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CBD oil for depression?

cbd oil depression

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#1 James88

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Posted 03 January 2018 - 08:21 PM


Is there anyone that has had positive results from CBD oil (low THC) for depression? I hear lots about it’s benifits for pain and anxiety, but haven’t heard much in terms of depression, lifting mood, providing motivation/enthusiasm for life in general. Just wondering if anyone has had any joy?
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#2 sthira

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Posted 04 January 2018 - 02:34 AM

I've had very positive effects from CBD (low THC) for depression, and "...lifting mood, providing motivation and enthusiasm for life in general."

I started taking small amounts about four to five months ago, sometimes daily, sometimes not daily. It's dose dependent, and you'll need to discover what works best for you.

Acknowledging that anecdotes are useless, I'll just say this about CBD: I credit it for inspiring me to clean up my living quarters. I've been fighting depression for a long time, I'm fucking sick and tired of it, and I'd gotten a little run down and hopeless that there'll ever be a decent cure.

But since I've been taking CBD, I ripped out my nasty old apartment carpets, I installed new floors in my place, I repainted my walls, I threw away boxes of junk and accumulated stuff, I bought a Roomba, I started cleaning and making my bed again, I bought new clothes, I started regularly taking care of hygiene... I can go on and on (depression really really sucks) I smile more now and I talk to people. I've made new friends. People have said to me -- hey, you seem happier. I've been really really fucking miserable for a long time. I'm an introvert, and CBD has helped turn me outward a bit.

I know this might sound like bullshit; but all these changes are uncharacteristic of me -- I hate home do-it-yourself projects -- these are new behaviors. CBD has helped me to better cope with clinical depression. I'm not saying I'm cured -- but I'm better. I'm not saying it'll help you -- you're different.

I also think (and I've no science to back this) that CBD may have accumulated in my system to some extent. That is, I seem to need less of it now than I did in prior excursions. I take less, it does more, if I take too much now, it causes problems. If I now take as much as I took when I first started, reality can get strange. By strange I mean .... I feel some derealization .... out of body shit ... sometimes this is pleasant, often it's not.

Everyone says CBD doesn't cause you to "get high" because it has "low THC..." But in my experience, it certainly does cause different effects than THC I can describe as mildly psychedelic. It's an interesting compound. So I'm careful now with it. I dose more modestly.

The only way to know if it'll work for your own peculiar flavor of depression, though, is to take the leap into it. It's expensive af, of course, and taking it is a dynamic process. It's been quite a journey for me, and I recommend it for us sad fucks blinded by mindless depression. I don't sell it, I know no one who does, I've no interest in it except as a personal experiment in an attempt to alleviate longterm and persistent clinical depression (and of course generalized anxiety).

Edited by sthira, 04 January 2018 - 02:47 AM.

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#3 James88

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Posted 04 January 2018 - 10:10 AM

Mate what a response!! Thank you!!

It comforts me to know that “less is more” in terms of long term dosage. I’m an addict in recovery so I’d like to avoid anything that down regulates you and leads to high tolerance build up.

It’s brilliant that you’ve had these positive results. Do you find it actually gave you some mental energy then? I had always imagined it being quite sedating and although it could take away depression, it would also make me lazy. Which I’d like to avoid!!
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#4 sthira

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Posted 04 January 2018 - 12:35 PM

I won't address the addiction recovery aspect of taking CBD because that worries me a little, and I believe addiction recovery should be a path taken with your specialist. For me, CBD is no party drug or instant cure. It'll possibly be a disappointment if you're looking for immediate transformation.

Depression is terribly complicated. And bear in mind that different CBD concoctions are going to affect you differently; it isn't standardized or regulated. I'm taking full spectrum CBD, if that means anything, and I want high quality.

As far as mental energy, I keep notes when taking it, and have written its effects have given me clearer focus. What is focus? It kinda modestly turns down my brain's conditioned patterns of catastrophizing every little thing, if that makes sense. That is, it sometimes helps just drop the reasons why I shouldn't do something, and just do the thing I know to do. I get stuck -- it unsticks me. For example, I'm not a very organized person because I often over-think -- what's the point in organizing. CBD seems to help with that disability my brain has of constantly weighing the pros and cons rather than just choosing a course of action and going with it. Sometimes I'm too cerebral about things that don't matter very much while silmutaneously ignoring the things that do. It might help balance that.

For me it's not sedating and it doesn't make me feel lazy. I'd say the opposite, but then again I don't want to give the impression that it's inspirational like speed. There are a lot of confounding variables I'm leaving out here, which is why I think my anecdotes are probably useless. But as a wide sweeping generalization, I can say CBD in small doses definitely is helping in measurable ways with my own depression.

Edited by sthira, 04 January 2018 - 01:04 PM.

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#5 Galaxyshock

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Posted 07 January 2018 - 02:22 PM

Prohedonic Effect of Cannabidiol in a Rat Model of Depression.

Accumulating evidence suggests that cannabidiol (CBD) may be an effective and safe anxiolytic agent and potentially also an antidepressant.

The objective of this study was to further examine these properties of CBD using the 'depressive-like' Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rat, focusing on the drug's effect on anhedonia-like behaviors.

Forty-eight WKY and 48 control Wistar adult male rats were pretreated orally with CBD (15, 30 and 45 mg/kg) or vehicle. The saccharin preference test (SPT), the elevated plus maze (EPM) test and the novel object exploration (NOE) test were used.

CBD showed a prohedonic effect on the WKY rats at 30 mg/kg in the SPT. In the NOE, CBD increased exploration of the novel object and locomotion at 45 mg/kg and increased locomotion at 15 mg/kg, indicating an improvement in the characteristically low motivation of WKY rats to explore. There was no similar effect at any dose in the EPM or in open-field behavior in the habituation to the NOE.

These findings extend the limited knowledge on the antidepressant effect of CBD, now shown for the first time in a genetic animal model of depression. These results suggest that CBD may be beneficial for the treatment of clinical depression and other states with prominent anhedonia.

→ source (external link)


I wonder how much CBD I can get from eating hemp seeds? I have bag of them, they're highly nutritious too and taste alright. I used sublingual CBD spray from Mindnutrition in the spring, it was pretty effective anxiolytic, anti-depressive and even seemed enhance consummatory hedonia a bit.

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#6 jack black

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Posted 08 January 2018 - 12:43 AM

where one gets CBD? I went to Mindnutrition in there is a site error if one clicks on one (looks shady).

Edited by jack black, 08 January 2018 - 12:44 AM.

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#7 hydrus

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Posted 08 January 2018 - 11:20 AM

I do notice a mild pro-hedonic effect from CBD. Life is more interesting, not more exciting but it makes it seem more interesting in the sense that things look more mysterious instead of that incredibly boring feeling that can go along with anhedonia. I enjoy exploring the outdoors and nature more when I am on it.



where one gets CBD? I went to Mindnutrition in there is a site error if one clicks on one (looks shady).





Not all CBD supplements are equally effective and there are a lot of scams out there. I would not get a cheap brand. (not saying this one is) Look for high quality full spectrum cannabinoids if possible, that is whole plant extracts not cheap isolated CBD.

Edited by hydrus, 08 January 2018 - 11:26 AM.

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#8 James88

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Posted 08 January 2018 - 11:36 PM

So I tried it, but I feel I had a bit of a paradox reaction. it tasted awful and that smell/taste kind of stuck with me for a couple of days it was that bad, it tasted like I had the contents of a hamster cage in my mouth! I sprayed it under my tounge in the evening, felt quite drowsy and not really with it, slept heavily, but felt really tired the next day and my anxiety was a lot worse.

I had the same sort of reaction with magnesium when i first started it though, and I got used to that and wouldn’t be without it now. I think I’m going to go with a more expensive and popular brand. I’ve got my eye on one, not sure if I’m aloud to name it on here though. Back to square one as usual!!
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#9 jack black

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Posted 09 January 2018 - 02:48 AM

So I tried it, but I feel I had a bit of a paradox reaction. it tasted awful and that smell/taste kind of stuck with me for a couple of days it was that bad, it tasted like I had the contents of a hamster cage in my mouth! I sprayed it under my tounge in the evening, felt quite drowsy and not really with it, slept heavily, but felt really tired the next day and my anxiety was a lot worse.

I had the same sort of reaction with magnesium when i first started it though, and I got used to that and wouldn’t be without it now. I think I’m going to go with a more expensive and popular brand. I’ve got my eye on one, not sure if I’m aloud to name it on here though. Back to square one as usual!!


could you at least please tell us where you got the bad product so we don't make the same expensive mistake?

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#10 James88

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Posted 09 January 2018 - 08:11 AM

It’s called Dutch CBD. It was pretty cheap which is probably one of the reasons that It wasn’t very good. That and the fact that the bottle had leaked in the post!!

Has anyone ever tried Charlottes Web?
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#11 hydrus

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Posted 09 January 2018 - 03:10 PM



Has anyone ever tried Charlottes Web?





yes I have and I think it is good stuff providing that you take the higher dosage strength products. Had one light product and did not do much for me.


Best experience I had was taking some green paste from a syringe, not sure what brand/plant that was but it was very expensive.


tasted like cannabis.

Edited by hydrus, 09 January 2018 - 03:10 PM.

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#12 jack black

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Posted 10 January 2018 - 12:19 PM



I wonder how much CBD I can get from eating hemp seeds? I have bag of them, they're highly nutritious too and taste alright. I used sublingual CBD spray from Mindnutrition in the spring, it was pretty effective anxiolytic, anti-depressive and even seemed enhance consummatory hedonia a bit.



good point about hemp. i'll look into getting hemp oil and hemp seed.


they should contain CBD, right?

Edited by jack black, 10 January 2018 - 12:29 PM.

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#13 sthira

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Posted 10 March 2018 - 04:39 AM

So I've been making my own CBD oil because the commodity stuff, well, I love it, it's amazingly awesome, it works but it's just too preciously expensive.

It doesn't take wild-haired lab genius to make your own -- you can do it, because hey I'm pretty stupid, and if I can do it, so you can -- one trick is to not get superstorm stoned from your sweet plants. Meaning, go find high CBD, low THC herb, which I admit is counter-culture to all these crazy strains, but high THC isn't the goal: less anxiety and less shitty ass depression are the goals. All other healthy attributes of CBD oil are speculative here in our stalled and conservative and politically warped days in hell.

Try this recipe my sisters and brothers:

(1) a high-CBD strain is like Charlotte's Web (my favorite) or Catatonic (also wow), Remedy... many fine low THC choices exist indeed, so

(2) now grind about 15-ounces of yo sweet Mother Earth herb in a coffee grinder -- no need to over grind it, just get it down

(3) put your ground herb into a mason jar, now fill that jar with about a cup of EVOO (I say the highest polyphenol, freshest harvested olive oil you can find is great, check out amphora-nueva.com in Berkeley, they're cool and they sell great oils)

(4) anyway now lid up the mason jar herb oil, and shake it to some sweet reggae -- you just can't never go wrong with Ziggy:

(5) with tunes twisting loud and happy, find a washrag, and now put that washrag into the bottom of a cooking pot, then add a few inches of water to that cooking pot

(6) the sealed up mason jar herb oil goodness goes into cooking pot atop the washrag, now you low boil the pot with the jar in it for about two or three hours

(7) don't leave your jar alone on the stove, be happy, don't worry be happy, but don't overheat your oil and don't leave it unattended and don't vote for republicans and don't let the water evaporate in your cooking pot and soon add some more water if water in yo pot is running low (do not add water to the oil in the sealed mason jar, leave that alone, but add water to the pot around the jar, mon...)

(8) dance your thing as you let your herb oil mix cool off, then pour it, strain it using a coffee filter, pour it into a second mason jar, please relax everyone, we're all gonna be ok, now store your fresh CBD oil in a cool dark place -- this is why scientists invented refrigerators, do just this reason and more

(9) enjoy this oil, it really, really does work to help kill anxiety, I'm telling you, I wouldn't have typed all this shit and posted this message if this oil didn't work -- fuck depression and anxiety, life is just too sweet and short -- and all thise pains you're feeling in your lower back or your knees or those hips, your joints, just take a few drops of your mix and do it slowly and do it sweetly and casually

(10) don't take too much -- just take a few drops of this oil -- it can be very potent depending on which strain you chose, and it's effective and now

(11) go hug a tree, and better yet go plant a tree and love that tree -- we need trees, people, we need trees more than trees need us, so now go plant trees and you'll understand
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#14 sthira

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Posted 10 March 2018 - 12:47 PM

(2) now grind about 15-ounces of yo sweet Mother Earth herb in a coffee grinder -- no need to over grind it, just get it down

Oops: make that 15 grams, not 15 ounces. About a half an ounce.

#15 hydrus

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Posted 10 March 2018 - 09:21 PM

you mean you get fresh plants or would that work with dried plants too? Where can one buy whole plants?

#16 BioHacker=Life

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Posted 20 November 2018 - 01:28 AM

you mean you get fresh plants or would that work with dried plants too? Where can one buy whole plants?


You can buy hemp seeds or flowers but full hemp plants you need a license for.

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#17 CBD Expert

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Posted 04 December 2019 - 01:22 PM

CBD Oil works for so much things. But menthal illness / depression is still a hard subject for CBD. Check it out on this CBD Olie website.

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