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Is there any nuerogenic drugs that could heal schizophrenia?

mental health schizophrenia

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#61 gamesguru

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Posted 05 November 2018 - 02:41 PM

lmao energy control is not gonna test dihexa or anything else here soon


question -- have you stopped using solvents or are you mixing them with dihexa?

#62 Finn

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Posted 05 November 2018 - 02:45 PM

 I'm in touch with my doctors the problem is the anti psychotics aren't working, given how my psychiatric disorders are a result of toxic brain injury and not genetics / drug abuse 



Thus far, brain damage induced neurological or psychiatric disorders haven't really been treated by fixing the brain damage through neurogenesis.


Temporal lobe epilepsy, for example. It is usually caused by some type of brain damage such as head injury, stroke, brain infections, structural lesions in the brain, or brain tumors, though sometimes it can be idiopathic and have no apparent cause. 


None of the temporal lobe epilepsy treatments are based on fixing the damage in temporal lobes. The main treatments are managing it with antiepileptics, or if they don't work, surgery, where some parts of the damaged temporal lobe are removed, then the opposite side temporal lobe and other brain areas take over it's tasks.


Could you list more of the antipsychotics you have tried, other than clozapine which you had to discontinue just after couple weeks and quetiapine (Seroquel)? 


It could be that Seroquel and the other antipsychotics you've tried were not the best ones for inhalant-induced psychotic disorder, or best ones specifically for you.


The antipsychotics usually listed for it are haloperidol and risperidone, also  antiepileptics like carbamazepine or valproic acid may work.




Carbamazepine seems nicer than haloperidol.



Treatment of inhalant-induced psychotic disorder with carbamazepine versus haloperidol.



Carbamazepine appears to have comparable efficacy but fewer adverse effects than haloperidol for the treatment of inhalant-induced psychotic disorder



Edited by Finn, 05 November 2018 - 02:52 PM.

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#63 FunSponge

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Posted 05 November 2018 - 04:33 PM

The solvent abuse was 20 years ago, still suffering from it, thank you very much for the info on Carbamazepine / haloperidol I'll bring that info to my next psych appointment.
I know it's not general practice to treat psychotic disorders with nuero genesis I'm just a desperate guy trying everything and preying for the thing that works, it's too early to say but I feel I'm seeing some improvement with Dihexa, aren't there plenty of people turning to nootropics trying to repair the brain after drug use?, I'm just trying the same thing.

#64 gamesguru

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Posted 05 November 2018 - 07:16 PM

epilepsy is a poor example here with brain damage and neurogenesis.  Epilepsy is caused in part by "rogue or aberrant neurogenesis", almost a kind of cancer, where connections are formed in the wrong way that leads to over-excitation.  Wrongly connecting these dots is just another example of people trying to draw a square with a compass.  Bacopa is probably the best example here of something that can set the neurogenesis straight, CBD coming in close second.  And yes they do this by not only directing but also by amplifying the neurogenesis.


I would imagine recovering drug addicts have nothing to lose from following a rejuvenating stack such as that and more

#65 John250

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Posted 06 November 2018 - 01:30 AM

epilepsy is a poor example here with brain damage and neurogenesis. Epilepsy is caused in part by "rogue or aberrant neurogenesis", almost a kind of cancer, where connections are formed in the wrong way that leads to over-excitation. Wrongly connecting these dots is just another example of people trying to draw a square with a compass. Bacopa is probably the best example here of something that can set the neurogenesis straight, CBD coming in close second. And yes they do this by not only directing but also by amplifying the neurogenesis.

I would imagine recovering drug addicts have nothing to lose from following a rejuvenating stack such as that and more

What CBD dosage do you use? From all the studies I’ve read it seems they use 600 mg or more which is not practical. But then studies from company selling CBD typically advise dosage between 10mg-80mg. I assume a full spectrum CBD is best to get all the benefits from all the cannabinoids but typically they are dosed at around 8-15mg per ml in tinctures.

#66 gamesguru

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Posted 06 November 2018 - 09:50 PM

I probably used a little close to 150-200mg.  It was nice but CBD is fairly expensive and I don't think the healthy person benefits too much from it, so that's why I only experimented briefly.

#67 FunSponge

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Posted 09 November 2018 - 06:20 PM

I don't really know if there's any real improvement, I can't buy bocapa in my country, I'll probably end up jumping of a bridge, I can't fix the damage in my brain, my own doctor won't refer me to any specialists, if I posted a selfie right now you could see just how fucked in the head I really am, there's photos of me after my phase of gasoline huffing and I look completely fucked / retarded and it's still the same today 20 years later, this is a living hell, is there anything else I could try like something that can repair meylin?

#68 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 09 November 2018 - 08:22 PM

I don't really know if there's any real improvement, I can't buy bocapa in my country, I'll probably end up jumping of a bridge, I can't fix the damage in my brain, my own doctor won't refer me to any specialists, if I posted a selfie right now you could see just how fucked in the head I really am, there's photos of me after my phase of gasoline huffing and I look completely fucked / retarded and it's still the same today 20 years later, this is a living hell, is there anything else I could try like something that can repair meylin?


You need to get some proper fMRI done of your brain - check to see what actually happens, what kind of erroneous activity there is, when you try to do/experience certain things.


Fixing neurological damage is rather difficult when you don't know what parts are broken, yes?


Btw, I found this topic on r/Ireland:




The thread-starter mentions how he uses Bacopa Monieri (the plant in question), so perhaps you could message him, and ask him where he got it?

I know you have some of the toughest drug-laws in the world in your jurisdiction, but look closer into Bacopa - it might actually be legal...

For instance, these sites, appears to sell it:







I did see that an actual irish supplement store had ceased carrying it though... But, you can always have it shipped to NORTHERN Ireland, and then pick it up there! : D It's legal in the UK, as you know.

#69 FunSponge

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Posted 09 November 2018 - 09:19 PM

I could order bacopa online that's not a problem, my own family doctor won't refer me to a neurologist let alone getting any scans done, I had an MRI which showed up nothing, I wish I could explain what's wrong in my head it's like a condition I have to live with 24/7, it shows up in photographs but I can't explain it, it's constant psychosis I guess, Iv read inhalants damage the hippocampus so would think the NSI would help, inhalants also damage meylin so maybe there's something I can take for that.

Been living with this for 20 years I'm almost 36, I had a great future before the inhalants, fuck sake.

#70 FunSponge

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Posted 11 November 2018 - 04:02 PM

Past two days there has been improvement, I find myself getting sleepy very early in the evening, could that be nuero genesis?, Iv almost finished 0.5 gram of DIHEXA going to order a full gram this week.

I was listening to Paul Stamets on Joe Rogan today, he said Lions Mane repairs Meylin which solvents especially gasoline destroy so gonna get that next as well, was kinda of a divine moment as I had previously asked for what repairs meylin.

#71 gamesguru

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Posted 11 November 2018 - 04:29 PM

honestly if this is 20 years ago, i would only expect a slight recovery or improvement.


lion's mane is not the best remyelinator, despite the NGF hype.  even so, you would need a mixture of mycelium and fruiting bodies, they supply hericenones and erinacines respectively.  not the cheapest or tastiest route to go.


i would expect more dramatic results from ALCAR/melatonin[1], bacopa, vitamin D, nargingin[2] (grapefruit), and correcting dietary deficiencies.  hope lies in unsuspecting caverns

#72 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 11 November 2018 - 10:21 PM

honestly if this is 20 years ago, i would only expect a slight recovery or improvement.


lion's mane is not the best remyelinator, despite the NGF hype.  even so, you would need a mixture of mycelium and fruiting bodies, they supply hericenones and erinacines respectively.  not the cheapest or tastiest route to go.


i would expect more dramatic results from ALCAR/melatonin[1], bacopa, vitamin D, nargingin[2] (grapefruit), and correcting dietary deficiencies.  hope lies in unsuspecting caverns


Grapefruit does have a tendency though, to f*ck with a boatload of other drugs (which he would be taking) though - is there some other source of Nargingin?

#73 mono

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Posted 11 November 2018 - 10:43 PM

Btw you may need to trial whatever substance you try for a number of weeks or months before giving up on it. Have you tried meditation? Check out the program called holosync too

#74 gamesguru

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Posted 11 November 2018 - 10:53 PM

Grapefruit does have a tendency though, to f*ck with a boatload of other drugs (which he would be taking) though - is there some other source of Nargingin?


no natural source other than grapefruit, it is pretty cheap to buy refined though


minimum order: 10 kilograms :sleep:



#75 FunSponge

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Posted 12 November 2018 - 09:43 AM


If you google meylin and psychosis lots of info pops up there is a definite connection, Iv been hallucinating ever since the gasoline which contains toluene that destroys meylin, gonna get lions mane today hope it does the job, you have no idea how horrible it is to wake up everyday and the first thing my brain starts doing is hallucinating.

#76 FunSponge

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Posted 12 November 2018 - 12:44 PM

Iv even read a case about a Japanese schizophrenic been cured after 35 years treated with a Lions Mane extract.

#77 gamesguru

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Posted 12 November 2018 - 12:45 PM

give it a shot!  don't be afraid to approach this problems from all angles, however

#78 gamesguru

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Posted 12 November 2018 - 12:47 PM

give it a shot!  lion's mane might not be the best nootropic, but i saw it helps neuropathy, transverse myelitis, depression.


don't be afraid to approach this problem from all angles, however (dihexa probably not being the safest)

#79 mono

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Posted 13 November 2018 - 01:59 AM

Is it possible you could link me to the case cured by lions mane, I’d be interested in checking it out.

#80 FunSponge

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Posted 13 November 2018 - 10:43 AM


#81 FunSponge

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Posted 13 November 2018 - 10:50 AM

That's the link up above, I have a psych appointment this Thursday there going to put me on haliperdol as I suggested, but I'm thinking maybe lithium might be better for me as it also repairs myelin and I think other nuero genesis, still waiting for the Lions Mane to arrive, tired of been a nut job, if the hallucinations would stop my mind would feel so much better instead of been depressed and this dead feeling 24/7.

#82 FunSponge

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Posted 13 November 2018 - 04:23 PM

Don't think there's any point in me buying more DIHEXA, I probably won't benefit from more synapses if Myelin is the problem, this is a living hell, I have trouble just leaving the house or been close to windows due to paranoia, the madness just builds up in my brain, this first started in boarding school, we would trip on lighter fluid and lighter gas, the drug experience was amazing but I seemed to enjoy it and did it way more then my mates, within weeks I went from a very happy person to experiencing depression for the first time and having mood swings, visual hallucinations at night time when sober, my life was on a gradual decline going from having been really great to been really really shit, I fell from the top of the social hierarchy to the complete bottom and then ended up completely isolated and that's how it's been for the past 20 years which as been a living hell and I'm doing everything to repair the damage, Iv been working out 3 days a week for the past 3 years, I eat healthy don't drink or do other drugs but none of it repairs the damage that's already there, people who meet me tell me I'm highly intelligent they say they see it in the eyes, I used to be but I'm not anymore I'm just fucked in the head, I'm not a fraction of what I was for the first 15 years of my life before inhalants, sorry for going on just I spend years of my life completely alone and isolated but can't experience any emotional desire for human contact, I can't experience sexuality either Iv tried escorts cant experience any desire or pleasure.

The Lions Mane has to help, remylination or whatever the term is, could also help the depression, could it be that I actually am still highly intelligent when others say they can see it in my eyes just parts of my brain are dysfunctional, without myelin the cells can't send signals properly which would explain why I'm now semi retarded while been told otherwise, I just want my brain to work right, free from psychosis and mental illness.

#83 FunSponge

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Posted 19 November 2018 - 03:22 PM

There's been a massive improvement since my last post, could be the nsi finally building up in my system, could be the Dihexa I'm not sure which, way better mood and a reduction in psychosis, also started Lions Mane, the sarcosine arrived today but it's in powder form, how am I supposed to take it?
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#84 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 19 November 2018 - 07:25 PM

There's been a massive improvement since my last post, could be the nsi finally building up in my system, could be the Dihexa I'm not sure which, way better mood and a reduction in psychosis, also started Lions Mane, the sarcosine arrived today but it's in powder form, how am I supposed to take it?


Well... according to this:



You're supposed to start with 1 GRAM(!) of Sarcosine per day, and then, gradually, if necessary, move up to 2 grams per day.



Usually I'd suggest doing volumetric dosing:



Get some caps, dissolve in a known amount of liquid, then take a known amount of that liquid every day, but Sarcosine is dosed in VERY high quantities, so you don't really need to do that. How much does the amount you bought, weigh? Just calculate all of that into 1 gram portions, and then eyeball it.


If you want to be extra certain you get it right, you can always mix it with corn-starch in an equal mount, and then divide that into little piles for your capsules.



Like, say, you have 1 kilo of Sarcosine - that would make for a 1000 grams - so, a thousand little piles of sarcosine, which would then be either 1000 or 500 dosages.

Edited by Mind_Paralysis, 19 November 2018 - 07:26 PM.

#85 FunSponge

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Posted 30 November 2018 - 01:51 PM

Yesterday was amazing!!, first day of fully been free from psychosis, I could experience and enjoy my surroundings without been watched by inanimate objects such as cars / windows / furniture etc, I was able to smile and interact with people again, there was a nice warm glow been that I wasn't suffering mentally, I was able to have a conversation with my dad on the train, I visited family I haven't seen in almost 20 years. 

As crazy as that sounds that's what Iv been living with for the past 20 years since huffing gasoline, I started haliperdol on Monday so must be what's working, you would think after 10 years the psychiatrists would have figured out what a simple google search shows up, haliperdol for inhalant induced psychosis.

Iv also been taking sarcosine, NSI and Dihexa, could be any of the above also working but I'd say it's the haliperdol, also dmso arrived today took my first transdermal dose of Dihexa, not sure if I need it but its paid for, cant even be certain it actually is dihexa, got it from limitlesslife nootropics.

Edited by FunSponge, 30 November 2018 - 01:58 PM.

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#86 FunSponge

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Posted 02 December 2018 - 11:36 AM

Nope the haliperdol gave me hellish depression.

#87 FunSponge

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Posted 02 December 2018 - 07:00 PM

I notice on days if I have to get up really early there is no psychosis because my brain hasn't fully woken up, think that's what happened on my day of been psychosis free.

I'm going to ask again for Ect would reboot rewire my brain only problem in Ireland it's not prescribed for psychosis only depression.

#88 FunSponge

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Posted 02 December 2018 - 07:12 PM

Can anyone explain to me the difference between Amyloban3399 and Lions Mane?, is Amyloban3399 an extract of lions mane?

The case study of the Japanese schizophrenic who recovered was given Amyloban3399 not Lions Mane, I thought Lions Mane itself would help me Amyloban3399 is a lot more expensive.

#89 FunSponge

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Posted 03 December 2018 - 10:10 AM

I'm been advised by a member on reddit that my psychosis is the result of lead poisoning from the gasoline, there is info on lead induced psychosis, there is something called Emeramed that can remove the lead I'm ordering it this week.

What do you guys think?

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#90 BrankLucas

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Posted 03 December 2018 - 10:50 AM

I could order bacopa online that's not a problem, my own family doctor won't refer me to a neurologist let alone getting any scans done, I had an MRI which showed up nothing, I wish I could explain what's wrong in my head it's like a condition I have to live with 24/7, it shows up in photographs but I can't explain it, it's constant psychosis I guess, Iv read inhalants damage the hippocampus so would think the NSI would help, inhalants also damage meylin so maybe there's something I can take for that.

Been living with this for 20 years I'm almost 36, I had a great future before the inhalants, fuck sake.


I don't know if or what you tried as far as escalating or getting another doctor, but try to get a second opinion, or complain or escalate the issue. And beyond just submitting forms, try to directly contact people above your doctor in the administration. One time I needed access to money in my paypal account, so I spent an hour calling the support line and the savages just read off the same script more than 20 times and didn't help me. So I got an old 3 year old phone number of an internal employee, and spent an hour incrementing the number going through all the random offices in their building, until I managed to find an executive to that fixed my issue. In your case though you would probably want to find health service or hospital administrators specifically and email and call them, not call random numbers. Or even try contacting your MP's office.


Also just so you know, I have limitless dihexa and it's real, if impure. I know because I'm currently fighting off psychosis at various points during the week since taking a lot of it at the beginning of the week. Not because of the dihexa itself, but because I need dopaminergic substances to live and for my anhedonia, I stopped responding to them but they were still in my system, and dihexa immediately made me increasingly sensitive to the effects, so it definitely works. Your problem may not be fixed by it though.


Also, Ireland only completely phased out leaded petrol 20 years ago so it's possible you might actually have lead poisoning. The website already lets us know that you can buy it from China, it's in limited drug trials so you can try to get in but don't expect anything. You might want to get the chinese version and test it. They have a picture on there showing it has some impurities, but we all take chinese drugs and nobody really gets hurt so it's probably not as bad as it likely sounds

Edited by BrankLucas, 03 December 2018 - 10:57 AM.

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