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Optimal Ejaculation Frequency?

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#1 chris_h

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Posted 18 April 2007 - 10:38 PM

I suspect that most here are aware of the study(s?) which suggest that frequent ejaculation reduces the risk of prostate cancer. http://news.bbc.co.u...lth/3072021.stm

From what I have read, the current medical advice is that one should ejaculate as frequently as one wishes.

A while back, I spent a week away from home, and my ejaculation frequency fell to a level much lower than normal. Perhaps it was unrelated, but I felt more energetic, social, and virile than I had in years.

From what I have read, there is a widespread perception that frequent ejaculation causes lethargy, yet all of the articles written by physicians seem to discount this perception as an unsubstantiated archaic belief.

Anyway, my own experience combined with the public perception and the advice given by the physicians of the past leads me to believe that frequent ejaculation promotes lethargy.

Does anyone have any thoughts on an optimal frequency which would appropriately balance the positive cancer risk reduction with undesirable exergonic effects?

#2 luv2increase

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Posted 18 April 2007 - 10:50 PM

No ejaculation = Nootropic like effects

Frequent ejaculation = Benzo like effects

Having sex once or twice a day assuming you ejaculate only once each time should be ok. Anymore than this, and you will be one tired mofo.

One doesn't have to read studies to figure this one out. The prostate thingy is different though.

#3 chris_h

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Posted 18 April 2007 - 11:01 PM

Tell me more about the nootropic like effects. Do they persist indefinitely upon the cessation of ejaculation, or do they subside after the mind equilibrates?

#4 lucid

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Posted 19 April 2007 - 12:10 AM

I don't think that it was the same study that I read, but I read that 3-5 times a week was optimal. As far as quality of life goes, I wouldn't recommend making yourself do it. Just don't be embarrassed about it and get it done when you want to!

#5 Shepard

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Posted 19 April 2007 - 12:36 AM

There is a lot more to consider than some basic number. You've got to evaluate the hotness of the partner, the number of partners, the realistic time frame that you will continue to have the opportunity, etc.

This is assuming you do not disassociate orgasm with ejaculation.

#6 lucid

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Posted 19 April 2007 - 02:12 AM

I read one a doctors article saying that there might be actual benefit to using the prostate muscle (the thin muscle tissue surrounds the prostate gland). Perhaps exercising the muscle itself could help reduce prostate size. The prostate wraps around the urethra, and there is a little trick you can do to exercise it: when urinating: contract the muscle used to propel the semen out and this should stop the urine flow. This muscle isn't normally used voluntarily, but with a little practice you can get control of it. If having difficulty, try squeezing your butt cheeks together... that can do it sometimes. At any rate, try to pause mid urination without using your hands 2-3 times per urination and that should help build your prostate muscle.

Ejaculation putatively prevents prostate cancer by flushing the fluid in your prostate. Its the same idea as colon cancer, you don't want that fluid sitting around in one spot for a particularly long time. As to the ideal frequency, It takes 3 days for your body to 'fill up' completely on semen. (I'm not sure if this is all fluids or just sperm). At anyrate, it would make sense to try to get off at least every 3 days. Cheers.

#7 durandal

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Posted 19 April 2007 - 02:59 AM

contract the muscle used to propel the semen out and this should stop the urine flow. This muscle isn't normally used voluntarily, but with a little practice you can get control of it.

Another reason to strengthen the pubococcygeus is to be able to hold in ejaculation.

#8 ajnast4r

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Posted 19 April 2007 - 04:53 AM


A while back, I spent a week away from home, and my ejaculation frequency fell to a level much lower than normal.  Perhaps it was unrelated, but I felt more energetic, social, and virile than I had in years.

From what I have read, there is a widespread perception that frequent ejaculation causes lethargy, yet all of the articles written by physicians seem to discount this perception as an unsubstantiated archaic belief.

there are two HUGE threads about this on mindandmuscle.net forums

it even resulted in a few people trying not ejaculating for a few weeks, and i believe every single one of them reported feeling more energetic and social.

#9 graatch

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Posted 19 April 2007 - 05:11 AM

QFT ajnast4r.

Prolactin (antagonizing dopamine) rises significantly and drops over two days. Testosterone levels start to rise at day 4, peaking at 7, and I would bet that after a while you'd best bust. Bell curve baby.

#10 Live Forever

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Posted 19 April 2007 - 11:02 AM

They always say boxers hold off on sex a few days (weeks?) before a fight to increase their energy. I think the same is true of some other pro athletes.


Edited by Mind, 16 December 2018 - 02:49 PM.

#11 Shepard

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Posted 19 April 2007 - 12:26 PM

This is the main thread that spread the "abstinence challenge" around the boards:


We also discussed it here a little bit, too. I believe cnorwood agreed with their results.

#12 ajnast4r

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Posted 19 April 2007 - 02:09 PM

im willing to try it and keep a log if someone else is? [sfty]

i honestly think the longest ive gone is 3 or 4 days.... ide be interested to see how i feel around 2 weeks

#13 Live Forever

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Posted 19 April 2007 - 02:19 PM

I've gone a couple weeks before. The first few days are much harder, and then it gets easier. Still, not a pleasant experience.

#14 EmbraceUnity

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Posted 19 April 2007 - 02:30 PM

I tried this experiment at the beginning of last school year. I went 2 weeks without ejaculating. I was twitchy and consumed by the urge for sex, and I just so happened to find a girl which relieved my tension, and she ended up being my girlfriend for the next six months. The state I was in somehow heightened the experience of meeting her in my mind.

I can go a couple of days without ejaculating and not notice, but after 3 or 4 days no amount of health information would dissuade me from going for it.

Edited by progressive, 28 April 2007 - 09:21 AM.

#15 chris_h

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Posted 19 April 2007 - 02:43 PM

im willing to try it and keep a log if someone else is?  [sfty]

i honestly think the longest ive gone is 3 or 4 days.... ide be interested to see how i feel around 2 weeks

I am going to try to go for at least a week. I have probably averaged 3 to 4 ejaculations per day for the last 9 years, and I am very lazy and sleep for 11 - 12 hours per night. I noticed that I needed less sleep during my week of reduced frequency; my log will include hours of sleep per night and how rested I feel in the morning and throughout the day.

#16 caston

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Posted 19 April 2007 - 02:50 PM

Yeah I should try that. Stop masturbating and only let myself ejaculate if I get sex. I wonder what type of person that would make me. lol

#17 shadowrun

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Posted 19 April 2007 - 03:13 PM

That exercise you were talking about is called Kegels
(Run a google search - You'll have plenty of sites to choose from)

Great for your prostate - enhancing orgasm and sex - prolonging the amount of time you can have sex - Creates a fuller and stronger erection - Helps with Urinary incontinence and bowel control - Premature ejaculation issues

you can also...(ahem)"shoot" farther...
I hit the ceiling once

It works, its easy, its healthy, it doesn't require much time or effort and it has observable results

#18 lucid

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Posted 19 April 2007 - 04:12 PM

prolonging the amount of time you can have sex

Anyone know of an exercise which would have the opposite effect, it takes about an hour of sex to get me off.... which sucks... I practiced delaying the ejaculation way too much as a kid and now i can go for forever... way too long.

#19 narcissistic

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Posted 19 April 2007 - 04:34 PM

I think this is weary individual and it has probably some thing to with how fast the sperms are replaced. I wonder what would happen if a person didn’t Ejaculation for say 6 month would the testicles start to shrink? or would one start do spontaneously Ejaculation in the sleep?

Not Ejaculat some how increases aggression and makes me less tolerant.

#20 shadowrun

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Posted 19 April 2007 - 04:58 PM

Lucid - I had the same problem for the same reasons

I didn't resolve this issue until I had my first long term relationship a few years ago

What I started doing was just having sex for as long as my gf was enjoying it...When she seemed done (15-30 mins in) I would stop

Of course she'd get upset and she'd think she was a piece of crap - but it also had the upside of challenging the girl and differentiating me from other guys

I refrained from masturbation or porn and I kept at this process until I got a natural release through intercourse

It only took 4 days!

After a month I incorporated masturbation back into the picture and we're a much happier (and less tired) 15 min (sometimes 30 min) intercourse couple

#21 ajnast4r

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Posted 19 April 2007 - 05:50 PM

I have probably averaged 3 to 4 ejaculations per day for the last 9 years,

thats nuts!
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#22 luv2increase

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Posted 19 April 2007 - 06:02 PM

I think this is weary individual and it has probably some thing to with how fast the sperms are replaced. I wonder what would happen if a person didn’t Ejaculation for say 6 month would the testicles start to shrink? or would one start do spontaneously Ejaculation in the sleep?

Not Ejaculat some how increases aggression and makes me less tolerant.

If I haven't ejaculated for a week or so, I will start to have them wet dreamy type dreams where I'm having sex and stuff. They are pretty real and intense as well! ;) Crazy? :)

I have found that if I don't have any sort of nut, I get really angry and intolerant as well. It is the same feeling one goes through when at the 2 or 3 day mark of abstinence coming off of a daily weed habit.

#23 narcissistic

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Posted 19 April 2007 - 06:49 PM

If I haven't ejaculated for a week or so, I will start to have them wet dreamy type dreams where I'm having sex and stuff. They are pretty real and intense as well!  Crazy?

I’m thinking: not ejaculate+melatonin, might be fun.

#24 lucid

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Posted 19 April 2007 - 09:14 PM

Lucid - I had the same problem for the same reasons
I didn't resolve this issue until I had my first long term relationship a few years ago
What I started doing was just having sex for as long as my gf was enjoying it...When she seemed done (15-30 mins in) I would stop
Of course she'd get upset and she'd think she was a piece of crap - but it also had the upside of challenging the girl and differentiating me from other guys
I refrained from masturbation or porn and I kept at this process until I got a natural release through intercourse
It only took 4 days!
After a month I incorporated masturbation back into the picture and we're a much happier (and less tired) 15 min (sometimes 30 min) intercourse couple

Thanks ;)
I have been kind of doing this, I'll try and take masturbation out for a month and see how it goes.

#25 caston

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Posted 22 April 2007 - 07:47 AM

then take herbal aphrodisiacs like tribilus and horny goat weed and hit the clubs!
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#26 kenj

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Posted 22 April 2007 - 09:53 AM

LOL Caston.
FWIW, I consider a regulated sex life with weekly ejaculation (depending on the biological age) the master neuro endocrine modulator, avoiding the hormonal negative feedback loop that will occur after days (one week?) of abstinence, if one is otherwise healthy and in good shape.
FWIW, while I'm at ~70% strength for life the day after, the next few days following, I do get HUGE surges of energy, motivation and stamina for exercises, and lovemaking (w/o "release"), comfortably declining, until "pay day" comes again. ;-)
IME, after one week of abstinence, I get trouble processing the many nutrients I take, when everything slows down, less interest in life in general (besides no patience), and minor uncomfortable tension in the lower region even. This would probably stabilize eventually to maintain homeostasis in the body but, heck, I'm not ready to move in to a monastery.
Seriously, while monks may have a long life (probably also due to their choice of foods), and the super centenarians we've seen, likely lived their last decade(s) with fossilized sexual functions, - but what do I know of course (!), - AFAIK, maintaining balanced hormonal wealth, will slow any degenerative disease.
Look at the long-living okinawa people with their IMO admirable, incredible, strong social networks.

#27 lucid

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Posted 22 April 2007 - 06:28 PM

Anyone know of any health benefits/problems associated with female sexual activity? I suppose that a healthy sex life would aid in general stress reduction and therefore a longer life. Anyone read any studies on the matter?

#28 Centurion

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Posted 22 April 2007 - 08:54 PM

2 weeks without sexual activity of any sort. That would make you one horny mofo. I find the hotter weather ireland has been getting lately has done that for me anyway, I don't need any more testosterone :S

#29 pouexmachinax

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Posted 23 April 2007 - 06:04 PM


I'm not making any comments about the validity of those claims. I'll let you people judge.

#30 lucid

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Posted 23 April 2007 - 07:19 PM

Interesting article. Their dopamine prolactin description definitely explained my teenage days of masturbating 3+ times a day. They do make dopamine and prolactin out to be a bandit though (which they might have been when I was 15). However, into my twenties I have found that I don't have the desire to have sex or masturbate all of the time. I do find that I feel anti-social after sex, I never want to go to parties etc (perhaps an effect of prolactin). Interesting article though, it definitely gives some explanations to what a 'healthy sex life' might look life hormonally.

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