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I don't want to die dammit!

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#1 bacopa

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Posted 15 April 2008 - 03:53 AM

I just wanted to rant for a bit. I was just thinking I don't ever want to die, I'm sure like many people here would agree. the end of life has got to be the worst thing I can imagine. There is no peace after death just oblivion. How can we get stupid fucking people to wake up to this fact? We need to start adertising better or something to get people to realize that this life is the only one they will ever have! I don't know what to say other than I want to extend my life ad infinitum. To die is to cease to be a productive entity bettering the world. By the way you can put this rant in a rant section of imminst if you want. Anyways, will it be stem cell technology that will prolong our lives? Or will it be uploading and the promise of nano-tech. My mother just died and I can't help but get angry at the fact that her life was cut short, she was after all in the prime of her life teaching her students and loving to be with her family. Life is so unfair it's not even funny! We have to rescue hummanity and stop this genocide. If we keep letting people, think of it, billions of people going to an early untimely grave than we will never realize what life is really about. I don't want to die and I don't want anyone here to either. There has got to be a bettter way. Maybe we shoud start a "I don't want to die" campaign and aim it at people who want to live indefinitely like us. I would welcome other people who wish to rant about how much they don't want to die. I definitley am taking out a cryonics contract for the potential prospect of being thawed out one day and being brought back to life. How do we best get the meme out? How do we show people the utter importance of living as long as possible. There must be a better way, I would also welcome any ideas as to how to get the meme out. I would love to upload my mind into a machine substrate and make multiple back up copies of myself in case of untimely death. WE have to start thinking of the future and ways to preserve ourselves.

#2 Heliotrope

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Posted 15 April 2008 - 04:12 AM

i want to rant too, but 1st I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I'm young and my mom is in her prime, but i can't imagine losing a parent. I want all my family signed up with cryonics at least. I venture to guess your mom is not in cryo-preservation that's why this is hard to accept. I also guess you don't believe in a God.

I don't believe in God either. This is it, the shitty situation we're in that we call life. When we die, all gone.

When I was about 13 or 14, I felt extremely paralyzed by the fear of death and stayed awake all night, praying to gods I don't even know and all religions and all Gods that might help me, and hoping the best for future technologies. The next day as sun rose and i look out the window and see the beautiful nature outside, i felt better

I want to live like a normal person too, believing in God wholeheartedly and have the bliss that is ignorance.

I had these panic attacks of non-existence overwhelm me many times. I still like the FuckDeath foundation website's title , though even more fringe group than imminst.

I say: Fuck Death and all that it stands for. Dammit I don't want to ever die either. Fuck oblivion. If life hands me a lemon, i won't make lemonade but a lemon powered gun that will blow oblivion into oblivion. Kill death to pieces, put a death to death . it's the worst thing ever. 99% OF PPL SAY WHY WORRY, but i think they dom't want to do much about death, religion, scared, natural course of things maybe, but that's all bull...

I'll try to live forever, if that doesn't happen, i hope to die peacefully in my sleep. No hurt. No worry. No regret. I gotta be realistic, there is a very little chance that i'll escape death. it catches up with ppl eventually. Even if we exist for a million years, it'll be there. I hate it like i never hated anything or anyone else , it's all enemy always chasing behind our backs. NOT in a hundred billion years will threre be me again , the what ifs are killing us too, what if there cryonics and other things fail, what if there is afterlife and we miss out, what if there is a God , then i don't think he's a very good god.

It's the fear of missing out on the great future that scares me the most, not the pain of old age and death. I don't think death will hurt, but i can't stand missing out on the future and fear of oblivion . missing out, oblivion, nothingness, no more , i'd be deadd d

i think i've found many friends here and what's more, found great strength and optimism too. but what we really need are concrete technologies and means to escape death

It's a sad feeling to know death will prevail. i want to drag it out and fight it as long , as best, as much as i can.

FEel better now, accept your loss, your mom is not gonna be back if she's not perserved or anything, concentrate on saving urself and others

feeling better after ranting?

Edited by HYP86, 15 April 2008 - 04:29 AM.

#3 bacopa

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Posted 15 April 2008 - 04:21 AM

I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I'm young and my mom is in her prime, but i can't imagine losing a parent. I want all my family signed up with cryonics at least. I venture to guess your mom is not in cryo-preservation that's why this is hard to accept. I also guess you don't believe in a God.

I don't believe in God either. This is it, the shitty situation we're in that we call life. When we die, all gone.

When I was about 13 or 14, I felt extremely paralyzed by the fear of death and stayed awake all night, praying to gods I don't even know and all religions and all Gods that might help me, and hoping the best for future technologies. The next day as sun rose and i look out the window and see the beautiful nature outside, i felt better

I want to live like a normal person too, believing in God wholeheartedly and have the bliss that is ignorance.

I had these panic attacks of non-existence overwhelm me many times. I still like the FuckDeath foundation website's title , though even more fringe group than imminst.

I say: Fuck Death and all that it stands for.

I'll try to live forever, if that doesn't happen, i hope to die peacefully in my sleep. No hurt. No worry. No regret. I gotta be realistic, there is a very little chance that i'll escape death. it catches up with ppl eventually. Even if we exist for a million years, it'll be there. I hate it like i never hated anything or anyone else

It's the fear of missing out on the great future that scares me the most, not the pain of old age and death. I don't think death will hurt, but i can't stand missing out on the future and fear of oblivion

i think i've found many friends here and what's more, found great strength and optimism too. but what we really need are concrete technologies and means to escape death

It's a sad feeling to know death will prevail , i want to drag it out and fight it as long , as best, as much as i can

Yeah! I agree wholehearteldy with everything that you said. I want to prolong life as much as possible too. If I die I want to die peacefully in my sleep. Even if I live millions of years I still won't be able to accept death. I sometimes wish as though I were never born! It's a curse to realize one's own demise. There has to be a better way. I really am convinced that if we can live even just fifty more years there will be the technology available to allow us to upload ourselves and eventually live forever. My friend, death may not prevail, other wise there wouldn't be so many people so interested in the conquest of involuntary death. I truly believe I will live forever and I'm not accepting anything but that. The way I see it the more we live th more we value life and more we want to live.

#4 Cyberbrain

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Posted 15 April 2008 - 04:50 AM

I agree with all of you too. F**k death. I'M A PROUD DEATH CHEATER! :)

But like many here, I'm also very disappointed and angry with society. Not to mention I'm having an impossible time convincing my family to sign up with cryonics too. Seeing that I'm so young, I'm a fairly optimistic person. But I spent countless of sleepless nights thinking about death and why our species has not waken up to the fact that there might not be an afterlife to go to after we die. Sure I'm somewhat agnostic. I'm not saying 100% that an afterlife exists. But I'm not saying it does exist either. As a man of science, I always leave room for uncertainty. But thats the problem. We can never know if there is an afterlife, therefore there is a 50/50 chance that exists.

It's so hard to imagine! Death surrounds everybody! Accidents, homicides, you name it. Almost every human on earth has seen death in one form or another. So why can't America and the rest of the world wake up and realize that we should finally do something about! We spend trillions of dollars trying to cure diseases like AID's, cancer, etc. While these are noble causes, we're still going to die after 40-60 years from now, so what was the piont to cure cancer is we're still going to die? We're not investing anything in things that will truly allow us to live forever like SENS and cryonics.

Right now, I'm dedicating my life to help out in every way I can (specifically with the singularity because I also believe immortality can be achieved through cybernetics) to help humanity achieve life extension technologies, but what good are my efforts if everyone around me is oblivious? Aside from the fact that aging is our biggest threat and that we're not doing anything about it ... humanity is off doing BS! Fighting meaningless wars, wasting money on meaningless endeavors and so forth.

I believe the biggest threat to our cause (curing aging) is religion. (I would like to note, however, that I believe there is a difference between religion and spirituality. In my view spirituality is not a threat ... if anything it can help us live better lives ... btw, I'm an atheist)

Edited by Kostas, 15 April 2008 - 05:01 AM.

#5 bacopa

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Posted 15 April 2008 - 05:06 AM

Well I know there is no after life, hands down. So I want to better spread the word. If this resorts to putting up flyers and stickers than so be it. We have to get the ignroant assholes to realize that death is imminent and that prevention is the only cure. We need to wake these assholes up to the truth!
And of course I agree with you that hummanity is doing terrible and pointless things other than ensuring the survival of our species. We need to start investing in the conquer of involuntary death.

#6 Cyberbrain

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Posted 15 April 2008 - 05:11 AM

Well I know there is no after life, hands down. So I want to better spread the word. If this resorts to putting up flyers and stickers than so be it. We have to get the ignroant assholes to realize that death is imminent and that prevention is the only cure. We need to wake these assholes up to the truth!
And of course I agree with you that hummanity is doing terrible and pointless things other than ensuring the survival of our species. We need to start investing in the conquer of involuntary death.

Amen brother!

#7 Cyberbrain

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Posted 15 April 2008 - 05:14 AM

We should make a thread to post samples of different pro-life extension flyers ... I'm looking for some good ones to post around my college campus.

#8 bacopa

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Posted 15 April 2008 - 05:28 AM

I think Bruce had a thread back in the day, but yes, I want to get my hands on some materials and post it all over my town and go into Harvard Square and post it all over there. Do you think imminst and org's like it could advertise in papers?

#9 Heliotrope

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Posted 15 April 2008 - 05:40 AM

I think Bruce had a thread back in the day, but yes, I want to get my hands on some materials and post it all over my town and go into Harvard Square and post it all over there. Do you think imminst and org's like it could advertise in papers?

there are some threads floating around with flyer ideas. Aegist started one with the goal of posting thousands of flyers in the last week of May for ex.

Of course we are allowed to put ads in papers! at least in U.S., it's still free country and not theocracy. If we have the money, we can put up as many ads as we want. Imminst needs a PR guy or an advertising committee to coordinate all the ads.

But we may want to keep the rants to ourselves. Most of the world may think we're too extreme/radical/fringe/ i dunno ... crazy nuts. But they don't realize the horror

#10 bacopa

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Posted 15 April 2008 - 05:51 AM

The horror the horror. No of course I won't rant in any other place but imminst, but I would really like to start putting ads in the papers for this website and the WTA. Doesnt' the WTA have ad people who are doing this? How come I never see and add for transhumanism? This is troubling to say the least. I'm going to get some flyers and post them around my town and local city Boston. And I suggest everyone here do the same. We can't give up on this thing it' too damn important. What about television ads? Can't we get people to make commercials for imminst and the WTA or is that just pie in the sky type of thinking.

In a related thread I talked about contacting celebrities who might back up our cause and I still think getting famous people involved is key to spreading the message here. Should we write a collective letter? What suggestions do you guys have?

#11 jackinbox

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Posted 15 April 2008 - 11:21 AM

My deepest sympathy, accepting the death of loved ones is one of the biggest challenge of life. Accepting his own death is probably even a bigger challenge. Someone has to get rid of his ego in order to accept such fatality. I didn't exist for billions of years and wasn't sad about it. I got this amazing change to emerge has a conscious living being, with this incredible gift of self-consciousness but also with the burden it. I'm not really an immortalist and despite the fact that I support your efforts, I prefer to put my energy in making my life worth living. This appear to be a much bigger challenge than I expected in my early years. I decided to open my mind to all lifestyle possible. What's the best way to spend my time on earth? Should I live according to the american lifestyle or become a buddhist monk? There is so few moments of pure happiness happening in the normal life of someone: first kiss, first sexual experience, falling in love, the birth of child... Imagine if we could live at this level of happiness all the time! I came to agree with Sam Harris. Buddhist might be on something there. Letting go desire might be the key. Then, we just have to "be".

Edited by jackinbox, 15 April 2008 - 11:22 AM.

#12 Cyberbrain

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Posted 15 April 2008 - 03:53 PM

OK I found a great page with lots of excellent flyer's by Richard Leis. We don't have to advertise Imminst or give out personal information in the flyer's .... the posters will simply act as intellectual advertisements to get people to go on Google and do research on cryonics, life extension, biotechnology, etc.


#13 Cyberbrain

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Posted 15 April 2008 - 03:54 PM

Now thats a great flyer! Btw, when you download it, you can edit it in photoshop.

Posted Image

Edited by Kostas, 15 April 2008 - 03:58 PM.

#14 bacopa

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Posted 15 April 2008 - 04:27 PM

so can I download it from the site and enlarge it in photo shop? Is that what you're saying?

#15 Cyberbrain

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Posted 15 April 2008 - 04:53 PM

so can I download it from the site and enlarge it in photo shop? Is that what you're saying?

Yes, you can download them as photopshop files. Then you can edit the titles, pictures, and so forth.

#16 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 16 April 2008 - 06:09 AM

Can someone add that image, without the group on the bottom? Or just 'Cryonics' plain and simple, in place of a group. I'd like to print it--if someone will add it in this thread. :)

#17 Live Forever

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Posted 16 April 2008 - 07:09 AM

Can someone add that image, without the group on the bottom? Or just 'Cryonics' plain and simple, in place of a group. I'd like to print it--if someone will add it in this thread. :)

Here ya go (2 different versions):

Posted Image

Posted Image

#18 Luna

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Posted 16 April 2008 - 07:38 AM

And yeah, dying will SO ruin my day.

#19 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 17 April 2008 - 05:17 AM

Love it! Thanks! I'll make this into a sticker for my CryoGirl helmet, and get some flyers printed to put up :)

#20 AdamSummerfield

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Posted 23 April 2008 - 07:27 PM

Some people think to walk on water is a miracle.
I think the real miracle is to walk on Earth.

#21 Heliotrope

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Posted 27 April 2008 - 08:35 PM

Some people think to walk on water is a miracle.
I think the real miracle is to walk on Earth.

True. If the all-mighty God wants to show us a miracle, how about let us live happily ever after in a real Heaven based on our own imagination. Not the playing harp and sing hallelujah type.

Edited by HYP86, 27 April 2008 - 08:37 PM.

#22 Wandering Jew

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Posted 28 April 2008 - 04:24 PM

Just accept it.

#23 forever freedom

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Posted 28 April 2008 - 05:31 PM

Just accept it.

Why would you want to accept it? Are you unhappy with your life? Because that's the only reason (apart from religious fantasies) i can think of why anyone would just "accept death".

Edited by sam988, 28 April 2008 - 05:31 PM.

#24 VictorBjoerk

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Posted 28 April 2008 - 08:18 PM

Don't accept involuntary death!

#25 Luna

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Posted 28 April 2008 - 09:24 PM

Why to accept a flaw which you can fix?

#26 bacopa

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Posted 28 April 2008 - 10:53 PM

You have to be crazy to accept involuntary death. Like the last guy said this is something that will and can be fixed someday there is no reason to accept it! We must fight hard against this nightmare. Like I said before I don't ever want to die and hope that you guys don't either.

#27 mike250

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Posted 29 April 2008 - 12:56 AM

well I'm going to make this thread a bit more depressing. I've seen quite a few good people around me die. one of my best friends died at the age of 20 because of a heart attack. He didn't deserve this, especially at such a young age, but........ what can I do. I felt helpless and frustrated.

#28 Heliotrope

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Posted 29 April 2008 - 01:14 AM

well I'm going to make this thread a bit more depressing. I've seen quite a few good people around me die. one of my best friends died at the age of 20 because of a heart attack. He didn't deserve this, especially at such a young age, but........ what can I do. I felt helpless and frustrated.

How did someone die of heart attack that young? 20 yo? some genetic predispostion?

#29 bacopa

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Posted 29 April 2008 - 02:02 AM

Well that is a rare instance for the most part we all here have a good chance of living a really reallly long life if we so choose. I can only imagine how terrible that must be to have someone die so young.

#30 Heliotrope

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Posted 14 May 2008 - 03:13 AM

Well that is a rare instance for the most part we all here have a good chance of living a really reallly long life if we so choose. I can only imagine how terrible that must be to have someone die so young.

yeah i can barely imagine too.

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