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Shepard goes Evolutionary

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#1 Shepard

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Posted 20 April 2007 - 03:53 PM

My normal method of investigating most health-related ideas/supplements/etc:

1. Go over a decent amount of research to find sufficient validation with minimal risk.
2. Ensure that I understand the mechanism at work.
3. Read works/ideas of individuals that I respect regarding the topic.
4. Flip a quarter.
5. Read over anecdotal experiences that I can find.

In this case, I went straight to number 4 and am going to adapt a full-blown Neanderthal, club-swinging, testosterone-fueled 'evolutionary lifestyle'. I've been using two of the practices used by some in this arena lately (cold exposure and more natural sleep cycle) and have been really diggin' them. So, I'm going all out. Included, but not limited to:

Intermittent Fasting
Paleo Diet, Cordain-style (oh, how I'll miss my carbohydrates)
Cold/Heat exposure (not sure the 'heat' part has ever been included, but there is some good research/theory behind it...plus I just got a hot tub)
Workouts will probably remain about the same as they are already pretty short/intense
Aerobic work will probably be put on hold for anaerobic conditioning sessions and walking, as diet allows
Interesting workout nutrition (I'm debating on fasted conditioning work, or maybe just skipping all food after conditioning work 1x/week)
Trying to minimize any exposure to all those harmful modern products.

Now, I've been pretty cynical in the past regarding certain aspects of this approach. I hid behind my use of artificial sweeteners when people said they were bad by countering with "Prove it, hippie.". When the girl at Subway told me bread and mayonnaise were bad for me, I told her she was fat because nature decided her genes had no place in Shepard's Society. No longer will I hide behind the shroud of modern science. Never again (during the experiment) will I explain to people at a party why an alcohol and cigarette diet can work to a certain extent for certain applications. I will delve head-on into the world of paleolithic man and see what there is to see.

I am going to attempt this experiment until August to make sure I give it a fair run. I know that there will be sacrifices. I've already had to turn down a party invitation this weekend. I wonder how I can explain to the girl (newly exclusive, someone kill me) that we have to take care of everything early because I have to be asleep by 10. And we're not having breakfast since I can't eat until lunch. Hopefully the hunter/gatherer life will convince her monogamy is not natural or she'll realize I'm crazy.

Anyway, long story short, I'll post any significant changes in whatever form they present themselves when/if they occur.

Edited by shepard, 20 April 2007 - 04:57 PM.

#2 Athanasios

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Posted 20 April 2007 - 04:27 PM

Intermittent Fasting
Paleo Diet, Cordain-style (oh, how I'll miss my carbohydrates)
Cold/Heat exposure (not sure the 'heat' part has ever been included, but there is some good research/theory behind it...plus I just got a hot tub)

I know my body and mind enjoy this type of lifestyle. Keep us updated.

#3 FunkOdyssey

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Posted 20 April 2007 - 04:47 PM

This sounds really interesting, keep us posted!

One question: are you still following your usual supplement regimen during this experiment? I'm pretty sure Neanderthals didn't have access to Iherb.com. [tung]

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#4 Shepard

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Posted 20 April 2007 - 04:56 PM

One question: are you still following your usual supplement regimen during this experiment?  I'm pretty sure Neanderthals didn't have access to Iherb.com.  [tung]

I forgot to mention this. Supplementation will be stripped down completely to only vitamin/mineral/EFA/digestive concerns.

#5 mitkat

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Posted 20 April 2007 - 05:05 PM

Looking forward to hearing about it...never let it be said Shepard does it half-ass.

Social life restrictions? Damn.

#6 wayside

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Posted 20 April 2007 - 05:13 PM

What are your criteria for determining whether this experiment is successful or not?

#7 eternaltraveler

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Posted 20 April 2007 - 05:35 PM

What are your criteria for determining whether this experiment is successful or not?

Firstly, that he doesn't get eaten by a cave lion, secondly, whether his descendants evolve and develop a society where they can eat whenever they want, whatever they want (including all kinds of artificial sweeteners), and can stay up past ten.

#8 eldar

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Posted 20 April 2007 - 05:51 PM

Intermittent Fasting

How are you going to apply this?

I did this for about 2 months. My routine was to do my workout in the morning and eat a LOT that day.
Then the next day I wouldn't eat pretty much anything, except about 100 g protein to try and minimize muscle loss and maybe some vegetables.

It wen't somewhat ok, only problem was that my workouts didn't feel optimal after a day of fasting.
Should really try again some time now.

#9 EmbraceUnity

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Posted 20 April 2007 - 05:53 PM

Uggah Uggah Chagga Ugga

Ugga Chagga Chagga Ugga Chagga Chagga?

Chagga, Chagga Ugga Uggah Ugga. Grrrr Ugga Uggaa!!

#10 OutOfThyme

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Posted 20 April 2007 - 08:56 PM

If successful, next years conference could look something like--this.

#11 Shepard

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Posted 20 April 2007 - 09:05 PM

Social life restrictions? Damn.

Yeah, I know. If summer wasn't fast approaching, it would probably be an exercise in futility. But, the majority of the summer around here is busting out the grill in the afternoon instead of hanging out until morning.

What are your criteria for determining whether this experiment is successful or not?

I really have no expectations for this experiment. If I notice any significant improvement in any area I'll consider it a success in some way. I don't forsee any significant fitness improvements, but I'm curious about body comp changes. I can diet down below 10% fairly easily, but staying there year-round is not fun for me without outside help. I'm also curious about any mental/emotional changes that might take place.

How are you going to apply this?

I'm going to limit eating to 11-7 daily. Some days I won't be able to eat until after noon, and other days I'll be able to eat at 11, but I have lab around 5:30. So, it will vary, but that is my window of eating. First meal of the day will be a good chunk of protein and fat. All strength workouts will have carbs around them in the form of honey/fruits. I'll probably change it up on conditiong work, depending on how I feel. There will also be protein in some form around the workouts. Last meal will probably be lean cut of meat and vegetables.

Firstly, that he doesn't get eaten by a cave lion, secondly, whether his descendants evolve and develop a society where they can eat whenever they want, whatever they want (including all kinds of artificial sweeteners), and can stay up past ten.

I will consider it a success if I chase down said lion, thoroughly womp on some ass, and braid its mane.

#12 Mind

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Posted 20 April 2007 - 09:15 PM

I have found #4 works a lot better when I flip a fifty cent piece.

#13 zoolander

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Posted 20 April 2007 - 09:28 PM

Apart from trying to emulate all those ripped muscle bound spartans in 300, what is your reasoning for this change Shep? What was the straw that broke the camels back?

Spot and extra wrinkle on the forehead? Starting to get those lovehandles? What?

Shep could you do me a favour?.....document as much as you can. Take photos. Weigh yourself. Take weekly blood pressure and heart rate measurements. Try and get some blood biochemistry. Try and get some measures of physical strength, flexibility and agility as well. For example, simple 1RM testing on various exercises would be fine for strength or even grip dynometer.

An interesting thing that might come out of this, considering that your supplement regime is fairly extensive, is that the more organic approach ie. mimicking hunter gather lifestyle, may be more effective than taking supplements.

Please do you best to get as many objective measurements before, during and after as possible. If you do this right and see significant changes you can publish what you found to the masses or even sell the regime.

#14 basho

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Posted 20 April 2007 - 09:40 PM

What is this paleo diet meant to optimize? Survival in a paleolithic environment?

#15 OutOfThyme

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Posted 20 April 2007 - 09:44 PM

Shep could you do me a favour?.....document as much as you can. Take photos. Weigh yourself. Take weekly blood pressure and heart rate measurements. Try and get some blood biochemistry. Try and get some measures of physical strength, flexibility and agility as well. For example, simple 1RM testing on various exercises would be fine for strength or even grip dynometer.

Good idea Zoo--maybe even sticky the thread next to Matt's CR diet; with Shep's consent, of course.

#16 Shepard

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Posted 20 April 2007 - 09:57 PM

Spot and extra wrinkle on the forehead? Starting to get those lovehandles? What?

You bastard, I do not have wrinkles. Gray hair, I've got.

But, there are only so many times that I can be on the 'paleo-oriented' boards at 3 am having a peanut butter & jelly sandwhich with milk saying "You people are stupid" without becoming curious enough to try it for a while.

Shep could you do me a favour?.....document as much as you can. Take photos. Weigh yourself. Take weekly blood pressure and heart rate measurements. Try and get some blood biochemistry. Try and get some measures of physical strength, flexibility and agility as well. For example, simple 1RM testing on various exercises would be fine for strength or even grip dynometer.

An interesting thing that might come out of this, considering that your supplement regime is fairly extensive, is that the more organic approach ie. mimicking hunter gather lifestyle, may be more effective than taking supplements.

Please do you best to get as many objective measurements before, during and after as possible. If you do this right and see significant changes you can publish what you found to the masses or even sell the regime.

I had thought of this. I probably am going to try to schedule some blood work early on and then again when/if I decide to stop.

#17 Shepard

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Posted 20 April 2007 - 10:08 PM

What is this paleo diet meant to optimize?  Survival in a paleolithic environment?

According to many devout paleo followers, it optimizes every area of life: body composition, cognitive function, well-being, etc. Basically the whole 'ape in a suit' taken physiologically instead of psychologically.

#18 basho

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Posted 20 April 2007 - 11:10 PM

What is this paleo diet meant to optimize?  Survival in a paleolithic environment?

According to many devout paleo followers, it optimizes every area of life: body composition, cognitive function, well-being, etc. Basically the whole 'ape in a suit' taken physiologically instead of psychologically.

Now that sounds good! I was concerned that such a diet might have been optimal for an environment where you physically fight your way up the social hierarchy, mate with as many females as possible, and die before you're 30. Not that there's anything wrong with that of course ;) (well, except for the fighting and dying bit)

#19 Shepard

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Posted 20 April 2007 - 11:15 PM

environment where you physically fight your way up the social hierarchy, mate with as many females as possible, and die before you're 30. 

Live by the club, die by the club.

Posted Image

#20 zoolander

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Posted 21 April 2007 - 01:08 AM

why don't we critique the paleo diet?

Isolate what is 'good' about it and explain why it is 'good'. Additionally we can't look at what it doesn't include and assess whether these items are 'bad'.

We've come along way since paleolithic times. Why wouldn't you just combine what we have learnt from a scientific stand point with the beneficial aspects of the paleolithic lifestyle.

To tell you the truth I don't really agree with conforming to a particular diet/lifestyle because doing so generally restricts you in what you can eat or do. Not all of these restrictions are 'bad' and some people restrict the 'good' because they weren't/aren't a aprt of that particular diet/lifestyle.

I'm all for customising or personalising diet and lifestyles to suit your own needs and requirements but I'm not for becoming a particular diet or lifestyle.

#21 Shepard

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Posted 21 April 2007 - 01:16 AM

I pretty much agree with all of that.

#22 zoolander

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Posted 21 April 2007 - 01:24 AM


are there areas that you will tweak with your modern day knowledge of how the body works?

Once again shep, you should consider how you can capitalise from this experiment. Modifying the paleo diet enough will essentially mean that you have your own diet, albeit based on another, but yours nonetheless.


Your the one putting in the time and effort.

When your done I will change your diet by roughly 10% and cash in on that ;)

#23 Shepard

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Posted 21 April 2007 - 01:35 AM

Initially, I'm going to go with my planned experiment. On paper, I don't feel the paleo diet is optimal. I've done CKD diets many times, but this is kind of a different beast. I've also chalked most of the rest of up to only being beneficial in certain instances.

Once I'm done I'll either reaffirm my previous position (maybe with slight changes) or I might be converted. I should note that I will not be counting Calories/macronutrient ratios at all during this time. A day hasn't gone by in the past few years where I haven't had a decent idea of my daily intake, so I'm fully relying on this type of lifestyle to keep me un-fat.

A book about this actually sounds kind of intriguing. Nothing on the topic has been written on the subject that was very readable for the average person so far.

#24 zoolander

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Posted 21 April 2007 - 01:43 AM

Then start writing it all down and keep your options open. Get the right publisher on board and your set minus 10%. ;)

#25 zoolander

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Posted 21 April 2007 - 01:53 AM

why don't you set up a blog about your experiance and write to it daily?

If you need help setting up a blog I would be happy to assist.


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#26 wydell

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Posted 21 April 2007 - 01:54 AM

How about making an exception 4 days a month for your girl friend on the sleep thing? A good relationship will probably do more for your health than strict adherence to an outdated diet. I am being sarcastic with the word "outdated." The whole paleo thing may be very good for all I know. But then again, did not all of those Neanderthals die out at some point in time? Just kidding. Again

My normal method of investigating most health-related ideas/supplements/etc:

I am going to attempt this experiment until August to make sure I give it a fair run. I know that there will be sacrifices. I've already had to turn down a party invitation this weekend. I wonder how I can explain to the girl (newly exclusive, someone kill me) that we have to take care of everything early because I have to be asleep by 10. And we're not having breakfast since I can't eat until lunch. Hopefully the hunter/gatherer life will convince her monogamy is not natural or she'll realize I'm crazy.

Anyway, long story short, I'll post any significant changes in whatever form they present themselves when/if they occur.

#27 zoolander

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Posted 21 April 2007 - 01:57 AM

I'm thinking

wydell = sheps girl

#28 Shepard

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Posted 21 April 2007 - 02:08 AM

I'm thinking

wydell = sheps girl

That would be quite funny, but I doubt she has ever even been to an internet forum. She's not so good with the computer.

And neither am I, apparently. paleodiet.wordpress.com is now mine, but I'm quite ignorant when it comes to software in general, particularly online apps. I couldn't figure out how to post to RMML when I tried it. So, I might be hitting you up for help on setting it up. But, it's like, dark outside. So, I've gotta get to bed so I can be up with the sun.

#29 Karomesis

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Posted 21 April 2007 - 02:12 AM

Shep, good luck with it man. [thumb]

but......in keeping with the evolutionary theme, you also have to fight for mating opportunities and kill your prey by hand [:o] [lol]

which subsequently means hunting stray dogs for food, and if you have a girlfreind/wife, getting into fights because someone looked at her. [:o]

let us know how it turns out. [thumb]

#30 wydell

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Posted 21 April 2007 - 07:47 PM

He could only be so lucky! But while he would likley appreciate that I am heavily into supplements , health and exercise, he might not appreciate the 6'2'' 190 lb frame.

We better get off this topic now before I get homophobic.

I'm thinking

wydell = sheps girl

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