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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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How Can Anyone Believe That a 2,800 Man Really Exists?

Posted by Ben Abba , 05 January 2008 · 12,126 views

I received a question on one of my forums today. Let me try to paraphrase it for everyone: "Who in their right mind would believe … that anyone could live as much as 2,800 years".

Here is one of many answers to that question:

... This is similar to what I told a friend of mine about walking barefoot over a hot bed of coals. That was until her and I went to a Tony Robbins seminar and where we both walked several feet over a bed of very fresh, hot coals. Now I have to believe it is possible to walk barefoot on hot coals. Not just because I saw people walking barefoot, safely, over a hot bed of coals; but because I DID IT!

Now, no one can ever change my mind that walking barefoot on hot coals is possible. Whenever I hear someone say that it is impossible to do so, I simply invite them to find a Tony Robbins event and try it themselves. If they give me some lame excuse not to even try and investigate this simple truth; then I know the real impossibility is convince them of anything. I am not connected with the Tony Robbins organization in any way; but my fire walk with him surely opened my eyes to an even bigger reality.

... Thus is similar to what many told President John F. Kennedy when he told the world, Americans would safely land a man on the moon and bring him back safely. Can anyone of you remember about how America was laughed at for even conceiving the thought of going to the moon? That was until we all heard those famous words "One small step for man … One giant step for mankind".

... That is similar to what many told the Wright brothers when they were building their first airplane. There were a lot of naysayers back then. If they didn't believe man could fly, I wonder what they all thought about man going to the moon?

... That is similar to what many told Christopher Columbus about crossing the Atlantic and discovering America. Ok, so Columbus was not the first to reach America; but back in his time, many thought he was nuts to sail West. Ever hear of the "flat earth people"? They ruled the world back then.

... That is similar to what many told Christ, including his Apostles, when he said he was going to die and rise again in 3 days. Since it is the eve of when we celebrate Christ's birth, I just had to add this to the list. After all, he was constantly surrounded by as many naysayers as he had followers. Still, he proved many of them wrong; didn't he?

...Need I say anymore?

The truth is I wanted to know the truth and not what others believe is the truth; so I found the means to find a person over 150 years living today. And I found more than one. Well people will always say that it is nuts to believe anyone could live past 150 years; I have to believe. I have met these people and they really exist in my reality. So I invite you all to listen to my experiences and their stories and judge for yourself or do your own research. If you prefer to do neither, then there lies the real impossibility.

If you want to find out more of my research, check out my other blog at www.Do-Immortals-Really-Exist.com.

about walking on fire http://express.howst...firewalking.htm
normaly is used as a help to improve self esteem.

about immortal living among us, there is no way. It's about what human beings are. We are material structures with an organization that evolve. Right now we now that our actual structure is similar to a man who lives thousands years ago, so as the same way we can't live more than a hundred or hundred and a half, a man how lived thousand years ago couldn't either.

Anyway, is a good and interesting study, so go on. But I don't think this is gonna help us to get our goal.
So how do you explain people like Li Ching Yuen?

So how do you explain people like Li Ching Yuen?

Hi Ben. "According to his own testimony", that's mean he thought he was hundred years old. Then they try to find records of him looking for a name Li, a very popular and common name, on 17 century!!! you can't trust on that. Always is the same story. You put immortals here but religios people put spirits, its the same. We are material structures, partialy stable. The dead is part of a evolution process. Sadly, we are affected for fantasy all of our lifes than make us think that the dead is something else, something magic. We already know that dead doesn't exist, its just a name we use to describe the finish of the develpment process of our bodies. Dead is just part of the process and that process came from the material interaction and that interaction doesn't care about our existence. The dead is just part of us as a human beigns. The only way to find something realy immortal is on other structures. Something NOT human.
With all due respect, I have a copy of the New York Times article and it clearly states that Li Ching Yuen "Gave his age as 197 years" ... however records (and eyewitness accounts) indicated he was 256 years at death. I found dozens of similar stories of people who have lived from 150 to 250 years. Then I went researching people who are still alive today and I found at least a dozen older than 250 years. When I finally was able to successfully make contact with a man I thought was the oldest of this bunch and performed some serious research on this man, I found enough circumstantial evidence surrounding this man to force me to believe he is nearly 2,800 years old.

I am not here to change your beliefs. You are most welcome to believe whatever you want, I just came here to discuss the "what if" about such people. I too am a very skeptical person, but when I do the research, and I did do the research, I found out these people really do exist.

My current research project is to interview a Native American man which records indicate he is 160 years old. Since he is much closer to home, I was hoping he would be much easier for me to get to and find more records on him.
Hi Ben. I encourage you to continue your work! My point was always about the facts of what our structure is. Actually, most of your cases are dead people. Not immortals. The fact is, as I said, that we are partially stable material structures. What we call "dead" is implicit on that structure and the develop of that structure. If you don't believe then just look at the pictures. You can see always OLD people. Maybe (maybe) people who lives long lifes, but they can't run away from the natural process as ALL humans. Thats because the "dead" is implicit on the human material structure. The only way to change that is changing our structure to turn it into a "permanent stable material structure". The only way you can find immortal creatures is looking for something NOT human. That is a fact because we know enough about us as a human beings. The dead doesn't exist, is just the end of a process. What you are doing is just breaking the limits on your mind. everybody know that the lifespan of any creature is variable, so that let you approve some cases of longer lifes, even without enough evidence (and trusted evidence). Then you think: if this is possible, a man living 2000 years must be possible too. And if that is possible a man actually living forever must be true. So what you are doing is a religious trick that eliminate limits on your mind and let you forget the facts and reality. Is common on religion. An usefull research would be trying to find people with long lifes, already alive, and take notes about the food they eat, the environment they live, even try to get blood samples and everything you think that will be necessary to understand how their structure was stable so long. But not just say: "this is true because I eliminate all the limits on my mind that prevented me to know this true". That is just religious shit.

Hi Ben. I encourage you to continue your work!

Thank you

My point was always about the facts of what our structure is. Actually, most of your cases are dead people. Not immortals.

In the case of Li Ching Yuen, this is very true

The fact is, as I said, that we are partially stable material structures. What we call "dead" is implicit on that structure and the develop of that structure. If you don't believe then just look at the pictures. You can see always OLD people. Maybe (maybe) people who lives long lifes, but they can't run away from the natural process as ALL humans. Thats because the "dead" is implicit on the human material structure. The only way to change that is changing our structure to turn it into a "permanent stable material structure". The only way you can find immortal creatures is looking for something NOT human. That is a fact because we know enough about us as a human beings. The dead doesn't exist, is just the end of a process. What you are doing is just breaking the limits on your mind. everybody know that the lifespan of any creature is variable, so that let you approve some cases of longer lifes, even without enough evidence (and trusted evidence). Then you think: if this is possible, a man living 2000 years must be possible too. And if that is possible a man actually living forever must be true.
So what you are doing is a religious trick that eliminate limits on your mind and let you forget the facts and reality. Is common on religion.

Now this does not make sense to me. If you met a person and the evidence points to him being born nearly 2,800 years old, and he shows no signs of dying soon, I am force to believe that extending our lifespans to at least 3,000 years and possibly longer is quite possible.

An usefull research would be trying to find people with long lifes, already alive, and take notes about the food they eat, the environment they live, even try to get blood samples and everything you think that will be necessary to understand how their structure was stable so long. But not just say: "this is true because I eliminate all the limits on my mind that prevented me to know this true". That is just religious shit.

Now this is exactly what I have done and am continuing to do. Still without a control sample, such as from a healthy person over 125 years, the DNA samples I obtained would be borderline worthless. However, I am closing in on a healthy Native American who witnesses say is over 160 years old, living in the American Southwest. If I can get a blood sample from both of them and compare these 2 samples, this could make things very interesting. I will keep you posted once I have those results.

Thanks again for the discussion.

May 2024

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