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Resveratrol program

maxhealth's Photo maxhealth 21 Dec 2006

I have begun a program of trans-resveratrol supplementation using 500mg polygonum cuspidatum yielding over 250mg of the trans isomer in a product called Bioforte form bioflu.com. I My daily dosage is 1.5 grams of the supplement containing approx. 0.8 gm of trans-resveratrol. I have been on this regimen for one week and can report the following:
Day one:
I selected this rather high dose to begin my program as it roughly corresponds to the human equivalent of the dosage given to mice in at least one credible study when an upward adjustment is made for the difference in body mass further adjusted in the opposite direction for the relatively slow metabolic rate of a human versus that of a mouse. Admittedly this is an approximation however, given the absence of authoritative data regarding exactly what an efficacious dose is for an adult person, I had no reference against which to evaluate the proper first dose. My rationale for the 1.5 gm amount is simply that it is the maximum amount of resveratrol that I am willing to ingest on a daily basis for the period of this one-person trial. My intention is to continue this daily dosage for a period of six months unless I experience moderate to serious adverse side effects or I believe that my present high level of health and fitness is being compromised or negatively impacted as a result of the trial. I do not profess that this is a scientific or otherwise valid investigation of the effects of resveratrol on even this one human, let alone anyone else. It is simply an experiment motivated by my own curiosity, fear of death and a hunch that the results obtained in numerous studies over several years beginning with flat worms and now evident in small mammals may translate to humans. I readily confess that any positive results I might obtain could reasonably be attributed to the placebo effect however given the amount of supplements I am presently taking and have been taking for approximately 20 years it is difficult for me to imagine that I have not already exhausted this effect. Furthermore, I am happy to take whatever I get in terms of benefits even if they are later proved to be the product of my own unfounded confidence in resveratrol.

Observations: Dark yellow urine, not the color of urine after taking a multi B supplement, a bit darker and slightly reddish. Diminished appetite. Slight laxative effect, probably from the small amounts of emodin in polygonum.

Day two:
Nothing of significance to record today. Did a short session at the gym. Did notice a diminuition of my normal energy level and cut my usual two-hour routine short by about one third.

Day three:
Normal energy level seems to have returned. Did a 10km run and a two hour gym session. I am noticing a distinct reduction in food,especially carbos, cravings.

Day four:
My most noticable observation is that for the second time since starting resveratrol I had a moderate head ache after my usual two small glasses of red wine just before going to sleep. I was awoken by the annoying head ache and drank a large glass of water which seemed to help quell it. Interestingly, I seem less keen on any alcohol product since starting the resveratrol and have completely lost my interest in sweets.

Day five:
Hit the gym again today and felt strong and energized. Did the normal resistance and cardio session and jogged home four km. I normally have a strong appetite after one of these sessions however today I my hunger was conspiciously absent.

Day six:
Have lost one kilo of body weight. It seems to have been body fat as my strength has actually increased slightly. For example, in the gym I finally broke 150 kilos in the squat exercise. This may or may not have anything at all to do with my program. My appetite has returned somewhat however I still have no interest in alcohol or sweets. My daily caloric consumption has been reduced by about 10%.

Will update this as I have time. I am interested in hearing of others' experience with high potency resveratrol.

DukeNukem's Photo DukeNukem 21 Dec 2006

Look forward to continued reports on this.

Athanasios's Photo Athanasios 22 Dec 2006

From the limited data i have seen, I expect that endurance in your oxidative pathway will go up, but your performance with your glycogen and phosphagen pathway will plateau or lessen. It would probably be more noticeable , the more fit you are.

fearfrost's Photo fearfrost 22 Dec 2006

I too am very interested in hearing the continuation of this report. I just started my resveratrol regime yesterday. So far, no noticeable effects... maybe more energy, but I am usually pretty energetic so it is hard to tell.

Keep us posted, thanks!!

I do have one other question maxhealth. Why did you just start taking resveratrol now? It seems like if you are the general manager for bioflu, that you would have started a while ago. Just curious about the reason for waiting.
Edited by fearfrost, 22 December 2006 - 07:45 AM.

maxhealth's Photo maxhealth 24 Dec 2006

A good question from Fearfrost regarding why I just started taking resveratrol. I have been taking it but at much lower doses, only approx. 40mg per day for quite some time. It has been one of a blend of about 20 ingredients that I have filled capsules with and which I take daily. The reason I started the high-dose regimen concerns our product and I would prefer not to mention the company again as I got properly scolded for this earlier. You can email me however and I will elaborate. I took a brief break from reporting to get caught up on work. I am now on day 9 and I have observed the following:

A definite reaction to alcohol consumption. I have confirmed that the res is causing the head aches I described earlier. I thought first that it was specific to red wine consumption however any alcohol provokes the effect when consumed within approx. 8 hrs. of taking the res. I stopped the wine and the head aches stopped. I experimented by consuming one large beer to test the theory and that night I woke up again with the same distinct head ache. Since then I have passed on my usual glass of wine in the evening.

My energy has returned to normal levels. During the first several days of the program I felt a bit depleted. 1.5 gms of resveratrol is evidently quite a lot for the system to acclimate to.

The mild laxative effect has subsided however my stomach does grumble a bit at every dose.

I am waking up about 90 minutes earlier than has been my normal pattern for the past 15 years. Not certain that this is related in any way to the res however it has ocurred nightly for the past week. My bed room is pitch dark so I am not aware of sunrise and have always woken at 6am after 7.5 hrs. of sleep. I am now waking at 4:30am but feel equally rested.

Appetite is still reduced noticeably.

Resting heart rate and blood pressure are unchanged.

In future I will report on a weekly basis unless there is something notable to post.

DukeNukem's Photo DukeNukem 24 Dec 2006

I have been taking ~ 420mg daily now for about 10 days. No noticeable effects. I do not drink alcohol so I can't relate to the headaches you've experienced, Max. And, I'm still getting up at the same time, averaging 8 or so hours of sleep, and during the day never tired.

You're taking one heck of a lot of revtrol (we really need a shorthand for "resveratrol"! Anyone else like "revtrol"?) I'm probably going to cap my intake at around 500mg, unless further research suggests I should go higher.

arahant's Photo arahant 29 Dec 2006

I've been taking res for about a month and a half, and ~750mg for 3 weeks. Source is 20 capsules of Nature's Way and NSI.
I have definitely not experienced headaches, and I drink fairly heavily (~4 drinks a day on average), mostly wine in the last few weeks, but occasionally liquor.
I'm fairly certain there is a laxative effect, and it seems to be worse with the Nature's Way than NSI. If it doesn't improve soon, I will probably reduce my dose. Looking forward to getting ahold of a purer form.
Most of my aerobic exercise is elliptical training. I've always had very low aerobic tolerance despite years of athletics. My last 2 sessions I went MUCH longer at higher intensity than usual. I am very skeptical that this would be related to res, but maybe it will help accentuate everyone else's placebo effect :p.

A few other tidbits -
No impact on sleep.
I've been in a better mood lately, but I think that's just my mood cycling rather than the supplement.
Definitely no fatigue.
I'm early 30's, 5'7", currently 155lbs, about 13-15%BF

FYI, I've generally been using RSV as shorter form...

casterle's Photo casterle 29 Dec 2006

I have begun a program of trans-resveratrol supplementation using 500mg polygonum cuspidatum yielding over 250mg of the trans isomer in a product called Bioforte form bioflu.com.<etc>

In another thread, you've been challenged on a couple of issues. I've seen subsequent comments from you but you seem to be avoiding this issue. I'd like to believe that your company is legit but, frankly, I'm skeptical.

What's the deal with your (apparent) claim that your product was used in a major study? More worrying, your website does (as has been pointed out in another thread) seem to be pandering to those in fear of bird flu. What's the deal with that?

Are you some fly-by-night leach hitching on the hot topic of the moment, or are you the real deal? Prove to me that you're legit and you've got a customer...fail and I'm off to see the wizard of Longevinex.

What say you?

maxhealth's Photo maxhealth 03 Jan 2007

Updating my log on observations re. high-dose supplementation with resveratrol, this is my third week. I did not expect to experience any significant benefits or adverse reactions, for that matter, until at least the 8th or later week. What I have noticed however is a number of subjective and objective indications. First, for several hours following my morning dose, and I have now shifted to one dose of 1.5 gms vs. three equally spaced doses of 0.5 gm, I am physically and mentally energized. My level of subjective alertness and concentration seem to improve significantly during this period of time. As for objective manifestations, what I had expected, that is an increase in aerobic capacity has not yet ocurred, however during anerobic exercise my heart rate is running roghly 10 beats per minute lower than its normal 160 to 166. Also recovery time between the peak rate and a rate of 120 bpm has desceased from approx. 80 seconds to about 65 seconds. One last improvement that may or may not be attributable to the resveratrol is that on anerobic heavy lifts such as dead lifts and squats my maximum weight has increased. On the squat, an exercise in which a barbell is rested on the muscles behind the neck and the body is lowered until the thighs are paralled to the floor and then raised to standing erect position, my max weight has increased from 140 kilos to 155 kilos. I am by no means a body builder or anything of the sort. My forte is multi-sport events so resistance training is only for general fitness and maintenance of core strength and stability. As I mentioned these results may be entirely coincidental and in no way associated with the supplementation. I have no way of knowing for certain if the resveratrol is responsible for these observed effects. I will tend to attribute these results to the resveratrol if they persist and I see a continuation of this possible trend.

maxhealth's Photo maxhealth 10 Jan 2007

Update: A couple of observations now that I am going into the end of the first month of this program. The effects which persist at this point are a distinct moderation of my appetite similar to what subjects report after receiving leptin injections, a rather dramatic increase in energy levels beginning approx. 30 minutes after consuming resveratrol and lasting for approx. 4 hours. This effect resembles a caffeine high without the edgeiness. The head ache following almost any amount of alcohol consumption after consuming resveratrol can be eliminated by refraining from alcohol for at least 6 hours after taking resveratrol. I have confirmed that others have experienced this effect as well. My resting heart rate is down by approx. 5 beats per minute and my recovery time following an intense two hour physical training session has been reduced from 60 hours on average to about 48 hours and heart rate recovery following anerobic exercise has been reduced by about 20%. These are all effects that I first noticed after about ten days into the high-dosage program and which continue to this point. I must emphasize that these are only my subejctive observations and have not been confirmed by any validated imperical data or quantative analysis. At the end of the day all of this may simply be a placebo effect. I admit that I did go into this with preconceived optimism.

One suggestion for those taking resveratrol. As you probably know, resveratrol is only slightly soluble in water. It is virtually 100% soluble in both oil and alcohol however. In the case of oil-soluble nutrients such as vitamin E it has been demonstrated rather conclusively that bioavailability is greatly enhanced when these micro neutrients are consumed following the consumption of edible oils. This difference can amount to as much as 80% for vitamin E and may account for some of the null results seen in clinical trials of the vitamin when the subjects did not take the vitamin along with or following consumption of fats. My recommendation is that anyone taking resveratrol take this information into account. I am now taking taking the 1.5 gm dose with about 10 ml of olive oil. It is conceivable that by doing so the absorption of resveratrol is enhanced and its blood serum level half life may also be somewhat extended. This is purely conjecture at this point. I will test this theory in about a month by having blood tests of the serum level of trans-resveratrol and its matabolites folllowing supplementation. One more effect that is both gratifying and annoying at the same time. I now find it very difficult to sleep more than 7 hours at a stretch. This is substantially less than my normal 8 to 9 hours. This concerned me somewhat initially but I have not experienced fatigue or any other symptoms of accumulated sleep deficit to date. Will catch up again in about a week.

health_nutty's Photo health_nutty 16 Jan 2007

I'm going to be upping my dosage of revtrol from 120mg a day (trans-rev) to around 400mg (trans-rev) because of the significant price drop in resveratrol. I will be upping the dosage gradually when the new product arrives to judge any laxative effect the increase dosage may be giving.

malbecman's Photo malbecman 18 Jan 2007

I am currently taking ~300mg trans-resveratrol from NSI and have been since Xmas break. (and yes, I did actually check their was some in their using a mass spec but havent quantified it).
Anyways, just to chime in, the biggest thing I notice anecdotally is the total loss of appetite that Maxhealth referred to. I usually take mine mid-morning and really don't feel any need for lunch although I do try to take in a few hundred kcal, esp if I go exercise at lunchtime.
Energy at exercise does seem improved, esp. cardiovascularly. I can crank out more watts on the machines I use and do not feel as winded afterwards. I also do not seem to have a low point during the day. ?Placebo effect?

I have bloodwork from about 6 months ago and will post mine in another 6 months or so. I do measure my blood pressure at one of those unreliable bp kiosks at the local drug store and latest readings do seem to be better, going from an average 120-130/80 to 110/70sish. We'll see how that trend bears out.



tintinet's Photo tintinet 20 Jan 2007

I've taken Longevinex (1 cap in AM pre-workout with coffee only) for years, plus some RSV present in BAC's herbal sources (fairly minimal, I think), plus occasional Pinot Noir....

Started to ramp up dosing a few weeks ago using a variety of sources including BAC herbal preparation with 50% RSV Polygonum cuspidatum, NSI, Jarrow, Puritan's Pride, and, more recently Orchid's synthetic RSV.

As of last evening, I'm up to about 700 mg/day (61 Kg). Other than some urine tinctorial changes, apparently due to plant derived substances accompanying RSV, I've not noticed much, so far.

health_nutty's Photo health_nutty 21 Jan 2007

BAC has a new choice for resveratrol: only 50% trans-res polygonum cuspidatum extract.

tintinet's Photo tintinet 06 Feb 2007

Paul Wakfer is investing acquiring additional synthetic high purity resveratrol for whomever is interested in partaking upon a joint purchase.

His original order from Orchid (Indian supplier for the recently published resveratrol rodent studies co-authored by Sinclair) has been canceled after partial delivery, apparently due to Orchid's qualms regarding supplying individuals with a now regulated substance.

Please contact Paul @ morelife.org for additional information.

xanadu's Photo xanadu 11 Feb 2007

max, are you still sleeping less hours than you use to? Do you feel rested on less sleep?

scorpe's Photo scorpe 12 Feb 2007

I (60y 1.72 and 78 kg) am taking abt 300 mg (since 2 month's now, various brands) and noticed less sleep needed and when I wake I cann't fall in sleep again easily. I am dreaming more and can remember my dreams now (was a long time ago I had this) I also noticed more energie (also more talkative) and a bit stronger sex drive. BP this morning was 123/67 while there has been times in the past that BP was around 138/80. Hearth beat no decrease. Appetite remainded the same.

tintinet's Photo tintinet 12 Feb 2007

I have also noticed the dreams- either enhanced or the memory of them is enhanced.

Last night I was on call, and rudely awakened by pager @ 2:25 AM. Been up and working since, still cruising along, no hint of fatigue (although that may likely follow through later....).

Still, overall energy, vitality, resilience, optimism, alertness seem to be heightened.

I'm taking ~ 10 mg/kg/day, BTW.

tom a's Photo tom a 13 Feb 2007

I've noticed a few things.

First, more energy. I can easily make myself perform chores I might ordinarily balk at.

Second, a distinct anti-depressant effect, but without the usual side effects of anti-depressants, such as lowering of libido.

Third, much improved concentration.

Fourth, oddly, what seems like a more vivid sense of smell.

My intake has varied from 3-5mg/kg in recent weeks.

Either the effects here are real or resveratrol is the best damn placebo I've ever had the opportunity to take.

health_nutty's Photo health_nutty 13 Feb 2007

I've noticed a few things.
Fourth, oddly, what seems like a more vivid sense of smell.

Either the effects here are real or resveratrol is the best damn placebo I've ever had the opportunity to take.

Interesting about the smell, now that you mention it I may have this as well.

Placebo or not, I'm loving it ;)

malbecman's Photo malbecman 13 Feb 2007

I'm taking ~5 mg/kg/d for 1.5 months now. 40 yr old, 180lb, 73", 12% bf

Many similar results so far:

More alert, energy, less appetite for 3-4 hours after taking it. Mood is more uplifted, ebullient?? Less desire for sweets too..

I can do a hard run or workout and don't feel as bonked later like I used to...

Improved sex drive, not that lack of libido was a problem but better overall. More nitric oxide??? [sfty]

Also, even with 2 small kids at home, I have not gotten sick at all. Still too early to tell or whether its just placebo but it would be nice if my immune system were better.

Latest bp reading on a cheap machine was 112/73 whereas normally I am 120-25/80 so who knows. I get a real checkup and reading next week.

I agree, placebo or not, its all good so far..... [thumb]

valjean's Photo valjean 14 Feb 2007

I'm taking variable doses 300-800 mg RESV throug the day,

Mood & Energy:
When I start taking it the uplift in mood was very eminent for 1-3 days, now
it is still present at a lower level through the day. I feel more energy too.
(My wife (initially very sceptic about this) agrees on the above statement,
she takes ~300 mg in the morning.

For the past 6 years my alarm bell rings at 4:30 in the morning and I used to
wakeup 2 time in average. Now I sleep well through the night and started to
rember vivid and frequent dreams. That was not the case in the past years.

Sleeping ~6 Hours under the week (for years) becomes more an more a problem
to me with regards to concentration, energy, stress resistance and mood. This
has definitly changed (to the better) with RESV.

I feel my sleep requirement increased with resveratrol, unfortunately I cannot
sleep as much as I want to (under the week). But on mondays (after sleeping 2 nights as long as my children permit) I feel an incredible energy.

I conclude that RESV increased my energy and mood (even with lack a lack of sleep) and when I have the chance to fullfill my sleep requirement to the natural limit it's like the first day in spring ...

I'v 3 children and they come around with stomach-flu, colds, etc. every few
weeks but I didn't notice the slightest sign of illness any more. I must say
that being ill was not a problem for me since I started taking Zinc, Selenium and
black elderberry juice around 4 years ago. But staying resistant against stomach
-flu was a problem even with the afore mentioned supps. Currently we had 3
incidences of stomach-flu in the last 2 month but I was the only one in my
family that defend that.

I have a sensible stomach that reacts on too much cereals or pure juice with
pain. Normally I would recover from this within two days and I used to take pain killers and skipping some meals for counteraction. Recently I took ~1.5 gm RESV
with some Red-Wine (taking wine -> generally not a good idea with stomach pain)
and the pain relieved within 10 min. and has completely vanished after about 3
hours (only and odd feeling persist in my stomach). But on the next day I was
totally fine: No skipping of meals or pain killers ;-). If this was a placebo effect is
was rather effective.

I work in the IT branch and have a lot programming and conceptual thinking to do.
Let me say that I'm noticeably less error-prone along with the feeling that all that
stuff I have to deal with at work looked much more clearer to me.

fearfrost's Photo fearfrost 14 Feb 2007

Very interesting reading all of these reports.

The most noticeable effects for me are the energy, drive, and overall powerfully good feeling. I have been on for 3 months now, and the effects are real still and dose dependent (as far as I can judge, merely qualitatively).

I do not however notice any sleep effects. If anything, I want to sleep more. And dreams... I have always had very vivid dreams and actively practiced lucid dreaming techniques for several years.

Da55id's Photo Da55id 14 Feb 2007

it would be interesting to do a matrix of intensity of effect against the dimension of the ages of the ones taking resv...ie one would guess that the more noticeable effects would be greater in those who were subject to greater declines prior to starting resv...thus more benefit to gain and more damage to counteract equalling more perceived benefit.

malbecman's Photo malbecman 14 Feb 2007

it would be interesting to do a matrix of intensity of effect against the dimension of the ages of the ones taking resv...ie one would guess that the more noticeable effects would be greater in those who were subject to greater declines prior to starting resv...thus more benefit to gain and more damage to counteract equalling more perceived benefit.

MethuselahMouse, are you saying that those of us older fogies might be feeling more of an improvement than the young whippersnappers?? [lol]

No hair re-growth yet!!!

ageless's Photo ageless 14 Feb 2007

I've noticed a few things.
Fourth, oddly, what seems like a more vivid sense of smell.

Either the effects here are real or resveratrol is the best damn placebo I've ever had the opportunity to take.

Interesting about the smell, now that you mention it I may have this as well.

Placebo or not, I'm loving it ;)

Enhanced smell may not be the best thing:

Science: Study: Smelling Food Could Speed Aging

Tulsa World


geneticist says some life-extending benefits may be lost to those heavenly smells.

Plug your nose, live a little longer. That's the take-home message from a study showing that mere whiffs of food can shorten a fly's life.

Studies in worms, flies, mice and monkeys have shown that aging can be slowed by cutting way back on calories consumed. Loosely organized experiments in humans are ongoing.

Scott Pletcher, a geneticist at the Huffington Center on Aging at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, knew that the mere scent of food could block some of the life-extending effects of caloric restriction in tiny, soil-dwelling worms. So he and his colleagues conducted similar tests in flies.

Sure enough, when calorie-restricted flies -- which tend to live about 50 percent longer than normal -- were housed in containers with the smell of a favorite food wafting in, the life-extending benefits of their diet were reduced by about 20 percent.

And mutant flies with defective senses of smell lived 56 percent longer than their smell-enabled counterparts, even though they ate all they wanted.

Odor may affect people the same way, Pletcher said. He said food smells alone trigger a raft of biochemical and hormonal changes that, while not as intense as those that occur when eating, nonetheless appear to be implicated in the aging process.

ageless's Photo ageless 14 Feb 2007

Anyone with blood work?
Seems some of these claims too good to be true... definitelty good for the marketers though!

tintinet's Photo tintinet 14 Feb 2007

Sorry, no hard data from me, yet, but resveratrol effects appear to be fairly consistent as reported. I'm at work today, shoveling, so to speak, while the majority of my nuclear family is home, either sick from a bad cold or recovering. So far (fingers crossed) I've evaded symptoms. However, this is not unusual for me, so I don't know that my current apparent state of vitality is due to taking ~10 mg/kg resveratrol.

The effects I've noticed subjectively are identical to those reported above: enhanced dreams; alertness, energy, endurance; boyant mood, etc.

health_nutty's Photo health_nutty 14 Feb 2007

FYI, I'm fairly young (30 years old).

valjean's Photo valjean 15 Feb 2007

it would be interesting to do a matrix of intensity of effect against the dimension of the ages of the ones taking resv...ie one would guess that the more noticeable effects would be greater in those who were subject to greater declines prior to starting resv...thus more benefit to gain and more damage to counteract equalling more perceived benefit.

Maybe not the age but the composition of the RESV. supplement, or the type of stress
someone is exposed to:

Grape Seed + Red Wine Powder + RESV
Pure Polygonum extract
Chemical pure RESV, ...

Level of oxidative stress when start taking resveratrol.
Lack of sleep,
Overload of work, ...

Maybe an interisting question:

Who took a single brand of RESV supp. for some time and then switched to
another one with a different composition and what are the obeservation in
this case ?