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Contacting Celebrities

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#91 bacopa

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Posted 10 June 2009 - 07:31 PM

I think we should do it through here, at least for now. Even if there is a resistance to the ImmInst name, thats fine, we will still have memed it to them. If there is a huge resistance to the name it will help propel the potential "Longevity Communities Network" idea along, with the Longevity Communities Network concept, you can tailor your meming effort to the person your talking to, as you get a feel for their personality and susceptability. That is, if most or all of the communites that we propose participate in the network. Those proposed are imminst, singinst, mf, sensf, cel, car, longevity meme, and alcor. I suspect that mf, sensf, singinst and alcor will be a hard sell on the idea, although we should be able to at least give them a banner mention in the network or work it in in some other non official way.

Ok sounds good...have you re opened the topic of changing the name to the leaders of imminst as of recently? We really should change the name. Is the Longevity Comm Network going to be the new imminst or is that a separate thing?

#92 brokenportal

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Posted 16 June 2009 - 02:37 PM

I havent dove into that suggestion all the way yet.

So, with this VIP project, youve got some lists. Have you set up a wiki page for it? This is just brainstorming, I dont know how you would do it, if possible then I would put all the lists on a document and alphabetize them. Then pick however many names you feel comfortable with each week and contact them during a meeting time. Then also contact them at any other time you have time for. Then log the information in the wiki, like, if you call an agent and they dont answer, you get an answering machine, they blow you off, they say they will get back to you, or whatever, then write that down. Once youve got something like that set up then I can help you recruit for more helpers a little.

Edited by brokenportal, 16 June 2009 - 02:38 PM.

#93 bacopa

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Posted 19 June 2009 - 06:36 AM

I havent dove into that suggestion all the way yet.

So, with this VIP project, youve got some lists. Have you set up a wiki page for it? This is just brainstorming, I dont know how you would do it, if possible then I would put all the lists on a document and alphabetize them. Then pick however many names you feel comfortable with each week and contact them during a meeting time. Then also contact them at any other time you have time for. Then log the information in the wiki, like, if you call an agent and they dont answer, you get an answering machine, they blow you off, they say they will get back to you, or whatever, then write that down. Once youve got something like that set up then I can help you recruit for more helpers a little.

Ok I don't know how to set up a Wiki and I'll ask anyone here if they can help me with that. Alphabetizing the names sounds like a good idea. But I need to do that and I NEED lots of people to help me with this as most celebs will not be into this kind of thing.

Some atheists and agnostic celebs are Bruce Willis, Natalie Portman, Zack Efron, Hugh Hefner, Bill Gates, Gene Wilder etc. I don't think this level of celeb is appropriate yet to contact but maybe in the future. My eye is on Maher for now.

So I pm'd Shannon and asked her to give me her input. Making a wiki can't be that hard right?

#94 caliban

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Posted 26 June 2009 - 12:36 PM

The suggested wiki page has been pointed out already


log in with you forum username and password and edit all you like.

#95 brokenportal

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Posted 26 June 2009 - 06:26 PM

Thats right, there is already one started. I just went and added some more basics to it. As a member you can edit the wiki. The basics for it are straight forward at that link. If I were you, a next suggested step would be to fill out the name and contact info for the first three fields and link to at least one template for snail mail and one for phone. Get some feedback from Shannon, Mind, DJS and others on the pitches and then when you have them ready then try them out on the first three contacts.

#96 VidX

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Posted 07 July 2009 - 03:55 PM

I guess Victoria and David Beckhams would be a good candidates to this list, as they both allegedly want to "Stay young forever", especially Victoria. Though I'm not sure how much of that is true, but being a multimillionaire in this age with all that fame and comfort I'd certainly would like to be able to.

#97 bacopa

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Posted 07 July 2009 - 05:31 PM

I guess Victoria and David Beckhams would be a good candidates to this list, as they both allegedly want to "Stay young forever", especially Victoria. Though I'm not sure how much of that is true, but being a multimillionaire in this age with all that fame and comfort I'd certainly would like to be able to.

Exactly what I think! I would imagine being a celeb can really make a person want to live a long long time mostly because it's a pretty damn good life! You make loads of money, have people worshiping you, (which can't hurt the ego,) and you get to party and live life to it's fullest, unlike most 9 to 5ers who don't have that luxary. When Rick Wright keyboardist to Pink Floyd died I thought how especially horrible it must be to have the perfect life with probably over a billion in savings and die so early at 65, I think it was. I almost would rather never make alot of money as I think it would upset me to have to part with it so soon. Not that money equates happiness all the time, and maybe some rich people are unhappy because there is no real struggle in their lives.

But yeah Victoria and David seem like good candidates. Maybe a little too big to pay any attention to us at this point in the game.

#98 bacopa

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Posted 10 July 2009 - 04:27 AM

I just saw tonight, on Conan, that Larry King is going to do cryonics. He didn't seem to know much about it and had seemed to only think you could do a whole head suspension and not whole body as well. Perhaps he would be a good celebrity to contact? If we could send him the letter and the book I think he would be a great celebrity to contact! He said he didn't have faith in an afterlife and wanted to live pretty much forever, was the impression I got. Any thoughts?

#99 brokenportal

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Posted 10 July 2009 - 04:29 AM

Thats dang good news. We should work on him for sure, yes. So what is the next step you are going to take with this team?

#100 bacopa

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Posted 10 July 2009 - 04:35 AM

Thats dang good news. We should work on him for sure, yes. So what is the next step you are going to take with this team?

My next steps are to recruit more people first, and then when I have like 10 or so I believe we can start writing letters. And of course like you said we should get a member each week or so to input 3 celebrity addresses into the wiki. Do you think we should start contacting the celebs that member inputted into the wiki? Or should we wait until we have more people? I also contacted Shannon to look at our two letters. I also asked her if she wanted to write her own letter. Any thoughts as to how you would like to take this next?

#101 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 10 July 2009 - 07:47 PM

Devon, and BP I read the letters you suggested, and I'd be happy to write an individual letter to any said celebrity. I think the intro should be much more brief that what you both had, and that at least one line should be personalized. (I referenced an interview he did, as well as a book he wrote--the books that are included should speak for themselves in regards to arguments pertaining to extreme life extension).

I hope Devon can send the letter and proposed package contents to Larry King ;)

Dear Larry King,

I saw your interview with Conan O'Brian and heard of your interest in Cryonics. I've enclosed some books on the subject and the contact information for the various organizations.


1. The Scientific Conquest of Death, (an overview of many issues surrounding the topic of conquering death)
2. 21st Century Kids, (written to explain cryonics to kids, sort of like Daddy Day, Daughter Day was written to help with pain of divorce)
3. Ending Aging, (what is being done to end aging and how it most likely can be accomplished)
4. The Prospect of Immortality, (a classic introduction to cryonics)

There is a lot of information at the Cryonics Institute website and Alcor website. http://www.cryonics.org/refs.html and http://www.alcor.org/

Feel free to contact me with any questions, I'm the mother of three children who are signed up for cryonics. You can see me interviewed by Barbara Walters by typing "Freezing Yourself Into the Future" at the ABC news site.

Best of luck with all, and your own trip into the future :-)

Shannon Vyff

#102 brokenportal

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Posted 10 July 2009 - 08:01 PM

Alright, that looks great.

Thats exactly the kind of short and sweet I meant. I felt mine was a little to long the way it was too, I was trying to shorten it up. I'm going to use this as a template to try another version.

Shannon, would you be willing to propose some of your treasure chest funds for this, and then have a copy of each of these books sent to Devon from Amazon? As many copies of each as you want really, but at least one of each, and then Devon can try this one out right away.

#103 brokenportal

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Posted 10 July 2009 - 08:14 PM

My next steps are to recruit more people first, and then when I have like 10 or so I believe we can start writing letters. And of course like you said we should get a member each week or so to input 3 celebrity addresses into the wiki. Do you think we should start contacting the celebs that member inputted into the wiki? Or should we wait until we have more people? I also contacted Shannon to look at our two letters. I also asked her if she wanted to write her own letter. Any thoughts as to how you would like to take this next?

Make recruiting the secondary goal. Other wise you will get bogged down in trying to meet a quota of volunteers for the team that you could chase for many months. It will also cause a traffic jam of ideas of what to write in the letters and that discussion could go on for a long time.

If however you start sending things out to people right away then people will see this and the recruiting will probably take care of itself. You can still recruit as much as you want in addition to sending out letters and packages and making calls and stuff though.

Part of the next step is, get letters together for those 3 people on that list. Ask Shannon if she can personalize some for those 3, or follow her template to write some up for them too. Can you do that by the end of monday? If so, then we can see if we can get you at least 4 copies of each of those books ordered at that time. We'll get at least 1 of each. As soon as those arrive then send that letter and package out to Larry King.

Also in the mean time, prepare an email to send to Larry, and a phone pitch. The phone pitch should ask them if they got the email and package and then also reiterate the pitch. I think the email can be bit longer than the snail mail, but not much longer.

Shannon, what do you think about including your phone number as a contact in the letters?

#104 bacopa

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Posted 11 July 2009 - 12:25 PM

Ok I'll wait on how I can get 4 copies or more of those books. I already asked Shannon to critique our 2 letters but she never replied. However she did, as you may know, create a short letter to Larry king.

I think the email could be a combo of our 2 letters and Shannon's. I'll send Shannon out another PM right now.

Don't you think the email letter should be based on our 2 letters to some degree?

#105 brokenportal

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Posted 11 July 2009 - 04:37 PM

She wrote that she read them but that they seemed a bit long, and I think they may be a bit to long too. Try her version to Larry King. If anything I might ad 3 or 4 lines to her version but thats about it. Short is best. Other wise they wont read it. In this world of phone and internet marketing and commercials every where, people are bombarded and selectively choose what they want to read or hear out, most often times they filter out anything that is more than a few short paragraphs and sentences. We will get you those books some how, dont worry about that. If you want to try others with out books while your waiting, then make letters to the three other people using Shannons letter as a template. You can try Sunday Evening Update as the offering if you want.

#106 bacopa

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Posted 11 July 2009 - 05:50 PM

She wrote that she read them but that they seemed a bit long, and I think they may be a bit to long too. Try her version to Larry King. If anything I might ad 3 or 4 lines to her version but thats about it. Short is best. Other wise they wont read it. In this world of phone and internet marketing and commercials every where, people are bombarded and selectively choose what they want to read or hear out, most often times they filter out anything that is more than a few short paragraphs and sentences. We will get you those books some how, dont worry about that. If you want to try others with out books while your waiting, then make letters to the three other people using Shannons letter as a template. You can try Sunday Evening Update as the offering if you want.

I think the books will be the important hook and imo we should wait until we have them. I sent you a PM saying what you just said about the letters. I'm updating the projects page now.

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