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Need help with my noob stack

nootropic stack help advice noob add smoker adult male

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#1 Neptune

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Posted 09 July 2014 - 04:07 PM

Hello chaps,


Could use some advice on this noob ass stack Ive assembled, esp the dosing and such as Ive recently heard somethings compete for absorbtion, an others dont cross the blood brain barrier very well without additional supplements.


I'm a 27yo male smoker with ADD. I've only just been diagnosed with adult ADD (as In last month) and it seems Ive gone my entire life up until now undiagnosed. The plus side is that since I wasnt diagnosed as a child, I didnt get put on adderall while living in the US, screwing up my dopemaine uptake, tolerance etc. Living in the UK now so adderal isnt really an option (nor would I really want to take it), so I started on 40mg Strattera, and that was.. intresting.. It helped my symptoms a ton, but also turned me into an apathetic zombie. So while the positives were great, the negatives were far to personality changing for my liking, so Ive dropped it for now - seeking new alternatives after discovering this wonderful forum.


I purchased and tested several nootropics in phases, to see what worked/how well it worked when isolated into specific groups.


Group 1 consited of:

Swanson Magnolia Bark 400mg

Swanson Bacopa Monniera 500mg

Swanson Schizandra Berries 525mg 

GNC Ginko Biloba 120mg


Took all of Group 1 once a day after a light breakfeast around 7am, gave general feelings of well being. Ginko was also great for waking me up haha. In general was fairly Impressed.


Group 2 consited of:

HealthAid Calcium Complete 800mg

HealthAid Magnesium Orotate 500mg

HealthAid Zinc Sulphate 200mg

GNC Vitamin C with Rosehips 1500mg

Food State Multi Vitamin & Mineral


Took all of Group 2 once a day after a large dinner around 6-8pm, seemed to balance mood, no more mood swings. Beyond that didnt really notice much.


Group 3 consisted of:

Intellimeds Pramiracetam 600mg

Intellimeds ALCAR 1500mg

Jarrow Formulas CDP-Choline 500mg

Solgar DL-Phenylalanine DLPA 500mg

GNC L-Tyrosine 500mg


Cycled all of Group 3 on day 4 with Group 1 after a light breakfeast at 7am, then on day 5 With Group 2 after light lunch at 1pm, then on day 6 with both Group 1 & 2 after a large dinner at around 6-8pm. I cycled to see which combinations  gave the best results. Day 6 I admittedly felt amazing.


Concluded that I didnt really know what I was doing and decided to write up this post seeking some much needed advice. As for the obscure effects of Group 3 cycled with Groups 1 & 2, all I noticed was that I felt a little sharper mentally, and enjoyed music a bit more. Im planning to add Vitamin B1 and B12 to help with the absobtion, along with cutting down my Strettera from 40 mg to 20mg then perhaps reintroducing it back in some tiem down the road.


Many questions: am I taking the right amount of the above listed nootropics/supplements? Are any of them competing with one another? Am I taking them at the right time of the day? Should I be taking them after a large meal, small meal or an empty stomach? Should I bother reintroducing Strattera or dump it all togeather? Could anyone reccomend another perscription ADD med to replace Strattera? Any advice on these subjects would be greatly appreciated.



Edited by Neptune, 09 July 2014 - 04:13 PM.

#2 Shamanist

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Posted 17 July 2014 - 04:41 PM

The only group that I've also tried is your Group 3. In my experience, the Pramiracetam has a "load" time of about three or four week before you feel anything. Even then, the effects for me were very subtle. 


The CDP Choline enhanced the effects of the racetams I took and is highly recommended.


L-Tyrosine improves the quality of my sleep. When I take it before going to sleep, I often wake earlier than expected (by aprx an hour) and feel fully rested. It also improves my mood if I'm feeling down.


My doses were all about the same as yours. I look forward to hearing about your results.



Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: nootropic, stack, help, advice, noob, add, smoker, adult, male

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