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Risperdal destroyed my life

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#1 chelated

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Posted 28 July 2007 - 09:46 PM

Okay so here goes I was misdiagnosed with OCD from a physical pain that was stemming from a dislocated jaw...I had panic attacks and physical pain 24/7 for 5 straight years...I was prescribed paxil CR my freshman year of college and continued it for for 2 years and it worked for the anxiety but the physical pain was still there and progressively got worse each year....A year later I was 21 and for the first time saw a real psychiatrist rather than a nurse practitioner...she prescribed me risperdal 3mg with a max dose of zoloft for about 3 months I took this poison...From day one I lost my sex drive and called her and she said it will go away when I stop the drugs...I stopped it after a while bc It made me gain 40 pounds and I lost my sex drive on it after taking it....I never got my desire or drive to return after months of taking it but I figured its from the ssris now...then comes the kicker I continue taking just ssris for another 8 months with all my anxiety and physical pain at an all time hight when I realize my f*kin jaw was dislocated b/c it did not line up with my mouth due to my underbite...I used to crack my jaw and did not know the physical pain that was on the right side of my head 24/7 was do to the lateral misplacement of my bottom jaw...My orthodontist never told me about this...I cracked it back in place with all my might in november 06 and a ton of blood rushed to my left eye and left arm....All the anxiety dissapearred and I cold turkeyed the cymbalta and ativan I was taking at that time...I was always against these drugs to begin with by the way but was in so much anxitey and pain I took them anway...I noticed after the drugs my hormones were still low...I had no desire for sex and could not get erections anymore...I am 22 by the way and just a year prior I was horny as hell even after 2 years of paxil cr 50mg by itself. I know the risperdal was the sole thing that took away my sexual desire b/c I had discharges from my nipple from it and to this day I feel prolactin in them...My belief is the d2 receptors that inhibit prolactin were severly damaged as well as other nuerotransmitters in the brain...I think this might be permanent damage and I can't sue either b/c jannsen is an evil pharmaceutical that has too much money backing them up...I have tried organic dieting for several months, no sugar diets, supplement upon supplement but the results are very minimal....The only thing that would work would be to regenerate the dopamine receptors that were destroyed from this drug but that is very difficult to happen...I have tried selegiline for about 6 weeks but I think it has made things worse...I also take lots of glutathione and NAC but I feel like a lost cause here...if anyone has any advice would be appreciated....

Thanx ~chelated


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Posted 29 July 2007 - 04:20 AM

Search for a practitioner here: nccaom.org
Look for someone with at least two of the three available certifications and perhaps a website with a statement of 20+ years of practical experience.

#3 chelated

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Posted 29 July 2007 - 04:25 AM

thank you liplex will definitely look into it as I have considered it already but just did not know any good ones...


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Posted 29 July 2007 - 06:15 AM

Perhaps you should have your hormone levels tested if you haven't already done so.

#5 chelated

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Posted 29 July 2007 - 02:33 PM

already have everything is wihin normal range although "normal range" is no where near normal for someone my age...it is based on a bell curve from unhealthy individuals to healthy ones aged 20-50....i am 22 and my levels are at the bottom range for testosterone and upper range for prolactin due to the long term effects of the drug that doesn't seem to go away on its own...I know a few others that have tried dostinex but it seems to only work on the first few tries as something got screwed up with the dopamine receptors and risperdal is the most poweful drug on the market targeting the pituitary as it is notorious to cause pituitory adenomas...it also causes parkinson's like syndrome (TD) which thankfully I don't have....because Dopamine nuerons have shrunk, become less dendritic, and produce less enzimes to make dopamine, or have been killed off. Had I known the effects would be so instant I would have never touched the drug in my life but unfortunately I can't go back and time...also I am getting my hormones retested monday so I guess I'll repost the numbers when they are here...

#6 caston

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Posted 29 July 2007 - 03:43 PM

find out if anyone else is affected... try to start a class action.. even if you don't win the case at least get some media attention. You could very well even find a firm that work on a comission of your payout.

#7 chelated

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Posted 29 July 2007 - 08:38 PM

i already know 2 others who got affected who were on it for only about 2-3 months and never got their libidos to return...Also if you find the drug on askapatient you will see some more as well...I currently am talking to someone who did get affected and was only taking the shit for 2 months...some supplements are working slightly for him and slightly for me too but it is not working good enough..unfortunately I can't sue or it would be extremely difficult b/c lawfirms are only interested in serious injuries like birth defects, deaths, or diabetes or TD from this crap although they wouldn't doubt what I have said...loss of sex drive who cares right...well it ruined my f*kin life forever until it returns b/c I feel like an impotent nothing for no good reason at all at just 22 years of age whereas before I had normal raving hormones and sex drive for my age and was never like this until risperdal got in my system...

#8 niner

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Posted 29 July 2007 - 08:50 PM

Have you talked to a lawyer? I wouldn't be so fast to say they don't care about something like this. If a jury can relate to it, they will care. I don't think it would cost anything to talk to someone about the possibility of a suit.

#9 Brainbox

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Posted 29 July 2007 - 08:53 PM

I don't know where you're from, but a "no cure - no pay" approach with a lawyer specialised in these kind of cases might be an option?

#10 chelated

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Posted 29 July 2007 - 08:57 PM

im not really interested in the money as much as my sex drive...for all i care money used to have meaning to me but now its meaningless b/c my only motivation for money was sex...a billion dollars wouldn't make me happy in my condition...Also I don't think I would win much anyway even if it did go to trial b/c I guess according to most its not a serious injury although imo its one of the worst injuries there is...i rather lose a limb than this...so in answer to your question i have called a few lawyers but the ones I have talked to are not interested even though they don't doubt it...

#11 Brainbox

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Posted 29 July 2007 - 09:02 PM

I understand, since I would feel the same about legal actions that do not seem to adress the problem directly. But provided it could be succesfull, some extra money could give you extra arm length for medical advices and / or supplements. :)

#12 chelated

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Posted 29 July 2007 - 09:11 PM

my program that I am on now is to be as stress free as possible although I have problems bc I suffered so much already...the thing that is working best for me is inositol powder...I have been doing tons of research on supplements, reading book on whole food diets, etc...I already have 2,000 in supplements sitting here...but am now taking each one sparingly...Hopefully in time I will start to see results but I think I need specialized herbals to inhibit prolactin b/c I don't know if this injury can heal on its own just with organic foods and supplements...I don't want to gross anyone out but Risperdal increased the size of my tits although they go back to normal when I urinate or take melotonin although the effect is short lasting as minutes later it fills up again...that is messed up I know....Sometimes I think I still feel water come out of them and I am a freakin dude..I have tried vitex but that actually made things worse...So I definitely need something that can inhibit prolactin to get jump started but more than that I need a miracle....

#13 Brainbox

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Posted 29 July 2007 - 09:17 PM

Aromatase inhibitors? You probably delved into that already...

#14 chelated

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Posted 29 July 2007 - 09:41 PM

I haven't delved into that yet...good idea but I'm not sure it could work but I'll keep my options open...what I need is to block prolactin from coming out to begin with which dopamine is supposed to do but the receptors under the pituitory stalk have been polarized or destroyed... the aromatose inhibitors would essentially convert estrogen I guess like...I could similiarly take a dhea and 6-OXO compound without a prescription...

"When aromatase inhibitors are used in premenopausal women, the decrease in estrogen activates the hypothalamus and pituitary axis to increase gonadotropin secretion, which in turn stimulates the ovary to increase androgen production. This counteracts the effect of the aromatase inhibitor." wikipedia

That is nice and all but then it will retoxify the liver and I'm guessing mess with an already unbalanced hormonal system and toxified liver...I think natural root is the only way to go but I need a specialist in herb therapy i think to give me that extra boost....someone along the lines of what liplex recommended im guessing...

#15 Brainbox

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Posted 30 July 2007 - 12:28 AM

Well, it was just an idea from a non-medical professional. Slipped out before I noticed it. Always use the judgement of a medical professional before taking such steps. Messing around with your hormones without the proper supervision is not the smartest thing to do IMO.

Maybe this or this can be of use as well.

Good luck! :)

#16 chelated

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Posted 30 July 2007 - 01:14 AM

haha i have heard that before :)...currenly tho i don't trust the medical establishment at all for what they are worth and the FDA can screw themselves...with all that said I am more agreeable with the alternative side of things and thanx for the links I might consider that one or the one that liplex has sent...i have a great feeling this can be healed with the proper adaptogens along with my supplement plan and diet....I also saw many useful posts from some of the members of this site on their own supplemental plans... some ideas which I am going to start implementing into my own regimen...

#17 kottke

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Posted 30 July 2007 - 02:51 AM

Chelated i can relate to you in that i had a short bout with 25mgs of seroquel for about a month and just that caused me dykinesia. Actually it all really started with a combination of benzos, alcohol, and lithium while i was touring europe last year around this time. The dyskinesia really worsened when i supplemented with modafinil and my status even became dystonic (noradreanline or acetylcholine overload in certain areas as opposed to dopamine). Over the past year i have been on a mission to fix my coordination and dyskinesia and have come to almost full remission and i believe this was through the right supplementation and strong daily habits.

First i would try out a variation of my Supplement Regimen MINUS the selegiline. All the supps are very safe and pretty much basic stuff besides the selegiline.

Second i would add a strong blueberry supplement such as LEF's Bluebery/Pomegranate mix or Prarrie naturals Green force blueberry. The reason being that studies by Dr. James Joseph have shown benefits to dopamine receptors with rats fed high blueberry diets. He actually made a list in a video i saw that someone posted a few days back for fruits that prevent/effect aging-

Fruits and Veggies that Alter Behavioral Deficits in Aging


Black currant
Purple Grapes
Plum Juice


Purple Grape Juice

So you could also try Cran-Max supplement or some these other fruit extracts and see what they do

Last but not least you have to begin daily habits that promote recovery

1)Exercise! - Exercising can have a profound effect on the dopamine system and promote growth of new neurons
2)Meditate - This has had a profound effect on my coordnitation and just about every other area. It increase brain size in one study and well theres just too many studies for its benefits to deny. Surely will help with recovery
3)Healthy Diet - This is a no brainer but you need to eat primarily fruits and veggies for the antixidant protection and all the other benefits they have

Good luck man

#18 ikaros

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Posted 30 July 2007 - 08:19 AM

noradreanline or acetylcholine overload in certain areas as opposed to dopamine

Wouldn't taking piracetam be a bad idea if you're having a Ach overactivity? I remember piracetam making me very shaky and jumpy a year ago when I took it.

#19 kottke

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Posted 30 July 2007 - 08:57 AM

Actually i forgot to emphasize taking piracetam. When i began taking it my movement and spatial senses increased dramatically. Thats me though. Piracetam would theoretically help the brain in so many ways that the increase of Ach activity would be little to worry about in my opinion. I highly doubt that it would worsen the pathology in any shape or form and would bring recovery more quickly. If there were effects of Ach over activity i would supplement with something like maybe phenylalanine or tyrosine. These MAY be safer than taking selegiline or amphetamines for dopamine stimulation. Ginseng maybe? Hydergine? Added ALCAR? It's late so i can't think straight right now.

Oh chelated i almost forgot to mention http://www.lumosity.com/. If you got 80 bucks i think it would be a very smart investment for moving that plastic brain of yours around.

I would also like to say that my dyskinesia most likley came from the depakote and lamotrigine i took soon after the seroquel. I don't think seroquel necessarily caused it

Edited by kottke, 30 July 2007 - 09:29 AM.

#20 chelated

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Posted 30 July 2007 - 11:09 AM

Wow your story is informative and very inpirational kottke...considering TD is a movement disorder did your libido also suffer from it do to low dopamine levels...? I think my libido still sucks worse than anyones even if they had TD bc risperdal is essentially a libido killer due to it attacking the pituitary...I am going to take your advice to heart and follow what you have done minus the selegiline of course and a few supplement modifications based on what I feel works best for me :)...I find inositol to be of some benefit lately especially when I mix it with grape juce for synergic effect...It also is good for relaxing...I too have read the benefits of blueberries on dopamine and was eating a lot of organic ones but not consistent enough...It sounds like that and some more supplements from your program is going into the regimen of mine...also what whey protein are you taking?...this article describes a good deal about glutathione...http://www.ultrametabolism.com/blog/glutathione/...I think that is going to be a one of the major keys it fixing this...the guy mentions immunocal as the best source of glutathione or other certain wheys which is why i ask...do you recommend i get a prescription for immunocal or go with another source of whey...also I eat a lot of organic eggs for aminos is this a good or bad idea in your opinion...

#21 chelated

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Posted 30 July 2007 - 11:54 PM

i forgot to mention that a few people one I talked to personally online and one anecdotally have taken dostinex after a short trial of risperdal (2 -3 months) and it worked the first time for their libido (the one I spoke to claimed horny as hell on first dose) then then subsequent doses had waning effects to 0 on the third dose...im convinced pharmacuetically I am unfit for dopamine agonists and should only attempt more natural alternatives from now on after the trial with deprynl although I still would be curious as to what dostinex would do...also piractem seems like a great supplement to try...does it help with anxiety too bc it increases gaba receptors? That is something i feel i am lacking do to long term pain and also benzo use as well...b/c when I take inositol powder I have slightly more drive...I have also read that risperdal destroys glutathione levels which was the reason it was most emphasized by me and glutathione is related to gaba essentially...

#22 fishbrain

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Posted 16 September 2007 - 03:38 PM

Hi chelated, sorry to hear about your messed up experience. What may have contributed to the Risperdal-disaster is the fact that SSRI's seem to elevate plasma levels of risperidone. Paxil, as a strong SSRI, can even elevate plasma levels up to tenfold, if I understand the following article correctly: http://counsellingre...renic-patients/
I guess that Zoloft would elevate plasma levels of risperidone too. So while you were taking 3 mg of Risperdal, you may have had plasma levels of the drug far beyond safe levels.
I've been on Paxil for three years, and it took me a year and a half at least to recover from it. Many things haven't quite come back to their pre-Paxil state, including libido and appetite regulation (during afternoons, I'm often not hungry when I know I am).
Right now I'm on a low dose of your horror-drug, Risperdal (0.25 mg/day), but it's the only drug I take.
I wish you recovery, coping, blessing.

#23 EverlastingLife

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Posted 21 September 2007 - 11:17 PM

You know you're own body best, expecially when the results of what you're taking are producing negative effects. I would be in your same situation, except with a different problem, but decided to stop taking (yes Risperdal), and thankfully I've done it before its too late. I don't know why things are given to support one part of the body but damage others, as a whole nothing is accomplished and the cycle just continues. Medicines should benefit the whole being and not damage one part. Hopefully, better ways to cure via better medicines will occur in the future, and hopefully individuals will take more responsibility for what they put in themselves, as well as doctors more responsibility for human value instead of just doing things the ordered way for the money.

#24 graatch

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Posted 22 September 2007 - 01:18 AM

antipsychotics = bullshit

#25 chelated

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Posted 23 September 2007 - 08:44 PM

currently i am adressing the issue head on at least the best i can...I talk with a few guys that got affected and we have strategies to regenerate the brain...

The supplements that adress this the best IMO are
Lion's Maine, Royal Jelly, Chlorella and the number one strategy would be to do a long juice detox for several months to a year which i'm sure would bring dramatic results but I have not had the willpower to go through that stage yet...But ultimately i believe to regenerate the brain one must remove heavy metal toxins or any residing drugs or toxins that could be still in the system...The major keys are to regenerate the liver, kidney, and spleen/stomach to allow healthy blood transfer to maximize the ability of the body to utilize supplements and detoxify increasking NK cells dramatically and white and red blood cells...Attitude would be more important than anything to increase healthy blood etc and help with gene expression as well as breathing exercises prayer/ meditation...This all follows Chinese Medicine which is the basis of true recovery although Western will cover up the symptoms it won't address the root of the problem which is libido which is primarily associated with dopamine...Its amazing how taking a drug for about 3 months can do to the body but i took tons of drugs afterwards for another 8 months even though it was just ssris and xanax primarily...I need to really establish a good program which is very important and stay as consistent as possible in attacking this...

#26 philzao

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Posted 30 September 2007 - 04:28 PM

Risperdal Anhedonia and loss of libido


I have been reading your posts.

I took a low dose of Risperdal for 4 months.

I havent had ANY libido since early August since I stopped taking it and it is ruining my life.

I am eating fava beans to try to increase dopamine and taking SAM-e and L-Phenylamine for a week or so.

Are you having any luck ??


#27 chelated

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Posted 30 September 2007 - 05:35 PM

some info on how evil this shit is

Still no libido at all really...Also still experiencing Anhedonia as well b/c it is all correlated with dopamine loss as you already know...I am working on recoverying with 2 others...

The main key to recovery would be to increase GDNF mainly but gene expression is still altered so it may or may not recover completely without a dopamine agonist but you can't take an agonist like dostinex this early b/c you dopamine is super-sensitized which would lead to further destruction...you need to strengthen the brain and body significantly to try anything at this point
SAM-e And l-phenyl are good supplements but they probably won't cure this...

The main keys to healing this would probably be detox diet and detox supplements b/c risperdal may still be in our fat cells...
My current supplement protocol is based on chinese medicine that i developed with the help of a few others suggestions...
I just started it a few days ago but i expect it to really start kicking in within 6 months or so with consistency...

chlorella 8-10 grams with fish oil 4-6 grams may increase this to 15 grams together b/c it is part of the nuerotoxin protocol from this..http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/new/9steps.htm
plus its all protein even chlorella and even tho im thin as a rail i starting getting thicker muscle in just 3 days without even working out
this is spread out of course througout the day..
You want to really get a lot of oxygen to the brain and the mushroom supplements will help you out with this naturally...will most likely get erections back due to increase of NO...as i already have been getting erections slightly easier...take as many mushrooms as you want
multivitamin...get all your nutrients back and absorbing properly so vitamins are essnential
i also take lion's mane just 3 pills 2-3 times a day in between as well as cordyceps...cordyceps is essential for ATP you will definitely need this to recovery...
Also i'm about to get creatine which is essential for ATP...http://www.fitfaq.com/creatine-article.html...Creatine Ethyl Ester is the kind to get b/c your body utilizes it much better
vitamin E - from unique E with no soy
zinc here and there with copper
and taurine/magnesium at night....
ocassionally melotonin --- be careful is a hormone so take occasionally but is a great anti-oxident
i take serraptase occasionally as well and flower pollen extract to prevent prostate enlargement will probably discontinue those in a month unless i feel it is still necessary...
jarrow unflavored whey protein twice a day..
plus organic diet
ALCAR hear and there...
I'm considering adding more on this list like SAM-E occasionally i take or TMG
I have more supps i occasionally take but i mentioned the main essential ones on the llist...If you want to know more you can email me...

I have studied everything extensively and this is going to be very long road to recovery but i believe it is very possible...
It could take as long as 18 months or more or it can take less depending on various factors...

Another recommendation is try to limit sexual activity during recovery time...There is a theory that if it doesn't work don't force it...

and i daily massage now to stimulate so genital doesn't atrophy which can lead to more hormonal problems...

Also royal jelly is essential for GDNF so i take that as well occasionally but that is a super supplement as well...

#28 chelated

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Posted 30 September 2007 - 05:39 PM

"I took a low dose of Risperdal for 4 months"

what is a low dose for you? .25-1 mg is considered low...anything more is relatively high
based on my research

#29 philzao

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Posted 30 September 2007 - 08:31 PM

My Risperdal dose was between .5 and 1 MG/ day. That was it. It was only when I read a few posts and got nervous (early August 07) and just quit it cold.
I swear since that DAY no blood has been moving down there. The libido seems to be attached to everything else, so even simple enjoyment is out the window. I sleep a lot because I dont look forward to anything, I never have sexual thoughts anymore. Seems like Risperdal screwed up the Dopamine connection somehow which is why I have been trying these supplements. My psychiatrist is laying this all on depression, which I don't buy. Even depressed I had a libido.

#30 leonine77

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Posted 18 March 2008 - 04:48 AM

Oh mannnn,
I can relate.

I've always been a bit emotionaly unbalanced and ADD (poor concentration, constant mood swings, anxiety, etc....).

When I was young I was put on ritalin, but in all honesty, while it helped me schoolwise (graduated top of my class in highschool) it emotionally screwed me up, but the way my family is, success at all costs!

To deal with my moods, and their various negative effects in all areas of my life (socially, spiritualy, etc...) I began using and abusing Drugs and alcohol at 15 yrs old. Seriously, I did everything (tons of acid, cocaine, pot, opiates, Barbituartes, etc.... pretty much every thing but PCP). Needless to say, while initialy my self imposed chemical regiment initially helped me cope, in the end they fucked me over big time, ala a serious heroin and cocaine IV habit. In the midst of the begining of the nadir of my addiction, I was so emotionally and mentally fucked up that I was put in a psych ward. I had at least two flagrantly manic episodes ( feeling that every event was loaded with symbolic reference regarding the nature of the universe, etc...). Seriously some crazy shit to the max. I wasn't entirely honest about my drug habit, and I was put on a ridiculous psych med regiment by a well respected psycho-pharmacologist. Well respected by the literature and some of his peers, but the guy had a well deserved reputation of over-medicating his patients (or should I say test subjects, as he treated us more like we were guinea pigs). His office was stacked with ridiculous amounts of pens, pads, mugs, etc... from every major drug company around, ie his office was one giant psych med advertisement.

To be fair, he did (and sadly still does) feel that he was doing his best to help out his seriously fucked up patients, but he didn't have any respect for us at all. I'd always been a bit bi-polar, but he put me on massive doses of a drug called serzone (ssri-ish) that I believe in fact increased and exacerbated my mania. I was so beaten down by life at the time that even after I expierienced some nasty side effects (best summed up as being like the effects of mdma, ie chatering teeth increased heart rate visual-disturbance dilated-pupils) and told him that it was a result of the serzone in that they would begin after I'd taken the drug he discounted my insight and attributed said side-effects to anxiety. I told him I would stop taking the drug with or without his consent and he freraked out on my, in effect hinting that I'd be locked up, so in my brow-beaten low self-esteemed state I consented. When I became even more manic, he put me on a craxy regiment that ended up consisting of 8 (!!!!) psych meds, the primary one being Zyprexa (at one time a dosage of 20mgs a day, which is just about the max). In effect, I was taking multiple VERY STRONG drugs to treat each other's side effects, plus a benzo for sleep and Desoxyn (Methamphetamine) prescribed for ADD. This was in addition to the illegal drugs I was surreptitiously taking at the time: Heroin and cocaine IV, pot, and crack. In a ddition to this, I would reguraly take massive doses of temazepam (a potent Benzo) and wash it down with half-pints of Jack. I will re-iterate: I was fucked up to the max, a nervous slow thinking wreck of a human being, completely miserable.

I'm extremely fortunate that I didn't OD or kill myself intentionally.Some of this misery was a result of how I was 'made' by nature and genetics, some of it was a result of how I was brought up (ie the values I was instilled with) and some of it was a result of my crappy chemical coping methods. To add insult to injury, I gained 80+ pounds (due to the zyprexa, which caused me too eat constantly, ie waking up in the middle of the night and eating spoon fulls of sour cream, etc.... fucking disgusting). Becoming extremely obese only worsened my sense of self hatred and self-contempt.

After a few years of this BS, I came clean and got sober, but I was still on all the psyach meds. I eventually swithed Drs. and slowly tapered off of the toxic psych meds I was taking. Don't get me wrong, psych meds are a blessing and at times they are usefull, and for some people they are a neccesity ( eg people who believe they can talk with God, people who cut themselves, people who are habitualy suicidal, etc...) but I seriously believe that on the whole they really made my crappy situation worse, though my dishonesty and fear around my drug addiction ( my folks had instiled in me from a very early age that I was a completely flawed human being. Despite my stellar grades in high school I was convinced I was a complete idiot, and I was constantly afraid that everyone I met was judging me negatively, which seriously fucked up my relationships with friends and women {It's sad to admit, but I'm 30 and I only began dating four years ago, as I couldn't stand rejection, and not that many women were interested in dating and/or having sex with an overweight self-loathing paranoid basket case; go figure :) } . My fear of judgement wasn't that far off base, as from an early age every interaction with my folks consisted of them judging me ruthlessly and telling me about how I didn't live up to their or societies standards, as far back as I can remember ( but only cause they loved me :( BS!). It's funny/sad: it was just like that old Adam Sandler routine: "they're all going to LAUGH at you!"

Since I sobered up and stopped taking the psych meds ( with the lone exception of a very small dose of lamictal for the purpose of mood stabilization) I've been dealing with a strange situation: extreme mood swings and my mind-power vacilates between extreme focus and brilliance and utter foggy-minded dip-shit-ism.

I've been experimenting with various noo-tropics and herbs over the past few months to try and find what might help me out, with limited success. But I'm keeping the faith. I've tried Oxiracetam (made me angry and confused), Picimilon (sedated me big time), vinpocetine (made my extermeites very cold and made me feel light-headed and hyped up), Arctic-root, ie Rhodiola Rosea (the nly one that's really helped thus far), high quality Fish oil capsules( uncertain as to efficacy, and VERY expensive) and high quality Maca (which seems to have been helping me with libido issues).

Next up, I'm going to give the following a go:
Bacopa to improve my memory
Piracetam to help with my focus and attention span problems (with cholineof course)
and maybe Huperizine for memory.

Other thyan the fact that I found that writing this was thouroughly cathartic, I wrote it to express my solidarity.
I truly believe that as fucked up as I became as a result of my illegal drug use/abuse/addiction, I feel that the psych meds I was on fucked me up even more.

I highly recomend you try out Maca, as a few months ago I was expierincing some troubles with my libido (desire and also troubles getting and maintaning a full on erection) , and since I began taking it things have smoothed out significantly. The type of Maca you purchase can either make or break it's benefits. I initially bought some from a company that was growing it in Hawaii. However, the plant is native to the andes, and as such really needs to be from that regioun (cause altitude and temperature really effect it's potency).
As such I recomend you check out a company called Navitas Naturals, as their stuff is grown and processed in Peru. I bough a rather large batch of it January 2nd, and I still have roughly a month's worth left. Plus, the batch only cost me $35.

I wish you the best of luck in your noo-tropic search.

-end rant-

Edited by leonine77, 18 March 2008 - 04:54 AM.

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