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lion's main mushroom

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#31 Steve_86

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Posted 28 January 2010 - 05:16 AM


How did the Mushroom science product fare up?

Edited by Steve_86, 28 January 2010 - 05:24 AM.

#32 Athanasios

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Posted 28 January 2010 - 10:47 PM

Did a quick read on the research of this stuff, I would just sit with supplementing beta-glucans and an adaptogen that has more safety and efficacy data over supplementing this one, until mo' data.

#33 mentatpsi

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Posted 29 January 2010 - 01:35 AM

Thought I should mention, according to iHerb, New Chapter's Mental Clarity was discontinued. You also can't find this product on their website. I've seen it still on Amazon and Whole Food (natural foods supermarket).

I was on the verge of looking for it in China Town but decided against it for now as I couldn't assure safety.

#34 Animal

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Posted 29 January 2010 - 02:22 AM

Thought I should mention, according to iHerb, New Chapter's Mental Clarity was discontinued. You also can't find this product on their website. I've seen it still on Amazon and Whole Food (natural foods supermarket).

I was on the verge of looking for it in China Town but decided against it for now as I couldn't assure safety.

I've just ordered some from a site that apparently has it in stock, I'll let you know either way if I actually receive the product.

#35 Declmem

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Posted 29 January 2010 - 05:25 AM

Thought I should mention, according to iHerb, New Chapter's Mental Clarity was discontinued. You also can't find this product on their website. I've seen it still on Amazon and Whole Food (natural foods supermarket).

I was on the verge of looking for it in China Town but decided against it for now as I couldn't assure safety.

Yea I was really disappointed by this. Though I haven't confirmed anything definite from their lion's mane, I had suspicions that it was doing something beneficial.

I just ordered this, so we'll see how it works out: http://www.iherb.com...plets/4963?at=0

#36 rwac

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Posted 29 January 2010 - 07:16 AM

I tried it, and lion's mane only caused some brain-fog for me.
Maybe my BDNF is already high enough.

#37 VampIyer

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Posted 31 January 2010 - 05:59 AM


I was told these guys had lion's mane in bulk at about $75 per kg (or pound? not sure).

On the site it now says that bulk materials are not for retail sale, and that they are only for formulators. However I know that people have purchased it before, so perhaps this is a new rule.

Anyone think bulk lion's mane would be more effective (because we can use higher dosage)?

#38 adamh

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Posted 31 January 2010 - 04:42 PM

I wrote to them asking about the kilo price and was told they would not sell to me. They wanted me to buy their overpriced capsules.


I was told these guys had lion's mane in bulk at about $75 per kg (or pound? not sure).

On the site it now says that bulk materials are not for retail sale, and that they are only for formulators. However I know that people have purchased it before, so perhaps this is a new rule.

Anyone think bulk lion's mane would be more effective (because we can use higher dosage)?

#39 mentatpsi

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Posted 06 February 2010 - 07:31 AM

I just discovered that New Chapter discontinued their Mental Clarity formulation for a more "improved" one. I'm actually rather excited to try it:

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#40 Animal

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Posted 06 February 2010 - 03:23 PM

I just discovered that New Chapter discontinued their Mental Clarity formulation for a more "improved" one. I'm actually rather excited to try it:

LifeShield Mind Force

Yeah, I was informed of that when making inquiries about purchasing some Mental Clarity. Apparently it'll be in stock at most on-line retailers by the end of April.

#41 mentatpsi

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Posted 08 February 2010 - 09:30 PM

I just discovered that New Chapter discontinued their Mental Clarity formulation for a more "improved" one. I'm actually rather excited to try it:

LifeShield Mind Force

Yeah, I was informed of that when making inquiries about purchasing some Mental Clarity. Apparently it'll be in stock at most on-line retailers by the end of April.

Do you think it would be possible to attain it through regular vendors (such as Whole Foods or Natural Foods Supermarkets)? I'm debating going there and asking them to place an order. It's odd for me that they would have up a new product on their website without commercial availability. It's a rather interesting formulation. Some items I had heard about but never got around to trying. Some of the mushrooms might be a bit small in terms of dosage, but they're one of the few companies who I trust regarding their formulations.

Thanks for the info though, I'll let you know if I have success with personally ordering the product.

#42 OneScrewLoose

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Posted 10 February 2010 - 12:56 AM

I just discovered that New Chapter discontinued their Mental Clarity formulation for a more "improved" one. I'm actually rather excited to try it:

LifeShield Mind Force

Delivering the WHOLE mushroom LIFESHIELD dun dun duuuuunnn.

#43 tepol

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Posted 21 June 2010 - 11:50 PM

Perhaps i missed something , but is there any evidence then for Lions Mane helping folk who have lost their sense of smell ? ( I have ansomia )



#44 chrono

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Posted 22 June 2010 - 12:45 AM

Perhaps i missed something , but is there any evidence then for Lions Mane helping folk who have lost their sense of smell ? ( I have ansomia )

I haven't seen any studies involving lion's mane and sensory input (research is pretty sparse). But there does appear to be a possible link between neurotrophic factors and recovery in olfaction disorders.

This paper mentions briefly that NGF (which lion's mane induces the secretion of) "may be" helpful, but without the full text I'm not sure if this has any basis, or is mere speculation:

Lipoic acid in the treatment of smell dysfunction following viral infection of the upper respiratory tract.
Hummel T, Heilmann S, Hüttenbriuk KB.

OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: The study aimed to investigate the potential therapeutic effects of alpha-lipoic acid in olfactory loss following infections of the upper respiratory tract. Possible mechanisms of actions include the release of nerve growth factor and antioxidative effects, both of which may be helpful in the regeneration of olfactory receptor neurons.

This is a much more in-depth study, showing that BDNF binds to TrkB receptors in the olfactory bulb and modulates current strength. NGF produced smaller and more inconsistent results, but this model measured signal modulation, and not neuronal regeneration.

Neurotrophin modulation of voltage-gated potassium channels in rat through TrkB receptors is time and sensory experience dependent. [free text]

The whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique, immunoprecipitation experiments and unilateral naris occlusions were used to investigate whether the voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.3 was a substrate for neurotrophin-induced tyrosine phosphorylation and subsequent functional modulation of current properties in cultured rat olfactory bulb (OB) neurons. Membrane proteins of the OB included all three Trk receptor kinases, but the truncated form of the receptor, lacking an intact kinase domain, was the predominant form of the protein for TrkA and TrkC, while TrkB was predominantly found as the full-length receptor. Acute (15 min) stimulation of OB neurons with bath application of 50 ng ml(-1) brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is a selective ligand for TrkB, caused suppression of the whole-cell outward current and no changes in the kinetics of inactivation or deactivation. Acute stimulation with either nerve growth factor or neurotrophin-3 failed to evoke any changes in Kv1.3 function in the OB neurons. Chronic exposure to BDNF (days) caused an increase in the magnitude of Kv1.3 current and speeding of the inactivation and deactivation of the channel. Acute BDNF-induced activation of TrkB receptors significantly increased tyrosine phosphorylation of Kv1.3 in the OB, as shown using a combined immunoprecipitation and Western blot analysis. With unilateral naris occlusion, the acute BDNF-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of Kv1.3 was increased in neurons lacking odour sensory experience. In summary, the duration of neurotrophin exposure and the sensory-dependent state of a neuron can influence the degree of phosphorylation of a voltage-gated ion channel and its concomitant functional modulation by neurotrophins.

PMID: 12122142 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Don't really know anything about anosmia, but these were the only connections I could dig up on pubmed. It might be worth giving lion's mane a shot? And perhaps other neurogenetic substances (search here for neurogenesis, NGF or BDNF) and antioxidants, as well.

Edited by chrono, 22 June 2010 - 12:48 AM.

#45 adamh

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Posted 22 June 2010 - 03:59 PM

I took lion's mane for all of this year and part of last. The only thing I got out of it was itching so I'm quiting. It has done nothing for my nerve problems. Over 6 months is plenty of time to test it and if anything, my situation has gotten worse. Why spend the money? Best of luck to the others, it may work for you.

#46 babcock

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Posted 22 June 2010 - 05:55 PM

I took lion's mane for all of this year and part of last. The only thing I got out of it was itching so I'm quiting. It has done nothing for my nerve problems. Over 6 months is plenty of time to test it and if anything, my situation has gotten worse. Why spend the money? Best of luck to the others, it may work for you.

What kind of nerve problems do you have if you don't mind me asking? In this thread here I linked a study done on rats that developed itch due to NGF over expression after supplementing with Lion's Mane. Study paper is here.

I understand that you certainly don't want to be itchy but I would take this as evidence that the Lion's Mane is indeed working. The study above points to NGF over expression leading to the nerves in the skin growing to a length that penetrates the upper levels of the dermis. This would be an expectation that NGF is indeed being stimulated and nerves are indeed growing. Your results match the results of the rats in this experiment.

#47 adamh

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Posted 22 June 2010 - 07:24 PM

Yes, I saw that study, thank you. It kept me going a while longer. The LM is not particularly cheap and I wanted something more than itching to show for 8 months or so of use. I have neuralgia in arms and legs which has been getting worse. I'm on ldn now in hopes that will do something. At least it is cheap. I've chased more false hopes than the average gold prospector. It's over the next rainbow.

I took lion's mane for all of this year and part of last. The only thing I got out of it was itching so I'm quiting. It has done nothing for my nerve problems. Over 6 months is plenty of time to test it and if anything, my situation has gotten worse. Why spend the money? Best of luck to the others, it may work for you.

What kind of nerve problems do you have if you don't mind me asking? In this thread here I linked a study done on rats that developed itch due to NGF over expression after supplementing with Lion's Mane. Study paper is here.

I understand that you certainly don't want to be itchy but I would take this as evidence that the Lion's Mane is indeed working. The study above points to NGF over expression leading to the nerves in the skin growing to a length that penetrates the upper levels of the dermis. This would be an expectation that NGF is indeed being stimulated and nerves are indeed growing. Your results match the results of the rats in this experiment.

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#48 karoloydi

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Posted 30 June 2010 - 07:28 AM

Yes, I saw that study, thank you. It kept me going a while longer. The LM is not particularly cheap and I wanted something more than itching to show for 8 months or so of use. I have neuralgia in arms and legs which has been getting worse. I'm on ldn now in hopes that will do something. At least it is cheap. I've chased more false hopes than the average gold prospector. It's over the next rainbow.

I took lion's mane for all of this year and part of last. The only thing I got out of it was itching so I'm quiting. It has done nothing for my nerve problems. Over 6 months is plenty of time to test it and if anything, my situation has gotten worse. Why spend the money? Best of luck to the others, it may work for you.

What kind of nerve problems do you have if you don't mind me asking? In this thread here I linked a study done on rats that developed itch due to NGF over expression after supplementing with Lion's Mane. Study paper is here.

I understand that you certainly don't want to be itchy but I would take this as evidence that the Lion's Mane is indeed working. The study above points to NGF over expression leading to the nerves in the skin growing to a length that penetrates the upper levels of the dermis. This would be an expectation that NGF is indeed being stimulated and nerves are indeed growing. Your results match the results of the rats in this experiment.

I think that it makes sence that taking a supplement like Lion's Main that increases nerve growth will also increase your sensitivity to pain. What do you think?

#49 Klip

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Posted 16 July 2010 - 02:19 PM

Has anybody tried New Chapter's new product yet? How is the quality of the Lion's Mane Mushroom Extract in this new blend compared to their previous product, which received many positive reviews?I 'm not sure whether I should buy from them or from Myco Essential.

Edited by Klip, 16 July 2010 - 02:22 PM.

#50 choqueiro

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Posted 29 August 2011 - 05:05 PM


I received two weeks ago my "Fungi Perfecti Lion´s Mane Extract". I take it four times. Suggested use: 15 - 30 drops, twice per day. I only take one day 7 drops an the other days 3 or 4 drops (and only once a day). Everytime I take it I have:
- headaches
- terrible brain fog
- deep anxiety (I´m an ansious person and with lion´s mane I became more ansious)

Could this be a symptom that the product is working??
Do you recommend me to take it before sleep?? (I have been taking it after breakfast)

Currently I have stopped taking it.

I wrote to Fungi Perfecti explaining them how do I feel when I take their extract and they answer me this : "I have never received any negative feedback such as headaches, brain fog or anxiety from our Lion's Mane supplement, especially at such a low dose. I personally take whole dropper fulls straight twice a day and have the very opposite effects. Everyone is different, but most people choose to take there supplements in the morning and night. You may want to discuss these symptoms with a doctor as they are highly irregular. If your problems persist, especially with a more standard dose please call us and report a complaint".

I take Lion´s Mane because I have little issues with my memory (maybe because of my stress and anxiety) and also because is a natural way of increase NGF.

Does anyone knows why I have this strange reaction?? Could this reactions be a consecuence of having raised levels of NGF?? Is there any relation between my anxiety and raised levels of NGF??

I´m a little bit confused. Thanks.

#51 icecold

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Posted 01 September 2011 - 05:43 PM


I received two weeks ago my "Fungi Perfecti Lion´s Mane Extract". I take it four times. Suggested use: 15 - 30 drops, twice per day. I only take one day 7 drops an the other days 3 or 4 drops (and only once a day). Everytime I take it I have:
- headaches
- terrible brain fog
- deep anxiety (I´m an ansious person and with lion´s mane I became more ansious)

Could this be a symptom that the product is working??
Do you recommend me to take it before sleep?? (I have been taking it after breakfast)

Currently I have stopped taking it.

I wrote to Fungi Perfecti explaining them how do I feel when I take their extract and they answer me this : "I have never received any negative feedback such as headaches, brain fog or anxiety from our Lion's Mane supplement, especially at such a low dose. I personally take whole dropper fulls straight twice a day and have the very opposite effects. Everyone is different, but most people choose to take there supplements in the morning and night. You may want to discuss these symptoms with a doctor as they are highly irregular. If your problems persist, especially with a more standard dose please call us and report a complaint".

I take Lion´s Mane because I have little issues with my memory (maybe because of my stress and anxiety) and also because is a natural way of increase NGF.

Does anyone knows why I have this strange reaction?? Could this reactions be a consecuence of having raised levels of NGF?? Is there any relation between my anxiety and raised levels of NGF??

I´m a little bit confused. Thanks.

i'm curious if anyone else is experiencing the same effects. i've been taking lion's mane and have also been experiencing increased anxiety. i've also been using ephedrine and caffeine which is known to cause anxiety so i can't be sure of the true cause.

#52 zorba990

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Posted 08 March 2012 - 04:28 PM

Any comments on this source? http://www.mushroomh...products_id=102

#53 Destiny's Equation

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Posted 10 March 2012 - 03:17 AM

Do you think that lions mane would be useful in the case of drug induced neuropathy?

Which drug?

#54 Renegade

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Posted 07 October 2012 - 02:06 PM

I took lions Maine for the second time today and have also experienced the anxiety and brain fog. Any ideas on what is causing this would be great. I think I will persist with 2g a day and see how it goes? Could it be that this is a side effect of the supplement working or is this just hopeful thinking?

#55 kevinseven11

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Posted 07 October 2012 - 03:45 PM

Like other nootropics, I think the response is bell curved. Take little amounts through the day. I have done that and fixed all problems I once had with it.

#56 Renegade

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Posted 07 October 2012 - 04:55 PM

What dosages and timing would you suggest?
I'd be interested to hear a little more about the side effects you experienced and the benefits you noticed once you got the dosage right.

Do you think there is a possibility that if I persist, I will stop having side effects with 2g a day?

#57 kevinseven11

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Posted 07 October 2012 - 06:03 PM

I take ~750mg 3-4 times a day. I use to have brain fog from lions mane, but not anymore. I also have noticed an emergence of new veins. If you exercise more than me you may want to lower your dose even more.

#58 Renegade

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Posted 07 October 2012 - 06:28 PM

How long did it take it before the brain fog subsided?

With you comment about exercise, it seems that you are suggesting that it is the increased BDNF which causes the fog. How sure are you that this is the case, rather than another reaction from the Lions Maine? Is it commonly acknowledged that increased BDNF causes brain fog? I have never heard of excerise causing brain fog. Or does lions maine stimulate much larger quantities of BDNF? If the increased BDNF causes the fog, could this be a side effect of positive changes taking place in the brain? The fact that it subsided for you would suggest to me that this may be the case (or the fog is neutral in terms of is associated effect on the brain and is just an initial reaction).

I exercise regularly and take other BDNF boosting supplements such as ALCAR.

Just some thoughts to ponder.

Edited by Renegade, 07 October 2012 - 06:40 PM.

#59 dear mrclock

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Posted 08 October 2012 - 12:40 AM

i was wondering this about lions mane as well as other mushroom mycelia extracts for their safety. because the supplements actually use mycelium (which is active), arent there problems it might cause problems in your body ? it might possibly cause some fungi growth inside you for all we know.

#60 Renegade

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Posted 08 October 2012 - 06:58 PM

What comforts me about herbs such as reishi and lions maine is that they have been used for THOUSANDS of years in Chinese medicine. That is one long longitudinal study in my books! This refinement over GENERATIONS of usage is major factor in how sophisticated the Chinese herbal system is, compared to our modern day drugs which have been used for a relatively very small fraction of time and therefore, long term effects are often a question mark - despite how extensively something is studied.


A double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled trial was performed on 50- to 80-year-old Japanese men and women diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment in order to examine the efficacy of oral administration of Yamabushitake (Hericium erinaceus), an edible mushroom, for improving cognitive impairment, using a cognitive function scale based on the Revised Hasegawa Dementia Scale (HDS-R). After 2 weeks of preliminary examination, 30 subjects were randomized into two 15-person groups, one of which was given Yamabushitake and the other given a placebo. The subjects of the Yamabushitake group took four 250 mg tablets containing 96% of Yamabushitake dry powder three times a day for 16 weeks. After termination of the intake, the subjects were observed for the next 4 weeks. At weeks 8, 12 and 16 of the trial, the Yamabushitake group showed significantly increased scores on the cognitive function scale compared with the placebo group. The Yamabushitake group's scores increased with the duration of intake, but at week 4 after the termination of the 16 weeks intake, the scores decreased significantly. Laboratory tests showed no adverse effect of Yamabushitake. The results obtained in this study suggest that Yamabushitake is effective in improving mild cognitive impairment. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

This one kind of bugs me, particularly the later part regarding the termination. I thought that if NGF is being stimulated, then effects would be a bit more permanent. The dosages are rather high, but I've read that Lion's Mane has a positive correlation with dose and NGF (rather than a bell curve), so as such effects should still take place at lower dosages. Also of interest is that it was in the form of powder rather than an extract.

Still, is it mainly a lacking in the study: not showing a comparison between before consumption (T 0 weeks) and 4 weeks after termination (T +20 weeks) to see if any permanent effects took place, or is such an effect not expected?

This surprises me too. I would have thought the changes are more premenant. Maybe it is with longer term usage and also has a more immediate nootropic effect. What do people think?

Edited by Renegade, 08 October 2012 - 06:57 PM.

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