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Iodine- consensus please


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#1 experimenting

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Posted 14 December 2018 - 03:24 PM

Some seem to have had near-God experience with it, others are more circumspect.

What are its actual effects, are we deficienct, how should we supplement etc please?

#2 dosquito

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Posted 14 December 2018 - 05:33 PM

I really wish we could form a consensus here. I've used it on and off. I kind of lean towards the opinion these days that it's just another thing bullshitters tend to bullshit about. The whole concept of halide displacement is suspect / probably total bogus. The doses are beyond any natural reasonable limit. The "detox reactions" fit the typical bullshit narrative quite well. It seems to make you feel better for a while but ultimately just burns out your thyroid. You probably just don't want to fuck with your thyroid period. 


I used to do up to 50mg a day as a teenager and I'm fine now...I guess? Who knows what damage it did or did not do. I'm 26 now and took half an iodoral for a couple months recently. It seemed to give me some good energy for a while, then I couldn't really tell anymore or it was just making me feel weird. 


In worst case, you could trigger irreversible hashimoto's. Of course, proponents will say blah blah companion nutrients etc. They have an explanation for everything, but they really have to bend over backwards.


The most popular "doctor" who's cited is a total nut who spends half his time talking about the bible.


It catches on among the crazies because it has noticeable positive effects, at least for a while, and the "Detox reaction" narrative is a favorite among the crazies.


It also fits the crazy narrative well because of false information about fluoride accumulating in the pineal gland. I think this was disproven as well, but I could be wrong.


The conservative option is to take some kelp-based iodine once a week.

Edited by dosquito, 14 December 2018 - 05:37 PM.

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#3 jack black

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Posted 14 December 2018 - 07:18 PM

OP: have you searched? https://www.longecit...ted-supplement/

#4 experimenting

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Posted 14 December 2018 - 08:35 PM

OP: have you searched? https://www.longecit...ted-supplement/

Well, the title "magical miracle" was exactly my point. It's hard not to meet such a moniker without skepticism.

And of course, with regards to thyroid health, it's easy to get tricked into thinking one is hypothyroid, with the symptoms being generic sluggishness and low mood-whicu could be due to a thousand other things.

I'm in the process of building a stack so trying this out. Well my n=1 trial is underway, 300mcg from kelp. Umm...not much so far? A bit of skin warming and generic weirdness, and that was largely it.

As for the detox narrative, it does seem like complete nonsense with Google searches yielding only new age-y websites claiming everyone's been poisoned with halides and iodine is this super secret magical cure the world government/illuminati doesn't want you to know about. But if anyone had any research or evidence to the contrary I'd love to see it.

Edited by experimenting, 14 December 2018 - 08:43 PM.

#5 dosquito

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Posted 14 December 2018 - 09:49 PM

Well, the title "magical miracle" was exactly my point. It's hard not to meet such a moniker without skepticism.

And of course, with regards to thyroid health, it's easy to get tricked into thinking one is hypothyroid, with the symptoms being generic sluggishness and low mood-whicu could be due to a thousand other things.

I'm in the process of building a stack so trying this out. Well my n=1 trial is underway, 300mcg from kelp. Umm...not much so far? A bit of skin warming and generic weirdness, and that was largely it.

As for the detox narrative, it does seem like complete nonsense with Google searches yielding only new age-y websites claiming everyone's been poisoned with halides and iodine is this super secret magical cure the world government/illuminati doesn't want you to know about. But if anyone had any research or evidence to the contrary I'd love to see it.


Plus the thyroid panels are complicated and they will always just tell you the dr doesn't u nderstand why you're actually hypothyroid anyway


It's a brilliant scam because it "works" for everything and provides hyperthyroid energy for a while

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#6 baccheion

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Posted 15 December 2018 - 09:31 PM

I have better effects when I apply potassium iodide topically. I'm still trying make it work via oral consumption. Add companion nutrients, especially 200 mcg L-selenomethionine.

Edited by baccheion, 15 December 2018 - 09:32 PM.

#7 jack black

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Posted 17 December 2018 - 04:43 PM

for the sake of experiment, I took it for the first time on saturday night, about 1.5mg KI in liquid form. in the next couple of hrs I did feel more energy, but I'm a night person, so this was not surprising. Then i woke up in the middle of night hot, but i realized the thermostat was not as low as like during the night, so no working, right? Well, next day I was not hungry at all despite hard physical work (motivation was very good, especially since I tend to be lazy on weekends) and when I ate only once in PM, it was very healthy/low carb food and I didn't feel like snaking later in the evening that is typical for me. The only negative was I had a glass of wine and that gave me a bad headache. It felt like I got strong dopamine effect next day and the dose of ETOH put me in dopamine overdose zone. I had exactly the same effect after concerta.

This is weird, I read that some people get hypothyroid and some hyperthyroid after high dose iodine, but I didn't know about the dopamine connection.


here is a reference I found:



Iodine and Dopamine

Thyroid hormones play a role in dopamine release in the brain.[vii] One study showed that an imbalance between thyroid hormones and dopamine could be responsible for restless leg syndrome.[viii]






Edit: I have no known thyroid disease, but drink a lot of tap water that is obviously fluorinated, so maybe there is some iodine deficit lurking?.


Edited by jack black, 17 December 2018 - 04:49 PM.

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