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McCain picks Palin as VP

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#1 Live Forever

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Posted 29 August 2008 - 07:26 PM

Sarah Palin picked as the VP for McCain.

Now the Republican ticket looks like this:
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(kidding of course!)

#2 Shepard

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Posted 29 August 2008 - 07:56 PM

Atleast we're guaranteed to shake things up a little, I guess.

#3 Mind

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Posted 29 August 2008 - 10:47 PM

It is an interesting pick. Much more conservative than McCain.

She will get hammered for not having enough experience.

From what I have seen in interviews, she seems down-to-earth and confident.

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#4 Cyberbrain

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Posted 29 August 2008 - 11:44 PM

If McCain is elected but has to step down for health reasons, Putin will be laughing his guts out at the inexperience of Palin :|o

#5 spaceistheplace

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 03:56 AM

At least Mccain can't use the inexperience argument on Obama anymore without seeming a hypocrite.

#6 Heliotrope

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 04:29 AM

she sure looks young and inexperienced. sarah palin is 44 , but she can pass as a 20-something or maybe 30 year old, good looking too :|o , i think she won a beauty pagent , miss alaska or maybe miss congeniality , and that got her scholarship to college etc, Miss America scholarship program. her husband is athletically active too, won 2,000-mile long races

mccain had his birthday yesterday, 72 yr old man, if mccain dies in office, then we'll have a first female president afterall, not as experienced as hillary but hopefully as smart/ even smarter. Smart and sexy , go palin.

i used to lean for mccain, now liking obama more. confused about mccain vs obama, but of course will support the politicians that support medicine, healthcare, the Singularity, LE /longevity research, the longevity dividend , etc, moving us closer to the goal

Edited by HYP86, 30 August 2008 - 04:49 AM.

#7 Cyberbrain

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 04:42 AM

Former beauty pageant queen and hockey mom with five children at age 44, Sarah Palin has got to be the worst choice for McCain’s VP. Previous jobs of hers also include working at a local Anchorage television station and fishing.

With only a bachelor in journalism, she has just TWO years of experience as governor of Alaska (not counting her years as mayor of a small unknown town of 7,000 people). McCain (or should I say McSame), who has already been diagnosed with cancer and a weak heart (and if elected would be the oldest president in US history), could step down or die at any minute due to health problems. If that happens what then? I don’t even want to think about it! Putin and the rest of the world would be laughing at us! Not to mention the damages this great country could face.

Talk about lack of experience!

Palin is nothing more than just eye candy so that Hillary supporters would jump on the conservative band wagon.

And guess what! In an interview just a month ago, she dissed the role of vice president, saying it didn't seem "productive". In fact, she said she didn't even know what the vice president does.

Larry Kudlow of CNBC's asked her about the possibility of becoming McCain's ticket mate.

Palin replied: "As for that VP talk all the time, I'll tell you, I still can't answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day?”

And that’s not the best part! … She’s also a CREATIONIST!

I got to say though, the next 3 months are going to get pretty interesting!

#8 advancedatheist

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 05:19 AM

Former beauty pageant queen and hockey mom with five children at age 44, Sarah Palin has got to be the worst choice for McCain’s VP. Previous jobs of hers also include working at a local Anchorage television station and fishing.

Okay, somebody has to say it: She might add new meaning to the phrase "deadliest catch."

#9 mike250

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 06:03 AM

I think she's a good pick for a number of reasons.

1) She fought some "good ol boy" corruption in Alaska, and went against the grain.
2) She is pro-life, pro-gun, and that will strongly appeal to the evangelicals in the party.
3) She is attractive, another "rock star" in the making like Obama.
4) She has been a governor and has actually ran something. Obama in contrast, hasn't run a state.
5) She is a woman, that balances out the racial bit and may appeal to Hillary voters.
6) She is not part of the Washington "insiders" unlike Obama, McCain, and Biden.
7) She didn't form and put forth the Steroid Control ACT in 1990 like Biden did (Considering Rep Sen Lugar from Indiana has mentioned how much Biden works across the aisle this might not be a big issue however). She's much more of a libertarian than any of the three: Biden, McCain, and Obama.

Edited by mike250, 30 August 2008 - 06:22 AM.

#10 Traclo

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 06:08 AM

I have heard she supports teaching creationism. If this is true (I'm not positive, just going off what others have said) then I seriously hope McCain does not get elected. I would not like to judge a person and their policies on one issue, but the president + her seem to be a little anti-science (e.g. McCain not knowing how to use a computer). Which is of course not what a progressive thinker on these forums wants.
Just my opinion, take it as you will.

As a Canadian none of what I say matters anyway, and she's pretty good looking. :|o

#11 mike250

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 06:13 AM

I think she's also raising a Down’s Syndrome boy.

Anyhow things are going to get pretty interesting.

Edited by mike250, 30 August 2008 - 07:00 AM.

#12 TianZi

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 07:43 AM

she sure looks young and inexperienced. sarah palin is 44 , but she can pass as a 20-something or maybe 30 year old, good looking too :|o , i think she won a beauty pagent , miss alaska or maybe miss congeniality , and that got her scholarship to college etc, Miss America scholarship program. her husband is athletically active too, won 2,000-mile long races

mccain had his birthday yesterday, 72 yr old man, if mccain dies in office, then we'll have a first female president afterall, not as experienced as hillary but hopefully as smart/ even smarter. Smart and sexy , go palin.

i used to lean for mccain, now liking obama more. confused about mccain vs obama, but of course will support the politicians that support medicine, healthcare, the Singularity, LE /longevity research, the longevity dividend , etc, moving us closer to the goal

It seems Palin is a creationist, and wants creationism taught in schools. She identifies herself as an evangelical Protestant. She's not going to advance the goals of this organization; she'd most likely obstruct them, as POTUS.


"A significant part of Palin's base of support lies among social and Christian conservatives. Her positions on social issues emerged slowly during the campaign: on abortion (should be banned for anything other than saving the life of the mother), stem cell research (opposed), physician-assisted suicide (opposed), creationism (should be discussed in schools), state health benefits for same-sex partners (opposed, and supports a constitutional amendment to bar them)."

I suppose she'll get the Evangelicals fired up to vote for McCain, though, since if McCain is elected POTUS, there's a very real possibility he won't survive until the end of his term.

Edited by TianZi, 30 August 2008 - 07:48 AM.

#13 Connor MacLeod

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 07:49 AM

At least Mccain can't use the inexperience argument on Obama anymore without seeming a hypocrite.

True, she seems to be about as inexperienced as Obama. On the other hand, the Palin VP pick (along with the Biden VP pick) has seriously underminded the Obama campaign's Hope and Change spiel.

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"Hey baby! Who stole my mojo?"

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#14 TianZi

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 08:06 AM

It's rather a stretch to say that Palin is "as inexperienced as Obama".

In terms of political experience, Obama has served for 4 years as a United States senator. Prior to that he served in the Illinois Senate for 7 years. Palin has served two years as governor of Alaska, which is very nearly the least inhabited state in the US. Before becoming governor, Palin served two terms on the Wasilla, Alaska, City Council from 1992 to 1996, and was elected mayor of Wasilla twice, in 1996 and 1999. Wasilla is a sleepy little town with a population of somewhere between 6,000 and 9,000.

There is nothing else on Palin's resume demonstrating she is qualified to be POTUS. She has an undergrad degree from the U. of Idaho, not particularly impressive, particularly combined with McCain's abyssmal performance at the bottom of his class.

Obama is a lawyer, and worked as a law professor for 12 years at the U. of Chicago Law School, one of the top law schools in the country. He is a magna cum laude graduate of Harvard. It's not hard to make the argument that Obama is vastly more intelligent than Palin, and I believe intelligence should be viewed as a critical qualification for POTUS, not something to be villified. Obama's experience as a lawyer and law professor does make him more qualified to serve as POTUS, since the President is the Chief Executive charged with enforcing US laws, something the current POTUS has done very poorly.

#15 mike250

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 08:17 AM

It's rather a stretch to say that Palin is "as inexperienced as Obama".

In terms of political experience, Obama has served for 4 years as a United States senator. Prior to that he served in the Illinois Senate for 7 years. Palin has served two years as governor of Alaska, which is very nearly the least inhabited state in the US. Before becoming governor, Palin served two terms on the Wasilla, Alaska, City Council from 1992 to 1996, and was elected mayor of Wasilla twice, in 1996 and 1999. Wasilla is a sleepy little town with a population of somewhere between 6,000 and 9,000.

There is nothing else on Palin's resume demonstrating she is qualified to be POTUS. She has an undergrad degree from the U. of Idaho, not particularly impressive, particularly combined with McCain's abyssmal performance at the bottom of his class.

Obama is a lawyer, and worked as a law professor for 12 years at the U. of Chicago Law School, one of the top law schools in the country. He is a magna cum laude graduate of Harvard. It's not hard to make the argument that Obama is vastly more intelligent than Palin, and I believe intelligence should be viewed as a critical qualification for POTUS, not something to be villified. Obama's experience as a lawyer and law professor does make him more qualified to serve as POTUS, since the President is the Chief Executive charged with enforcing US laws, something the current POTUS has done very poorly.

Don't forget that Obama hasn't even finished one term in the Senate (which has no executive powers). Palin has more executive experience than the Democratic presidential candidate. The obvious thing for Obama to do is to not mention the experience issue and just criticize her record.

As for his degrees and intelligence, I will say this:

Can he deliver on what he passionately laid out in his agenda for change?

Can he make the promises he made at the Denver convention a reality?

Can he deliver on his passion and his ability to inspire?

How do you force Humana to do what they are supposed to do when the powers that be – the Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan can’t even force Humana to provide the minimal service they are required to provide under the law? Is he going to confront them on the issue?

We’ve heard the same exact words before, every four years, from every politician who has sought to become the privileged and most powerful person in the world, the president of the United States. We Americans have seen far too many great candidates fail to deliver.

Bottom line is will he take action? Can he deliver?

That’s how you put meaning into his "inspiring" words.

Otherwise all this talk about university degrees and intelligence is just that: talk. actions speak a lot louder. I'm waiting for these actions.

Edited by mike250, 30 August 2008 - 08:43 AM.

#16 Connor MacLeod

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 09:55 AM

Here's Sarah Palin's parents watching the VP announcement on TV.

Posted Image

They, like their daughter, look like pretty regular folks. And check out all the hunting trophies on the wall. How cool is that? Any endangered species? This is going to drive the tree-huggers and PETA folks nuts. :|o

#17 dave111

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 10:02 AM

Here's Sarah Palin's parents watching the VP announcement on TV.

Posted Image

They, like their daughter, look like pretty regular folks. And check out all the hunting trophies on the wall. How cool is that? Any endangered species? This is going to drive the tree-huggers and PETA folks nuts. :|o

It shows you how crazy this election year is that I thought that picture was a parody pic.

Edited by dave111, 30 August 2008 - 10:03 AM.

#18 TianZi

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 10:47 AM

This is going to drive the tree-huggers and PETA folks nuts. :|o

Do they look like "pretty regular folks" to you because they are white, and not a mixed race couple?

I guess by "tree-hugger" you mean anyone passionate about protecting the environment. Palin still believes man has played no role in increasing global warming. That belief in the next potential POTUS should drive any reasonable person "nuts".

The more I learn of Palin, the more it becomes apparent to me that she is motivated more by religious faith and the need to support key constituencies than impartial, fact-based logic. Such a person should not be allowed anywhere near the presidential office.

If McCain had disassociated himself from the neocons, evangelicals and rigid conservatives this campaign in keeping with the old pre-2001 McCain, I'd have been satisfied with him as president, although my first choice would still have been Obama. He didn't do that, and his pick of Palin deeply unsettles me.

Edited by TianZi, 30 August 2008 - 10:54 AM.

#19 platypus

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 11:46 AM

And that's not the best part! … She's also a CREATIONIST!

Cretinists are considered to be sane enough to lead?? Only in America!

#20 mike250

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 11:54 AM

And that's not the best part! … She's also a CREATIONIST!

Creationists are considered to be sane enough to lead?? Only in America!

fixed it for ya.

#21 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 03:38 PM

Yeah, Alaska has a very rural population, only about 4 large cities--use the oil for taxes... it is small and recently has had the most corruption of all 50 states (and even our pseudo-states that have delegates like Puerto Rico and Guam).

I figured McCain would choose a woman, to counter the heavy feminist strength angle the Democrats presented at their convention--but this woman, has a less-than ethical past as a leader (as short as that time has been):



Some interesting commentary around :



From the names of her children you'd think she was a liberal :|o The Palins' five children are Track, 19; Bristol 17; Willow 14; Piper, 7, and baby Trig.

She doesn't believe that global warming is man made, that is fine --we should be studying it none-the-less and seeing what the rising temperatures mean and how we can deal with them... but already Republican handlers are cleaning up her net-image, such as removing last night, an ad with her and Alaska's Senator Ted Stevens who was currently indicted for corruption.

There is a lack of experience in politics: http://www.votesmart...hp?can_id=27200 but that does not disturb me if she had a ethical reputation-- the whole firing her brother-in-law when he was in the middle of a divorce thing, and being told she couldn't so firing that guy and replacing him with a known womanizer--- wow... she must be a Yes Woman, and probably would be as happy as McCain's wife was when she was offered up for a wet-t-shirt contest a few weeks ago, if McCain did the same at a public event with her ;) Ok, that was harsh, but as a feminist-I'm shocked that this is so blatantly pandering for women's votes, with a woman that the intellectual woman that were Hillary supporters--would not vote for after scrutinizing her past. I usually don't get into political threads--but this choice for VP, well--I'm a bit speechless--but on the plus side The Daily Show and Colbert Report sure are having fun with it :)

#22 Athanasios

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 04:51 PM

Thanks for the array of articles Shannon.

I have been shocked since the primary that there is so much hollow, empty, and blatant vote pandering. So much so, that to me, this is just 'all is fair in love and war'.

#23 TianZi

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 05:21 PM

The following were the moving words of support for Palin's selection as Republican VP candidate by a fellow Alaskan Republican:

Alaska House Speaker John Harris ®: “She’s old enough. She’s a U.S. citizen.”

Yep, that was it. Gives new meaning to the old adage, "Damning with faint praise."

#24 jackinbox

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 06:18 PM

Sure, Obama is relatively inexperienced for the job. Hopefully, we had one year to judge him and see how knowledgeable he is. He wrote a book about his experience in the senate and exposed his views on all the important subjects. He has been challenged by journalists and during the debates on foreign affairs. He debated more experienced politicians and did well. He taught constitutional laws, something I consider important after 8 years of an administration that had little regards of the constitution. Finally, 20 millions people gave him their blessing.

On the other hand, Palin got the blessing of one guy: McCain. A guy that meet her only once or twice. She said last July that she doesn't even know what the VP job consist of. Her experience little do to with federal issues and nothing to do with foreign affair. Does she knows the difference between sunnis and shiites? We don't even know if she can point to Afganistan and Irak on a map.

Obama prepared himself before running for the office. He managed to get where he is know by himself, by being a terrific organiser and convincing people he is fit for the job, not by winning the VP lotery. By picking Biden, Obama recognise that experience is important and that he will surround himself with experienced people. One cannot know everything on a given subject and have to rely on others more experienced on a specific matter. He just needs to know enough to be able to understand the information provided to him and make a decision.

The fact is that during the election we never get to know the VP as well as the front runner. Picking an experienced running mate reassure the voters. It prove your judgement. McCain just proved the opposite.

Edited by jackinbox, 30 August 2008 - 06:20 PM.

#25 inawe

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 06:39 PM

Who is Sarah Palin? I'm trying to find out something about this new celebrity.

From an AP report in 1999:
"Pat Buchanan brought his conservative message of a smaller government and an America First foreign policy to Fairbanks and Wasilla on Friday
as he continued a campaign swing through Alaska. Buchanan's strong message championing states rights resonated with the roughly 85 people
gathered for an Interior Republican luncheon in Fairbanks. … Among those sporting Buchanan buttons were Wasilla Mayor Sarah Palin and
state Sen. Jerry Ward, R-Anchorage."


In an interview with Newsmax today, McCain's vice-presidential running mate Sarah Palin stated that: "A changing environment will affect
Alaska more than any other state, because of our location. I'm not one though who would attribute it to being man-made."

Palin, a member of the anti-choice group Feminists for Life, said during her campaign for governor that she is opposed to
abortion, even in cases of rape or incest. [Juneau Empire, "Abortion Draws Clear Divide in State Races," accessed 8/29/08 and Anchorage
Daily News, "Governor’s Race: Top contenders meet one last time to debate," 11/03/06.]

#26 inawe

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 10:53 PM

Most of the country doesn't know who Palin is. So the McCain gang and herself are presenting her as a fighter of corruption in Alaska. So
how come Stevens, the corrupt senator from Alaska, strongly supported her?

#27 TianZi

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Posted 31 August 2008 - 06:33 AM

Based on the articles I've read in the past day, Palin was an 11th hour pick, and McCain held out until the very end trying to persuade his Republican backers to accept former Democrat-turned-Independent Lieberman, his close friend, as his VP candidate. But Lieberman is pro-choice like McCain, and that might ensure that Evangelicals would sit out the election. He's also very liberal on domestic issues.

Apparently, McCain spent all of 2 hours speaking to Palin before the decision was made to select her as the VP candidate. He doesn't know her at all.

They have vastly differing opinions on numerous issues, such as abortion and teaching creationism in schools. They are worlds apart on the environment. We've discussed above Palin's belief that global warming is not caused by man; she favors drilling in the artic wildlife preserve and has sued Bush's EPA regime over its decision to put polar bears on the endangered species list because that might conflict with Alaska's ability to drill for more oil. She's even further to the right on the environment than Bush, and that's a daunting achievement. Rather repulsive, too.

McCain on the other hand has said this:

"Certainly, the environment has to be a bigger issue," he said. "The overwhelming evidence that climate change is taking place argues that we address the issue." McCain said environmental issues "fit into a larger challenge of energy independence" and also into what he called "the Teddy Roosevelt tradition" of care for national parks -- something neglected in the Bush years."

McCain has made it clear that he firmly believes that man is the culprit in global warming:

The McCain-Lieberman Climate Stewardship Act of 2003 was defeated in October 2004 by a margin of 43-55.[192] The Climate Stewardship and Innovation Act of 2007[193] was introduced by Senator Joseph Lieberman, McCain and other co-sponsors in January 2007, with McCain commenting "we continue to learn more about the science of climate change and the dangerous precedence of not addressing this environmental problem. The science tells us that urgent and significant action is needed."[194]

In April 2007, McCain called global warming "a serious and urgent economic, environmental and national security challenge" and said that the problem "isn't a Hollywood invention."[195]

In September 2007, McCain said that he supported a 65% reduction in carbon emissions by 2050.[196]

In a campaign video in January 2008, McCain said "I believe that America did the right thing by not joining the Kyoto treaty, but I believe that if we could get China and India into it, then the United States should seriously consider on our terms joining with every other nation in the world to try and reduce greenhouse gases. It's got to be a global effort."


McCain and Palin: definitely the odd couple.

#28 Connor MacLeod

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Posted 31 August 2008 - 10:38 AM

Do they look like "pretty regular folks" to you because they are white, and not a mixed race couple?

Whoa there tiger!!! Your a little quick on the draw with the race card!!! Thanks for helping to confirm my stereotypes of Obama supporters. In any case, my wife and I are a mixed race couple; I have a sister and one brother who have non-caucasian spouses as well; I also have two nieces and a nephew (through adoption) who are non-caucasian. What I meant by "pretty regular folks" is that they appear to be living in fairly modest circumstances. And yeah, though I'm personally not a big hunter or fisher, the hunting and fishing trophies on the wall do remind me of family and home.

I guess by "tree-hugger" you mean anyone passionate about protecting the environment. Palin still believes man has played no role in increasing global warming. That belief in the next potential POTUS should drive any reasonable person "nuts".

Good for her, perhaps she can talk some sense into McCain on this issue.

#29 Connor MacLeod

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Posted 31 August 2008 - 11:16 AM

Based on the articles I've read in the past day, Palin was an 11th hour pick, and McCain held out until the very end trying to persuade his Republican backers to accept former Democrat-turned-Independent Lieberman, his close friend, as his VP candidate. But Lieberman is pro-choice like McCain, and that might ensure that Evangelicals would sit out the election. He's also very liberal on domestic issues.


Edited by Connor MacLeod, 31 August 2008 - 11:19 AM.

#30 modelcadet

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Posted 31 August 2008 - 01:04 PM

The evidence is still circumstantial, but it is still growing. Oh man McCain is boned. Although I'm still agnostic on the issue, I'm sorta now actually leaning towards believing this story, that Sarah Palin is NOT the mother of her 5th child, who helped her gain political points with pro-lifers. I went to parochial school, this shit definitely does happen. I feel so bad for Sarah's daughter and granddaughter(?)...

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