oxidants every day especially when trying to induce mitophagy. It's probably ok to have fish oil without it.
3) I've not heard this where did you hear this? I'm only taking 4000 IU, I doubt that's enough to affect klotho expression. I just want to keep my levels above 40 as there are a lot of benefits in terms of preventing and even reversing bone loss and preventing DNA damage. They haven't been tested recently though.
4) Viva is a good brand but I use Carlson and my brand choice typically follows what's been tested on labdoor.com.
5) I do strength (bodyweight lifting) on days 1 to 3 and HIIT on days 4 to 6 but only timed as every other day, in between I use the sauna and the max number of days at the gym or exercising per week is 4. I'm not sure what you're saying here.
6) I had heard they'd disproven that exogenous melatonin causes your body to produce less. They keep going back and forth on that claim. My melatonin is 1.5 mg per squirt (liquid) so I try to do half of that squirt. I dunno of anyone selling .3.
New sets of numbers:

1) You rightfully say oxidation is part of the beneficial adaptation for exercise. Why take Vitamin E an hour after exercise then? Both muscular and Vo2max adaptation happens during rest.

2) I think I’ve heard that klotho expression is reduced on high Vitamin D in a Dr Rhonda Patrick YouTube video. I’ll see if I can pull that out.

3) The mechanism and impact of exogenous melatonin may be a little fuzzy right now but there that study that 0.3 mg works better than higher or lesser. Shouldn’t that imply a U-dose curve? There are many brands selling 0.3 mg but in tablets rather than droplets, which brings me to

3.1) Why droplet melatonin?



1) I admittedly have no idea what you guys are talking about with Vo2 max adaption or how it's relevant.

2) I am pretty sure there is an upper limit in terms of how much is too much, I think I'm taking a conservative amount. Basically what she recommends.

3) Because sublingual is better. It's easier as a liquid and it skips the liver and hits faster, though I had heard that may not be necessary for melatonin. I can cut the squirt in half and accomplish roughly .3 mg. I get incredible sleep compared to other people I know regardless.

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#18 sthira

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Posted 11 November 2017 - 09:31 PM

You should include your pot smoking habits/frequency, it's going to have an impact on the efficacy and transferability of your regimen.

The devil's lettuce might be good for them bones, well, at least bones in "...the biomechanical properties of rat mid-femoral fractures..."

Go Israel:

"For about 20 years, Israel has been the center of a small body of research in a very different direction: the effect of cannabinoids on bone health. A study from the summer of 2015 has provided some of the clearest evidence so far that the cannabinoid CBD “significantly” helps heal bone fractures..."

Cannabidiol, a Major Non-Psychotropic Cannabis Constituent Enhances Fracture Healing and Stimulates Lysyl Hydroxylase Activity in Osteoblasts - Kogan - 2015 - Journal of Bone and Mineral Research - Wiley Online Library - www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
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#19 Nate-2004

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Posted 12 November 2017 - 08:49 PM

All I can say is don't listen to these internet boot licking statist "skeptics" who continuously and very naively insist that supplements are bad because there's no FDA regulation, as if the FDA helps anything. They insist that you're getting enough in your diet.


For one thing the FDA is a useless and counterproductive bureaucracy and more importantly, they have no idea what you personally are eating as an individual. No clue. You could be getting only half of what you need in terms of micronutrients. They may be right about multi-vitamins, it's true, those suck because they're not made up of the proper stuff. See a doctor, get blood work. I do it once a year.


Take the time to examine the weights and whats of your diet and you decide whether your food contains what you need and enough to at least meet the RDA. Believe it or not, while spinach may contain calcium, it's not enough to meet the RDA unless you eat an irresponsibly gag-worthy amount of it in one sitting. In fact, unless you're eating a bowl of black eyed peas mixed with white beans and sardines, you're not getting much and probably even then, if you are, still not getting even half the RDA. Are you eating all these every single day? No, you're probably not. I'm not. If you're not drinking milk like an American, you're probably not getting much. It's just a fact. Milk is bad for you, almonds despite the rumors, are also not that good for you because of high omega 6, etc.


If you're on calorie restriction and fasting, you're in even more danger of not meeting RDA requirements, because calcium is an electrolyte, your brain needs it, not just your bones.


I just take a tums to be sure, and ensure I get the vitamin D so it gets absorbed.  Bone loss is a real thing that happens as you age, it's a significant factor in why you look older and get wrinkles. If you're young enough now not to have wrinkles, start ensuring you get at LEAST the RDA whether by diet or supplements. Labdoor is an excellent resource for determining what is bunk and what isn't.

Edited by Nate-2004, 12 November 2017 - 09:02 PM.

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#20 sensei

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Posted 10 December 2017 - 04:39 AM

Your C intake is low.


ORAL (non-IV and non-liposomal C) is mostly excreted from your body within 1 hour of ingestion


I would go to at least 1000 mg of a liposomal vitamin C (sodium ascorbate or mixed ascorbate salts) 3-6 times a day


This will keep a relatively high level of serum and intracellular vitamin C constant over 24 hours

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#21 revenant

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Posted 12 April 2018 - 11:39 PM

Good stack there.

Edited by revenant, 12 April 2018 - 11:50 PM.

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#22 Nate-2004

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Posted 12 April 2018 - 11:51 PM

Yeah this is a very old post relative to the changes I've made since I posted this. I do cycle in PQQ during fusion.

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#23 bosharpe

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Posted 20 April 2018 - 12:58 PM

Thank you for sharing this, Nate.

#24 tolerant

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Posted 17 November 2018 - 01:28 AM



Could you please describe how you prepare DMSO with rosmarinic acid, urea and NR and where do you source rosmarinic acid, urea, and DMSO?



Edited by tolerant, 17 November 2018 - 01:57 AM.

#25 Nate-2004

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Posted 17 November 2018 - 03:45 PM

Hey I wouldn't bother with this, it's an old and failed experiment. I don't think RA does what we want.

#26 tolerant

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Posted 18 November 2018 - 01:57 AM

What about Collagen II? Do you think it is worthwhile to take? Are you still following the fission/fusion protocol? If so, does fission still feel different than fusion for you?

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#27 Nate-2004

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Posted 03 December 2018 - 06:19 AM

Update, overall I take far fewer supplements with this new regimen, despite the long list, see below for details.


Cycling is something I'm very focused on right now with supplements and not only does it save money but certain ones seem more effective when cycled. The regular supps I cycle in and out are in bold. I am really feeling young and very energetic these days. I think the fasting 5 days in a row for 5 months so far has done a number on my health, not to mention my fasted blood glucose has improved dramatically. I think I get more out of the sauna, cold showers, exercise and fasting than anything else I do.


Exercise and extended fasting days only:

  • Nicotinamide Riboside (250 - 500mg) Was HPN now LifeExtension brand
  • EGCG (green tea extract) on empty stomach in morning. (I ran out of this and will probably take my time before buying more).
  • Apigenin 100mg the night before (not always).


Every couple of days:

  • Rhodiola on an empty stomach in the morning.



Most days later in the day with food except fasting:

  • D3 (4000 IU) and K with meals.
  • Jarrow B12-B6-Methylfolate chewable
  • Lithium Orotate
  • Garlic Extract (Kyolic) 2, 2x per day.
  • L-theanine before bed
  • Garlic Extract (Kyolic) 2, 2x per day
  • Broccomax with food and later in the day.
  • Krill Oil (viva naturals)


Post extended fasting (stem cell protocol, this is only for three days post extended fast once per month)

  • For stearic acid I use 30 to 40g of mango butter that has been first melted while blended with soy lecithin and 100% cocoa over 4 hours low heat in a double boiler. (I put it in the coffee)
  • 1000mg Vitamin C
  • R-ALA
  • 3x 500mg TUDCA
  • 3x 800mg threonine
  • C60 mixed in fresh, good source EVOO 
  • PQQ 1 to 2 times a day

Night time for sleep quality:


  • L-theanine as desired (never when fasting)
  • Melatonin 500mcg (10mg during stem cell protocol)
  • Magnesium (LifeExtension Brand) 500mg
  • Galantamine 4 to 8mg (not every night but some nights, not always at night)
  • Alpha GPC (not every night but some, not always at night)


During extended fasting (I rarely do this during fasts, very rarely)

  • Fisetin 1000mg for 3 days
  • Quercetin EMIQ 150mg + 1000mg normal Quercetin
  • Apigenin
  • Sometimes 50mg Dasatinib




Almost always, as many times a week as I can unless I'm fasting: 100g broccoli blended first in 60c temp water and left to sit for a bit before adding anything else which is usually flaxseed, blueberries, bananas, tomatoes, mct oil, coconut milk and turmeric - it's not a taste great smoothie but it goes down fast and it's good for you.

Edited by Nate-2004, 03 December 2018 - 06:31 AM.

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