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L-Cysteine and Vitamin B complex

l-cysteine b-vits energy

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#1 Rosanna

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Posted 25 February 2018 - 10:41 PM

Hi everyone


Sorry for frequent posts, I'm not that knowledgeable yet, there's a lot to read, which I will, but meanwhile I have questions about supplements I've already taken.


Here's something I noticed with a 'advanced antioxidant' pill I took......felt really energetic on it.......downside, if I ran out of them, I'd feel like I 'crashed' until I got more.  The only things in the ingredients that I believe may have been implicated is L-Cysteine and Taurine.  Since I had other supplements with Taurine in, I believe it was the lack of L-cysteine that would cause a 'crash.'


This bothered me as it felt like 'addiction' (I didn't know of this forum at the time), so I stopped taking them and felt rough for a week, but then ok.


Can anyone tell me what L-Cysteine is and what it might have been doing for me?  And whether this might have been good after all?




One other question is that when I take a B Vitamin complex I tend to have more energy and feel mentally calmer......I also flush slightly and assuming that's the niacin.  I haven't done enough reading to consider taking NR or NMN yet.....but wonder is there some benefit from niacin?




If anyone can point me to any reading material that will give me a good starting point for understanding these things, metabolism, etc, I will definitely take the time to read.  Thanks.  

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