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Lebanon's Official War on Israel

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#1 Infernity

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Posted 13 July 2006 - 05:27 PM

As you all probably know, Lebanon had sadly begun an official war against Israel. I hope none of you lives in the North, close to the battle-zone.


So sad it is...

IMO, we should attack in full force before the world screams, as always, at us.


#2 Athanasios

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Posted 13 July 2006 - 05:31 PM

Some recent articles floating around:



#3 Mind

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Posted 13 July 2006 - 06:45 PM

If I remember correctly it was just a couple years ago that Israel gave up its occupation of southern Lebanon, something the world elites, Lebanese, and Plaestinians had been asking for. What did Israel get in response?.....more suicide bombings and terror attacks. I can't say that I blame them for exercising the military option once in a while.

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#4 Trias

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Posted 13 July 2006 - 07:09 PM

aye, it is a sad ordeal indeed.

without any provocation from the israeli side, the bastards kidnapped two israeli soldiers for no reason (this wretched terrorist leader, nasralla, threatens to do so for years). so sad.

Lebabon is a sovereign country. They give custody to terrorist factions, shooting missilies to Israel from the Lebanese lands - and yet they expect us not to react !? - they are bound to take responsibility for this ... what would Lebanon say if Israel allowed some groups of Israeli terrorists to shoot rockets to Lebanon and kidnap Lebanese troops? -surely they'd expect the Israeli army to interfere.
So how come the Lebanese army is not doing anything to halt the terrorists from launching a massive missile attack to Northern Israel?

#5 Infernity

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Posted 13 July 2006 - 08:41 PM

http://www.ynetnews....3275229,00.html bah


#6 Live Forever

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Posted 13 July 2006 - 08:46 PM

Why does everyone hate Israel so much?

Can't we all just get along?

I agree that it seems like Israel always tries to do the civil thing, but is always but is often required to use force because of the actions of others.

#7 Infernity

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Posted 13 July 2006 - 09:02 PM

They hate Israel because Israel's enemies have the primal source of so called black-gold heh, know what I'm saying? ^^

Without it, the world is doomed, and they cannot effort it being foes of the Muslim ridiculous empire.

Israel IMHO is too considering, and we keep losing way too many people, they just wouldn't fight back unless it is an official war state like now. Israel keeps warning the citizens to clear X and Y areas because they are going to bomb the place because that is the place X and Y bomb-suicidal families were living at... I mean, Israel hardly uses force, and we keep getting wounded 'cause of this.
At least now we can bomb back and claim it to be justified, it would be foolish to do nothing now of course, that is a war.


#8 Trias

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Posted 13 July 2006 - 10:51 PM

" Israel keeps warning the citizens to clear X and Y areas because they are going to bomb the place "

I believe this is the most moral thing we can do, if we don't - we go down to their level.

The huz'balla terrorists shoot missles without warning (aiming at civilian regions); we care to do the opposite prior to the bombardment (by spreading fliers to the innocent Lebanese denizens). It is imperative that the world will see that.

Many muslims just want peace and quiet; many others would like to see Israel ruined and the jews gone because they consider the land sacred to Islam, and Allah. Yes! the rocks are more important than the lives of people. What else, if not in the name of a deity?

Some things just do not change.

#9 Live Forever

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Posted 13 July 2006 - 11:10 PM

we care to do the opposite prior to the bombardment (by spreading fliers to the innocent Lebanese denizens).

I heard that on the news just a little bit ago. I don't know how good of a strategy it is to blanket your target with fliers telling them where you are going to strike.

I am very impressed how restrained Israel seems to be until they just can not be restrained any further. They definitely seem to be taking the high road in all of their military policies.

In any event, I am sure some day people will look back on all of these petty squabbles, and think we were all being very primitive and barbaric.


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Posted 14 July 2006 - 12:23 AM

Israel has one of the most elite intelligence agencies in the world, the Mossad and its special operations branch, the Metsada. The Mossad make the PLO, its variants and Hezbollah look like the keystone cops. The matter of the abducted soldiers could have been dealt with more "surgically" - and I'm not referring to the Pentagon's use of this word when they show those black and white videos of precision target bombings. Israel know who the perpetrators are - why don't they launch a black-ops to deal with it?

Israel is, very publicly and forcefully punishing Palestine and Lebanon. The problem is that many innocent civilians are losing life, limb and property whilst this posturing is going on. This is particularly unsettling since the real perpetrators behind the abductions are probably very far away from the action. The point is, that Israel is likely seeking that the governments of Palestine, Lebanon and probably soon, Syria be destabilized sufficiently to be overthrown.

Another problem is that the anticipated result that Israel may be hoping for may not occur in time before other Muslim states become militarily involved. Should Israel endure any significant reprisal then the US will become directly involved resulting in significant polarization with Russia, China and some European states.

Therefore I view Israel's present strategy as incommensurate and inappropriate both from the interests of Israel, the interests of innocent civilians in the nations involved in ths war, the region and the entire world in general.

#11 jaydfox

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Posted 14 July 2006 - 02:59 AM

Israel is, very publicly and forcefully punishing Palestine and Lebanon. The problem is that many innocent civilians are losing life, limb and property whilst this posturing is going on. This is particularly unsettling since the real perpetrators behind the abductions are probably very far away from the action. The point is, that Israel is likely seeking that the governments of Palestine, Lebanon and probably soon, Syria be destabilized sufficiently to be overthrown.

I was briefly swayed by the Associated Press's acknowledgment of Hezbollas willingness to agree to a "prisoner exchange".

However, in looking over it, I'm wondering whether Israel ever committed random acts of aggression by seizing Hebollah or Lebanese persons solely due to their allegience with either Hezbollah or Lebanon (as opposed to those seized for more specific crimes or intents against Israel). If Israel had specific reasons for seizing those it currently holds prisoner (and/or had seized them inside Israeli territory), then any appeal to a "prisoner exchange" is materially irrelevant to the discussion.

The seizing of a random pair of Israeli troops from within Israeli's territory, advocated by a prominent figure of a now-political party that has great political power within Lebanon, is very troubling. That he said that dissonance with the official position of keeping these prisoners was "tantamount" to colluding with Israel (from the front page of the L.A. times), is very telling. Hezbollah's politcal power in Lebanon takes this beyond mere terrorist tactics, to a state-versus-state conflict. The people may be far removed from this conflict, for they cannot readily recall the elected Hezbollah officials. However, the people of Lebanon must deal with the consequences of their elected leaders. They knew full well what Hezbollah's position on Israel's existance was. Regardless of whether the government sanctioned these attacks and kidnappings, members of the government, or one of its main political parties, sanctioned these actions, and such members (and leaders) pre-emptively admonish those who might otherwise oppose them.

I fully support any military action Israel feels it must take at this time, since this has gone beyond mere terrorism to the act of a state (as supported by a member of a leader of group with political, and not merely social, power). However, I feel this may be playing into the hands of "evil":

#12 vortexentity

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Posted 14 July 2006 - 03:18 AM

I think that the black-gold under the arab states is the only reason that other nations would not support Israel. I think they are very restrained given the crazy way that the Islamofacist behave towards anyone not like them. The Islamofacist even hate each other for having a different brand of Islamofacism than another group.

The fact that they do not train their entire nuke force on them and level them is a testimony to their patient and thoughtful way of doing business with their neighbors. If Iran had one or 2 nukes they would likely get them into Israel. Israel of course would be retstained and only nuke the perps not the entire hateful bunch at once.

#13 scottl

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Posted 14 July 2006 - 09:56 AM

It's interesting, if predictable reading about this in various new sources.

Where I go for relatively unbiased news:


Compare this to the NY times:


#14 Infernity

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Posted 14 July 2006 - 10:10 AM

I think it is silly to fight so hard for returning the dead soldiers back, it weakens us, and it is quite pointless.

Of course I know how devastated the families must be, but that is a war state, and fighting for the body's return is giving the other side strength, they demand other things, like releasing their force.

Obviously now there won't be any.

This whole thing is nuts.

Here are the news on general: http://www.ynetnews.com/


#15 seeker_of_time

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Posted 14 July 2006 - 11:20 AM

Hey Everyone....happy that having a war is helps in connecting between people....
Anyways its stressing when a missle is landing in your city ; since i'm living in Haifa i didnt expect any...but i was wrong )=
Hope its the last one ....And i wish all israely(and in general ^^) people in here many safe and happy days [thumb]

#16 Infernity

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Posted 14 July 2006 - 01:36 PM

Thanks for replying, now we know you are well.. heh (:



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Posted 14 July 2006 - 02:34 PM

However, the people of Lebanon must deal with the consequences of their elected leaders.

An absurd notion. Would you consider yourself and your family responsible for the WMD bullshit or the Guantanamo fiasco?


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Posted 14 July 2006 - 02:44 PM

Hey Everyone....happy that having a war is helps in connecting between people....
Anyways its stressing when a missle is landing in your city ; since i'm living in Haifa i didnt expect any...but i was wrong )=
Hope its the last one ....And i wish all israely(and in general ^^)  people in here many safe and happy days  [thumb]

Very sorry to hear about your terrible situation.

#19 jaydfox

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Posted 14 July 2006 - 04:13 PM

However, the people of Lebanon must deal with the consequences of their elected leaders.

An absurd notion. Would you consider yourself and your family responsible for the WMD bullshit or the Guantanamo fiasco?

Harold, maybe you missed the next sentence I wrote:

However, the people of Lebanon must deal with the consequences of their elected leaders. They knew full well what Hezbollah's position on Israel's existance was.

The U.S. didn't elect Bush to invade Iraq or to hold people prisoner under terrible conditions in Guantanamo, though you could maybe make an indirect reference to his stance on terrorism. The people of Lebanon did vote for Hezbollah due to their stance on Israel, their terrorist ideology, etc.

#20 jaydfox

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Posted 14 July 2006 - 04:17 PM

I'm not saying it's justified to attack Lebanese civilians. When I said the people of Lebanon must deal with the consequences, I meant insofar as the consequences of war will impact daily life (e.g., the airport and sea ports are closed now). This is something that is no longer being shouldered by Hezbollah, with the civilians as completely innocent bystanders. The civilians bear at least some responsibility, since they voted for Hezbollah. It's even more critical that the civilians feel this, because in Lebanon, your party wins a percentage of seats based on votes cast (that's how it was described in the newspaper, anyway; I'm not an expert on the country). In the U.S., it's all or nothing. In the U.S., you have to reach a critical mass of disgruntled people before things can change. In Lebanon, if the percentage of people supporting Hezbollah drops, then this will be reflected in the government after the next elections.

#21 Infernity

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Posted 14 July 2006 - 08:25 PM

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#22 RighteousReason

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Posted 14 July 2006 - 09:20 PM

significant polarization

China and Russia are the X factor in everything here.

#23 Karomesis

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Posted 14 July 2006 - 09:39 PM

do I support the use of violence? perhaps this link will answer that for you. [mellow]


I think the tea parties have failed to curb the violence, how about an approach form one of my favorite philosophers....wait....let's be nice and maybe they'll be nice too...wrong. try again. Machiavelli has a way of getting to the root of a problem very quickly...and solving it without playing games.

Adi, I hope you stay well, the world cannot afford to lose such a beautiful mind and person.

#24 Infernity

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Posted 14 July 2006 - 10:00 PM

Adi, I hope you stay well, the world cannot afford to lose such a beautiful mind and person.

Heh thank you, I hope everyone will stay well.
Think how stupid it will be if this little war grows into the 3rd world war or so....


#25 RighteousReason

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Posted 14 July 2006 - 11:01 PM

foxnews says world war 4 has officially started

I love Foxnews. I watch it every day. [:o]


#26 Infernity

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Posted 15 July 2006 - 12:11 AM

World War 4 ?! lol what?


#27 Karomesis

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Posted 15 July 2006 - 12:30 AM

World War 4 ?! lol what?


[lol] , needless to say, religious peoples have a habit of making a mountain out of a molehill, as well as turning fairy tales into reality.

#28 RighteousReason

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Posted 15 July 2006 - 02:22 AM

They say the Cold War definitely qualified as a world war (hence the war on islamic terrorists being world war 4).

Michael Savage (radio show "The Savage Nation") argues that the Cold War never even ended, and we are seeing the fallout of the Cold War in all the events of today in the Middle East, North Korea, etc.

As I said, China and Russia are the X factor in the world right now. If they would just swallow their damned pride and cooperate, we could solve the vast majority of the world's problems in much less time (like handling Iran, North Korea, Al Qaeda, Sudan, Somalia, etc etc etc).

Not saying I necessarily agree with the conservatives entirely, but the points they make are important.


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Posted 15 July 2006 - 08:37 AM

The people of Lebanon did vote for Hezbollah due to their stance on Israel, their terrorist ideology, etc.

We all know how the state manipulates media to influence elections - just switch on the Fox News Channel which is a 24/356 advertisement for conservative right-wing politics. The average citizen is only interested in having a decent life, looking after their family, having access to decent health, education and employment opportunities, etc. This ideological bullshit ultimately serves no interests aside from a select few self-serving (and possibly nefarious) ones.

I applaud Israel's strategy of targeting the key players in the Palestinian government directly. They should have done the same with the Hezbollah leaders. Everything else, such as destroying an international airport, is just hurting innocent people and diminishes the righteousness of Israel's cause.

#30 Live Forever

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Posted 15 July 2006 - 01:10 PM

I love Foxnews. I watch it every day.  [:o]

I used to watch them sometimes, but just couldn't get over their mishandling of the facts. Even though I tended to agree a lot with what they said, I don't want my news filtered through someone with a political agenda, even if it is someone I agree with. I prefer to get my news straight up. Of course, talk radio is a totally different story. [sfty]

World War 4 ?! lol what?


Counting is not their strong suit. [tung]

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