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"Free" The Free Speech Forum!

thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 02 Jul 2008


I have a suggestion, could we, or should we just do away with the Active topics page? Of what real benefit is it? Does it really perform a necessary function?

Prometheus's Photo Prometheus 02 Jul 2008

alternative therapies are the only real hope of a cure in my opinion.

Heard of this?

thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 02 Jul 2008

Hi Mygene.
No, first I've heard of it. The study doesn't appear to involve lung cancer. But keep the 411 coming :)

alternative therapies are the only real hope of a cure in my opinion.

Heard of this?


Shannon Vyff's Photo Shannon Vyff 02 Jul 2008

That link to 04, was too funny! I'm still laughing, just proves you'd be perfect for a moderator position.

My opinion on the active topics, is that I always check it out because it shows where the people are (and the members on-line 'viewing topics' section). The only value I'd see in getting rid of it would be that it might reduce unnecessary thread creations--I'd like to see how it may have worked in another large forum.

thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 02 Jul 2008

Hi Ben,
I'm sorry it's taken me so long to answer this, I'm falling behind. Thank you for the suggestion. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow for a CT scan. They just called to advise me that I should be prepared to be admitted. So I'm going to fall behind a little further. And to all of you who have e-mailed me and PMed me, I have read them all and will be responding to each and everyone of your letters. They have a computer there, and this time they can't kick me off. :)

Course correction is one of the things that makes humanity beautiful. As is generosity and compassion.

Very sad to hear about your health, FirstImmortal. I pledge $100.00 to help out. Please PM me your account details so I can wire it over.

Perhaps some others may also provide some assistance, financial or otherwise.

Yes I was thinking of setting up a paypal account or something considering that thefirstimmortal is a long time member and poster here. I'm sure many here would like to give back.


thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 02 Jul 2008

This post is a few days old, it was posted when I was being moderated and my post were being dumped. Sorry Shepard, if I wrote this fresh today I would have course left off the incessant pun at the tail end, but I'm posting it in it's original form.
Shepard, you wrote

"Do we have a Freedom Forum? Is that like Freedom Fries? Freedom Toast?

To answer that question, current no we do not have such a forum. That is what is at issue here because it is in direct violation of the constitution.

Once again, let me post this,

Bylaw A

· Free Speech Forum: ImmInst will reserve a forum for the expression of free speech. This forum will be named the “Free Speech Forum”. ImmInst will not restrict speech in this forum in so far as speech remains lawful as enforced by the United States government. Members who visit the Free Speech Forum should be prepared to tolerate objectionable material.

You must either fully restore the forum or change the constitution, those are the options. Or of course, you Navigators can all continue to flagarently violate the document as if it did not exists

thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 02 Jul 2008


Dear Cnorwood,
A few days ago I asked you 4 questions. These questions are legitimate questions that still need your attention.

1. But what gives you the right to take over my thread, and decide for yourself that you’re going to start your own thread, with more restrictive posting rules than the sites guidelines.

2. What was your justification for locking out my thread?

3. Do you think this is a proper use of your power?

4. And what great offence did I commit that submitted me to your babysitting?

Of course, question 1 and 2 are relatively similar, could probably be answered collectively. As a member who had his thread locked out, I certainly have a right to know if there was a legitimate reason why. And, oops I’m sorry, shouldn’t have done that works too. But if you really did have a legitimate reason, I need to know that also.
Question 4, I realize that you are not the one who put me on moderator watch, so let me ask you an additional set of questions.
1. Who put me on moderator watch? And if you can’t answer that please answer why you cannot say.
2. Who were the individuals that made the actual decision as to delete the posts?
3. What gets an individual on moderator watch.
4. How often does this happen.
Thank You in advance for answering these questions.
Live Long and Well
William Constitution O’Rights

David's Photo David 03 Jul 2008

I'm not allowing you to sidetrack me on this one young Will. It was ME you censored all those years ago. Don't try to wriggle out of it like that, i remember you pressed a wrong button and I lost a single post. The problem wasn't your intentions, it was a sincere mistake. Sheesh, you'll come up with anything to stay a rebel and not conform won't you?

Accept the sherrifs badge before I start calling you names. :)

"Wow, David and thefirstimmortal back at ImmInst. This is weird." Technosophy. Someone started messing with free speech (once again). What the hell did you expect?


David's Photo David 03 Jul 2008

I also notice the Freedom Forum hasn't been reinstated. What a great opportunity for Zoolander, my fellow Aussie and future achiever of great things. C'mon mate, you can do it, and deep down, you know you want to!

Free the speech!


David's Photo David 03 Jul 2008

Free the speech!

Shepard's Photo Shepard 03 Jul 2008

I also notice the Freedom Forum hasn't been reinstated. What a great opportunity for Zoolander, my fellow Aussie and future achiever of great things. C'mon mate, you can do it, and deep down, you know you want to!

You mean moving the forum out from under "Other Conversations" to the main forum page? If so, none of the navigators have that ability.

thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 03 Jul 2008

Mind has posted that it will be taken care of, so let's give him the opportunity to do that. We have the issue of Active topics and googlability on the agenda next.

I also notice the Freedom Forum hasn't been reinstated. What a great opportunity for Zoolander, my fellow Aussie and future achiever of great things. C'mon mate, you can do it, and deep down, you know you want to!

Free the speech!



thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 03 Jul 2008


You can't call me names here Dave, you'll get censored. :)

I'm not allowing you to sidetrack me on this one young Will. It was ME you censored all those years ago. Don't try to wriggle out of it like that, i remember you pressed a wrong button and I lost a single post. The problem wasn't your intentions, it was a sincere mistake. Sheesh, you'll come up with anything to stay a rebel and not conform won't you?

Accept the sherrifs badge before I start calling you names. ;)

"Wow, David and thefirstimmortal back at ImmInst. This is weird." Technosophy. Someone started messing with free speech (once again). What the hell did you expect?


Edited by thefirstimmortal, 03 July 2008 - 02:43 AM.

thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 03 Jul 2008


Dear Cnorwood,
A few days ago I asked you 4 questions. These questions are legitimate questions that still need your attention.


thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 03 Jul 2008

Shannon, I have read this post several times and I hardly know where to begin. I think I need some more data. Let me ask you Shannon, what do you think this whole topic thread has been about. I mean, if you were to boil it all down in a nutshell, and reduce it to one sentence, what would you say about this thread? If you were to give a brief summary, what would that summary be?

I don’t have the power to unlock the thread, or keep it unlocked. I cannot force him to stop locking my threads, but I can persuade him by ridicule to stop acting in a tyrannical manner. And make no mistake, cnorwood has been acting like a tyrant.

that approach only works if everyone functions under crocker's rules. Which they do not. Being courteous *is* part of the user agreement, and it does apply to everywhere outside of the freedom forum.

If someone really is a tyrant, and you ridicule and otherwise annoy them, they will just have your head cut off :)

Bill, I do not laugh when someone else is being made fun of in a sarcastic manner, this makes me think less of the person who is doing the ridiculing that the person being ridiculed --even if the person being ridiculed 'deserves' it (deserve being quite subjective here, plus it seems more 'childish' less mature to be ridiculing another) and with cnorwood--I do not feel he deserves any sort of castigation for his trying to help with this situation in this thread, when things started getting out of hand--by 'out of hand' I mean the personal attacks, the flared anger, the egos that were affronted. You may still feel cnorwood was out of line, and that is ok, but it is not ok to as Elrond stated "not follow our user agreement" (by our, meaning ImmInst's) You can say why you don't agree with cnorwood's actions, but not attack him personally--what I'm constituting as such, is labeled by you as 'sneering, sarcastic' etc. Maybe things are different in the Freedom Forum, or Free Speech Forum (those are the changes of which I speak, just updating to the original constitution, from what we have now, or had while you were away) and one can carry out personal attacks with abandonment--but hey, that is why you'd be a great moderator there, and I'd say I can match you in vehemence, but I'd worry that my kids would some day read it (not that I haven't posted stuff here before that I worry about them reading, but I chalk that up to actual stuff I've experienced in my life, and it being true things that happened thus under the scope of my life lived as an open-book and all things being up for analyzation. I'm not worried about my character and how I treat people--I try to set an example of what I believe are the highest ideals of mankind, one of those is using reason over emotion--and politeness to effect change, that is effect not affect ;) ). You would by all criteria put forth to test a moderator, be one of the upmost quality for the Free Speech Forum.

Oh, and I like the active topics page :) yeah, you'd have to start a new thread to garner comments on that one :)


eternaltraveler's Photo eternaltraveler 03 Jul 2008

my guess would be that the free speech forum will be brought up to full forum status as soon as someone with access to the forum software has time to do it.

re: free speech in general. I'm sure you agree that you have the right to moderate speech in your own home or business, and even in the most liberal universities someone should still be expected to be ejected from class if they are disruptive.

We have the free speech forum set aside (or will shortly again) where anything goes. Elsewhere it is the navigators job to do their best to keep the institute focused on the mission. They use their judgment, which is human judgment, and they follow guidelines set forth and mutually agreed on for how to execute it. Cnorwood was attempting to prevent tempers from flaring out of control, and for good reason. In the past we have had egos clash that resulted in wasted months of the institutes' time. Yes your thread was locked, and maybe it shouldn't have been, but such an action is easily repaired, and has been.

I would think at the moment you would prefer if zoolander and cnorwood (and everyone else) could think about and discuss something besides the present line, and turn toward the mission. That is conquering the blight of involuntary death. That is, figuring out how to prevent that from happening to you. You're one of us, we want to help.

In addition to megadosing on nutritional compounds there may be other options... Granulocyte infusions are an approved medical procedure for non cancer related reasons, and a friendly physician could prescribe it off label, so to speak. It seems to work in mice against a wide range of cancers, but thats extremely preliminary and might do nothing or be harmful in humans... Are you interested in getting your cryonics in order? What would it take to do that?

Shannon Vyff's Photo Shannon Vyff 03 Jul 2008

I'd say that the thread is about free speech, and the free speech forum, and Zoolander initially moderating Ben-Aus, then you--then it became whether or not he was justified in initially moderating you, which some could see the reasons due to the posting that was against ImmInst guidelines. He also did not know of your history, but then you and he were upset with each other for a while, but then things were mostly rectified. He said he was sorry, you were (and still are) wanting some more. But back to the thread being primarily about the Free Speech Forum as the title indicates, I went into Admin, after hearing from Justin and Elrond -and have put the Free Speech Forum, in the section of sub-forums under the parent Immortality Institute forum, as stipulated in the constitution. Now, if this still needs work, please let me know (or Mind, and I've already asked him how to make it viewable in 'active topics') but I'm hoping that the initial thread topic is rectified. The thread also became a poignant place where you shared your own battle right now for life, and amazingly a portal to 4 years ago, and this cool guy Dave who has shown up and graced us with his humor ;) (what is up with Australians, are they all so cool? ) I also tried to explain the importance of politeness to me as a human (but that almost belongs in the philosophy thread), and how I don't like ridicule or sarcasm, and I wondered why you asked me what I thought of the thread--but Elrond nicely responded in the above post some points about what this thread was about :) As well, as what we are all here for--helping spread the awareness to humans about why we should end aging, and how we can-to expedite the process in what ways we can, through networking, job connections/research, out reach, writing and educating those that come here (in what ways we can) I for one thank you Bill for what you have done here in the past, and I'll be reading your ideas of how to protect cryonics legally soon when I can work in the time to do my own research on the subject.

Thank you to Elrond for the above post, and Bill, please answer some of his points there :) (I'd say his post is a succinct overview as well)

Prometheus's Photo Prometheus 03 Jul 2008

In addition to megadosing on nutritional compounds there may be other options... Granulocyte infusions are an approved medical procedure for non cancer related reasons, and a friendly physician could prescribe it off label, so to speak. It seems to work in mice against a wide range of cancers, but thats extremely preliminary and might do nothing or be harmful in humans... Are you interested in getting your cryonics in order? What would it take to do that?

Elrond, when you're not swimming in the turquoise waters of the Caribbean I take it you're studying for a medical degree. Given your advice above, would you, once you become registered, support cancer patients with granulocyte or whole blood transfusions (should do the same thing, granulocyte numbers being equal) and how far are you from becoming registered?

thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 03 Jul 2008

Cnorwood was attempting to prevent tempers from flaring out of control, and for good reason. In the past we have had egos clash that resulted in wasted months of the institutes' time. Yes your thread was locked, and maybe it shouldn't have been, but such an action is easily repaired, and has been.

I do appreciate your response, and I would like Cnorwood to address my questions in addition.

I would think at the moment you would prefer if zoolander and cnorwood (and everyone else) could think about and discuss something besides the present line, and turn toward the mission. That is conquering the blight of involuntary death. That is, figuring out how to prevent that from happening to you. You're one of us, we want to help.

Yeah, that other battle I’m fighting, the whole cancer dying thing. I hear you elrond.

In addition to megadosing on nutritional compounds there may be other options... Granulocyte infusions are an approved medical procedure for non cancer related reasons, and a friendly physician could prescribe it off label, so to speak. It seems to work in mice against a wide range of cancers, but thats extremely preliminary and might do nothing or be harmful in humans... Are you interested in getting your cryonics in order? What would it take to do that?

I’ve been ducking answering the cryonics issue because I’m waiting for a response from Robert Ettinger on the matter. It’s been asked so many times now, I figure I had to say that much

thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 03 Jul 2008

I'll finish answering the your whole post latter Shannon, I'm getting ready to go to the hospital. But I wanted to give you the one sentence answer. This thread is about the unceasing contest between personal liberty and oppression.

Shannon Vyff's Photo Shannon Vyff 03 Jul 2008

The unceasing contest between personal liberty and oppression, is what I take on it too :) (I just have a hard time being black and white, anymore on most matters--I can see so many views that I empathize with, such as where to draw the line with moderation, how to get more personal liberty in a polite and non-bullying manner etc).

Robert posted about your case then to the Venturists, I can ask the group where it stands. Last I heard Ettinger was taking the parameters involved to CI leadership, and hoping to get that information before finalizing a course of action with David. It does look good so far.

thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 03 Jul 2008

Thank You Shannon for getting that information about CI out there. I've been waiting for Bob, but I still have not heard from him. I'm currently at the hospital in room 552 A, telephone number 207-662-7691. I will be here until at least Monday, anyone wish to call feel free. The doc suspects that my cancer has spread to my spine, and possibly my stomach. I'm sipping on a quart of gastroview contrast for my CT scan. Yum Yum.

The unceasing contest between personal liberty and oppression, is what I take on it too :) (I just have a hard time being black and white, anymore on most matters--I can see so many views that I empathize with, such as where to draw the line with moderation, how to get more personal liberty in a polite and non-bullying manner etc).

Robert posted about your case then to the Venturists, I can ask the group where it stands. Last I heard Ettinger was taking the parameters involved to CI leadership, and hoping to get that information before finalizing a course of action with David. It does look good so far.

Edited by thefirstimmortal, 03 July 2008 - 08:30 PM.

thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 03 Jul 2008

as where to draw the line with moderation, how to get more personal liberty in a polite and non-bullying manner etc).

"Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation are men who want crops without plowing, rain without thunder and lightning."

-Frederick Douglass"

Shannon Vyff's Photo Shannon Vyff 04 Jul 2008

I think he'd define proper agitation as agitation that is done in a polite way, as he was into non-violence :)

"A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me."
-Frederick Douglass

I love many quotes of Frederick Douglas :~ :

"Man's greatness consists in his ability to do and the proper application of his powers to things needed to be done."

thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 04 Jul 2008

"Those who expect to reap the benefits of freedom must, like men,

undergo the fatigues of supporting it."

Thomas Paine

thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 04 Jul 2008

Robert posted about your case then to the Venturists,

Could you please provide me with the link to that Shannon?

I can ask the group where it stands. Last I heard Ettinger was taking the parameters involved to CI leadership, and hoping to get that information before finalizing a course of action with David. It does look good so far.

Yes, please do.
IT looks good so far, in what respects?

Shannon Vyff's Photo Shannon Vyff 04 Jul 2008

Hello, you can read over the last posts at the Venturists: http://groups.yahoo....oup/Venturists/

For anyone that does not know, they are set up as a group for Cryonicists as support, and sort of as a religion-more info here: http://www.quantium....urist/about.htm

(I carry a 'Do Not Autopsy For Religious Reasons' in my purse, provided through the Venturists--if you are a cryonicist, and would like one, contact Mike Perry, through Alcor or the Venturist group)

I meant good, as in there was networking going on, and it looked like the Venturists would be setting up a fund. Hopefully you can get more current information from Robert now, I did post the information you provided with the phone to your hospital room--if that is still current. You could also give updates to the Robert through the Venturist group (or Cryo-net, I believe he reads both).

thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 05 Jul 2008

Apparently they will be keeping me in my current room. Phone number still 207-662-7691. Thank You for being so helpful on this.
I have traced the e-mail issue to yahoo's own character string certification technology developed in collaberation with the captcha project at Carnegie Mellon University. I have notified Yahoo of the problem, and have by passed the tech glitch temporarily while waiting for them to address the problem.
I have been in touch with Bob as well as several other of whom I had not heard back from. So I guess it wasn't just everyone being on 4th of July vacation as I chalked it up to. Others have e-mailed me back also, and I phone a few others who also told me that they have not recieved anything since on or about June 28th. That seems to be the general consensus.
more to follow....

Hello, you can read over the last posts at the Venturists: http://groups.yahoo....oup/Venturists/

For anyone that does not know, they are set up as a group for Cryonicists as support, and sort of as a religion-more info here: http://www.quantium....urist/about.htm

(I carry a 'Do Not Autopsy For Religious Reasons' in my purse, provided through the Venturists--if you are a cryonicist, and would like one, contact Mike Perry, through Alcor or the Venturist group)

I meant good, as in there was networking going on, and it looked like the Venturists would be setting up a fund. Hopefully you can get more current information from Robert now, I did post the information you provided with the phone to your hospital room--if that is still current. You could also give updates to the Robert through the Venturist group (or Cryo-net, I believe he reads both).


thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 05 Jul 2008

Apparently they will be keeping me in my current room. Phone number still 207-662-7691. Thank You for being so helpful on this.
I have traced the e-mail issue to yahoo's own character string certification technology developed in collaberation with the captcha project at Carnegie Mellon University. I have notified Yahoo of the problem, and have by passed the tech glitch temporarily while waiting for them to address the problem.
I have been in touch with Bob as well as several other of whom I had not heard back from. So I guess it wasn't just everyone being on 4th of July vacation as I chalked it up to. Others have e-mailed me back also, and I phone a few others who also told me that they have not recieved anything since on or about June 28th. That seems to be the general consensus.
more to follow....

Hello, you can read over the last posts at the Venturists: http://groups.yahoo....oup/Venturists/

For anyone that does not know, they are set up as a group for Cryonicists as support, and sort of as a religion-more info here: http://www.quantium....urist/about.htm

(I carry a 'Do Not Autopsy For Religious Reasons' in my purse, provided through the Venturists--if you are a cryonicist, and would like one, contact Mike Perry, through Alcor or the Venturist group)

I meant good, as in there was networking going on, and it looked like the Venturists would be setting up a fund. Hopefully you can get more current information from Robert now, I did post the information you provided with the phone to your hospital room--if that is still current. You could also give updates to the Robert through the Venturist group (or Cryo-net, I believe he reads both).


thefirstimmortal's Photo thefirstimmortal 05 Jul 2008

Apparently they will be keeping me in my current room. Phone number still 207-662-7691. Thank You for being so helpful on this.
I have traced the e-mail issue to yahoo's own character string certification technology developed in collaberation with the captcha project at Carnegie Mellon University. I have notified Yahoo of the problem, and have by passed the tech glitch temporarily while waiting for them to address the problem.
I have been in touch with Bob as well as several other of whom I had not heard back from. So I guess it wasn't just everyone being on 4th of July vacation as I chalked it up to. Others have e-mailed me back also, and I phone a few others who also told me that they have not recieved anything since on or about June 28th. That seems to be the general consensus.
more to follow....

Hello, you can read over the last posts at the Venturists: http://groups.yahoo....oup/Venturists/

For anyone that does not know, they are set up as a group for Cryonicists as support, and sort of as a religion-more info here: http://www.quantium....urist/about.htm

(I carry a 'Do Not Autopsy For Religious Reasons' in my purse, provided through the Venturists--if you are a cryonicist, and would like one, contact Mike Perry, through Alcor or the Venturist group)

I meant good, as in there was networking going on, and it looked like the Venturists would be setting up a fund. Hopefully you can get more current information from Robert now, I did post the information you provided with the phone to your hospital room--if that is still current. You could also give updates to the Robert through the Venturist group (or Cryo-net, I believe he reads both).
