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Supplements you take against COVID-19 - Personal experience thread

covid-19 lactoferin cytokine storm immune system epithelial cells luteolin mushrooms colostrum

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#1 Oakman

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Posted 09 April 2020 - 09:49 PM

Anti-COVID-19 Supplement Protocols


Many of us have likely developed daily regimens to stay as healthy as possible during this pandemic. Let’s share what we are taking so others may consider what they might do for themselves.


There are other threads for, ‘what some research shows might work’ or ‘suggestions on what supplements could work’, but this thread is for…


- What supplements YOU take to prevent becoming infected with COVID-19


There isn’t any requirement to give supporting reasons why you are taking whatever it is, there is plenty of discussion elsewhere about the efficacy of things that people can research. 


However, I've considered these goals for prevention against COVID-19:


  1. Reinforce airway epithelial cells against infection

  2. Increase sensitivity to virus intruders

  3. Upregulate Immune system 

  4. Block Virus Receptors sites 

  5. Add Lipid Dissolving supplements to halt / limit virus replication

  6. Block Cytokine Storm (if infected)


I’ve come to the unsettling conclusion that nearly everyone in the world will become infected with this virus over time, unless an effective vaccine can be developed. The end prognosis difference between individuals depends on seemingly unknown intrinsic factors and underlying conditions. Some will need significant medical interventions, others will not and will be left on their own. For those yet unaffected, the responsibility for maintaining existing good health falls on the individual. Currently, if you are not near-ICU sick, the medical establishment doesn’t want to see or deal with you. Stay home we are told and try not to infect or be infected by others.

With researchers and doctors are busy trying to aid the afflicted and simultaneously find a cure, we are on our own as to prevention strategies beyond isolation, and hand washing.


Currently, I have no symptoms, and as a practical matter, I don’t think I’m infected (yet). 


For more information concerning any of the ingredients below, please refer to various pertinent threads on the forum and/or google search with the keywords COVID-19 and the supplement under consideration. I realize that there is controversy about some of these supplements, but I’ve studied and satisfied myself they are an acceptable risk.


With breakfast, beyond my usual supplements (about 15), these 

  1. 500 mgs L-Lysine

  2. 100 mgs Luteolin

  3. 500 mgs Alpha Lipoic Acid

  4. 1000 mgs of "Cold Sore Treatment" with 20 nutrients/vitamins/minerals & 4 probiotics*

  5. 600 mgs NAC

  6. 600 mg / 1400 mgs Reishi / Chaga mushroom extract


With dinner, beyond my usual supplements:

  1. 500 mgs Vitamin C

  2. 500 mgs of "Cold Sore Treatment" with 20 nutrients/vitamins/minerals & 4 probiotics*

  3. 500 mgs Ashwagandha Extract

  4. 300 mg / 700 mgs Reishi / Chaga mushroom extract


 Each evening on an empty stomach before retiring:

  1. 350 mgs Red Marine Algae 

  2. 500 mgs Dried Yeast Fermentate (Ep----r)

  3. 960 mgs Liposomal Colostrum 

  4. 250 mgs Beta Glucan 

  5. 470 mgs Astragalus Root 


*The blend of ingredients include Lysine (L-Lysine), Monolaurin (Lauric Acid) (Lauricidin), Reishi Mushroom Extract, Bee Propolis Powder, Siberian Ginseng, Indole-3 Carbinol, DIM (as Diindolylmethane), Turmeric Powder, Gigartina Red Marine Algae, Astragalus Powder, Milk Thistle, Prunella vulgaris, Baptisia tinctoria, Mezereum, Omega-3, Aloe barbadensis leaf, Oleuropein (Olive Leaf Extract), Lemon Balk, Probiotic Blend of Lactobacillus acidophilus, rhamnosus, brevis and salivarius



I realize there is some duplication in ingredients, but that’s acceptable. Since starting this regimen about two weeks ago, I’ve noticed that I have nearly completely clear nasal passages all night long. This is new and unusual and so I think also a good metric to determine current lung and nasal health. I do deep breathing during exercise and also use the exercise quality and breathing as an easilymonitored reflection of lung health.


As a future plan of action, should I notice any symptoms I also have in reserve:


Lauricidin - Monolaurin

BHT - 300 mgs Butylated Hydroxytoluene

Licorice - 450 mgs 25% Glycyrrhizin

Lactoferrin - 300 mgs w/Omega-3 & Alpha Lipoic Acid

Galla chinensis powder


Once or twice when I have noticed a bit of congestion, I’ve immediately taken some of the five above, except for the Galla chinensis, out of an abundance of caution. So far I’ve not had negative side effects from any of these supplements. I’m fairly impervious to supplement effects anyway, so that’s not a surprise, but welcome anyway.

Edited by Oakman, 09 April 2020 - 09:56 PM.

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#2 p75213

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Posted 10 April 2020 - 02:21 AM

Specifically for cv-19 I take 250mg BHT. Any sign of corona I will increase that to 300 mg twice a day together with a tablespoon of gelatin.
To dissolve BHT I leave it in a small quantity of olive oil overnight and take it mixed with yoghurt (just for taste).

PS. I tried cistanche powder but couldn't take it because of nausea.

Edited by p75213, 10 April 2020 - 02:45 AM.

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#3 pamojja

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Posted 10 April 2020 - 11:25 AM

- What supplements YOU take to prevent becoming infected with COVID-19


None additional to lifestyle-changes and those already taken in therapeutic high doses to keep PAD, COPD and T2D in remission. The main reason is that this year compared to the former 52 years of my life - addtional to all the social-distancing meassurements taken - my risk in Austria has in fact never been as low to die from respirator infections (and the majority of other affected countries: only 8 out of 27 countries already 30 days since their first covid death do have more deaths than usually from respiratory infections).


If there would be a way, I actually would prefer to become infected so that my body can build immunity, as it did all the former years with seasonal influenzas, worldwide causing far more deaths than covid probably ever will.



https://www.medrxiv....4.05.20054361v1 The COVID-19 death risk in people <65 years old during the period of fatalities from the epidemic was equivalent to the death risk from driving between 9 miles per day (Germany) and 415 miles per day (New York City).


Already at age 20 I promissed to myself, never to own a private car again. For not taking that risk of possibly becoming responsible for any traffic-death. As this example shows, I'm actually very risk averse.

Edited by pamojja, 10 April 2020 - 12:02 PM.

#4 Lufega

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Posted 10 April 2020 - 02:12 PM

Anti-V formula - my go to supplement for viral infections

Lomatium Dissectum

Elderberry syrup

#5 ta5

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Posted 10 April 2020 - 05:14 PM

Andrographis *
BHT ** 
Bilberry Extract
Bimuno (GOS)
Blueberries *** 
Broccoli (Raw) *** 
Cimetidine * 
Cinchona Bark (Quinine) * 
Colostrum * 
Elderberry Extract * 
EpiCor * 
Green Tea Extract (50% EGCG)
Green Tea Matcha *** 
Hesperidin Methyl Chalcone **
Lactoferrin ** 
Lion's Mane Extract
Lithium Orotate **
MCT Oil * 
Melatonin (30mg) ** 
Monolaurin *
Mushrooms (Oyster, Shiitake, Trumpet) *** 
Neumentix (14.5% Rosmarinic Acid)
Olive Leaf Extract
Oregano Oil (Carvacrol)
Probiotic (Reuteri 6475)
Quercetin * 
R-Lipoic Acid (Na-RALA)
Rosemary Extract
Spices (Ginger, Turmeric, Rosmary, Cinnamon, Fresh Garlic) *** 
Vitamin A
Vitamin C (Pureway C and Ester C) **
Vitamin D
Zinc (Zinc-L-Carnosine and Glycinate)
* New, wasn't taking before
** Taking before, but increased dose
*** Food
I take a bunch of other things, but these are things that I think might be helpful againt COVID-19.
There is conflicting evidence for some of these and they could make things worse. 

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#6 Oakman

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Posted 10 April 2020 - 08:17 PM

ta5, just noticing that higher dose melatonin spread thru the day along with Vit C may help. When/how do you take your melatonin? Does that much knock you out?

#7 ta5

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Posted 10 April 2020 - 09:37 PM

I take 30mg time-release "Sleep Soundly" brand melatonin 5 to 30 min before bed. I'm a little more groggy/sleepy during the day. The daytime sleepiness strangely comes and goes. But, it's not that much different than 10mg, which I have taken for many years. I fall asleep easily, but I wouldn't say it knocks me out. If I manage to get to bed on time and get in 8+ hours, I'm not too sleepy during the day. If I don't get enough sleep, then I'm extra tired.

#8 TheCarbonGroup

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Posted 15 April 2020 - 06:22 PM

I'm ramping up my oyster intake with about 50 Wellfleets and Bluepoints per day and taking liposomal NMN from Alive By Nature. (I also use their CBD nasal spray with NAD+. I've found that it's helped calm my nerves during this stressful time.) I haven't found a good source of liposomal vitamin C though. Has anyone else?

#9 BieraK

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Posted 18 April 2020 - 08:17 AM


Andrographis *
BHT ** 
Bilberry Extract
Bimuno (GOS)
Blueberries *** 
Broccoli (Raw) *** 
Cimetidine * 
Cinchona Bark (Quinine) * 
Colostrum * 
Elderberry Extract * 
EpiCor * 
Green Tea Extract (50% EGCG)
Green Tea Matcha *** 
Hesperidin Methyl Chalcone **
Lactoferrin ** 
Lion's Mane Extract
Lithium Orotate **
MCT Oil * 
Melatonin (30mg) ** 
Monolaurin *
Mushrooms (Oyster, Shiitake, Trumpet) *** 
Neumentix (14.5% Rosmarinic Acid)
Olive Leaf Extract
Oregano Oil (Carvacrol)
Probiotic (Reuteri 6475)
Quercetin * 
R-Lipoic Acid (Na-RALA)
Rosemary Extract
Spices (Ginger, Turmeric, Rosmary, Cinnamon, Fresh Garlic) *** 
Vitamin A
Vitamin C (Pureway C and Ester C) **
Vitamin D
Zinc (Zinc-L-Carnosine and Glycinate)
* New, wasn't taking before
** Taking before, but increased dose
*** Food
I take a bunch of other things, but these are things that I think might be helpful againt COVID-19.
There is conflicting evidence for some of these and they could make things worse. 


You are not concerned about your liver and kidney for taking all those things?

#10 Oakman

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Posted 18 April 2020 - 02:29 PM

Certainly the dose makes the poison...and anyway taking supplements is a multi-faceted art and science....


1) ta5 doesn't state dose, there may be less of any issue because of that




2) For whatever reason, some people can take more supplemental substances than others without issue.

3) In some cases, even a little of something that a person is allergic too, can be too much.

4) Some supplements may actually strengthen the liver's detox capabilities.


I am too, of course, concerned not to hurt myself with supplements, as I'm sure ta5 is. But time has proven (to this point anyway, and for me alone) that I can also take multiple supplements (up to about 25/day normally, and occasionally up to 40/day) and show no ill effects, and arguably good effects. When I started supplementing many years ago with multi-vitamins, for example, I thought megadosed was better. Not true and there can be bad effects. I've pretty much stopped most vitamins long ago, and those I do take I've learned since that minimal doses are as good, if not better, and cause few to no problems.  For non-vitamin supplements the same hold true, and also reasoned combinations of critical supplements far exceeds the benefits from single supplement therapies. 


I'm years into my self-dosing now, with no ongoing issues, and definitely the better for it! The best advice I have, is really, really get to know what you are putting in your body and why, keep the dose low,  buy quality ingredients, and be very highly body aware, so you can rebalance as necessary for best results without harm.

#11 ta5

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Posted 18 April 2020 - 11:03 PM

You are not concerned about your liver and kidney for taking all those things?


I am concered, especially when I take about 100 different things, some at very high doses. So, I get blood test panels periodically. I look out for articles/studies/comments suggesting toxic effects from things I take. Of course, I look out for symptoms, and I've worked through many negative effects from things I take. Sometimes it's very challening to determine the cause. I limit things like EGCG which is one thing that is well known for causing liver damage. But, surprisingly, I haven't had many negative effects from all the new things I added for COVID-19. Except, I had to cut out the Oregano Oil, because it was making my stomach hurt, several hours after I took it, even with just one capsule per day taken with food. It seems I'm just too sensitive to it. 

Edited by ta5, 18 April 2020 - 11:05 PM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: covid-19, lactoferin, cytokine storm, immune system, epithelial cells, luteolin, mushrooms, colostrum

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