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Living forever. Will it make you happier?

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#61 fatboy

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Posted 02 April 2009 - 04:48 AM

I am already happy, which is why I want to live forever!

I am already happy too!

#62 forever freedom

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Posted 02 April 2009 - 06:36 PM

If i knew i'd not die of old age i'd certainly be much much happier.

#63 brokenportal

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Posted 02 April 2009 - 06:43 PM

If i knew i'd not die of old age i'd certainly be much much happier.

Me too, the more I think about it, the more I realize that being 80 years old is like being a child still compared to the scheme of things. Compared to the life we could and should have, of indefinity and limitless dreams, 80 hasnt even begun to grow and learn and live.

#64 Esoparagon

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Posted 07 June 2009 - 02:24 AM

I want to see how far we can push it. I want to see technology in 100 years time or in 500 years time. Can you imagine 200 years of investing? Imagine if Warren Buffet could go on investing for another 80 years... wow.

#65 Ben

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Posted 07 June 2009 - 04:33 AM

I am already happy, which is why I want to live forever!

Lol, basically summing up all my verbose posts in one sentence.

#66 Taelr

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Posted 07 June 2009 - 06:37 AM

Would living forever add meaning to life?"

Life has no meaning or purpose as it stands now and living longer or forever isn't going to change that. Any meaning or purpose can only be established by specific and personal goals. But life in general just is and has no inherrent meaning no matter how long people live.

As for being happier, whats the alternative? Death - can't get much worse than that.

Edited by Taelr, 07 June 2009 - 06:44 AM.

#67 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 07 June 2009 - 07:07 PM

I can't say what I'd think in say a thousand years, but I'd guess that I would be happier because I will have learned more about the Universe, done more, traveled more etc.

#68 VictorBjoerk

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Posted 08 June 2009 - 12:48 AM

Knowledge is the contribution that will appear when extending life span. A 1/4 of our life is required only to learn enough to live independently.
Such a lot of knowledge disappear when old scientists die, new people that will have to start from scratch again.. Although they learn from each other how to perform things a lot of wisdom is wasted.

If I was alive for 1000 years I don't know if I would relate to myself as I am today, probably things will be forgotten about etc.

80 year old people are really not old, I lack perspective of time and it feels like I was five yesterday. I can't understand how it can be well over a year ago since I joined Imminst. that's 1.5 years ago! I still feel like a new member who recently joined.

so I've been a member at Imminst for roughly 2% of my life expectancy?!. That almost makes me sick,life is incredibly short.

#69 fatboy

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Posted 09 June 2009 - 01:16 AM

I can't say what I'd think in say a thousand years, but I'd guess that I would be happier because I will have learned more about the Universe, done more, traveled more etc.

That depends entirely on what you've learned, what you've done, and where you've gone.

#70 fatboy

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Posted 09 June 2009 - 01:36 AM

Big chill or big crush. Take your pick.

My 20 yo son points out that I have not been keeping up with cosmology. All the cool kids are apparently looking at the Big Rip now.

#71 Teixeira

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Posted 23 November 2009 - 11:23 AM

Heidegger once said "Would living forever add meaning to life?"

what you think?

An immortal body is so pure (almost no entropy inside), that you just die of happiness no mather what you are doing or not doing!!
And you never get tired of anything you do or don´t do!
If it was not like so, what was the big deal about beeing immortal?
What was the big difference between an human body and an immortal one?
Does this makes any sense or what?

#72 fatboy

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Posted 24 November 2009 - 02:09 AM

I'm already so damned bored at 47 years old that I'm starting to think that immortality might, in fact, be hell.

#73 forever freedom

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Posted 24 November 2009 - 02:09 PM

I'm already so damned bored at 47 years old that I'm starting to think that immortality might, in fact, be hell.

Cheer up! Of course, a life that doesn't have any purpose gets crappy. So i suppose immortality wouldn't be of any help indeed.

But for many (or most) people immortality would be a big plus. We can set so many plans and goals and experiences and knowledge to achieve, knowing we will have the time to achieve them. How can that ever get boring is beyond me.

#74 Luna

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Posted 24 November 2009 - 03:13 PM

I don't see a purpose in my life and it doesn't feel crappy.
I had really bad things which brought me to really severe depressions as many know (but even then I said I couldn't "end it"), yet I don't see immortality as hell.

Besides, what I learnt from the bad experiences I had (being beaten by mom's boyfriends, having health and development problems, diagnosis of ocd and anxiety and many other things which I am not willing to list or will need a whole thread to) is that things do get better, somehow and even though they get bad, it can be worse - and it can be better.

For almost 10 years my life are in front of a computer, I am LONGING for more human interaction, friends, anything.
I have like 3 friends in real life and they are in the army or something else that takes their whole time.

Honestly fatboy, you have to be really biased against life or toward some thought that you are so eager to decline the benefits of living.

So what if life is terrible? I can promise you that statistics says that over a third and maybe even a half of the people who been in my condition attempted suicide more than once, I haven't.
That is because when you are alive, something can happen, anything, good or bad. When you are dead, nothing happens, there isn't even black, there isn't even rest, you are DEAD, you do NOT exist.
You don't worry about things not because they don't bother you, because they CAN'T bother you and you CAN'T worry about them.

If you are alive, you at least have the chance to have screwed up horrible life. That's so much better than not being alive.

#75 fatboy

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Posted 25 November 2009 - 05:38 AM

We can set so many plans and goals and experiences and knowledge to achieve,

Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm bored with.

Honestly fatboy, you have to be really biased against life or toward some thought that you are so eager to decline the benefits of living.

Or I might just be bored.

When you are dead, nothing happens, there isn't even black, there isn't even rest, you are DEAD, you do NOT exist.

We think alike on this matter, you and I.

Edited by fatboy, 25 November 2009 - 06:00 AM.

#76 Luna

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Posted 25 November 2009 - 06:21 AM

If life are so boring and terrible that you feel like preaching for people against keeping on living, why do you bother keep yourself alive right now?

Edit: I am not suggesting you to end them, I am just wondering, did you find purpose in life to tell others you are bored so because of you being bored you see no point in anyone keeping on living? like, you're the only one in the world so if you are bored why would they go on? or what?

Edited by Luna, 25 November 2009 - 06:22 AM.

#77 fatboy

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Posted 25 November 2009 - 06:52 AM

If life are so boring and terrible that you feel like preaching for people against keeping on living, why do you bother keep yourself alive right now?

It just seems more convenient. At least for now.

And I'm not preaching against people keeping on living. I think everyone should live as long as they want.

I'm not preaching anything. I'm just thinking that the concepts of forever and eternity might exist only because our badass bigass brains evolved to a point where they could be conceived. They may be completely artificial, with no natural correspondence. Everything might be temporary. There may be no such thing as eternity, let alone things which might aspire to it.

Edited by fatboy, 25 November 2009 - 07:47 AM.

#78 fatboy

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Posted 25 November 2009 - 07:26 AM

I am just wondering, did you find purpose in life to tell others you are bored so because of you being bored you see no point in anyone keeping on living?

No, that's not it. There's no purpose to be found there.

like, you're the only one in the world so if you are bored why would they go on?

No, there is likely a lot of other people equally bored.

or what?

Yeah, that's it. Dunno what, but that's it.

Edited by fatboy, 25 November 2009 - 08:25 AM.

#79 27GV

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Posted 29 November 2009 - 03:55 AM

Depends what you do with your infinite time. Though, as most humans haven't even lived a century, I think we are seriously underestimating how long "eternity" is. Even with the technology for "indefinite lifespans" I doubt most people would want to live past 1000 years.

Given the choice of 1000 years of life or 1000 days in my perception of a perfect body and living my perfect life, I would take the latter.

#80 forever freedom

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Posted 29 November 2009 - 05:06 AM

Given the choice of 1000 years of life or 1000 days in my perception of a perfect body and living my perfect life, I would take the latter.

That's a good point. The problem is that we'll never know when we are living the perfect life; it could always be better, we'll never know. That's what would make life perfect: to already be happy with life knowing that it can always get better and knowing that there's unlimited time to improve it. So a "perfect life" with 1,000 days wouldn't actually be perfect..

Edited by forever freedom, 29 November 2009 - 05:08 AM.

#81 SiliconAnimation

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Posted 29 November 2009 - 08:45 AM

Such a lot of knowledge disappear when old scientists die, new people that will have to start from scratch again.. Although they learn from each other how to perform things a lot of wisdom is wasted.

This is another major point that needs to be addressed in appealing life extension to a more comprehensive social platform. The existence of this organization is a threat to those who would like to manage the information retained in human beings.

#82 atp

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Posted 10 January 2010 - 01:32 AM

aging means that your world becomes smaller and smaller. there are walls which come nearer and nearer.
it will make most people happy to know, that they have still a good chance to do a lot of things in their life.

if you never want to lose this kind of happyness, then you have to admit that only endless life can be a solution.
i want to live today. this wouldn't change tomorrow. by induction i must conclude, that i want to live forever.

time is in a certain sense just an illusion.
you live always in the present time. past is just memory. future is just imagination.

the feeling, that there are still many things to discover, to learn, to see and to do makes me happy.
and that's the reason why at every moment, the quality of life depends to a certain degree on the prediction how long you still can live.

Edited by atp, 10 January 2010 - 01:34 AM.

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