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Hasta el final, Vamos Real!

Posted by LaViidaLocaa , 07 May 2014 · 1,123 views

It was 20:45 on tuesday, 29 April. The return leg of the Champions League semi-finals were about to start. We, Real Madrid, were facing a furious Bayern Munich after winning 1-0 at home. My heart was beating like madness, but then something incredible happened: we beat the favorites with 0-4 and trashed them at their own stadium. Yes, finally, on May 24th, I'll see Real Madrid in the final for the first time. We'll face our city-neighbours Atletico Madrid who have had an incredible season as well. Oh, too bad it's still so long..
Anyhow, sorry that I didn't post an entry for a while now. I'll post both my series of workouts.
Workout A: at gym
Wide-Grip Bench: 65, 60, 57.5
Chest Dips: BW+20, BW+18, BW+16
Military Press: 40 (6, 6, 6)
Underhand Cable Pushdown: 36, 32, 27.5
Cable Cross: 22.5 (15, 15, 15)

Workout C: at gym
Calf Raise:130, 125, 120
Leg Press: 90, 87.5, 82.5
Single Legged Romanian Deads: 2x22 (8, 8, 8)
Reverse Calf Raise: 100 (20, 20, 20)
Ham Curls: 41.5 (8, 8, 8)
Workout B: at gym
Pull-Ups: BW+14, BW+12, BW+10 (next workout, I'll go lower in weight, but slow down the movement)
Reverse BB Curls: 30 (6, 6, 6)
Hammer Curls: 22 (7, 6, 6)
Bent-Over BB Row: 55 (10, 10, 10)
T-Bar Row: 30 (7, 7, 7)
Zottmann Curls: 10 (9, 7, 7)
Session 2:
Workout A: at home
Wide-Grip Bench: 65, 62.5, 57.5
Chest Dips: BW+20, BW+17.5, BW+15
Military Press: 37.5 (7, 7, 7)
Underhand Cable Pushdown: 15, 12.5, 10 (somehow, it's easier at the gym, even though it weighs equally?)
Cable Cross: 15 (15, 15, 15)

Workout C: at home
DB Calf Raise: 30, 20, 20 (At home, I changed to DB as my back hurts due to the weight it has to bear)
Back Squat: 94, 91.5, 89
Single Legged Romanian Deads: 2x22.5 (9, 8, 8)
DB Reverse Calf Raise: 22.5 (20, 20, 20) (Same as regular raise; at the gym, I use a Leg Press)
Ham Curls: 32.5 (10, 10, 10)
Workout B: at gym
Pull-Ups: BW+8, BW+6, BW+5
Reverse BB Curls: 30 (7, 6, 6) (next time, I'll go lower in weight, to keep time under tension longer)
Hammer Curls: 22 (8, 8, 8)
Bent-Over BB Row: 57.5 (8, 8, 8)
T-Bar Row: 30 (8, 7, 7)
Zottmann Curls: 10 (9, 9, 7)

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