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Suggestions for Depression and ADD.

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#31 luv2increase

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Posted 20 September 2007 - 12:01 AM

I used to take niacin daily. Each pill was 250mg. I would flush on only a quarter of the pill. What does that mean? That is what I ended up taking a day I believe. I don't take it anymore though. Does it mean that I have high histamine levels? Is that why I notice an improvement on sam-e?

Sam-e is the leading anti-depressant in Europe. I've also read that 75% of the population would benefit with sam-e because they are under-methylators.

Deducing from this, I believe that the majority of the population would benefit from its use.

#32 ortcloud

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Posted 20 September 2007 - 12:43 AM

Can one actually be tested for neurotransmitter levels?


You could get a urine organic acid test from a lab like great smokies (or is it great plains). It is a urine test that shows spillover of
spent neurotransmitters and cangive you an idea of your levels. Also good for many other things like showing krebs cycle
intermediates to show if you have a partial block in your krebs cycle, also some indicators of glutahtione levels and other
interesting indicators.

#33 jackinbox

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Posted 20 September 2007 - 01:32 AM

Wellbutrin lifted my adhd-induced depression in one day. It's good for the inattentive type since it give you a lot of energy.


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Posted 20 September 2007 - 02:06 PM

I used to take niacin daily.  Each pill was 250mg.  I would flush on only a quarter of the pill.  What does that mean?  That is what I ended up taking a day I believe.  I don't take it anymore though.  Does it mean that I have high histamine levels?  Is that why I notice an improvement on sam-e?

Sam-e is the leading anti-depressant in Europe.  I've also read that 75% of the population would benefit with sam-e because they are under-methylators.

Deducing from this, I believe that the majority of the population would benefit from its use.

In simplistic terms I see SAMe as an alternative to methionine. William Walsh (director of the Pfeiffer Treatment Center) has said that SAMe works much better for most Histadelics) people especially in the beginning of supplementing than methionine does. But methionine can be used later on and is less expensive than SAMe. Methionine I think has some advantage over the other sulfur-containing amino acids (SAA) like taurine and cysteine for some reason. (Methionine is essential while tuarine and cysteine are non-essential since methionine can be converted by the body into the other two non-essential SAAs.) But high histamine types are considered to have a sulfur deficiency. The best way to take sulfur is in the form of SAAs. So SAMe is just an overpriced sulfur supplement which can be substituted with methionine at some point in the supplementing process.

I don't know what percentage of the population has problems with under methylation or over methylation. I have low histamine levels and don't take methionine because I eat animal protein and supplement both tuarine and cysteine. I get plenty of sulfur from my diet and supplements. I don't think I have any great need for methionine. I don't think that histapenics should take methionine since it makes their histamine levels even lower. I did try some methionine some time ago and found that it did make my histamine levels lower. My objective is not to make my histamine levels lower, but to keep them at normal levels.

If you flush on a quarter of the 250 mg. dose of nicotinic acid that may mean you have high histamine levels but it could also mean your body needs sulfur. Vegetarians can be low in sulfur since most sulfur in the diet is highest in animal protein sources. That is why I think the nicotinic acid test is useful. It can help you identify if you have normal histamine levels vs. a problem with methylation. A quarter of 250 mg. is in between the dose for a normal histamine type (100 mg.) and a high histamine type (50 mg.) to get that flush; so it is not as accurate as using the 50 mg. dose.

#35 dannov

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Posted 20 September 2007 - 02:55 PM

I hate to say it, but ephedra will provide you with some intense energy and focus.

worst advice ever

I only speak from experience bruthuh.

Let's just say this--I had a paper to do last Fall in the final year of my undergrad, and it was on Marshall McLuhan's Media Ecology Theory. I chose the theory because I figured it'd be the most difficult and abstract to tackle (I guess I'm an intellectual-masochist of sorts). Sooo, I popped some Ephedrine, blasted some Dragonforce, and pounded out a paper so good over the course of the night (and into the AM) that the teacher not only gave me 100 but made the final optional and told me that between my test scores (all of which were studied for the night before, usually accompanied by ephedrine) and paper, he's guaranteeing me an A. My focus was intense and unwavering, very unusual for me--also had loads of energy.

If you have a stigma that Ephedrine is "bad" for you, then you need to do your own research and not get spoon-fed what the media and FDA would like you to believe. There were many ulterior motives in its banning, and all of the cases of people dying or getting sick were cases of "it's your fault for not following directions," which can be said for most things in life. It has also helped a good deal with training and shedding those last couple of lbs. to cut up in the gym as well--just have a good diet, know what you're doing, and use it in moderation so that your body doesn't get used to it.

PS - Re-read my quote. In what area of that quote did I advise? One must advise to provide advice. I merely stated fact-from-experience. That is all.

#36 ajnast4r

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Posted 20 September 2007 - 10:38 PM

I hate to say it, but ephedra will provide you with some intense energy and focus.

worst advice ever

I only speak from experience bruthuh.

Let's just say this--I had a paper to do last Fall in the final year of my undergrad, and it was on Marshall McLuhan's Media Ecology Theory. I chose the theory because I figured it'd be the most difficult and abstract to tackle (I guess I'm an intellectual-masochist of sorts). Sooo, I popped some Ephedrine, blasted some Dragonforce, and pounded out a paper so good over the course of the night (and into the AM) that the teacher not only gave me 100 but made the final optional and told me that between my test scores (all of which were studied for the night before, usually accompanied by ephedrine) and paper, he's guaranteeing me an A. My focus was intense and unwavering, very unusual for me--also had loads of energy.

If you have a stigma that Ephedrine is "bad" for you, then you need to do your own research and not get spoon-fed what the media and FDA would like you to believe. There were many ulterior motives in its banning, and all of the cases of people dying or getting sick were cases of "it's your fault for not following directions," which can be said for most things in life. It has also helped a good deal with training and shedding those last couple of lbs. to cut up in the gym as well--just have a good diet, know what you're doing, and use it in moderation so that your body doesn't get used to it.

PS - Re-read my quote. In what area of that quote did I advise? One must advise to provide advice. I merely stated fact-from-experience. That is all.

well obviously ephedra is going to give you energy and focus. i understand very clearly how ephedra functions in the body, and its not going to be conducive to someone w/ depression &/or low energy levels... nor is using any other stimulant for that matter. i believe that maintaining balance is key in conquering depression, not having cyclical bouts of stimulant induced mania.

PS - [!:)] that type of defense will not fly here...

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