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Fund raiser for Immortality Institute cryonics fund

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#1 brokenportal

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Posted 04 January 2009 - 09:13 PM


Please give to this facebook fund raiser for Immortality Institute member cryonics funding. I pledge to give $100 or more to this fund raiser over the next two months as I can afford it. The beneficiary of the cause is Imminst and the money will likely be given out by vote.

I also want to ask (not sure where to do this) that the consitution be amended so that the following part of the consitution be made more specific.

Article VI. -- Budget

Section 1 -- Expenses

Expenses may only be incurred by a Director for the purpose of furthering the ImmInst mission.

I also want to ask that the cryonics fund raiser be made permanent and that laws be written into the Imminst constitution regarding it, namely that the funds are be given out by a membership vote.

#2 Cyberbrain

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Posted 04 January 2009 - 09:51 PM

I think it's a great idea to create a cryonics trust fund!

The money could go to members who (if close to death) need cyro-preservation and can not afford it, or it could go to reviving members already in cryonic suspension in the future.

Of course a voting would have to be passed every time and we'll also have to amend the constitution like brokenportal said.

I think members should be able to vote whether this is a good idea ... and I vote YES!

Edited by Kostas, 04 January 2009 - 09:54 PM.

#3 brokenportal

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Posted 05 January 2009 - 02:23 AM

Im wondering what members who gave money to imminst think of imminst giving such a large percent of the budget to an individual cryonics fund.

I cannot imagine future potential contributors thinking about giving say, $25,000 to imminst. I cant imagine why they wouldnt decide against it because they are skeptical about whether or not the institute will give it out to things like private cryonics funds. I know this is considered a "one time thing", but how is that going to weigh in the talk and rumors about this on the minds of those future contributors? If youve given then please weigh in. The fairly small $500.00 that I gave for life time membership, I gave in confidence that it would be going towards the war efforts. I wouldnt have given if I had thought that we would be doing things like taking 1/5th of the fund and putting it towards one sick worker helping build the d day ships at the harbors.

If I wanted to give to that I would have given directly to it, as I have here in this fund. Please donate money to this cryonics fund so we can help this member with out having to put a dent in the war chest.

Somebody mentioned that imminsts budget is just sitting around. There are plenty of projects that need that money. It could go to mfuri, mf, imminst forum upgrades, advertising, could by a bunch of copies of ending aging, put out another book, another documentary, a potential agi uri, or any of the dozens of projects that have been collected from members around imminst and compiled here: http://docs.google.c...evision=_latest We arent going to just rush projects half thought out into development, especially with limited help, they are coming, soon, me and the handful of life extensionists that are working on it are getting it going.

That fund is going to be gone in no time and we are going to need more to get more science going and to get more exposure out. That $8,000 can help save the world. If I would have known that 99% of members dont want to spend even 20 minutes a week responding to action topics, as evidenced by the lack of them in the active topics section, and that even less would want to put in one hour per week to help with simple projects, then I would have taken the $500.00 I gave and, put it towards my cyonics fund, and got on with my life, went to school to play football and studied philosophy.

But I didnt, I invested it all in exposure for this cause and I got a job that would give me the most time to work on it. Now I find as it stands if even just 1,000 out of the 8,000 members worked 60 hours a week with 2 hours of free time per day and 8 hours of sleep per night that we would have 58,000 hours available for help working with imminst. We dont even need that many, if we could get just 1% of that we would have 580 hours put in per week for the cause and be well off and well on our way to helping gain the exposure this cause needs. But, we cant even get that, and members are voting away the war chest of funds that they desperately need for exposure projects and science.

Dont get me wrong, a lot of people do stuff around here and you know who you are, but for the rest of you, we, need, you, and we need this money. Im almost at a loss as to how we all can help fully right this boat, but I think we can. We can start by voting no on using $8,000 of imminst war chest funds, and by contributing instead to this Imminst members cryonics fund raiser that we established in face book and linked here. We can also help right that boat by getting in on the action flying all around the forums that goes largely unsupported.

#4 eternaltraveler

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Posted 05 January 2009 - 02:52 AM

That vote you refer to has passed and is closed (at about the same time you wrote this). It was a decision made overwhelmingly by the membership as a whole.

#5 eternaltraveler

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Posted 05 January 2009 - 03:04 AM

The problem we have is not remotely money. Its manpower. And out right giving money to mfuri and mf is no different than this situation. Members could just as easily give to those groups directly. Imminst makes a good recruiting ground for immortalism and provides community. Dismissing that community by not aLlowing us to rally around one of its members in need would doom the community and thus the org in my opinion.

#6 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 05 January 2009 - 03:23 AM

Im wondering what members who gave money to imminst think of imminst giving such a large percent of the budget to an individual cryonics fund.

For the record Brokenportal, this vote started out as a Director vote to be decided by the leaders only. That vote was stopped at my request because I too felt that 8,000 dollars was a very large amount of the Imminst budget. 12% in fact if memory serves me correctly. My feeling was that the leaders had no buisiness spending that kind of money, it is the members money after all. The vote was changed to a members vote at my request and left up to the members to decide. If you want to know what they think of the expenditure, just go back and see how they voted. It speaks for itself.

#7 eternaltraveler

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Posted 05 January 2009 - 03:59 AM

There is more than one way to advocate for a cause. This donation from imminsts funds is the perfect opportunity to high light the science of cryonics. Though you might not agree with this project eric(that will happen) I think you will agree we should do the most we can with it since it is happening. We should be shouting from the rooftops about how we rally around our members in need. This is a great opportunity to show that we are a caring group though we enjoy debating one another. If our community were not this way I would not be here

#8 brokenportal

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Posted 05 January 2009 - 04:20 AM

Im wondering what members who gave money to imminst think of imminst giving such a large percent of the budget to an individual cryonics fund.

For the record Brokenportal, this vote started out as a Director vote to be decided by the leaders only. That vote was stopped at my request because I too felt that 8,000 dollars was a very large amount of the Imminst budget. 12% in fact if memory serves me correctly. My feeling was that the leaders had no buisiness spending that kind of money, it is the members money after all. The vote was changed to a members vote at my request and left up to the members to decide. If you want to know what they think of the expenditure, just go back and see how they voted. It speaks for itself.

Thats right, now that you mention it I do remember you writing that somewhere else, which makes this even more confusing.

The vote is closed and passed but if anybody wants to help, this facebook Imminst member cryonics fundraiser will remain. We can put whatever we get up to $8,000 back into the imminst fund, and if we get more than that and this fundraiser gains support and is successful then we will have a future reserve for such situations too.

The problem we have is not remotely money. Its manpower. And out right giving money to mfuri and mf is no different than this situation. Members could just as easily give to those groups directly. Imminst makes a good recruiting ground for immortalism and provides community. Dismissing that community by not aLlowing us to rally around one of its members in need would doom the community and thus the org in my opinion.

Manpower is definently a challenge but that still doesnt make money any less of a challenge from what I can see. We are working to build teams for projects, if even just 2 or 3 teams with a total of 10 or 15 people form, we could easily, with director votes, spend all that money for exposure and science. People could just as easily give to mf and mprize thats true, but those things are at least in line with the mission. I prefer the LEEEP projects list, I was just giving all the others as examples.

I understand what you mean but we havent dismissed the community, we've been rallying around this member, but by using this money for something outside the mission, the community has dismissed the cause, not in all cases, but at least in that case, and that dooms the cause and the org in my opinion.

#9 brokenportal

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Posted 05 January 2009 - 04:31 AM

There is more than one way to advocate for a cause. This donation from imminsts funds is the perfect opportunity to high light the science of cryonics. Though you might not agree with this project eric(that will happen) I think you will agree we should do the most we can with it since it is happening. We should be shouting from the rooftops about how we rally around our members in need. This is a great opportunity to show that we are a caring group though we enjoy debating one another. If our community were not this way I would not be here

I know what you mean about the care and the opportunity for advertising through this display of care, but we already fight for the well being of the entire world, and we are all a part of the world so we all already fight for each other, but now the fund that was supposed to help support us all has had a fifth of it deducted and given to one of the 6 billion+. And second, after thinking about this as an opportunity for advertising cryonics and getting exposure for the cause and stuff, I realized that this is most likely going to ward off future potential fund donations because people who want to give to the war on aging are going to think that we may give the money out to more private cryonics funds and stuff that isnt directly related to the war on aging.

But like you said, now that its passed we may as well do the most with it.
-I think we should start by not advertising it because of making funders skeptical.
-I also think we should get right on top of constitutional clarification such as the examples breifly outlined in this topic. Is there a formal way and place to propose such a thing?
-I think that anybody interested should also help keep the facebook Immortality Institute members cryonics fund raiser going so we can replenish the $8,000 and maybe even build a cryonics fund for future cases like this one.

Edited by brokenportal, 05 January 2009 - 04:35 AM.

#10 imarobot

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Posted 06 January 2009 - 08:06 PM

When I give money, it's for a cause, not for an individual. Even when the money seems to be for an individual -- say, Obama -- the money is for the cause or causes the person can influence.

It's sad as hell that thefirstimmortal is dying. It f*cking disturbs me and not because I imagine myself in his place. I'm sorry but I'm not giving money to him or to any other individual or to any institute that donates a large portion of its money to an individual. Where do the gifts to individuals end? Does that gift bring us any closer to solving the core problem?

If giving a member funds brought media attention, new people, and more money or effort to be applied toward research, then a gift to the individual makes sense. But I don't see this. I see that a gift makes some people feel better about something horrible that's happening to someone. That's not a bad thing exactly. But there's a lot of dying happening and not a lot of my money to go around.

#11 imarobot

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Posted 06 January 2009 - 08:46 PM

Money is important. Money buys people-power. Money buys marketing. Money makes people think something important is happening. Saying money isn't a problem is disappointing.

Do you ever watch The Dragons' Den on BBC America? Owners of small businesses make pitches to wealthy investors. The investors hate it when an owner treats the business like a secondary or side project. If the investors are to give their time and money, they want to know the owners are even more committed to the project than they are.

People like me are the investors. Some are willing to invest more than just money. You almost have me. Almost. But you're far away from appealing to the masses. You want to reach everyone or do you want a club for science geeks? I'm a geek, but I want to include the masses. When they become interested in immortality, good things will start happening.

And cryogenics? The masses haven't gotten interested in cryogenics. They're not going to. It's too morbid. It's a better casket. It's defeatist. Immortality is about living. That should be the focus.

Edited by imarobot, 06 January 2009 - 09:46 PM.

#12 brokenportal

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Posted 06 January 2009 - 11:57 PM

I agree robot, we cant afford to scare off potential investors or create a slippery slope for advocating more charity work by giving of the Immortality Institute funds like this.

100,000 people die of aging every single day. If an 8,000 dollar set back meant that the LEV therapies got here even just 8 minutes later then that’s about 560 people dead.
An 8,000 dollar project working to gain exposure could even become wildly successful and attract a ton of attention. The dig twine blog youtube team that is developing is free, and it could get through to a billion people. We could throw in a small incentive prize like the fah team does to help accelerate it and that right there could be wildly successful. We’ve got signs and bumper stickers and calendars and stuff to buy. We could get 5,000 yard signs for 8,000 dollars. 5,000 yard signs placed around houses and intersections in big cities could get through to untold numbers of supporters and start cracking the pro aging trance of untold numbers more. There are a ton of things, check all around the Longevity Communities Network. Theres a big list of projects that Im helping work with called LEEEP that is in development. There is a ton of stuff just waiting to get rolling.

I support the lives of members and the whole world equally. Even if somebody has a terminal condition and are given a year to live, they may pull through longer like many people do and live for say, 7 years. We could get exposure for this cause to the world in one year, and LEV therapies could start showing up any time after that. Aubrey predicts 20 but you never know, there could even be small LEV break throughs in 5. The importance of forging forth with this cause with out accepting any stalls or set backs of any kind is crucial. 70 people die of aging every single minute. That’s about 1 person a second and we are all standing in that line. We cant even afford to stall for 5 seconds let alone stall on $8,000. This $8,000 is like a part of the waters of the fountain of youth, we need to figure out a way to get this water into the clouds and rain down on the whole world. We cant take a fifth of it out so one person can soak in it.

If I wanted to focus in on helping somebody with a cryonics fund or medical care then Ide focus in on somebody like my grandfather first. I don’t have time to divide my attention like that though. The cause is rocketing along and we have to keep up or we risk stalling, and we cant afford that, 100,000 people a day cant afford that. We have to strike now while this iron is hot. We cant afford to engage in other endeavors while the iron is hot because then our stock pile of forged weapons for the cause will be diminished.

There is plenty of money in the world to be got, if a person wants to go get it for a private cryonics fund then by all means, go invest some time in that, but don’t take from a budget of the war on aging. I don’t have time to invest in cryonics funds, but by default I now have been forced to invest time in it. If a team of us do a fund raiser for imminst that raises 8,000 dollars, then it will have taken us all that effort just to get the budget back up to par.

I vote that charity work on anything other than the direct mission be barred by the constitution. Bill doesn’t even want the money taken out of the imminst fund for this.

I also request that for all of our sake that we all try to work more, put in more, work till it hurts and then work some more, to inspire each other and more people by moving more and faster with this cause. Just pretend like your life and the lives of millions of people and the chance to be around as the rest of the incredulous infintismal universe and all of existence being pioneered depends on it.

Edited by brokenportal, 07 January 2009 - 05:30 PM.

#13 suspire

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Posted 08 January 2009 - 07:51 PM

Money is important. Money buys people-power. Money buys marketing. Money makes people think something important is happening. Saying money isn't a problem is disappointing.

Do you ever watch The Dragons' Den on BBC America? Owners of small businesses make pitches to wealthy investors. The investors hate it when an owner treats the business like a secondary or side project. If the investors are to give their time and money, they want to know the owners are even more committed to the project than they are.

People like me are the investors. Some are willing to invest more than just money. You almost have me. Almost. But you're far away from appealing to the masses. You want to reach everyone or do you want a club for science geeks? I'm a geek, but I want to include the masses. When they become interested in immortality, good things will start happening.

And cryogenics? The masses haven't gotten interested in cryogenics. They're not going to. It's too morbid. It's a better casket. It's defeatist. Immortality is about living. That should be the focus.

I said much the same in this thread: http://www.imminst.o...mp;#entry290480

It is good to hear there is a small minority out there in the community who thinks this was the wrong decision. If nothing else, I hope it provokes a real discussion of how to setup institutional protocals in handling cases like this for the future.

#14 brokenportal

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Posted 10 January 2009 - 01:56 AM

I vote that the chair veto the $8,000 private cryonics fund vote or the majority of the directors reschedule the vote, as I understand they can with in 30 days.

• Section 6 -- Anti-Takeover Clause
If the current board reaches the decision that any section of Article II of this Constitution would be compromised by the possible outcome of any vote, it may, by directorial vote halt and reschedule the vote for no less than thirty (30) days.

• Section 7 -- Veto
The Chair may, by public declaration, halt and reschedule any vote for no more than thirty (30) days.

I ask that they reschedule the gift vote to thefirstimmortal as a loan and that the loan be repayed by those who support the cryonics gift, by them giving to and promoting the imminst members cryonics funraiser until the $8,000 is replenished to the fund. Otherwise if say a team of us raise $8,000 for imminsts main fund then we have pretty much just used all that effort to raise money for this cryonics fund against our will.

The imminst constitution states, and for good reason that:

• Section 1 -- Expenses
1. Expenses may only be incurred by a Director for the purpose of furthering the ImmInst mission.

And the imminst mission states that we support advocacy and research for unlimited life spans. We all know that this means that we support breakthroughs that will benefit the world. A private cryonics fund isnt a breakthrough or for the world. This will most certainly discourage future investors if it hasn’t already. So this is effectively much more than an $8,000 dollar expense. I was considering asking for a refund on my lifetime membership, and suspire and iamrobot have both concurred to the same effect. That’s proof enough right there. All three of us and an indefinite number more might not donate money in the future. How many wealthy people and aspiring contributors through member donations that come here or lurk or that will be here in the future are and and will be affected by this? Although I have decided not to take that route because I have confidence in imminst. I think this was an over site and or a lack of perspective as we are all prone to, I know that I am of course certainly not an exception, and that hashing it out has been healthy for the process of how to treat and handle imminst funds.

I don’t see why the vote cant be rescheduled as a loan vote, but if it isnt, then I will live with this “one” exception. But I request that either way a referendum be held to amend the constitution to elaborate on what money can be spent on, or, what the mission of the institute is. I suggest just adding something to the details of the mission statement such as that we support breakthroughs that will benefit the world for the sake of the mission statement.

If I dont get a lot of feedback here then Im considering creating a poll. If you support creating a poll for this reschedule and or constitution amendment then let us all know here.

Edited by brokenportal, 10 January 2009 - 02:01 AM.

#15 Prometheus

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Posted 10 January 2009 - 03:07 AM

The motion put forth by Elrond was magnificent as it was unexpected. A ray of light amongst the monochrome babble of ordinary thinking. With each supporting vote the ray shone brighter and more brilliant until it was passed and from that point in time this community ascended in some strange but tangible fashion.

Have you considered what a mindf*ck this must be for TFI?

Give it a rest bk.

#16 Lazarus Long

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Posted 10 January 2009 - 03:36 AM

These proposals are not mutually exclusive Brokenportal, the chair does not have to veto for you and those interested to organize a fund drive and replace any money expended. In fact if you feel this is route to go that is fine because you might generate even more than the $8K committed now.

#17 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 10 January 2009 - 03:53 AM

I would like to respond fully to this thread, however I am currently searching for ways to shrink my tumor and my time is needed in my fighting cancer thread. As time allows I will bit by bit provide responses to much that has been written here. I will be making an emercency response however to Brokenportals Kill Bill “Bill”, before the weekend is out.

#18 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 10 January 2009 - 04:09 AM

I'm the chair, and the members have voted I do not intend to veto the vote. The only one who voted against was Brokenportal and I understand deeply his reasons. As to setting up a permanent cryonics fund by ImmInst I'd be opposed as the Venturists are an organization devoted to running compassionate care funds for cryonicists when the needs arise, they started one for William and as he is a long time member of, and a founder of Immortality Institute--ImmInst became involved in helping with the effort. I feel it is a one time affair, and ImmInst needs guidelines in place for future charity. I support our work with Methuselah Foundation's undergrads, folding at home --and all the ways we work to end aging, supporting cryonics is also supporting extreme life extension (the possibility of it). If Brokenportal can get people to donate now to help with William's situation, that is great--it is needed. The more money raised the better, any extra beyond William's cryopreservation can go to ImmInst (like Laz pointed out).

#19 brokenportal

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Posted 10 January 2009 - 08:40 AM

These proposals are not mutually exclusive Brokenportal, the chair does not have to veto for you and those interested to organize a fund drive and replace any money expended. In fact if you feel this is route to go that is fine because you might generate even more than the $8K committed now.

The difference is that if we change this to a loan that we can say in confidence to future investors who may inquire in general or about this case in particular that we dont give of the fund to private cryonics funds.

If you all examine this, and the idea that we are effectively getting other members to raise money for this cryo fund when they dont want to, and still want to go through with it then thats fine. I just want to know what the consensus from that perspective is and if the directors would be willing to change it to a loan so we can please everybody. Thefirstimmortal will have the cryonics fund, we wont potentially scare off investors, we wont have created a precedent for this kind of stuff (we can say it wont but we can be assured that it will be brought up in the future for such cases) and the people that want to contribute to the fund most will raise the funds through the fund raiser rather than having unwilling members give to the fund.

If we keep it the way it is, then people like me arent going to be motivated at all to do imminst fund raisers because we'll feel like we have to make $8,000 just to get back to par. We will feel like we are spending all that time on a cryonics fund raiser when we want to spend it on a war on aging and indefinite life extension fund raiser that will help get the whole world closer to the goal.

It will be an immediate $8,000 loan from imminst that will be repaid by the first $8,000 from this fund raiser. Anything after that can also go to the cryonics fund if voted for.

#20 JohnDoe1234

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Posted 10 January 2009 - 10:34 AM

It is too late to change my vote, but I am going to change my position.

I believe that brokenportal's reasoning is sound. If I were an investor, I would want assurance that my investment wasn't going to be used as a private cryonics fund.

It would be more appropriate for this to be a loan. TFI will still receive the $8K in whole, at the same time, but it will need to eventually be paid back.

I fully support brokenportal's suggestion.

And I urge everyone to sit and think about this hard, because each option gets TFI the money he needs, but one option has potentially negative effects on future investments.

#21 Prometheus

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Posted 10 January 2009 - 12:23 PM

We should be shouting from the rooftops about how we rally around our members in need. This is a great opportunity to show that we are a caring group though we enjoy debating one another.

#22 Mind

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Posted 10 January 2009 - 03:20 PM

The vote is done. The Chair and the Treasurer both approve. We must move forward and make this something positive for the Institute.

Also, we can put some procedures in place for future charity efforts. Brokenportal, your facebook cause is a good start and I hope we can build on that. Amending the constitution and requiring a member vote to decide who gets charity funds and how much is a good idea.

#23 eternaltraveler

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Posted 10 January 2009 - 05:32 PM

The loan proposal is nothing more than a red herring. Paid back? By who? Bill when he's thawed out in 50 years? A diffuse group of donors who will have no reason to continue to donate once he's on ice? This idea might sound good, but its intention is clearly nothing more than to obfuscate the situation. Brokenportal give it a rest.

Edited by elrond, 10 January 2009 - 05:35 PM.

#24 eternaltraveler

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Posted 10 January 2009 - 05:46 PM

As far as the whole idea that this 8k expense being a massive chunk of what we need to fight involuntary death. Give me a break. Other immortalist organizations have millions and their rate of incease is on an exponetial curve. I went through more than 8k per month working on my last project. Imminst has never been very good at fund raising. Expecting it to carry us through in any financial sense is pipe dreaming. Imminst is good at having a immortalist community and supplying other efforts with motivated people. Give up our sense of community and we have nothing.

#25 eternaltraveler

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Posted 10 January 2009 - 05:58 PM

And this 5 fighter jet analogy. Of course we would send one to take aubrey to the hospital and the other four on similar tasks. If we have five fighter jets with 50k the other side has the death star, and their are plenty of people in the immortalist movement who are worth many orders of magnitude more than the entirety of imminsts holdings. If imminst had 5 dollars and a member needed one dollar to live would we be having this debate? This is much closer to the situation we are in than the inflated scenario being presented. The amount of time wasted on this alone is probably worth more than 8k

#26 brokenportal

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Posted 10 January 2009 - 06:02 PM

The loan proposal is nothing more than a red herring. Paid back? By who? Bill when he's thawed out in 50 years? A diffuse group of donors who will have no reason to continue to donate once he's on ice? This idea might sound good, but its intention is clearly nothing more than to obfuscate the situation. Brokenportal give it a rest.

Whether you are right or wrong, or I am right or wrong, all I want people to do is get people, particularily the directors, to address the points that I outlined, thats all I want. If you still say that you do not want to reverse the vote after that then I already indicated that Im fine with that, Im not going to press on any further. I just want these points addressed, particularily by the board, that is all.

The cryonics fund would be paid back by the members who support it, by them contributing to and promoting the fundraiser for the imminst members cryonics fund. We already have $1,100.00 in pledges for it. My intention is not to obfuscute the situation. My intention is to secure funds for imminsts mission statement, to prevent loss from potential future investors, and to help stop a potential slippery slope in future cases.

Im furthering my statement to discontinue this discussion more, to also if the points are not addressed then I am still going to discontinue my part in this veto/change the details of the vote discussion. The only way that this discussion can continue on now is if other members do or if the directors decide to consider a loan instead of a grant.

All I want to do is resolve this topic in a way that is best for all. Even if you dont address the points, as requested, I persoanlly am giving this request for a veto or change in vote or details "a rest."

Edited by brokenportal, 10 January 2009 - 06:10 PM.

#27 eternaltraveler

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Posted 10 January 2009 - 06:12 PM

A further comment on why imminst is bad at fund raising but good at community. Why would anyone donate to us for sens when there is the mf? Why would they do it for agi when there is the singularity institute? Why for cryonics when there is ci and alcor? Why for supplements/diet/exercise? How could you expect all of us to agree what to spend money on if we got it?

Of course having alk of the above makes this a great community where all of the above can meet an exchange ideas and people. That is worth several orders of magnitude more than the money we have. That is what we should focus on.

#28 John_Ventureville

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Posted 12 January 2009 - 12:51 AM

Mind wrote:
Also, we can put some procedures in place for future charity efforts. Brokenportal, your facebook cause is a good start and I hope we can build on that. Amending the constitution and requiring a member vote to decide who gets charity funds and how much is a good idea.

Mind, I'm so glad you appreciate and approve of Brokenportal's ideas. I think it was a good thing that we helped thefirstimmortal but I feel the rules for doing such things in the future need to be well defined in Imminst written guidelines.

Elrond wrote:
The loan proposal is nothing more than a red herring. Paid back? By who? Bill when he's thawed out in 50 years? A diffuse group of donors who will have no reason to continue to donate once he's on ice? This idea might sound good, but its intention is clearly nothing more than to obfuscate the situation. Brokenportal give it a rest.

What I envision is a special fund set up for *future* people in need, rather than funds always coming out of only the general budget. The loan proposal concept may have problems but I think *overall* Brokenportal has done us a great service by bringing up his concerns. And so...

Brokenportal, keep on fighting the good fight!

John Grigg : )

#29 Prometheus

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Posted 12 January 2009 - 01:23 AM

What I envision is a special fund set up for *future* people in need, rather than funds always coming out of only the general budget.

Quite right.. Given the storm in a teacup this has generated I fear that future calls for help may go unanswered. Therefore a dedicated fund should be established, guidelines for its operations ratified and disbursement from the general budget allocated to start it up. ;)

#30 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 12 January 2009 - 03:21 AM

I vote that the chair veto the $8,000 private cryonics fund vote or the majority of the directors reschedule the vote, as I understand they can with in 30 days.

• Section 6 -- Anti-Takeover Clause
If the current board reaches the decision that any section of Article II of this Constitution would be compromised by the possible outcome of any vote, it may, by directorial vote halt and reschedule the vote for no less than thirty (30) days.

Question BrokenPortal, what section of Article II of our Constitution would be compromised by the outcome of the vote you seek to overturn?

• Section 7 -- Veto
The Chair may, by public declaration, halt and reschedule any vote for no more than thirty (30) days.

What s your justification for asking that a 24 yes, 1 no, 1 abstain vote be halted and rescheduled?

I ask that they reschedule the gift vote to thefirstimmortal as a loan

BrokenPortal, I could not and would not accept a loan, as you well know I have rejected loan offers in the past because a loan is something carries with it the expectation that the money will be paid back. I can’t make such a claim having terminal cancer.

More to follow...

Edited by thefirstimmortal, 12 January 2009 - 03:21 AM.

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