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Nootropics for Cold Resistance?

cold resistance

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#1 jroseland

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Posted 02 February 2018 - 11:44 AM

I'm considering a trip to Moscow and will likely be spending some time outside seeing the sights and the country so I

have been researching Nootropics and supplements for cold resistance. I'm already on a pretty good immune stack so I'm more interested in cold resistance than immune boosters


So far I've identified...

  • Phenylpiracetam
  • Tyrosine
  • Bromantane
  • Amixin
  • Arbidol

​What else? Herbal remedies?


​Any first hand experiences with this?

#2 smoghat

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Posted 14 January 2019 - 05:45 AM


I’m assuming you are in the US which could be wrong. Unless you live in Hawaii (and even then the big island would be fine), get used to the cold by spending time outside in it. I ran for an hour today in a thermal running top, with glove liners, a hat, thin socks, and warmish running pants. It was cold (32 but wind chill of 23] but I dealt. Could I have done that in September or August in New Jersey? NO! Spend as much time you can outside now in thin clothing. Get used to it. Buy a real warm coat lots of layers. Problem solved and you aren’t messing up your chemistry for a trip.

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