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I finally found a combo that works for my stress-induced social anxiety


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#1 kurdishfella

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Posted 10 January 2019 - 06:05 PM

After trying many drugs I decided to look into the science of anxiety, well I don't pretend like I am smart or anything and it was pretty easy for me to find that my anxiety was caused by the CRHR1 gene. When this receptor is activated it increases anxiety but too little of it also causes fear due to low dopamine in certain part of the brain, but it is always better to have less activity of this gene. Anyway, since there are no CRHR1 antagonist accessible on the market and the ones that have been made like Antalarmin or Pexacerfont are still not available to be prescribed by doctors and probably won't be anytime soon, I decided to find drugs that are already out that have different mechanisms but just happen to also influence the CRHR1 receptors.

To make a long story short, I come to the conclusion of two drugs, Olanzapine & Valproic Acid. They both affect CRHR1 receptors in the brain in different ways, the former drug inhibits stimulated CRH release (CRH is the ligand which activates CRHR1 receptors) in the hippocampus which reduces anxiety there and which causes indirect effects to other regions. The latter is more powerful, it reduces CRHR1 and affects many areas, Cortex /CRHR1 decrease binding) and Basal(decrease CRH) & Central amygdala(decrease CRH) and many other insignificant areas. And yes CRHR1 or CRH is the target. So I'm currently on 2000mg valproic acid and 20mg olanzapine and I can with confidence say I'm completely anxiety-free, so much that I feel like it is dangerous. What do I mean by that? well I feel like there has to be a healthy level amount of anxiety to keep you from doing stupid shit, but on this combo I feel like I can't feel danger and I end up doing some shit that puts me in bad situations. I don't know if it is cause I had anxiety for so long which has made me stronger so when the anxiety is gone I feel it more due to the strength that I got from the years of anxiety, hard to explain. If anyone has trouble with SA(social anxiety) try this combo it works great for me. I can compare it to stronger than xanax. Preferred a real CRF1 antagonist tho less side effects and work more efficient but this will do for now. Also other ligands can bind to CRHR1 lile urocortin etc so decreasing CRH is not 100% efficient you need something that decreases CRHR1 binding or something, but like I said this will do and it works.

Edited by farshad, 10 January 2019 - 07:00 PM.

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#2 MichaelFocus22

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Posted 10 January 2019 - 06:16 PM

Did you have gene testing done? This might be worth investigating for more  chemical specific treatments for ADHD.

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#3 kurdishfella

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Posted 10 January 2019 - 07:03 PM

Did you have gene testing done? This might be worth investigating for more  chemical specific treatments for ADHD.

I have uploaded my genome to a site called selfdecode and it confirmed what I thought, I have CRHR1 mutation. And so I found drugs to target this and it works. And I don't have ADHD.

#4 jack black

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Posted 11 January 2019 - 06:09 PM

this is all interesting, but these are not the type of meds I would like to take long term (antipsychotics are neurotoxic and valproic acid dulls cognition).

if you got this strong effect, please lower the doses to lowest that are still effective.

#5 kurdishfella

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Posted 12 January 2019 - 10:02 AM

this is all interesting, but these are not the type of meds I would like to take long term (antipsychotics are neurotoxic and valproic acid dulls cognition).

if you got this strong effect, please lower the doses to lowest that are still effective.

I have no choice but to take them longterm it is either take these or live with anxiety and not function... I will just hope in the near future crf1 antagonist come out.

I will try and lower the dose see if it works but on valproic acid there was a study done in panic attack patients which used up to like 2000mg a day. But in a different ''study'' a woman  with anxiety was taking 1000mg .. 



the dose of her medication, venlafaxine, was reduced to 75 mg/day and valproate 1000 mg/day was started. Within one week, venlafaxine dose was reduced to 37.5 mg/day; valproic acid in the blood level was measured on the 10th day of the treatment. The patient, whose blood valproic acid level was 73 µg/mL, reported that she was feeling very good and almost free from anxiety, tension; however, she had slight dizziness. Within four days, venlafaxine was completely stopped and valproate treatment at a dose of 1000 mg/day continued. Her valproic acid level was 78 µg/mL at control examination one month later; she told that she was feeling completely relaxed, she did not have any anxiety, uneasiness, or tension and she also did not have dizziness. The patient, who was invited to follow-up visits every three months, was free of any psychiatric complaints at the sixth month of her treatment.


I guess I could lower the olanzapine dose to 10mg, but some study were a guy wasn't responding to 20mg but 40mg -60mg he responded to but I dont think he had any anxiety issues i think it was for bipolar.

Edited by farshad, 12 January 2019 - 10:06 AM.

#6 MichaelFocus22

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Posted 12 January 2019 - 06:35 PM

Just do what is best for you and you should be fine frankly. However, if what you do have is indeed genetic then it makes sense that you continue to introduce this substance to remove the anxiety. My real wonder, is can you manage this without medication because often times, anxiety is almost always a Co-morbidity with another disorder, so you should keep this in mind as well within other respects. If you can manage this disorder,  by introducing foods and things of deeper consequence then this might be useful. Have you explored perhaps, an Anti-Anxiety diet? I'm not even sure that exists, but the bottom line is medication should be last resort until you have exhausted everything. Then if you have then, use medication but do what works for you.

Edited by DrewMichael21, 12 January 2019 - 06:36 PM.

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#7 John250

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Posted 12 January 2019 - 07:37 PM

Keep an eye on your liver values well using Depakote. Are used it like five years ago when one of my psychiatrist thought I was mildly atypical bipolar even though he turned out to be a quack and was wrong. I will say that from what I noticed it made me very fatigued but it did stabilize my mood. I feel the mood stabilization came more from the fatigue and the general anhedonia it causes. I can’t recall if my dosage was 500mg/day or 1000mg/day but my Valproic acids levels were where the doctor said he wanted them at 67(range 50-100). I eventually stopped because my ALT/AST went up about 300%. He then switched me to Trileptal(Oxcarbazepine) and Lamical. Oxcarbazepine did nothing other than make me exhausted but had no effect on my hepatic function. Lamical also did nothing but caused less fatigue and also had no effect on my hepatic function.

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