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FIxed brainfog problem with vitamins and fish oil - what next?

brainfog fish oil. b12 vitaminium dizzyness lightheadness cognition. problems most

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#1 Grandmaster

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Posted 29 November 2017 - 03:22 PM


I have been dealing with brainfog problem - probably caused by high caffeine consumption, lack of sleep, nootropic experiments and bad diet.

Pregnenolone in 50mg capsules worked like miracle when dosed 2-3 times daily, i combined it with vitaminium C 1-2grams and fish oil 5-6x500mg a day.

After i run out of it i still feel good but now when i dont have brainfog(that may be in 90% cause of enrgy drinks overusage)i can focus on other problems. I bought source naturals version of 25mg x 120 in tablets pregenolone form but it doesnt work like MRM capsules version even in same or higher doses, i might gonna try to buy MRM version again.

1. I feel dizzy in the mornings - when going to the univeristy or buying some stuff in supermarkets. I think it may be part of dizzyness reaction for bright lights which is not persent at nights.

2.l feel mentally fatigued after long time of focusing on some topic or mentally demanding operations - this fatigue is basically not present nights(22:00 or later).. Its very irritating since im a very active college student that takes part in a lot of debates, additional lectures and political projects.  Now its dark after 16:00 where i live and i feel much better when its darker even if hour is early.

3. I feel dizzy and foggy after eating some foods but again rather early in the day - at night whatever i eat i feel great.

4. Alcohol and caffeine have weird effect one me - caffeine works only in certain forms - good quality coffee. Energy drinks even in large doses(500ml or more) dont work good for me anymore so i totally discontinued drinking em.

Alcohol makes me dizzy and sleepy(only whiskey doesnt) but later it give me great verbal fluency boost, memory improvement and thinking speed -  i never get drunk, after some point it just doesnt give me any effect.

5. I feel fatigued after long talking but only in the morning and during the day. B12 works great in this case in 30mcg doses or even 20mcg

6. Im 6 foot 7 inches tall (201cm) so i think its important thing to say as it might be connected to the issue.


Im looking forward to any answers and help.


Edited by Grandmaster, 29 November 2017 - 03:28 PM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: brainfog, fish oil., b12, vitaminium, dizzyness, lightheadness, cognition., problems, most

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