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fasting followed by c60 olive oil dosing

c60 fasting

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#1 ClarkSims

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Posted 17 November 2019 - 11:53 PM

I reread the Biatti experiment, and this section stuck out to me:

Before C 60 administration, the rats were fasted overnight but with access to
water. The same single dose of C 60 (4 mg/kg bw) was delivered orally, through
a gavage needle, or intra-peritoneally to two groups of three rats.


An overnight fast for a rat, is analogous to a much longer fast for a human. Biatti's methods were also different than most other c60 experiments in that he used several large doses, spaced out over a long period of time.


I thought that maybe I have been taking c60 all wrong, by doing a tablespoon of c60 olive oil / day. I decided to consume a large amount after my 1 week water fast. I do a week long water fast, every two or three months. I consumed about 300 ml of my strongest most purple c60 olive oil when I started to break my fast on day 8.  (to be precise, 1 day low cal keto / vegan, 6 days water fast, 1 day low cal).   I had been dreaming of yogurt and almonds and chocolate, so I also had a small serving of yogurt.


I am not sure what happened. I think my blood sugar spiked, and I had a 'pseudo diabetic' shock from the lactose in the yogurt. I was so sick. I moped around most of the day, and got over my nausea, with ultra dry, small wafers of toast, dipped in olive oil.


I strongly suspect the rats in the experiment, would run from the site and smell of c60 olive oil after their dose. I have been eating olive oil ravenously since the fast, and feel that over all it was a great fast.


My strength took a quantum leap upwards after the fast. I am not sure, if this is a temporary effect, or transient, but the large black bushy hairs in my eyebrows are gone. I believe these hairs were senescent. They were certainly unsightly.


Has anyone else here suffered from 'refeeding syndrome' or 'diabetic shock' after a long fast?  I was surprised that I reacted so strongly to lactose. Though I can't be sure. It might have been the 300+ ml of c60 olive oil, or the combination of yogurt and olive oil.


I definitely wont be eating yogurt to break a fast again.

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#2 dlewis1453

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Posted 19 November 2019 - 07:38 PM

This is very interesting ClarkSims.I have actually been wondering lately what would happen if someone did precisely this. Prolonged water fasts strongly boost autophagy and also boost stem cell mobilization during the refeeding stage. You may already be aware of this, but if not I recommend reading the fasting research of Valter Longo. 


Your point about an overnight fast for a rat being analogous to a much longer fast for a human is spot on. Rat's have a much faster metabolic rate than humans, so an overnight fast for a rat is probably equivalent to a several day fast for a human. 


When you say the bushy hairs in your eyebrows disappeared, do you mean that they fell out? 


Its been a few days now since your last post. Any other interesting rejuvenation or health effects? 

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#3 ClarkSims

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Posted 19 November 2019 - 07:57 PM

Well I have gained weight and strength faster than I have from previous fast. I weighed about 140 on the last day of the fast. I am about 153 now. I am doing a lot more pushups, and it is easier to do front presses.


Do be completely accurate about my bushy eyebrow hairs:

They have bugged me for a long time. They are long enough that they fall in my eyes. I pluck them once a week, or even more often, and they grow back like weeds.  They haven't grown back.


On another note:

the curly gray senescent hairs, that are thick and wirey have disappeared. I still have a lot of small baby fine gray hairs, but the big thick wirey ones are all gone. I have no idea when this happened. I did my first Valter Longo style, partial fast in about 2014. I had lots of the big curly gray hairs then. At some point in the last 5 years, they gave up.  I have done a lot of fasting, quercetin, fisetin, tocotrienol, c60 olive olive oil, and even some Dasatanib since then.  I have no idea when they disappeared.


On a related note:

My HDL was last measured at 107, and my HDL at about 60. I think this is primarily fasting related.  I think the body remembers a fast for months, and the HDL stays up for months.

Also on a related note, I don't like to look at or think about purple olive oil. I have put it all in the refrigerator, I bet Biatti's rats felt the same way.

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#4 joesixpack

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Posted 21 November 2019 - 03:35 AM

Well I have gained weight and strength faster than I have from previous fast. I weighed about 140 on the last day of the fast. I am about 153 now. I am doing a lot more pushups, and it is easier to do front presses.


Do be completely accurate about my bushy eyebrow hairs:

They have bugged me for a long time. They are long enough that they fall in my eyes. I pluck them once a week, or even more often, and they grow back like weeds.  They haven't grown back.


On another note:

the curly gray senescent hairs, that are thick and wirey have disappeared. I still have a lot of small baby fine gray hairs, but the big thick wirey ones are all gone. I have no idea when this happened. I did my first Valter Longo style, partial fast in about 2014. I had lots of the big curly gray hairs then. At some point in the last 5 years, they gave up.  I have done a lot of fasting, quercetin, fisetin, tocotrienol, c60 olive olive oil, and even some Dasatanib since then.  I have no idea when they disappeared.


On a related note:

My HDL was last measured at 107, and my HDL at about 60. I think this is primarily fasting related.  I think the body remembers a fast for months, and the HDL stays up for months.

Also on a related note, I don't like to look at or think about purple olive oil. I have put it all in the refrigerator, I bet Biatti's rats felt the same way.

Well does anyone want to volunteer to take a gavage needle, or a peritoneal needle to really try this out? I don't.

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#5 StevesPetMacaque

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Posted 21 November 2019 - 04:00 AM

Has anyone else here suffered from 'refeeding syndrome' or 'diabetic shock' after a long fast? I was surprised that I reacted so strongly to lactose. Though I can't be sure. It might have been the 300+ ml of c60 olive oil, or the combination of yogurt and olive oil.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and hypothesize that 2400+ calories of olive oil after fasting might have more to do with feeling ill than a bit of yogurt.
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#6 dlewis1453

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Posted 21 November 2019 - 03:32 PM

Well does anyone want to volunteer to take a gavage needle, or a peritoneal needle to really try this out? I don't.


No  needles necessary! C60 is consumed orally

#7 dlewis1453

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Posted 21 November 2019 - 03:35 PM

I'm going to go out on a limb here and hypothesize that 2400+ calories of olive oil after fasting might have more to do with feeling ill than a bit of yogurt.


Agreed. I recommend OP read some of Dr. Peter Attia's writings on fasting. Prolonged water fasts should be broken slowly, starting with consuming light foods such as bone broth. Consuming a large amount of a high fat substance such as olive oil after a fast is bound to be uncomfortable. 

#8 xEva

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Posted 25 November 2019 - 05:06 AM

This much olive oil, taken at once, should make one a bit nauseous, regardless whether they fasted or not. It causes liver to dump lotsa bile into the GI tract.



#9 ClarkSims

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Posted 25 November 2019 - 02:48 PM

Eva, thanks for your input. It is starting to make more sense. In the past, I have eaten relatively large amounts of olive oil, nuts and salad after a fast. I never had any problems, unless someone snuck sugar into my food. I got so sick when a barista put a tablespoon of honey into my almond milk late, after a long fast.


For this episode, the nausea hit immediately after I ate the yogurt. The nausea / dressiness felt vaguely like the incident with the honey, but was worse.


I eventually got the sickness to go away by eating extremely dry toasted pumpernickel wafers, dipped in olive oil.


I am doing a minature two day (partial) fast now. I am going to try c60 olive oil on toasted pumpernickel on Tuesday (tomorrow)


On a related note, a few senescent bushy hairs appeared in my eyebrows. They aren't too bad so far.

#10 ambivalent

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Posted 02 December 2019 - 09:31 PM

Some yoghurt would be enough, anything dairy at the end of a lenghty fast will go straight through, I found, but the Olive oil, gee, that is incredibly rough. The key is to wake the digestive system up slowly which I have found especially hard but necessary to avoid either spending your time on the toilet or feeling very heavy. Refeeeding done well leaves a fabulous post-fast rejuvenation.

As for c60oo and fasting I wondered about the synergy since there was a paper published demonstrating mitochondrial ROS to be harmful to lysosomes. Lysosome function is key to autophagy, c60 it has been suggested makes for a powerful absorber of mitochondrial ROS. So would c60oo augment the fasting process? Inexperimented a little, I tried holding a couple of drops in my mouth each day to see if some would absorb some without waking up my fast too much. I can't be certain what I recorded, I felt there may have been some effect but not a dramatic one but they were small doses. I would love to have taken a large dose without the breaking the fast, but that would be an impossibility :-) I'd consider the opposite approach - maybe taking a large dose and then fasting for a week. I don't recall half life's but i imagine the c60 would last a few days in (I may have done this and recorded it in the c60 threads somewhere)

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