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Internetworking Team

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#31 brokenportal

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Posted 15 April 2009 - 07:46 PM

Alight, thanks for joining. Ill show you around.

First, read through this link here: http://www.imminst.o...networking_Team

and let me or vgamer know if you have any questions.

If your around now then Ill show you the next step. These links you have here will work and Ill show you how to add them.

#32 brokenportal

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Posted 17 April 2009 - 10:05 PM

Team members, if you can, please make a special note to recruit in the team here for the Aubrey Interview on sunday. Send them to imminst.org/tv, but only do this in forums that already have wind of who Aubrey is and will probably want to know already.

Its at 6 est time at imminst.org/tv sunday.

#33 Vgamer1

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Posted 20 April 2009 - 08:20 AM

Just added 2 links

http://www.bloomberg...6...&refer=home - Skin to Stem Cell Breakthrough Promises Health Care Revolution

http://www.nytimes.c...r...rss&emc=rss - Brain Researchers Open Door to Editing Memory

#34 Vgamer1

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Posted 20 April 2009 - 08:26 AM

Another article:

http://www.pinktenta...tly-from-brain/ - Scientists extract images directly from brain

#35 Vgamer1

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Posted 20 April 2009 - 08:44 AM

A video:

http://www.hybridmed....com/60min.html - The Kanzius Machine: A Cancer Cure?

#36 Vgamer1

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Posted 20 April 2009 - 08:45 AM

An article:

http://news.bbc.co.u...lth/7101834.stm - Skin transformed into stem cells

#37 b0gger

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Posted 22 April 2009 - 08:10 AM

A TED talk Gregory Stock (biotech ethics) makes the case that genetic engineering in inevitable.

#38 brokenportal

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Posted 24 April 2009 - 07:33 PM

*****SPECIAL NOTE FOR THE WEEK OF: April 19th to 25th. The team is working great, keep up the great work everybody! We use the lists to gather like ideas and support and people that are into this stuff from these target markets every day. The larger these lists get, the more impact we can make with them. On behalf of the world, thanks a million! -Eric*****

#39 numbered

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Posted 25 April 2009 - 09:44 PM


http://www.find-heal...erve-system.htm Astragaloside regenerating nerves!

http://www.agelessan...g/research2.htm Animals with "Negligible Senescence"

http://www.paperarti...s-immunity.html Astragalus extract and Hiv


http://reversesignsofaging.com/?p=10 Reversing the Aging Process – Is It Possible?

#40 brokenportal

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Posted 26 April 2009 - 06:12 PM

Breaker for week of April 26th to May 2nd. Add your two additions for the week here before the next breaker. Make these two the best two youve found, so this can act as a hot topics link. Put these two and all the rest you may find for the week in the internetworking team wiki page.

#41 b0gger

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Posted 02 May 2009 - 09:11 AM

I've put this one. http://digg.com/gene...Prove_Effective Technology grows, which is a good news.

Edited by b0gger, 02 May 2009 - 09:19 AM.

#42 brokenportal

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Posted 02 May 2009 - 10:48 AM

My two for this week are that I added a "digg" to #26 and #27 of the INW (InterNetWorking Team) digg section. Remember team members, get your two in before the next breaker is added today after the meeting. If you dont we'll have to take you off the team. That includes me. If I dont get my two in then take me off the team.

We have a few things to go over at todays meeting. I hope to see you all there. Bring your agenda items with you and we'll discuss them all.

#43 Evolutionary

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Posted 02 May 2009 - 03:04 PM

I've added these 2:

2. http://notquiteameri...ze/#comment-315

#44 b0gger

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Posted 02 May 2009 - 05:24 PM

Hey, I made a banner.
Attached File  internetworkingteam2.jpg   48.11KB   1 downloads
and another digg to the wiki - http://digg.com/heal...Ageless_Animals

Edited by b0gger, 02 May 2009 - 05:55 PM.

#45 numbered

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Posted 02 May 2009 - 08:14 PM


1 http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/12062184 Novel alternative way to fight cancer
2 http://ouroboros.wor...on-slows-aging/ Telomerase and aging
3 http://www.scienceda...90203081624.htm is there a Longevity Gene?
4 http://blogs.psychol...er-live-forever Why do we age ?
5 http://www.trinity.e...l/gersopsy.html Social Aging

#46 brokenportal

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Posted 03 May 2009 - 07:15 PM

Breaker for week of May 3rd to May 9th. Add your two additions for the week here before the next breaker. Make these two the best two youve found, so this can act as a hot topics link. Put these two and all the rest you may find for the week in the internetworking team wiki page.

*Weekly note: Thanks for your contributions current team members Bogger, Calebz, Nikolis and myself. Remember that we want to reserve digg for adding articles and blogs and the like that are already explicitly about indefinite life extension. We will go over a pointer on another section or two at next weeks meeting. schedule and meeting room

List of Current Team Members, team helpers and the Team links page at the internetworking team wiki page here.

Edited by brokenportal, 03 May 2009 - 09:11 PM.

#47 b0gger

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Posted 03 May 2009 - 07:41 PM

30. http://digg.com/gene...Experts_Say_Yes
Can human lifespan reach 1000 years: some experts say yes

Thank, Eric, for the breaker.

If someone has a digg account - let us be friends there. There is a 'Friends' Activity tab, and I want to see some activity. :-D
Attached File  friends_activity.jpg   27.93KB   1 downloads

Edited by b0gger, 03 May 2009 - 07:52 PM.

#48 squ1d

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Posted 06 May 2009 - 03:24 AM

May I make a suggestion?

Instead of trying everything at once, before you start, formulate a strategic viral marketing plan so your efforts are greatly rewarded. Let us use marketing strategies.

I would be happy to formulate a plan so we can achieve our goal faster.

Edited by squ1d, 06 May 2009 - 03:25 AM.

#49 brokenportal

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Posted 06 May 2009 - 04:22 AM

This is a strategic viral marketing plan, but if you want to help improve on it then please by all means do.

One thing we do for example is put a pro life extension topic in every popular forum we can find. One list we work from is a list of the 2000 most popular forums. We recommend we work in science forums in that list when we can, but the team members can go wherever they feel most interested in going. We also go over general, and good new hot spot demographics to target. We have moderators that set some bounds and meetings where we expound on the details. We tend to go to science forums. We also comment positively about the cause, add cause literature to digg and stuff like that.

Another example, with the forums section, by adding these topics and or adding to existing similar topics we are bringing a show of support for this cause to forums, most of which have never ever had wind of this cause come blowing through them. This causes a popularity for this cause to rise in these forums and gain the potential to go viral in those forums. Every time it goes viral in a forum it will then grow into the potential to go viral in places surrounding those forums, like for example if three kids from some high school go to a forums and it goes viral there, they may bring the concept to a report in one of their classes, the teacher also hears about the cause on the radio, organizes a talk on it, could go viral there too, etc...

Do you want to join this team squ1d? Please dont say anything except for things besides no. Like for example, "yes."

#50 squ1d

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Posted 06 May 2009 - 04:52 AM

The problem is that just awareness of the cause doesn't necessarily makes it viral; we must find the right people to spread our message.

For instance, we could find an internet celebrity that is publicly aware of our cause, and has a big following on the health or self-development area, to help us achieve our goals by spreading our message. If one celebrity endorses us publicly, we can achieve a lot more than thousands of posts around the web. We have to spread our message by using high influence people, the alphas of society.

We have to invest in marketing, not in research, right now. Buying an outdoor with a simple phrase: "Immortality? Coming soon..." and then linking it to a specially crafted Imminst webpage giving away an eBook and asking for donations would bring revenue, and we could re-invest the money into marketing the cause. I can write the copy for such a webpage, as I have worked as a copywriter before.

Even though I don't have the time to dedicate myself completely to the project, I'm willing to help with what I can; writing sales copy (for free, something I don't usually do), writing persuasive letters, helping you find the best ways to spread the cause, etc.

#51 brokenportal

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Posted 06 May 2009 - 06:57 PM

The problem is that just awareness of the cause doesn't necessarily makes it viral;

But enough of it can, especially with more and more of the right ingredients.

we must find the right people to spread our message.

For instance, we could find an internet celebrity that is publicly aware of our cause, and has a big following on the health or self-development area, to help us achieve our goals by spreading our message. If one celebrity endorses us publicly, we can achieve a lot more than thousands of posts around the web. We have to spread our message by using high influence people, the alphas of society.

People with clout, alphas, are a great tool. We also need people like diplomats, experts on the various parts of the subject, we need "purple cows", we need to set the atmospheres and things like that. Any combination of those seems to work to me, and of course the more of them in the combination the better. If we did all that stuff and then sent some people with clout through there, high profile people, people with a lot of connections, then it would be like setting up pins and them knocking them down. Right now the only real idea I have in that direction is to try to be sure to get through to the people who run each of those forums and try to see if they can help be our clout. Although higher profile of course would be better. We also have been chatting a bit about a project to get a hold of celebrities. If you want to help with that then let me know.

We have to invest in marketing, not in research, right now. Buying an outdoor with a simple phrase: "Immortality? Coming soon..." and then linking it to a specially crafted Imminst webpage giving away an eBook and asking for donations would bring revenue, and we could re-invest the money into marketing the cause. I can write the copy for such a webpage, as I have worked as a copywriter before.

Exactly, Ive been saying that kind of thing around here too. I think that most to all of the budget should go toward marketing, because it can create an atmosphere where we can make even more money. Although, research does have its benefits too. It can help market, but it seems a lot more of a high risk vs reward for the money. Can you come up with a list of 5 or so ideas like that outdoor idea and list briefly what their benefits vs other projects would be? Then we can propose one in the "project ideas" section of the forums here.

Even though I don't have the time to dedicate myself completely to the project, I'm willing to help with what I can; writing sales copy (for free, something I don't usually do), writing persuasive letters, helping you find the best ways to spread the cause, etc.

Can you show an example of stuff youve written? We should see if we can get you in on the "press release" idea that has been suggested if we can get that going here soon. You could work with the project as little or as much as you wanted. We are going to be meeting to discuss it this week, so Ill have an update on it then. You can attend the meeting if you want to. We could also use your help in writing some general templates for the write your representatives matching offer topic. If your interested then let me know.

#52 Mind

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Posted 06 May 2009 - 09:50 PM

Even though I don't have the time to dedicate myself completely to the project, I'm willing to help with what I can; writing sales copy (for free, something I don't usually do), writing persuasive letters, helping you find the best ways to spread the cause, etc.

Even if you only wrote one useful sentence a month (for an Imminst project or marketing initiative) that would be a huge help. Thanks for the offer.

#53 Mind

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Posted 06 May 2009 - 09:55 PM

Just wondering if it was possible for the Internetworking team to promote the aging questionaire at MFURI. Maybe Digg or Twine or Facebook it or something.

Hmmm, I see they (MFURI) just moved into the SENSF website. I can't find the aging questionaire right now. Eric, maybe you can get us a link.

#54 brokenportal

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Posted 06 May 2009 - 10:17 PM

Great idea. Ive been hoping that would get more attention too. We'll bring it to digg, twine, stumble and make a note to work it in to outside forums discussions when we can.

We have dozens of very valuable outside forums discussions under way, and many more on the way. A few members caused this, when we have a few dozen members for this team then we will be like a couple gattling guns battling the pro aging trancist front.

We will go over this at our next saturday meeting. imminst.org/meetings

#55 b0gger

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Posted 07 May 2009 - 05:52 AM

http://digg.com/worl...ginations_allow KTLA, the largest broadcast outlet in Los Angeles did a serious piece on Methuselah Foundation featuring the Mprize, MyBridge4Life and Organovo, the 3D tissue printing initiative.

#56 brokenportal

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Posted 09 May 2009 - 06:57 PM

I added more links and responded to some, here are three of them:

http://forums.myspac...amp;SortOrder=0 Why dont more people work to end aging or atleast support it.
http://forums.myspac...rums.viewthread SENS, Strategies for Engineering Negligible Senescence.
http://forums.myspac...rums.viewthread Do you think that indefinite longevity can be reached by engineering our cells?

#57 b0gger

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Posted 09 May 2009 - 07:28 PM

Aubrey de Grey gave a Tech Talk at Google's Mountain View campus (2007)
I'm curios, what is the latest Aubrey's vid.

#58 numbered

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Posted 09 May 2009 - 08:53 PM

http://www.news-medical.net/?id=16071 Demographic and economic consequences of anti-aging
http://www.savefutur...gy-and-eugenics simple article . eugenics life extension

#59 brokenportal

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Posted 09 May 2009 - 09:50 PM

Alright, super. Thanks for the two additions Nick. The meeting isnt mandatory but we met today, went over a few things. We are going to add a number structure to each list in the wiki. We also talked about our ongoing recruitment efforts again, we are hanging on strong there. We will get more members. We also talked about how we dont care how many people may quit and how long it takes to recruit members, that we will hold on until it grows, even if it takes a year. But a few months, it will pick up, and each one of you that stays on the team makes it a lot easier to build on to the team. Imminst projects and team efforts are going to go viral pretty soon. Viral, the new word of the year. Its true though, once a certain threshold of people catch on to the action and are inspired more and more by it, then things will kind of explode, or go viral and a ton of action will pick up.

#60 Evolutionary

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Posted 10 May 2009 - 06:52 AM

Sorry I couldn't attend, but the skipping of the meeting wasn't intentional, it's just that I'm very confused over when the meeting time is supposed to be. I've gone to meetings.com/tv and I didn't convert the time there to local time correctly. You may consider me not part of the team now but as a helper. I shall try to make it to next time's.

Mea culpa.

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