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supplier/authority/sponsor confusion.

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#1 variance

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Posted 20 March 2006 - 10:27 PM

This whole Lifemirage/UN/Steve Sliwa situation probably has alot of people
shaken up with the whole "forum shill/marketing" fraud thing.

They managed to fool alot of people for a extended period of time.

I'm wondering if it would be possible for a sticky/thread to be made
in which remaining sponsors or "authorities" like Relentless Improvement or AOR
to display and demonstrate their legitimacy/authority via perhaps their degree/education/expertise/experience in the field?
or maybe a link with their BBB profiles or what not.

While this is the internet, and a forum on the internet at that.
All advice and such should be taken with a grain of salt and people should see a MD or DO for any real medical advice.
but we come here for dicussion and some information so it'd be nice to know that if people claim they are a M.D. or something
and are affiliated with the site, that they are in fact who they say they are.

I think it might be a good idea regardless to have a thread to kind of restore some semblence of confidence back in the forums.

before i get any backlash about using RI or AOR as an example that they might be shills.
I have nothing against them. In fact I'm a very satisfied repeat customer of AOR's products and RI's online shop.
Nothing but good experiences with them and I've been continually impressed with the composition of AOR's products.
and RI has excellent shipping.

but yeah.
just a thought.

#2 Brainbox

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Posted 20 March 2006 - 10:59 PM

I suppose its inevitable that commercialism interferes with sharing of knowledge and experiences regarding supplements. The forum could have a structure and rules that promotes a balance between positive and negative issues. At least the latest events did wake me up in a sense that I will read contributions with respect, but I will always at least quadruple check. Furthermore, I will not post any repetitions of opinions or very subjective experiences. I even did delete some of my posts.

Probably some self discipline, additional rules and restructuring the health forum in a way that it becomes a healthy forum, could make this a nice place to discuss exercise, food and health supplements issues.

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#3 scottl

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Posted 25 March 2006 - 11:52 AM

I'm wondering if it would be possible for a sticky/thread to be made
in which remaining sponsors or "authorities" like Relentless Improvement or AOR
to display and demonstrate their legitimacy/authority via perhaps their degree/education/expertise/experience in the field?
or maybe a link with their BBB profiles or what not.

While this is the internet, and a forum on the internet at that.
All advice and such should be taken with a grain of salt and people should see a MD or DO for any real medical advice.
but we come here for dicussion and some information so it'd be nice to know that if people claim they are a M.D. or something
and are affiliated with the site, that they are in fact who they say they are.

I think it might be a good idea regardless to have a thread to kind of restore some semblence of confidence back in the forums.

before i get any backlash about using RI or AOR as an example that they might be shills.
I have nothing against them. In fact I'm a very satisfied repeat customer of AOR's products and RI's online shop.
Nothing but good experiences with them and I've been continually impressed with the composition of AOR's products.
and RI has excellent shipping.

but yeah.
just a thought.

While I understand what you are asking...

Unique nutrition is apparently in good standing with the BBB....
De Sense's company is in another country so can't have any relation with BBB

MDs are mostly clueless on these topics...hell I imagine most MD's know about gingko nowadays but piracetam? Wrots of wruck.

I have no commercial interest with anyone.

FWIW: places where I buy or would recommend:

Branded stuff: Pete's place, De Sense's business..who's name I can't think of...
biogeneses and QHI I have used and had no problem (but someone had some problem with..think it was QHI relatively recently)

Relentless brand is reliable as is AOR, genorova, jarrow, vitamin research products, LEF...

For Bulk: 1fast400, custumn nutritionwarehouse are good places. Most consider beyond a century to be reliable aslo..though there are/were a few...irregularities..the details of which I don't remember.

anyway hope that is helpful. Don't take any meaning from me not mentioning anyone I may not knwo them and my memory is bad especially this early in morning.

#4 Mind

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Posted 25 March 2006 - 12:06 PM

Thanks for the suggestion variance. We have been tossing around a few ideas. It is a difficult line to draw between requiring verification from everyone and yet allowing some degree of freedom within the forums. One thing there will not be in the future is anonymous leadership!! Everyone who becomes a director, moderator, or advisor will have to prove their identity or be publicly well known.

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#5 Hank

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Posted 10 October 2009 - 06:33 AM

Thanks for the suggestion variance. We have been tossing around a few ideas. It is a difficult line to draw between requiring verification from everyone and yet allowing some degree of freedom within the forums. One thing there will not be in the future is anonymous leadership!! Everyone who becomes a director, moderator, or advisor will have to prove their identity or be publicly well known.

Okay I am a physician and have studied nutrition/supplements/herbal agents/nootropics since 1978 and that was before I went to med school so yeah I was one of those double major guys with a triple minor but it took me an extra year instead of 3-4 yrs it took 3.5 yrs. Biology/chemistry with physics/math/computer science. It took me three years to finish med school. what do you want to know? Ohh I will tell you that I do not always spell as well as I should so dont hold that against me. It has always bugged me when people make comments about subjects that really have no business discussing in the first place. If you are not sure about a supplement then dont take it! Dig into the research of any of the agents/supplements that you are going to take and ask folks who have experience in taking the supplements first hand. Read more then you may be read to take your "leap of faith" but document your weight, caloric intact, exercise, side effects, chart this information over time. Take responsibility for your own actions...dont look to blame someone else who didnt tell you everything...what ever that means. Anything that you put into your mouth or system can kill you...period! So when I put someone to sleep for surgery I always tell them that they could die from any part of the surgery...pre-op..intraop...postop...that is the truth! It's funny though because I always get the patient who tells me NO ONE EVER TOLD ME THAT BEFORE and I wonder why? Stay with the facts, read the research, and decide for yourself.

I could never understand how people who decide to create a blog or website or forum think that "they" should be the guru on the topics at hand? I am not knocking this site so dont get your feathers all bend out of shape. I could cite many sites that believe that they are the real "one' and so there is where all should drink from that fountain. The more you seek out the truth the more you realize that your sources of information will come from multiple places. Keep this in mind as you go about your search...books have very old information but it is a place to start...the best areas to search are articles...like out of Nature or psychopharmacology or the area that your researching. There will be a forum for you to ask your questions...dont take it to harshly if some seem to hammer you when your a newbie. It's not personal! As your questions become sharper your response's on the forums will become shorter. That should be your guide as to your ability to interact on quality forums. I hope this has been of some help. Live long and prosper!

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