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CFS/ME natural stack advice

Nootronauts's Photo Nootronauts 07 Mar 2018

Hello guys!



Need a bit of advice on a supplement stack for my ongoing battle with extreme fatigue and brain fog.



Short background:


In my thirties, had a burnout working in a major consultancy firm around 5 years ago with massive brainfog, drunken spaced out feeling and severe fatigue for months on end. Did a detailed medical (complete bloodwork, thyroid, test, eye exam, ENT, ECG, EEG, MRI...) and all the results were fine, so the doctors pinned it to anxiety. Long story short, in the past couple of years I've tried a few different AD's with very poor results, so I decided to try a natural route this time.



Current symptoms:


- Extreme Post-Exertional Malaise: even after a mild 20 min workout, lasting for a few days, feeling wired and burnt out

- Muscle weakness and balance problems: unable to get a pump when working out, muscles feel like jello, poor hand-eye coordination and balance

- Vision problems: jumpy eyes, difficult to focus on objects

- Brain fog: feeling out of it, spaced out, drunk, horrible short and long-term memory, 

- Mental issues: not really depressed or anxious, just feeling kinda flat and out of it due to all of the above


Regardless of what this is (depression, anxiety, ME/CFS, prolonged AD withdrawal...) what would your recommended supplement stack look like in this case?


P.S. I eat a pretty clean, 30/35/35, low GI, low inflammatory diet, and currently considering a variety of supplements so feeling a bit lost.



Any advice would be greatly appreciated,


Thanks a lot in advance,



Galaxyshock's Photo Galaxyshock 11 Mar 2018

I would start with dual-extracted Reishi.


Razor444's Photo Razor444 11 Mar 2018



It helped when I had CFS. I didn't keep doing it because I was too stupid to realise what was going on. I have a distinct memory of a day I fasted. It resulted in crisp cognition.


If I'd known about the keto diet at the time, I could have used that and then fasted every other day. I think it could have saved me years of being ill.


chris85's Photo chris85 11 Mar 2018

I agree reishi, water/alcohol extract of log grown reishi fruiting body is what I go for. Just that may be enough to help a fair bit. You might think about combining this with one of the other milder adaptogens like ashwagandha or astragalus.


Nootronauts's Photo Nootronauts 12 Mar 2018

I would start with dual-extracted Reishi.

Thanks. Was doing a bit of research on reishi and it does seem like the perfect thing to start with, agree.




It helped when I had CFS. I didn't keep doing it because I was too stupid to realise what was going on. I have a distinct memory of a day I fasted. It resulted in crisp cognition.


If I'd known about the keto diet at the time, I could have used that and then fasted every other day. I think it could have saved me years of being ill.

Thanks for the reply. Do you think IF (let's say an 8 hour eating window) would also show benefits, or should i just jump straight into keto and incorporate fasting days? What was your experience like, dietwise?


I agree reishi, water/alcohol extract of log grown reishi fruiting body is what I go for. Just that may be enough to help a fair bit. You might think about combining this with one of the other milder adaptogens like ashwagandha or astragalus.

Agree on reishi, tnx. Also a milder adaptogen as you suggested might be useful, since I've tried Ginseng a couple of days ago and it made me insanely wired and anxious. Your thoughts/experience on astragalus vs ashwaganhda?



Thanks again for the replies, guys.


chris85's Photo chris85 12 Mar 2018

I don't think the ginsengs are really appropriate for CFS, especially in young people. You just want to gently increase the vital energy, don't ask me on the details of what that means, but anyway.


I'd go for an astragalus and reishi combination for a couple of months. Ashwagandha is more sleepy if you take the traditional root, but KSM-66 is more energizing. It is an option, as is schisandra, which is also fairly mild, but I have read it is rather drying. Rhodiola is very stimulating a bit like Asian ginseng. I wouldn't combine more than about 2 of these tonic herbs at a time and be gradual with dose, otherwise you can end up feeling a bit out of it...



Edited by chris85, 12 March 2018 - 11:38 AM.

Nootronauts's Photo Nootronauts 12 Mar 2018

I'd go for an astragalus and reishi combination for a couple of months. Ashwagandha is more sleepy if you take the traditional root, but KSM-66 is more energizing.


Yes, agree on the ashwagandha root, tried it out a few times but just makes me more foggy and fatigued. Astragalus and Reishi is probably the combination I'll be trying out first, thanks for the advice.


Razor444's Photo Razor444 12 Mar 2018



It helped when I had CFS. I didn't keep doing it because I was too stupid to realise what was going on. I have a distinct memory of a day I fasted. It resulted in crisp cognition.


If I'd known about the keto diet at the time, I could have used that and then fasted every other day. I think it could have saved me years of being ill.


Thanks for the reply. Do you think IF (let's say an 8 hour eating window) would also show benefits, or should i just jump straight into keto and incorporate fasting days? What was your experience like, dietwise?






I would start with keto. Fasting without keto is pretty brutal.


sumguy90's Photo sumguy90 14 May 2018

The things that helped me the most with CFS are creatine (I take kre-alylyn capsules), acetyl l-carnitine, l-carnitine fumarate (because too much ALCAR causes bad anxiety for me), magnesium glycinate, and zinc monomethionine.
Edit: forgot to mentiom methylfolate, since I have a methylation mutation, and a b-vitamin. The Source Naturals Coenzymated B-Vitamin treats me well.
Edited by sumguy90, 14 May 2018 - 01:49 PM.

Heisok's Photo Heisok 14 May 2018

Hi Nootronauts.,


You might want to try D-Ribose. There have been some studies related to it in those with CFS/Fibromyalgia symptoms. The link takes you directly to a pdf file of one of them. It was not blinded, and the D-Ribose was supplied by a manufacturer to practitioners who use it in treatment. It is worth a try. Many years ago, I could use 5 grams twice per day without issues. I can not remember benefits except increased energy. Now that I am eating very low carbohydrates of  around 20 or less per day I can not take it.


Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia with D-Ribose: An Open-label, Multicenter Study – Source: The Open Pain Journal


Objectives: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia (CFS/FMS) are debilitating syndromes affecting about 2%-4% of the population.

Although they are heterogeneous conditions associated with many triggers, they appear to have the common pathology of being associated with impaired energy metabolism.

As D-ribose has been shown to increase cellular energy synthesis, and was shown to significantly improve clinical outcomes in CFS/FMS in an earlier study, we hypothesized that giving D-ribose would improve function in CFS/FMS patients.

Design, Location, and Subjects:

An open-label, unblinded study in which 53 US clinics enrolled 257 patients who had been given a diagnosis of CFS/FMS by a health practitioner.

Interventions: All subjects were given D-ribose (Corvalen™), a naturally occurring pentose carbohydrate, 5-g twice a day for 3 weeks.

Outcome measures: All patients were assessed at baseline (1 week before treatment), and after 1,2, & 3 weeks using a Visual Analog Scale (1-7 points) rating energy, sleep, cognitive function, pain and overall well being.

Results: 203 patients completed the 3 week treatment trial. D-ribose treatment led to both statistically (p<.0001) and clinically highly important average improvements in all categories:

• 61.3% increase in energy

• 37% increase in overall well being

• 29.3% improvement in sleep

• 30% improvement in mental clarity

• 15.6% decrease in pain.

Improvement began in the first week of treatment, and continued to increase at the end of the 3 weeks of treatment. The D-ribose was well tolerated.

Conclusions: In this multicenter study, D-ribose resulted in markedly improved energy levels, sleep, mental clarity, pain relief, and well being in patients suffering from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. ClinicalTrials.gov # NCT01108549.



Edited by Heisok, 14 May 2018 - 03:40 PM.