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#1 kottke

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Posted 29 April 2006 - 04:48 AM

Has anyone tried this stuff out? Im trying to start a new daily vitamin and this stuff looks straight up awesome, im definantly willing to pay the money if its as good as it says.

#2 Ghostrider

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Posted 29 April 2006 - 05:53 AM

I have not tried Ortho-Core, but someone, kevink recommended it to me. I think it sounds like one of the best multi-vitamins that you can buy. It's expensive, but so is your health. I purchased a bottle of AOR's Ortho-Mind. I have never exceeded 3 pills, but that stuff does not really do that much for me. It made me drowsy at first. Depends on what you are looking for I guess.

#3 FunkOdyssey

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Posted 29 April 2006 - 04:50 PM

Has anyone tried this stuff out? Im trying to start a new daily vitamin and this stuff looks straight up awesome, im definantly willing to pay the money if its as good as it says.

Yes, many people here use Ortho-Core and are very happy with it, myself included. It includes vitamins and minerals found in NO other product (PQQ, Lithium), mixed tocopherols AND tocotrienols, etc. The formulation has been researched to the hilt. Go for it. [thumb]

#4 xanadu

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Posted 29 April 2006 - 06:37 PM

Do people usually take the whole 9 caps a day or do they take a lesser amount?

#5 Shepard

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Posted 01 May 2006 - 06:59 PM

I take the full 9, and some other various vitamins/minerals on top of it. I guess it depends on your personal philosophy/budget.

#6 rfarris

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Posted 01 May 2006 - 07:50 PM

Do people usually take the whole 9 caps a day or do they take a lesser amount?

I'm taking the full 9 capsules of Ortho-Core and 4 capsules of AOR's Network Synergy, but I'm only taking 4 capsules (as opposed to 6 capsules) of AOR's Ortho-Mind.

#7 xanadu

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Posted 01 May 2006 - 08:56 PM

They say "up to" 9 caps per day. They don't recomend 9 for everyone. I'm taking 6 a day right now but I take a lot of other things. I take a B complex, extra beta carotene, various minerals and other supplements. I won't bore you with my whole regimen. I also take several noots. I like the fact that the ortho core is giving me the good forms of E as well as resveratrol and other things. If I thought I needed 9 I would take them but I'm not sure I do. Anyone else take less than 9 a day? Why or why not?

#8 Shepard

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Posted 01 May 2006 - 09:54 PM

I know Opales takes a "half-dose" of Ortho-Core, but I'm not sure if that is 4 or 5. I'm sure you're aware of his reasoning on that, though.

#9 kottke

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 12:10 AM

Thanks for the advice guys i just oredered it yesterday. I think it will be well worth its price, and speaking of price i also just ordered some LEF super epa/dha for 23.75$ with free shipping!. Now thats a killer deal http://lifeextension...ensionvitamins/. They seem legit and its first class priority mail too! Just some heads up for all you phish heads out there. I had been reading extensively on whether or not to get EPA or the combination. I finally came to the conclusion to get the LEF Super because of its anoxidant mechanism during metabolism of the omegas. Also the EPA was too pricey, and im not prepared to make a popriotory blend to supress the EPAs negative effects. EPA does seem the way to go though for the brain though. ~KOTTKE

#10 mitkat

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 12:25 AM

I take 4-5 ortho-core a day, among other supplements...and I have finally resigned to taking a fish oil supplement for the time being (an experiment in vegetarian deviation, if you will) - I had read about these and they seemed amazing, and they actually taste good :) IMO, one of the best all-round fish oils on the market - pharmaceutical quality, molecularly distilled, third party tested. http://www.ascentahe...traSeaCaps.html

#11 kenj

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 08:19 AM

I take 6.

#12 kottke

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 04:46 PM

do get you get a nice since of wellbeing off of the core?

#13 FunkOdyssey

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 06:39 PM

No -- I don't think its possible to feel much in the way of noticeable effects from a multivitamin, unless you had some deficiency that is now corrected. Its more a peace-of-mind thing.

#14 kevink

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Posted 02 May 2006 - 11:12 PM

I take all 9.

QUOTE[/b] (snyp40a1)<!--QuoteEBegin]
I purchased a bottle of AOR's Ortho-Mind.  I have never exceeded 3 pills, but that stuff does not really do that much for me.  It made me drowsy at first.  Depends on what you are looking for I guess.

Hmmm...sorry to hear that. Everyone is different so it might not be for you. I don't take Ortho-Mind anymore because I wanted individual control over the ingredients (and don't like long term Hup-A use).

Maybe others can comment, but I'd say you haven't tried Ortho-Mind until you go for all 6. Not that anyone should jump into the 6 at a time right from the start, but maybe ease in with a 3 AM and 3 Early PM schedule.

Many of the ingredients in Ortho-Mind ARE NOT at the recommended useful dosage unless you take 6 of them...and even then a couple are slightly under the dose many people would want to take. IIRC.

And if you're sleepy, give it a few days. Also, check your choline intake since that may be the culprit (low choline level?). There are food sources of choline if you don't have any Alpha-GPC or CDP on hand.

Depending on how many you have left...I suggest you try it out like that until the bottle is gone.

#15 Pablo M

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Posted 04 May 2006 - 11:44 PM

I take 4-5 caps of the 'Core. Usually i have 2 larger meals and 1 smaller one, so it works out well.

BTW everyone watch for my post comparing AOR's OrthoCore to LEF's Life Extension Mix. Which is the better choice for the Immortalist? That's OC vs. LEM, some time this millenium on the Immortality Institute web forums!

#16 ageless

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Posted 05 May 2006 - 11:16 AM

Ortho Core is awesome...and I honestly will not take another multi EVER!

#17 scottl

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Posted 05 May 2006 - 01:03 PM

I take 4-5 caps of the 'Core. Usually i have 2 larger meals and 1 smaller one, so it works out well.

BTW everyone watch for my post comparing AOR's OrthoCore to LEF's Life Extension Mix. Which is the better choice for the Immortalist? That's OC vs. LEM, some time this millenium on the Immortality Institute web forums!

FWIW LEF seems to have gotten many many things right in my opinion and that of many others. If they had not F'ed the vitamin E (too much alpha tocopherol) and if they had e.g. all ascorbate instead of ascorbic acid I would be taking it and recommending it.

NB: I am on the...agressive approach to supps (as opposed to...others here).

As to pyro whatever that stuff is called there is whopping amounts of it in cocoa and I take unsweetned cocoa regularly (cocoa + pinch stevia + water).

Edit: there ain't enough vit C, vit E, B vits in othos core. IMHO

#18 FunkOdyssey

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Posted 05 May 2006 - 01:10 PM

Edit: there ain't enough vit C, vit E, B vits in othos core. IMHO

On a practical note, Ortho-Core would still be less expensive to take on a monthly basis than the LEF Mix even if you added additional vitamin C, b-complex, and vitamin E to the cost of Ortho-Core.

#19 scottl

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Posted 05 May 2006 - 04:09 PM

On a practical note, Ortho-Core would still be less expensive to take on a monthly basis than the LEF Mix even if you added additional vitamin C, b-complex, and vitamin E to the cost of Ortho-Core.

It's not a bad compromise. I personally would add more zinc and look at the rest of the AOR ingredients, but a very reasonable idea.

Of course by doing that you admit that you don't subscribe to the philosophy of the folks who designed it, and you're more in line with the LEF school of thought. At which point I would look at which else LEF is putting in their's (no idea off the top of my head) and see if some/all of those made sense also.

#20 xanadu

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Posted 05 May 2006 - 08:03 PM

I take extra C, B complex and many minerals and other supplements as well as a good diet. If I was only depending on one multi, I would take the 9 a day instead of 6. No one has presented a case in favor of taking all 9 regardless. I take 6 a day mostly for the things I'm not getting in my other supplements and was not getting in my cheapo multi. It seems like most of us are custom making our vitamin and mineral regimens rather than just popping some pill which has it all.

#21 Shepard

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Posted 05 May 2006 - 10:06 PM

Why would you not want to take 9 (other than budget)? I can't see anything in Ortho-Core at the full dose that I would consider too much.

#22 kevink

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Posted 05 May 2006 - 11:13 PM

I agree.

I take 9 because AOR presented a good case (I thought) in justifying their amounts (people can search the posts way back when by AORSupport and also read their free PDF articles somewhere on their site).

I also want the Ortho-Core max given my age - which I might not care about if I were 20.

Anyway - to each his own. It's great that both Ortho-Core and LEF Mix let you decide how many caps to take. I prefer the core because I want a strong general foundation built with top notch ingredients. I can tweak or not tweak as I see fit. LEF has too much "stuff" in it for me.

Personal experience - I felt "horrible" on LEF mix but didn't really notice it until I switched to Ortho-Core. It was night and day. I still have 2 bottles of LEF Mix in the fridge. :)

#23 xanadu

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Posted 05 May 2006 - 11:34 PM

shepard wrote:

" Why would you not want to take 9 (other than budget)? I can't see anything in Ortho-Core at the full dose that I would consider too much."

You could say the same about a lot of things. Why not take an oz of vit C every day? It won't hurt you. Why not take 5000% RDA of all non toxic nutrients? Some people do but I prefer to have a reason to take a certain amount. Plus there is the fact that the maker says "up to" 9 caps a day. I've never seen a manufacturor recommend a too small dose, they generally recommend the max you can take whether its a supplement or garden ferts. Same with any product, really, they want you to use it up fast. If they say "up to" 9 rather than just take 9, it makes me stop and think. Plus, they do cost something and that 30 some odd cents a day I'm saving might come in usefull one of these days. I don't take something because it won't hurt me, I take it because I need it. Is 9 going to do something for me that 6 don't do? I guess it depends.

#24 Shepard

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Posted 06 May 2006 - 12:11 AM

How much is an ounce of Vitamin C?

Anyway, the dosages are such in Ortho-Core where I wouldn't want 2/3 of the advertised levels. But, that's just me.

#25 doug123

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Posted 06 May 2006 - 06:23 AM

I take 9 because AOR presented a good case

The only foul I've ever called on AOR -- was for the inclusion of Splenda® in one of their products. It must have happened after MR stopped working for them. Otherwise, the stuff he formulated for them is no joke. Have you ever checked out MR's extensive literature he wrote for the AOR newsletters? By far the best scientific presentation I've seen. Edit: I think Dr. Traj P.S. Nibber also contributed to these.

These are some of my personal favorites (Some go far back as 2000 -- I am pretty sure he wrote all of these)...

Benfotiamine: Fights the "Caramelization of the Flesh"

Half Your Lipoic Acid is Working Against You!

Carnosine: The Most Exciting Anti-Aging Nutrient

PS is Passé: Citicoline: The New Phospholipid Prescription

Choline Alfoscerate


Edited by opales, 07 May 2006 - 03:37 AM.

#26 opales

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Posted 06 May 2006 - 12:14 PM

The only foul I've ever called on AOR -- was for the inclusion of Splenda® in one of their products.  It must have happened after MR stopped working for them.

Let's not make any assumptions about Mike having any problems with Splenda.

Edited by opales, 07 May 2006 - 09:35 AM.

#27 opales

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Posted 06 May 2006 - 12:52 PM

I take 9 because AOR presented a good case (I thought) in justifying their amounts (people can search the posts way back when by AORSupport and also read their free PDF articles somewhere on their site).

I think the amounts in Ortho-Core really have fair amount of scientific evidence backing them as the optimal level of a given substance. However, we must also realize that we are getting these same substances also from diet, and those amounts should also be taken into account. Thus, a full dose Ortho-Core is not justified, for most people I'd say 50%-75% would be preferable (+ cheaper).

Anyone disagree? AORsupport?

#28 Athanasios

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Posted 06 May 2006 - 02:44 PM

Possibly. I was thinking something similar, like dropping down to 6 or 7, but then I decided to stay with the full dose for now. One of the resons was that the idea that some of those things were to be obtained through the diet was taken into account when they made the pill. Read the downloadable PDF to see them mention this in various places.

My guess, is that they put the full dose of those ingredients that when obtaining more through diet would not be a problem, but they dropped the amounts in what ingredients they thought may be counterproductive if too much was obtained through diet and supplementation (read: not full clinical dose).

#29 xanadu

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Posted 06 May 2006 - 07:51 PM

I tend to agree with Opales on this one. Not only am I getting many of these things in my diet but I'm also taking a B complex, extra C plus minerals and so on which the Ortho Core is itself a little low on. At any rate, I'm doing better than I was when I was using just a cheapo multi along with my other supplements. 6 Ortho's must be better than 1 cheap multi.

#30 kottke

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Posted 09 May 2006 - 01:10 AM

I have felt the Ortho and it is the Core.

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