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Translated Video Reviews from Russian MD about Nootropics: Phenylpiracetam

adhd phenylpiracetam nootropics

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Posted 22 March 2018 - 07:48 PM

Hi everyone!

When starting the nootropic store three years ago we wanted to promote safer and more appropriate usage of nootropics using all the available information from healthcare professionals.

With this purpose we are starting series of the interviews with the certified MDs on different nootropics and their on label usage on our YouTube channel and hope you guys will be interested.

The first vid is already uploaded to our YouTube channel and it gives a new medical perspective on Phenylpiracetam (Phenotropil), so come check it out.


If you believe that knowing what doctors think about nootropics is worthwhile you should consider subscribing to our channel.

As a part of our work we communicate with many nootropic enthusiasts and have noticed that many of them do not have access to the detailed information about the effects of different nootropic supplements. So, we were granted the rights of Polismed.com (Russian medical community) and MD Gelushchak to professionally translate into English several interviews on nootropic products. This is important because this is the opinion of a licensed medical professional who has been treating hundreds of people in Russia, Ukraine and Moldova with nootropic drugs.

Topics covered in the videos:

  • On-label usage of nootropics

  • Their effects and indications for use

  • Precautions and side effects

  • Prescription practices

  • Different cases of nootropic usage and their combinations

We believe that you will find new worthwhile info on nootropics in these videos.


All interviews were recorded by the Polismed.com and then translated by us, CosmicNootropic.com. They have not been intended for advertising purposes when they were filmed, so the information given is just a doctor's opinion on this product.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: adhd, phenylpiracetam, nootropics

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