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Outreach Campaign: 200,000 --Survey Questions--

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#1 mrfesta

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Posted 29 April 2006 - 01:28 AM

My main purpose of creating the survey was to increase the awareness of subjects related to life extension for the general public. Cause them to walk away from the survey thinking about the subject and hopfully compel them to want more information.

Collecting good data would just be a perk [lol]

But I'm open to suggestions if this philiosphy should be changed.

Anyways, if you have suggestions for survey questions post them here,

#2 mrfesta

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Posted 29 April 2006 - 01:31 AM

Some suggestions could be drawn from Ben Best's "Life Extension Values Clarification Survey"


#3 Live Forever

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Posted 29 April 2006 - 05:01 AM

Of course if you are trying to convince someone of something, it is always best to use "leading" questions, however this will skew the results to results you want.

Also, I would encourage some "time frame" type questions, such as (note: leading questions):

Since life expectancy is now increasing at a rate of approximately 0.25 years every year, and is expected to begin to increase much faster in the near future, how long do you think it will be until aging is slowed enough to expect to live until the age 150? (or you could use 175, 200, etc.)

Because of all of the recent research into the elimination of aging and aging related diseases, when do you think people will be able to live to the age of 500?
(notice here, I didn't ask if it would be possible, I pre-supposed it, not giving them the chance to say "no, it wont ever be possible")

Some opinion questions might be good as well:

Since many experts now believe that an elimination (and reversal) of aging will occur in the next 25-60 years, would you use these "rejuvenation therapies" to keep yourself young and fit when they become available?
(Notice how I not only give a leading question, but I give them a question that is hard to say "no" to. If the question ended "would you like to postpone death?" or something like that instead of "would you use these "rejuvenation therapies" to keep yourself young and fit when they become available?" they would be more likely to say "no")


#4 John Schloendorn

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Posted 29 April 2006 - 09:13 PM

Ok, first things first, thanks for making this happen! We need to keep pushing the envelope on all frontlines. It is great see such aggressive and creative outreach people working for the good cause.

So here's the deal... You may have read that I'm planning an extensive campaign calling for soil donations from interesting habitats around the world, for use in my LysoSENS project. In particular, the next wave of samples I hope to attract is intended to target the really tough A2E compound, and make environmental DNA libraries for later use against neurodegeneration-associated peptides.

Do you think it's a good idea to place a small ad in your survey pointing to my call for soils? I believe this may benefit your end (advertisement of the cause), because it provides an opportunity to learn how things actually work and get involved easily if one wants to. I found that the LysoSENS strategy in general makes a great story to show people how smart SENS really is. I would re-write the call for samples to specifically suit the audience you can attract.

If you have other ideas or are uncomfortable with the ad, please say so right away, and perhaps we can figure out other ways we might collaborate in the soil campaign, once you are no longer busy with the survey.

When do you think you will have the survey up and running, and what's your timeframe for its progress?

#5 mrfesta

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Posted 30 April 2006 - 07:28 AM

I created an account with Zoomerang to weight the benefits and drawbacks of using them vs a script.

For example,

Ben Best's Survey (script) : http://www.benbest.c.../LE_Survey.php


Same one on zoomerang: http://www.zoomerang...B2259RDN3JQM

If you want to try out the features, I made a demo account you all can use:

Your username is: jfesta2@gmail.com
Your password is: survey100

#6 mrfesta

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Posted 30 April 2006 - 08:27 PM

This could be a major drawback to Zoomerang.

From the FAQs

Can there be multiple users of a single account?

Zoomerang accounts are for individual use. Zoomerang does not allow account sharing by multiple users and individual accounts cannot be associated with a master account.

#7 wall

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Posted 01 May 2006 - 02:21 AM

I would use this:


#8 wall

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Posted 01 May 2006 - 03:43 AM

quick sample setup of the above survey script

I would probobly modify the template quite a bit and make the front page look more professional but that gives you an idea of the survey part of that script.

#9 wall

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Posted 01 May 2006 - 03:54 AM

Don't use the zoomerang site that thing is setup to be a traffic stealer. If you want I could build this site for you pretty easily. I promise to make it look good and function great. I am actually just getting started in professional web development and could use a couple more projects to add to my portfolio. I'll even host it for free all I ask is to be able to put a small text "designed and hosted by" link at the bottom by the copyright info.

#10 mrfesta

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Posted 01 May 2006 - 04:29 AM

quick sample setup of the above survey script

I would probobly modify the template quite a bit and make the front page look more professional but that gives you an idea of the survey part of that script.

Wow that looks nice. Does the script offer an unlimited number of responses? If so, has my vote =) I also like the feature where you can make the survey private and require a password. That might turn people away or make them feel more important that they received a password to participate in the survey.

#11 wall

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Posted 01 May 2006 - 04:44 AM

Does the script offer an unlimited number of responses? 


(features list from the website)

Some of the features of UCCASS include:
- Web-based installation
- Smarty template engine and ADOdb database abstraction layer
- Unlimited surveys, questions, and answers with public and private surveys and results
- Answers can be large or small text areas, multiple choice with the ability to choose one or more answers, and matrix (or grid) type layouts and questions can be marked as required or optional
- Dependencies allow questions to be hidden or required based upon answers to previous questions, creating the ability to have separate branches in the survey
- Survey results shown as bar graphs with customizable images for each answer
- Survey results filtered according to the results of any question (you can view the results of all the questions just for those users to answered a specific question or questions with a specific answer or answers)
- Create a new survey from scratch or copy an existing survey so you don't have to recreate all of your work
- Complete list of features can be found in the documentation.
- Released under the Affero General Public License.

This is an open source script which means it is not only free but we can modify it however much we want.

#12 rjws

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Posted 01 May 2006 - 10:56 AM

That program looks to be the best solution, sourceforge always has a few good programs. I use to toy around with the POl Emulators on there.

#13 Live Forever

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Posted 01 May 2006 - 11:43 AM

nice wall, I like the example!

Since you seem to be a pro at this kind of stuff, I vote for your option as well (as long as it was cool with everyone else)


#14 rjws

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 01:33 AM

The site is up Thanks to Wall he has the software ready to run. We need the survey itself to put up and any links and such instead of the blackpage if you add survey to the www.lesurvey.com youll see walls work . http://lesurvey.com/survey
well fix the survey part when the time comes. anyway I think Michael assimov is working on the main thread of the survey. but lets get it rolling!!!

#15 mrfesta

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Posted 06 May 2006 - 09:02 PM

Do you think it's a good idea to place a small ad in your survey pointing to my call for soils?

When do you think you will have the survey up and running, and what's your timeframe for its progress?

A banner ad on the survey site/ or within the myspace groups wouldn't be a problem.

And hopfully soon the survey will be up and running.

#16 rjws

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Posted 07 May 2006 - 02:57 AM

Im gonna start putting up the survey this week List any questions you want answered by the generaL PUBLIC FOR CONSIDERATION or forever hold your peace!!!

#17 reason

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Posted 07 May 2006 - 03:00 AM

Please send me an email and pointer once it's up.

#18 Live Forever

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Posted 23 May 2006 - 08:51 PM

Here are the questions that Jeff and I came up with. Are there any edits, or any others that people would like to see?

Originally the first question was about where people heard about the survey, but I thought if people think it is being mailed to tons of people, as opposed to a personal message, they might be less willing to complete it. Also, I took out a few of the questions unrelated to life extension, trying to keep the focus of the survey to life extension exclusively. I didn’t know if the gender, age, etc. questions should be at the first or the end, because if the survey ended with life extension questions then it might leave more of an impression in the people who take the survey’s mind.

Jeff had some questions in there as well about the X-Prize, that I removed, but perhaps they should be put back in?

TThe Ansari X Prize was a US $10 Million cash prize, offered by the X PRIZE Foundation to spur research into a non-governmental launch of a reusable manned spacecraft. The $10 Million cash prize was won on October 4, 2004, by the Tier One project with SpaceShipOne. Have you heard of this prize before?


The next prize being offered by the X PRIZE Foundation is the Auto X Prize. The Auto X PRIZE will focus on the creation of new fuel efficient vehicles that far exceed anything available on the market today. Would you be willing to donate to this prize within the next year to increase the amount of research that will be done?
a. Yes, Over $500
b. Yes, 200 - 500
c. Yes, 1 - 200
d. Maybe
e. I defiantly will not donate

The Methuselah Mouse Prize or Mprize is modelled after the Ansari X Prize, and is currently grown larger than $3.4 Million, all with individual donations. The purpose of the Mprize is to accelerate research into slowing and eventually reversing cellular aging and breakdown in humans.
a. Yes, Over $500
b. Yes, 200 - 500
c. Yes, 1 - 200
d. Maybe
e. I defiantly will not donate

In any event, here is what we currently have, constructive criticism welcome, and if you hit on something that there was a reason for doing, I will let you know:


Thank you for helping us out by taking this survey!

1. On a level from 1 to 5, with 1 knowing nothing, and 5 being an expert, what would you judge your level of knowledge to be in the area of life extension in general?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
f. unsure

2. Do you support the use of current health practices, such as eating healthy, exercising, etc., to extend lifespans?
a. Yes
b. No

3. Do you support the current medical practices aimed at increasing lifespans? (open heart surgery, cancer treatment, defibrillators, etc.)
a. Yes
b. No

4. Keeping in mind your answer to the previous two questions, and given the fact that many experts believe that the reversal of aging will be possible sometime in the next few decades, would you be willing to use such age reversing treatments to keep yourself (and others) young and healthy?
a. Yes, Definitely
b. Yes, Maybe
c. No, Definitely not

5. Because of the recent surge in research into the elimination of aging and aging related diseases, and the fact that many top scientists in the field believe it will be possible to stop and reverse the aging process in the next few decades, when do you, personally, think it will be possible to completely stop and reverse the process of aging?
a. 0-15 years
b. 15-30 years
c. 30-45 years
d. 45-60 years
e. 60-75 years
f. longer than 75 years

6. The non-profit Methuselah Mouse Prize (a.k.a. M-Prize), which is modeled after the highly successful X-Prize, but with the goal of conquering aging, has a current prize amount of around $3.5 million. Have you heard of this prize before? (multiple choice buttons)
a. Yes
b. No

7. Since the M-Prize is an effort supported by many experts in the field as a way to reverse the aging process, would you be willing to donate to this prize within the next year to increase the amount of anti-aging research?
a. Yes, Over $500
b. Yes, $200 - $500
c. Yes, $1 - $200
d. Maybe
e. I definitely will not donate

8. Are you aware of the existence of such sites as the the Immortality Institute, BetterHumans, SENS.org, or any of the other extreme life extension or transhumanist sites on the internet?
a. Yes, visit frequently
b. Yes, I have heard of them, but do not visit frequently
c. No, I have not heard of them

9. Since lifespans will be increasing drastically in the coming decades after aging has been eliminated, and given that many of your family and friends will be living drastically longer lifespans, what lifespan would you like to live to, given the choice?
a. 70-100 years
b. 100-150 years
c. 150-200 years
d. 200-500 years
e. 500-1000 years
f. longer than 1000 years

10. Keeping in mind that when these life extension technologies become available, they will allow you to live longer healthy lifespans (in other words keeping you perpetually “young”), at what biological age would you like to stay at, if given the choice?
a. around the biological age of 20
b. around the biological age of 25
c. around the biological age of 30
d. around the biological age of 35
e. around the biological age of 40
f. older than the biological age of 40

11. What is your current age?
a. under 18
b. 19 to 25
c. 26 to 35
d. 36 to 45
e. 46 to 55
f. 56 to 65
g. 66 to 75
h. older than 75

12. What is your gender?
a. Male
b. Female

13. What is your highest level of education?
a. Some High School
b. High School Graduate or GED
c. Some College
d. College Graduate (Bachelor’s)
e. Master’s
f. Ph.D. or Doctorate

14. What is your religious affiliation? (drop down options)
a. Catholic Christian
b. Protestant Christian
c. Mormon
d. Muslim
e. Jewish
f. Hindu
g. Buddhist
h. Atheist
i. Agnostic
j. Other, Religious
k. Other, Non-Religious

15. Questions/Comments/Concerns for the creators of this survey?
(Text Box for people to fill in)

Some common FAQs on Anti-aging.

Edited by Live Forever, 24 May 2006 - 01:37 AM.

#19 mrfesta

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Posted 25 May 2006 - 12:16 AM

If there are no comments we will use the survey questions above in combination with the questions currently listed on www.lesurvey.com.

I'm anxious to start sending out the invitations

#20 jholmes763

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Posted 27 May 2006 - 06:04 PM

Hey guys and gals. I appreciate you using my software to conduct your survey, but I noticed you removed the copyright information and link to my site at the bottom. Can you please replace that? Feel free to add your own copyright covering the new template, which is really nice, btw. Thanks.

---John Holmes...

#21 rjws

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Posted 28 May 2006 - 01:24 PM

I asked wall to put it back cause he set it up and I never seen it to know what it said but we will get it up .. Thanks for letting us use the software it works great!

#22 jholmes763

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Posted 28 May 2006 - 02:39 PM

Thanks. :)

#23 wall

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Posted 28 May 2006 - 08:06 PM


#24 Live Forever

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Posted 28 May 2006 - 08:23 PM

Just a thought, it might not be wise to allow the results to be displayed by just anyone, since they are mostly negative. (could do more harm than good) At least the final "comments" should be hidden, if nothing else (especially since they are labeled as "for the creators of this survey", and not for everyone to view.

#25 rjws

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Posted 28 May 2006 - 09:34 PM

It can be done.. I hope by seeing the survey results tho here at imminst we understand what we need to accomplish better.

#26 Live Forever

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Posted 28 May 2006 - 11:21 PM

It can be done.. I hope by seeing the survey results tho here at imminst we understand what we need to accomplish better.

Aah, yes, I agree. I meant for the public at large that are the ones taking the poll. Results could be provided to Imminst, but not the general public, no? In any event, just a thought I had, it may not be a good one. (as they sometimes aren't [wis] )

#27 John Schloendorn

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Posted 14 June 2006 - 05:02 AM

OK guys, I'm ready for soil, as detailed here. What's the status of the survey? If up and running, can you link from it to here? If you would like to design a little banner or something I'd be grateful, if you have no time, I can do it, but I thought it'd be fun for you guys ;-) I am also building a separate web page to explain the soil campaign more coherently than it is in the imminst thread. I will post the link when it's up, which should be some time this week, but can you please just link to the thread for the time being, this gives us imminst visitors too after all.

#28 rjws

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Posted 14 June 2006 - 11:52 AM

Yea its up and running with around 200 post takers. We havn't put up any links yet its something I've been wanting to do just can't find the time. I might can get to it Thursday, Or if wall sees this he can do it in a sec. He's a Jedi Master to my padawan in web design lol.

#29 Live Forever

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Posted 14 June 2006 - 07:08 PM

We could probably put it on the splash page that pops up at the end. It now has links to the MPrize, but adding a link to the soil thread should be easy. I am working right now, but if I have time later today or tomorrow I will jump on it.

#30 John Schloendorn

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Posted 14 June 2006 - 08:06 PM

Glorious, thanks guys!

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