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CustomCapsule (customized supplements)

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#1 edward

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Posted 19 March 2007 - 08:36 PM

I have been thinking about ordering from this company as they allow one to customize the types and amounts of various supplements into one personalized capsule. Seems like a great idea and cost efficient and convenient. Does anyone have any experience with this company. What I have found on the web in other forums seems positive. If these people were for real it would make my life easier as most of the stuff I take is available in their ingredients list. However I am not sure if I want to trust my health to one company and its ability to mix 20 different ingredients into a uniformly blended customized capsule. Thoughts? Ideas?



#2 curious_sle

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Posted 19 March 2007 - 09:29 PM

Whoo! If that works out... i'd love to be their customer :-)
(plenty less caps with almost only filler... ugh)

#3 luv2increase

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Posted 19 March 2007 - 09:36 PM

I did a few little test formulations, and they are about 115% markup than if I bought in bulk powders and capped them myself. That is based off of buying small amounts of bulk powders and caps. Now, if I were to buy big amounts of bulk powders, I would expect to be paying prob around 200% more than if I just did it myself minus the labor. If I bought bulk powders by the kilo, probably a 1000% markup. lol

This would be good for people not inclined to get their hands dirty in capping hundreds of caps themselves. Overall, their prices would be around the same as if I would just buy my stuff in capsules. If you look at it that way, it is a good idea to use them and a good deal.

I like this idea a lot, but I won't use it. This being because I am all about saving money and don't mind getting my hands dirty.

#4 edward

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Posted 19 March 2007 - 10:29 PM

I haven't really looked into bulk powders for anything (other than resveratrol) but price wise I guess that would be the way to go, however I think my wife might freak out a little if kilos of bulk powders started showing up at our door. However currently I am only taking preformulated bottled supplements which has always been a pain in the butt (buy some from this site, some from that site, some from walmart, etcetera... headache). I'd be willing to pay a little bit to someone who mixed in exactly what I want. Taking into account all the fillers and extra cr*p that I don't want but end up getting along with the ingredients I do want I think I could save a lot of money going with something like this customcapsule. Again, wondering if anyone has experience with a company like this.

#5 luv2increase

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Posted 20 March 2007 - 12:34 AM

Surprisingly, I've never heard of them. Usually, I don't buy from places that I know nothing of. Their reputation could be horrible for all I know. I am weary of purchasing from places such as this. No thanks.

P.S. Why would your wife freak of bulk powders??? Trust issues? She doesn't like to conserve money?

#6 tintinet

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Posted 20 March 2007 - 01:20 AM

The selection seems, at least at this point, rather limited. I'd also be concerned about their supplement ingredient sources WRT purity, reliability, potency. Nice idea, but this particular incarnation, at least so far, is to much of a "black box" for me to be very interested.

#7 ajnast4r

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Posted 20 March 2007 - 03:25 AM

they use only dL-tocopherol... the flag for a company using low quality ingredients

#8 niteinnyc

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Posted 20 March 2007 - 03:53 AM

I've always wished someone would start a service like this one (or thought to start it myself). I'd use it in a heartbeat if I was assured I was getting the same level of quality and safety as from a well-known established source. Perhaps those of us who are conditionally interested ought to write them seeking to have our concerns addresed.

As far as the cost issue, for me I consider time valuable enough that I am more than willing to pay a premium to avoid all the hassles and time spent procuring everything from various sources, dosing and fishing for individual pills several times each day to take, not to mention capping if I were doing that. Also if you are capping, you are not creating multi-ingredient capsules of smaller dosages to take for example a 7 capsule dosage, are you? This is another big advantage, instead of having to sort out individual capsules every day, you just grab the 7 or so of your custom multi-supplements. Health and quality of life issues aside, I guess it would be a sad irony to extend your life by a few years but lose that time to supplementing.

#9 ageless

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Posted 20 March 2007 - 07:38 PM

Yeah, this could be very interesting...

#10 ageless

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Posted 20 March 2007 - 08:42 PM

I've always wished someone would start a service like this one (or thought to start it myself). I'd use it in a heartbeat if I was assured I was getting the same level of quality and safety as from a well-known established source. Perhaps those of us who are conditionally interested ought to write them seeking to have our concerns addresed.

As far as the cost issue, for me I consider  time valuable enough that I am more than willing to pay a premium to avoid all the hassles and time spent procuring everything from various sources, dosing and fishing for individual pills several times each day to take, not to mention capping if I were doing that. Also if you are capping, you are not creating multi-ingredient capsules of smaller dosages to take for example a 7 capsule dosage, are you? This is another big advantage, instead of having to sort out individual capsules every day, you just grab the 7 or so of your custom multi-supplements. Health and quality of life issues aside, I guess it would be a sad irony to extend your life by a few years but lose that time to supplementing.

Anyone try them yet? I really like this idea and their prices seem fair so far. I guess quality and trust are the prime issues.

#11 capsule_guy

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Posted 20 March 2007 - 10:00 PM

I did a few little test formulations, and they are about 115% markup than if I bought in bulk powders and capped them myself.  That is based off of buying small amounts of bulk powders and caps.  Now, if I were to buy big amounts of bulk powders, I would expect to be paying prob around 200% more than if I just did it myself minus the labor.  If I bought bulk powders by the kilo, probably a 1000% markup. lol

This would be good for people not inclined to get their hands dirty in capping hundreds of caps themselves.  Overall, their prices would be around the same as if I would just buy my stuff in capsules.  If you look at it that way, it is a good idea to use them and a good deal.

I like this idea a lot, but I won't use it.  This being because I am all about saving money and don't mind getting my hands dirty.

Luv2increase. you are actually looking at our 1 batch cost. If you added two or more batches you will see prices drop substantially.

Also ifyou were to try and mix 5 + ingredients yourself in a uniform mixture at home I would reason to bet you would find it rather difficult as most people wouldn't have the specialized mixing equpiment you need for such small batches.

We use a specialized Compounding pharmaceutical mixer to ensure the accuracy that all of our powders are thoroughly and consistently mixed.

#12 capsule_guy

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Posted 20 March 2007 - 10:02 PM

The selection seems, at least at this point, rather limited.  I'd also be concerned about their supplement ingredient sources WRT purity, reliability, potency.  Nice idea, but this particular incarnation, at least so far, is to much of a "black box" for me to be very interested.

Rather limited? How do you reason this. We have over 218 unique ingredients and our selection is continuously growing. Plus we do take request on ingredients we should carry.


#13 capsule_guy

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Posted 20 March 2007 - 10:06 PM

they use only dL-tocopherol... the flag for a company using low quality ingredients

Currently the only form of Vitamin E we carry is synthetic. We list it very clearly and exactly which form it is. We are not trying to pass it off as something its not or trick anyone. All of our ingredients are clearly listed as to what forms they are in. The great thing about us is we haven't tried to design a "one size fits all" supplement and then mass market it to the public ensuring everyone that this is the right combination for them. You pick and choose yourself. We are not here to force anything upon the consumer but rather give them the ability and knowledge to decide for themselves.


#14 capsule_guy

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Posted 20 March 2007 - 10:18 PM

Anyone try them yet? I really like this idea and their prices seem fair so far. I guess quality and trust are the prime issues.[/quote]

Check out these links





These show some reviews.

#15 luv2increase

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Posted 20 March 2007 - 11:06 PM

[quote]Anyone try them yet? I really like this idea and their prices seem fair so far. I guess quality and trust are the prime issues.[/quote]

Check out these links





These show some reviews.[/quote]

r u edward and nitinnyc?

#16 kenj

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Posted 20 March 2007 - 11:07 PM

Edward, did you borrow CustomCapsule's Personal Computer?

#17 niteinnyc

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Posted 20 March 2007 - 11:28 PM

CC, thanks for coming by.

Can you give some insight into your capping facilities, it's operation and oversight? I would imagine that this would be a main concern to many, and assurances in this area would go a long way towards alleviating concerns that they might be buying products that are unclean, not handled professionally or subject to dosage errors etc. I for one like to have a great deal of confidence in anything that I will be swallowing. Putting this on the website would probably be very helpful to your business.

How responsive are you to ingredient requests? I'd love to see more of the latest cutting- edge stuff to choose from, as well as more forms to choose from. I am now trying to put together a premium quality stack for myself which I hope to include ingredients in their most potent beneficial and absorbable forms, or multiple forms if there is evidence showing that to be beneficial. Cost takes a back seat on this for me, and I think there are many others here who feel the same when it comes to being willing to pay for top quality. I think that this is the direction for you to go in, since I would think that the majority of your market demographic will be the avid well-informed health consumer who seeks out this stuff, rather than the casual type who buy generic vitamins.

Do you have plans to be able to do something with products not available in powdered form?

Edited by niteinnyc, 22 March 2007 - 05:44 AM.

#18 edward

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Posted 21 March 2007 - 12:44 AM

lol bizarre, didn't expect the actual company to drop by.... It's revgenetics all over again

And no, I have no affiliation with the company and am still not sure whether to trust them or not. I just thought it might be a convenient idea because I am rather pissed off about opening 20 different bottles and ingesting grams of silica and fillers

#19 health_nutty

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Posted 21 March 2007 - 01:08 AM

I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, but have you guys just tried mixing it with water and tiny bit of juice and drinking the stuff? It's not as bad as you guys probably think if you dilute it enough.

#20 edward

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Posted 21 March 2007 - 02:10 AM

I don't really care about the taste factor. I'm looking for convenience and the time factor(sourcing products, ordering products and even the time each day it takes to prepare supplements). It's hard to take bulk powders to work and mix them in the break room with juice.

#21 capsule_guy

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Posted 21 March 2007 - 02:25 AM

Edward, did you borrow CustomCapsule's Personal Computer?

I never heard of this forum until today when two members from here sent a comment via the website asking us to post over here and answer some questions. If you look even at the forum links I posted you can see we have been in business and have plenty of customers. I would not make fake names on a forum and go through the time and effort to gain attention this way. Thank you for your concern however

#22 Agarikon

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Posted 21 March 2007 - 02:51 AM

I went through the list of their supplements...It's impressive but still lacking. It would be nice if they added ashwagandha, goji berry extract, bacopa, polygonum cuspitadum (resveratrol), and perhaps some mushrooms like lion's mane or some seed powders like flax seed.

#23 chrisp2

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Posted 21 March 2007 - 02:55 AM

Many people here (myself included) are willing to pay for quality. While I'd love a simple custom solution to my supplementation needs... I do have concerns about ingredient quality.

I buy from LEF, Pure Encapsulations, Jarrow, NOW... And that's about it.

It might be advantageous for you to have multiple brands for some of your ingredients... Specifically getting bulk ingredients from the above manufactures (and other good ones)... Then I would be very interested in buying from you.

Also - can you post more on your process, and what you do to ensure homgenous encapsulations?

And - thanks for coming here. :)

#24 edward

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Posted 21 March 2007 - 04:00 AM

CC- Specific questions on your Purity:

Is your Maca powder standardized? (your pop up info box says max dosage recommended of 1000mg which doesnt make it appear to be standardized or concentrated)

Is your Tongkat Ali extract standardized or concentrated 100:1 or 20:1 or ?

Same for your saw palmetto, standardized?

#25 edward

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Posted 21 March 2007 - 04:11 AM

basically what I see is that some supplements list their concentrations gingko (24% Flavonoids / 6% Terpenes), bilberry (25% anthoscyanins) while other simply say Maca Powder or Saw Palmetto Berries..... Which makes me think they are typical whole herb extracts which in my experience, one has to take bucketfulls in order to get an effect Which is why I like at least some sort of standardization Is this information available for some of the herbs without %s by them?

#26 luv2increase

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Posted 21 March 2007 - 05:04 AM

basically what I see is that some supplements list their concentrations gingko (24% Flavonoids / 6% Terpenes), bilberry (25% anthoscyanins) while other simply say Maca Powder or Saw Palmetto Berries..... Which makes me think they are typical whole herb extracts which in my experience, one has to take bucketfulls in order to get an effect Which is why I like at least some sort of standardization Is this information available for some of the herbs without %s by them?

give it a rest

#27 ageless

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Posted 21 March 2007 - 01:20 PM

Edward, did you borrow CustomCapsule's Personal Computer?

I never heard of this forum until today when two members from here sent a comment via the website asking us to post over here and answer some questions. If you look even at the forum links I posted you can see we have been in business and have plenty of customers. I would not make fake names on a forum and go through the time and effort to gain attention this way. Thank you for your concern however

Yes, I was one who emailed you. Thanks for your efforts here and I think most appreciate your time and patience in answering some of our queries. I really believe there is tremendous potential with regards to this kind of customized product.

#28 niteinnyc

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Posted 21 March 2007 - 03:55 PM

basically what I see is that some supplements list their concentrations gingko (24% Flavonoids / 6% Terpenes), bilberry (25% anthoscyanins) while other simply say Maca Powder or Saw Palmetto Berries..... Which makes me think they are typical whole herb extracts which in my experience, one has to take bucketfulls in order to get an effect Which is why I like at least some sort of standardization Is this information available for some of the herbs without %s by them?

Good question. Concentrations and other specifics are important to anyone taking herbs looking for specific potencies for desired effectiveness. For example, with the Saw Palmetto that you mentioned, from my reading it is important to know the % of free fatty acids since this can vary from less than 10% to 85%. If you were taking powder with only 10% you would need to take 6 times as much to get the same potency of a 60% extract. The highest % concentrations are what were used for studies related to this herb.

I also e-mailed CC to make them aware of this board and hopefuly come here to answer mine and others questions, since I thought it would be more helpful to answer them once in a forum where many can benefit than multiple times in individual e-mails. Hopefully they will give us the info we want, and I am looking foward to becoming a CC customer.

#29 ageless

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Posted 21 March 2007 - 04:44 PM

Ok, after reading some reviews and thinking more about the whole idea, this is kinda like a supplement connoisseurs dream come true. I think your selection is pretty good and hopefully the quality is there. I may soon be a very good customer.

#30 ajnast4r

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Posted 21 March 2007 - 07:07 PM

can i just chime in again and say that the use of synthetic vitamin E is unacceptable?

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