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Diamond V XPC.

stayin_alive's Photo stayin_alive 14 Sep 2007

People in places bent my ear on this. Any one know much about this?

tintinet's Photo tintinet 14 Sep 2007

Animal Feed, no?

stayin_alive's Photo stayin_alive 14 Sep 2007

I don't know the validity of the article and was hoping someone who was more in the know, would know.

Edited out pubmed reference, as it was incorrect.

Many feel that it was a miraculous, accidental discovery. Top

In Cedar Rapids Iowa, a quite Midwestern town where all the children have wide smiles and grandmas still rock on their porches at sundown, there’s a factory that makes supplements for livestock.

I’ve heard it said that if we raised our livestock using the same medicine we use on our human population, a good steak could run $250.00.

The animal supplement industry keeps our livestock (and our recreational horses) healthy by producing feed additives that keep immune systems, digestive systems, and cardiovascular systems healthy and balanced.

Ask anyone at the Diamond V® Mills in Cedar Rapids, and they will tell you that there’s no magic to making supplements; it’s pure science. They test and retest their products to make sure that they are the best they can possibly make.

The Diamond V® is a good company to work for. The pay is decent and all employees get health benefits. If you have a company that pays health benefits, then you will eventually be dealing with insurance adjusters.

It was the insurance adjusters who first noticed it.

The workers who worked in the factory and who came in contact with the fermented yeast products weren’t getting sick, while management took sick leave at rates that were in line with the national average.

In fact, while 2004 annual insurance premiums increased an average of 11.2 percent nationally, this company's 2004 premiums didn't increase at all. [Chris Meletis, ND, http://www.naturodoc...ncer/epicor.htm]

Something was going on, and since the company based its practices on scientific investigation, management commissioned a research group to find out what was going on.

Long story short, blood tests of those who worked with the fermented yeast products showed the following:

an increase in Immunoglobulins (sIgA) that stand as guards to our “entryways” laying down the first line of protection, not allowing pathogens to enter;
an increase in CD4 counts, coordinating T and B cells on a second line of defense;
an increase in NK (Natural Killer) Cell activity.
Interviews showed even more, with workers boasting of wonderful health and great attitudes. One person who had been diagnosed with an eye disorder that would eventually leave him blind felt that he was saved from the prognosis by his luck at working for Diamond V® Mills. You can view a short film about him and the company and their latest venture into the human supplement industry at this link: The Miracle Pill.

The process to create their fermented yeast product is not patented, but it is a trade secret that no competitor has yet to copy. An analysis of the product by investigators came up with even more startling details.

Squaline was found. Squaline comes mainly from shark liver but is also found in a handful of plants. Squaline is a precursor to steroids. Squaline makes a wonderful skin moisturizer, but we found at PDR Health: “Animal work suggests that indications could one day emerge for squalene in the prevention and treatment of some cancers, for immune enhancement and possibly for lowering cholesterol.” [http://pdrhealth.com...squ_0240.shtml]

Phenolics and phytosterols were also found. These are both antioxidants; phenolics are the antioxidant that is found in wine. Phytosterols are plant sterols, which are suspected to have some effect in cancer prevention. As we discovered in the product Cell Forte with IP-6, plant sterols modulate the immune response and have been successful in treating autoimmune conditions such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Phytosterols have also been shown to positively affect allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, and asthma.

If you drink green tea you are familiar with Catechins, which were also found in EpiCor. Catechins belong to the flavan-3-ol class of flavonoids and have antioxidant properties. The health benefits of green tea are attributed to the Catechins,

One final chemical found was Resveratrol , which is part of our Alternative Cancer Therapies. Resveratrol inhibits the body's production of the COX (cycoloxygenase) enzyme which stimulates tumor growth and suppresses the immune system. Resveratrol is very important in preventing cancer and supporting the immune system.

The product was next tested for stability and toxicity. It passed with flying colors. It was found to be extremely stable at temperatures above room temp for 22 months. Toxicity studies on mice showed it to be perfectly safe. Before human studies were conducted, they did another study that showed that it does not interfere with drug metabolism (hence it can be used with “most” prescriptions).

With all this going for their product, they created a concentrated pill form for human studies and, if those successful, to market. It is called EpiCor.

EpiCor is now considered GRAS, by the FDA, or Generally Recognized As Safe. The company created to make and market EpiCor is called Embria Health Sciences. It’s parent company is still Diamond V® Mills. They have spent well over a million dollars on Research & Development and the money was well spent.

Researchers, according to Chris Meletis, ND, made some valuable discoveries concerning EpiCor. For one thing, EpiCor seems to influence “calcium signaling.”

As we all know, the human body has some remarkably complex systems. One thing that is certain in these systems is that they all work together for balance of the entire being. Calcium signaling is one very crucial part of the many inter cellular processes that if inhibited can result in diseases ranging from “abnormal cell proliferation,” such as cancer, and early cell death, such as occurs in premature aging.

Researchers also learned that EpiCor is an anti-inflammatory, an immunomodulator (which brings up a depressed immune system, or brings down an over expressive immune system as in autoimmune diseases), and a regulator of the lifetime of cells, from their beginning to their end.

It was during the human studies that they found they could tell by the blood samples alone who worked in the factory and who worked in management, 100% of the time. One research, according to Chris Meletis, ND, after reviewing the results said, “I've never seen anything like these results before. These people seem virtually immune from contracting almost anything.” The subjects using EpiCor had higher levels of glutathione and red blood cells, and lower C reactive protein (CRP) and Interleukin 6 (IL-6), which meant they had no signs of chronic inflammation. (See our article Chronic Inflammation.)

We told you already that initial blood tests of the factory workers showed and increase in immunoglobulin A, but the human studies discovered that the increase could go as high as 60%. Not only were CD4s raised, but if needed, they found CD8s, the suppressor T-Cells would rise, proving the immunomodulating effects of EpiCor. As for the NK Cell activity, the human studies showed a nearly 4 fold increase. These numbers are unprecedented. No wonder there has been such hype over EpiCor.

EpiCor is a preventive. If you have a cold, it won’t end it overnight. But the odds are, if you’re taking it, you won’t get that cold. Researchers believe that EpiCor is a more powerful antioxidant than blueberries, that it will protect against most known infections, reduce inflammation, fight off Candida, and support the growth of probiotics in the intestinal tract.

At the time of this writing, only a few published studies exist. Many will be forthcoming in the near future. And you can bet we’ll add EpiCor to our paper on How To Beat the Cold and Flu Season.
Edited by stayin_alive, 14 September 2007 - 10:22 PM.

dannov's Photo dannov 14 Sep 2007

Very cool, I may have to check out EpiCor. Thanks.

tintinet's Photo tintinet 14 Sep 2007

Ya? Search Pubmed with which terms?


stayin_alive's Photo stayin_alive 14 Sep 2007


tintinet's Photo tintinet 14 Sep 2007

The results I get searching XPC give papers focused on the Xeroderma Pigmentosum gene XPC. ISTM the yeast and the gene are related only by coincidence of acronym.

stayin_alive's Photo stayin_alive 14 Sep 2007

So I see. scrap that about pubmed then.

Mind's Photo Mind 14 Sep 2007

Don't CD4 counts go up when your body is being attacked by foreign pathogens (viruses and bacteria), or am I totally whack here? How does EpiCor raise CD4 counts? Just a lay person wondering aloud.

inawe's Photo inawe 14 Sep 2007

Volume 27, Issue 6, Pages 327-335 (June 2007)

An antiinflammatory immunogen from yeast culture induces activation and alters chemokine receptor expression on human natural killer cells and B lymphocytes in vitro
Gitte S. Jensena, Aaron N. Harta, Alexander G. Schaussb
Received 27 November 2006; received in revised form 11 April 2007; accepted 13 April 2007

The aim of this study was to evaluate the immunomodulating effects of a consumable yeast-based immunogen, EpiCor, on human leukocytes in vitro. The selection of antiinflammatory and lymphocyte activation assays was based on initial evidence for immunomodulating effects of EpiCor from an unusually low incidence of influenza among employees in a factory manufacturing EpiCor, along with a high oxygen radical absorbance capacity value. In the present study, EpiCor significantly reduced the production of reactive oxygen species by neutrophils (P < .005). EpiCor treatment of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) caused induction of the activation markers CD80 and CD86 on B lymphocytes, and CD69 and CD25 on CD3−CD56+ natural killer cells. This induction was also seen on enriched populations of natural killer and B lymphocytes, suggesting a direct effect not dependent on bystander cells. Coculturing of PBMC with EpiCor and phytohemagglutinin resulted in inhibition of phytohemagglutinin-induced T-cell proliferation and reduction of interferon gamma production. Fucoidan, a ligand for the homing molecule l-selectin (CD62L), is known to induce rapid up-regulation of several chemokine receptors on lymphocytes. EpiCor caused strong inhibition of Fucoidan-mediated expression of the chemokine receptors CXCR4 and CCR9 on PBMC. This suggested rapid altering of signal transduction pathways, or a direct competition for cell surface receptors, with an end result being an altered sensitivity to chemotactic signals from tissue. We conclude that EpiCor possesses significant antiinflammatory activity and induces direct activation and increased chemotactic awareness of lymphocyte subsets in vitro. This suggests further study of effects of EpiCor consumption on antiviral defense mechanisms and antibody production.

Keywords: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Human, Immune, NK cell, B cell, Chemokine receptor, Interferon, ROS, Antiinflammatory
a NIS Labs, Klamath Falls, OR 97601, USA

b Natural amd Medicinal Products Research, AIBMR Life Sciences Inc, Puyallup, WA 98373, USA

Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 541 884 0112; fax: +1 541 884 0113.
PII: S0271-5317(07)00097-8
© 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

I'll let somebody else get the full paper.

inawe's Photo inawe 14 Sep 2007

And you can get this product from your veterinarian.

dannov's Photo dannov 15 Sep 2007

I found EpiCor easily on Google on some supp sites.

maxwatt's Photo maxwatt 15 Sep 2007

I'd like to see some tests in vivo.


The closest thing I could find to in vivo tests:

"Yeast beta-glucans, from the yeast cell-wall, have recently gained notoriety in the aquaculture industry. Recent studies in Canada with yeast beta-glucans injected into trout suggest that they might have a significant effect as an immunostimulator, potentially reducing mortality in commercial fish farms."

Nikl, L., L. J. Albright and T. P. L. Evelyn. 1991. Influence of seven immunostimulants on the response of coho salmon to Aeromonas salmonicida. Dis. Aquat. Org. 12:7-12.

Beta-glucans are somewhat more extensively researched than this product, and many different types are marketed as immuno-modulators. In Japan, beta-glucans from mushrooms are used as an adjuvant to chemotherapy.
Edited by maxwatt, 15 September 2007 - 11:23 AM.

ortcloud's Photo ortcloud 15 Sep 2007

I take this stuff, I have mentioned it before in a different post that it is the best immunomodulator I have found. Most people seem to be th2 dominant which means they will over respond to th2 mediated attacks like allergens, toxins etc. and underespond to th1 mediated things like cancer, yeast/candida.

I think that pretty much sounds like our general population, rampant allergies, cancer and candidal yeast infections, dont you think ?

tintinet's Photo tintinet 15 Sep 2007

And you can get this product from your veterinarian.

or at iherb

inawe's Photo inawe 15 Sep 2007

And you can get this product from your veterinarian.

or at iherb

I know. But go to eBay and enter diamond v xpc. You can get 5 pounds for $17-30. It's probably the same stuff.
It's recommended by Dr. Williams, it contains all the good supplements and cures or prevents everything.
Don't have to wait for clinical trials. They have been feeding this stuff to hogs, cows, sheep, etc for over 60 years. Take 1/4 tablespoon with your hay. [thumb]

nameless's Photo nameless 16 Sep 2007

Here is a general Epicor link with some basic studies and its exact composition that I found:


I haven't had time to look it over in detail yet, but the pdf has a breakdown of everything in it as well as some small studies and tests.

luv2increase's Photo luv2increase 16 Sep 2007

I am sold! Will be adding this to my growing regimen.

ortcloud's Photo ortcloud 16 Sep 2007

Thanks for posting the pdf, very weird stuff. I have read others report that their allergies disappeared, thats impressive. Also, the workers that made the stuff didnt get colds flu. But what is strange is they didnt eat it, they breathed it. I guess there is some sigA stimmulation here, providing a barrier to infection at the mucosal level. Oh and do you see the 3.6mg. of resveratrol it has ?

luv2increase's Photo luv2increase 16 Sep 2007

Yeah, the breathing it rather than ingesting it really through me off as well. Unless, maybe they all had some sort of weird ritual and ate it everyday in a special ceremony or something? :)

Mind's Photo Mind 16 Sep 2007

So I am correct in assuming that it is being sold as a "natural/herbal" supplement and thus does not have FDA approval.

luv2increase's Photo luv2increase 16 Sep 2007

Yes. Type in Epicor at iherb. There are around 6-7 different products to choose from I believe.

inawe's Photo inawe 16 Sep 2007

Report on that factory workers had to do with sniffing "Diamond V XPC", not EpiCor. Are they the same?
Diamond V XPC is very cheap and you can share it with your pet.
I thought that sellers of supplements cannot claim health benefits. So this stuff is different because a seller at eBay states:
"XPC is good for:
Building Muscle
Losing Weight
Utilizing Protein more Effectively
Improves Gastrointestinal Health

“Facilitates and increases the growth of the existing beneficial bacteria flora”

Improves fiber digestion

Muscle Gain

Improves protein digestion

Has high levels of Squalene – a steroid precursor

Increases Glutathione – increases longevity

Improves Bone Health

“[This product allows for] proper utilization of phosphorus, which is essential for bone health”

Prevents Colds

Prevents the Flu

Helps those individuals with Autoimmune Diseases

“keeps your immune system balanced without over stimulation”

Improves Autoimmune Problems:

Type 1 Diabetes

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

Graves Disease

Improves Chronic Allergy Conditions

May help with the congenital disease (RP) Retinitis Pigmentosa

Increases NK (Natural Killer) cell activity by four

Kills Pathogens

Kills Cancer Cells

Improved ratio of Immune Helper Cells to Suppressor Cells

Activates immune cells

Produces Antibodies – higher levels of antibodies indicate the immune system is working more effectively

Increases your Defense against Pathogens

Increases IgA – “[the product produces] astoundingly higher levels of IgA”

IgA helps to kill



Tumor Cells
Recovering from Injury
Improves Chronic Allergy Conditions"

WOW!. We can throw out all other suplements and vitamins and just take this thing (of which there is only 1 published paper).

luv2increase's Photo luv2increase 16 Sep 2007

Hey inawe, did you take a gander at this previously posted link?


1 published paper?????

nameless's Photo nameless 16 Sep 2007

Here is some further info on the product (from the product manufacturer). I thought it might be useful to those interested:


There are a couple of pdfs on the above site with extra info.

I think I read that the Diamond Feed product isn't the same as Epicor, as they use a different drying process and alter some of the ingredients a bit. I wouldn't feel quite as safe taking animal feed purchased from some guy on ebay vs. a regular supplement purchased from iherb.

I wonder how Epicor compares to glucans or regular brewer's yeast, health-wise? Or how it compares to medicinal mushrooms and the like, regarding immune boosting?

A couple of long term, clinical studies would be useful here, but I don't believe any are out there yet. It seems to be an interesting supplement though. I'm not currently taking it, but I've been looking for something to help ward off colds. My young nephew seems to be a germ factory and each time I babysit him, I happen to catch whatever he has. I'm going to try some extra C + aged garlic, and hope it helps for now.

inawe's Photo inawe 16 Sep 2007

I could only find 1 paper published in a peer reviewed magazine, which I posted earlier in this thread.

I think I read that the Diamond Feed product isn't the same as Epicor, as they use a different drying process and alter some of the ingredients a bit. I wouldn't feel quite as safe taking animal feed purchased from some guy on ebay vs. a regular supplement purchased from iherb.

Well, the people who got cured of allergies and were immune to colds were sniffing "Diamond V XPC", not taking EpiCor. That's great, one can buy a bag off the stuff and sniff it forever.

ortcloud's Photo ortcloud 16 Sep 2007

I am glad to see that you can buy the animal feed grade on ebay so much cheaper as the human dietary supplement is expensive. It makes you wonder if you really need the the oral dose of 500mg. as I doubt the workers didnt consume 500mg. through inhalation. Maybe I will just cut a few lines with a razor blade and roll up a 100 dollar bill and snort some instead ! haha. or maybe open a capsule up and dump it into an afin nasal sprayer and do a couple of squirts up the nose and maybe one in the mouth.

luv2increase's Photo luv2increase 17 Sep 2007

Maybe I will just cut a few lines with a razor blade and roll up a 100 dollar bill and snort some instead ! haha. or maybe open a capsule up and dump it into an afin nasal sprayer and do a couple of squirts up the nose and maybe one in the mouth.

I don't know man. That doesn't sound like the funnest experience or smartest idea to me. But who am I to tell you what to do? Go for it and report back... [glasses]

ortcloud's Photo ortcloud 17 Sep 2007

Youre right, I have given it some serious thought and I have decided to absolutely not use the 100 dollar bill, thanks for bringing me to my senses.

dannov's Photo dannov 17 Sep 2007

lmao ort