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How well do you know Aubrey de Grey?


Dr. Aubrey de Grey is one of the leading figures in the rejuvenation movement; how well do you know him?

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How well do you know Aubrey de Grey?

  1. Aubrey de Grey famously sports a very long beard, for a specific reason. Which one?

  2. Before he became a biogerontologist, what other field was Aubrey de Grey working in, and why did he switch fields?

  3. In addition to being a famous biogerontologist, Aubrey de Grey is also a non-professional mathematician. In 2018, he made the news because he proved that

  4. During his university years in Cambridge, Aubrey de Grey was a rather strong player of a popular competitive game, but eventually he had to give up playing it, What was the game, and why did he stop playing?

  5. Aubrey de Grey made a bold prediction that he still stands by today. What did he predict, and with what chance?

  6. SENS Research Foundation was started thanks to an initial capital of about 9 million British pounds that was provided entirely by Aubrey de Grey himself. Where did Aubrey find this money?