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Removing calculus

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#61 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 05 February 2009 - 02:07 PM

If my dentist had this I would try it, for all I know he may have it. The last time I was there he had the water scalers which were as far as I'm concerned much better than the old method of cleaning teeth. Does your dentist use the water scalers or just the old metal tools?

#62 lunarsolarpower

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Posted 05 February 2009 - 07:03 PM

The last time I was there he had the water scalers which were as far as I'm concerned much better than the old method of cleaning teeth.

Are you referring to sonic or ultrasonic scalers? They emit a spray of water as they work but it's not the water doing the cleaning.

#63 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 06 February 2009 - 01:15 AM

The last time I was there he had the water scalers which were as far as I'm concerned much better than the old method of cleaning teeth.

Are you referring to sonic or ultrasonic scalers? They emit a spray of water as they work but it's not the water doing the cleaning.

I don't know much about his machine, I do know I chatted him up about the machine, general questions. He called it a Cavitron which up until now I thought that was what kind of machine it was, I didn't realize that Cavitrol was a Make or Model. I had no idea that it employed sonic or ultrasonic tech, I thought it was the water doing the work. He called it a water scaler, or asked if I wanted the water scaler or regular scalers and I was all about trying the new device so I rolled with that. I found it went smoothly, hurt less and did a better job than the old way of cleaning teeth.

Edited by thefirstimmortal, 06 February 2009 - 01:16 AM.

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#64 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 07 February 2009 - 03:30 PM

Hi Caston,
I’m going to try to get a little further along with this; I have a feeling that this is going to be a rough week for me medically.

So after this sugar morphine fest, at some point I started getting up and slowly learned to walk again. Of course, one of the first things I did when I could stand in front of the mirror was to shave. Naturally I checked my teeth out, they were straight up disgusting. I’ve never seen build up like that on my teeth in my life, oh to sure there were camping trips and other times in my life I let thing slide a bit. A little floss and I had the dental picks that were modeling scalers that my Dad bought for scaling plastic, that took care of mild problems, but this was clearly out of control and way beyond anything I had tackled before.

I found a pic that comes close to the mess I had in my mouth.

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#65 caston

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Posted 07 February 2009 - 05:08 PM

Hold in there Will.

That pic does look pretty bad. Luckily I got my package with my Vitaricks and so on in them yesterday. I've been reading that book and finally decided to give it a go.

I went to the chemist and I think I got there about time the whole shopping centre was getting ready to close. The girl behind the counter "said can I help you" as soon as I entered the shop. I said "yes, I'm looking for something to kill peridontal bacteria"... she said "what?" and I said again "I'm looking for something to help me kill peridontal bacteria" and I said "i've got something I ordered over the internet that can deliver antiseptics straight into the gum pocket" and that she just said a very loud "No!"... as if the idea was the most horrible thing she had ever heard... she agreed to sell my some hydrogen peroxide to "use a mouth wash" I also grabbed some tea tree oil. She gave me a warning about diluting the hydrogen peroxide correctly and I told her that the book would tell me how much to dilute it to.

So anyway I got back and I opened my packageing I think I managed to get 6 vitaricks alltogether and 2 spandex lip and cheek retractors and two small mirrors on a rod for checking out the teeth.

The major problem I had that although the lip and cheek retractor did a great job giving access to the teeth it made me drool the whole time. If you do this put a towel around your neck.

The vitarick looks like a syringe but the nib is on and angle. Anyway I managed to deliver some of 1% hydrogen peroxide solution in the gap between my wisdom tooth on the bottom lefthand side and the tooth next to it. I wasn't't sure if i'd got it exactly so I did it about 3-5 times. I did get some bleeding so I assumed I had got the right spot.
I've just been flossing between that tooth and the odor of the floss is much improved. I'd say by about 80% but I will report back how it goes over the next couple of days and as to how my dental appointment goes on the 11th.

Edited by caston, 07 February 2009 - 05:13 PM.

#66 lunarsolarpower

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Posted 07 February 2009 - 09:03 PM

I found a pic that comes close to the mess I had in my mouth.

What a great candidate for gross debridement!

#67 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 10 February 2009 - 06:10 AM

Let me continue, and sorry for the delay and how long this is going to take Caston. Like I said, I had a mess on my hands and I knew it. I’m sure my gums were infected although I ever noticed any pus, my gums bleed on light brushing and you know, I thought I would get in there and do some heavy flossing but the string of floss would break so often and easy that it was too frustrating. My gums had never been in that poor of shape before, I could see that they had receded and pulled away from my teeth. I had calculus before and some light scraping had always done the trick in the past, but I knew this was way beyond anything I had done before. Well, much like you I decided it was time to call the dentist, I figured that I would give him the job of cleaning my teeth and be lazy about it. I called for an appointment and it was a little over 2 months before he could get to it. I’ll fill you in on that 2-month wait next post.

#68 caston

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Posted 12 February 2009 - 07:06 AM

OK I got my ionic toothbrush but I haven't tried it out yet.

I went to my dental appointment and he was surprised how clean my teeth were and I told him how I wanted to get out as much calculus as possible and he gave me what was called a "gum treatment". I found out after the treatment that apparently its worth $400 but I think most people claim that on health insurance. I didn't have third party health insurance but they were nice and only charged me $100. The dentist said my pockets weren't really that deep. I told him about the problem of the odor behind the wisdom teeth.
He really wanted to have them out but I asked him to clean behind those teeth and get as much calculus out as possible. I'm going to do my best to floss behind them and keep them in good condition.

The gum treatment hurt a little bit but not that much. There was quite a bit of blood that I had to spit out and rinse.

With the vitapick I'm regretting having used 1% hydrogen perxoide. I wish I had of used 0.25% or something like that.

It took a couple of days to kick in but my mouth is feeling really dry and i'm feeling quite light headed. I had to drink about 1L of water this morning as soon as I woke up and I kept drinking more water through out the day.I don't think I will use the vitapick again unless I really need to. It was just for those areas behind the wisdom teeth anyway.

I bought a packet of vitamin C powder and i'm been putting that in my water. The hope is that it will stimulate some collagen to grow around my gums now that the calculus has been removed.

The dentist also said that I had only lost a couple of mm of bone but hopefully with D3 and lactoferrin I can build some of that back up.

Edited by caston, 12 February 2009 - 07:15 AM.

#69 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 12 February 2009 - 08:04 AM

I went to my dental appointment and he was surprised how clean my teeth were and I told him how I wanted to get out as much calculus as possible and he gave me what was called a "gum treatment".

What did he do when he did this gum treatment. What tools did he use?

The dentist said my pockets weren't really that deep.

He didn't give you the numbers of the pocket depths, that's important information.

I told him about the problem of the odor behind the wisdom teeth.
He really wanted to have them out but I asked him to clean behind those teeth and get as much calculus out as possible.

Goodd call. ;)

I'm going to do my best to floss behind them and keep them in good condition. The gum treatment hurt a little bit but not that much. There was quite a bit of blood that I had to spit out and rinse.

It sounds like you really didn't have much calculus under the gum line but if you have been flossing faithfully up to the dentist visit and had bleeding, that's a good indication that the problem is below where the floss is effective. I still recommend a water pick for that because it gets below the floss line.

With the vitapick I'm regretting having used 1% hydrogen perxoide. I wish I had of used 0.25% or something like that.

Because of taste or burning?

The dentist also said that I had only lost a couple of mm of bone but hopefully with D3 and lactoferrin I can build some of that back up.

I'm surprised he reported any bone loss at all, it sounds like you really didn't have much going wrong under the gumline. And he didn't bring up the issue of root planning, so clearly you are in very good shape and any issues you are having are certainly reversable. Do you have, or have you ever had a cavity?

Overall, good news Caston. I'm glad to hear things went well.

#70 caston

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Posted 12 February 2009 - 09:56 AM

Whoops it gets hard replying to each little bit and playing with quote tags...

Well about the hydrogen peroxide..


I was just way to keen to get the periodontal bacteria out of my teeth and gums. The smile book doesn't recommend using tea tree oil because it can damage the vitapick but lol my tissue is more important than the vitapick.

Also I don't remember what the tool was he used but it was similar to the one used for a scale and clean (to remove calculus) but a bit larger.

Edited by caston, 12 February 2009 - 09:57 AM.

#71 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 12 February 2009 - 11:13 PM

Whoops it gets hard replying to each little bit and playing with quote tags...

Well about the hydrogen peroxide..


I couldn't get in, what is behind the link?

I was just way to keen to get the periodontal bacteria out of my teeth and gums. The smile book doesn't recommend using tea tree oil because it can damage the vitapick but lol my tissue is more important than the vitapick.

Also I don't remember what the tool was he used but it was similar to the one used for a scale and clean (to remove calculus) but a bit larger.

Just try to remember what it looks like, I'll likely post the tool in the future. It doesn't sound to me like your in much immediate danger so I'm a little bit more relaxed about the fact that it will take longer to get you the information, but it is still important for you to have so you can make choices in the future.

#72 zorba990

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Posted 15 February 2009 - 12:03 AM

This thread encouraged me to dig out my old whitestone 'Hydro-Pro'.
I used it for the first time two days ago. Blasted the few pockets I had with salt water.
The next day I felt a bit of a headache and a little dizzy. Then last night blasted them
again. I could see the gums lightening up already (they were two red spots in the front of my mouth
where my teeth are a rebit crooked and its hard for floss to get in there).
I used 4oz water, 2 tsp sea salt and 800mg folic acid powder. I got fairly ill with the runs (my guess I
couldn't help but swallow some of the nasty bugs I blasted out) but its passing now.

Today I read that I'm not supposed to use salt water as it may corrode the machine
(which is like 10 years old at the moment but wasn't really used that much when I bought it)
Its too bad since it's really working fast, and I'm not really a fan of H202. Any other suggestions
as to what to put in there? Folic acid is cheap. Maybe Calcium ascorbate? I don't want to
damage my teeth with something too acid though. Been there.

#73 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 15 February 2009 - 03:30 AM

This thread encouraged me to dig out my old whitestone 'Hydro-Pro'.
I used it for the first time two days ago. Blasted the few pockets I had with salt water.
The next day I felt a bit of a headache and a little dizzy. Then last night blasted them
again. I could see the gums lightening up already (they were two red spots in the front of my mouth
where my teeth are a rebit crooked and its hard for floss to get in there).
I used 4oz water, 2 tsp sea salt and 800mg folic acid powder. I got fairly ill with the runs (my guess I
couldn't help but swallow some of the nasty bugs I blasted out) but its passing now.

Today I read that I'm not supposed to use salt water as it may corrode the machine
(which is like 10 years old at the moment but wasn't really used that much when I bought it)
Its too bad since it's really working fast, and I'm not really a fan of H202. Any other suggestions
as to what to put in there? Folic acid is cheap. Maybe Calcium ascorbate? I don't want to
damage my teeth with something too acid though. Been there.

Keep using the salt, mix a bottle of baking soda up and keep it handy, just dump a little in to nuetralize the salt that you ran through it. My old water pic has a warning not to use mouth wash in it, I totally ignored that warning since day one. I thought the worst case scenario is that the machine wouldn't last as long but better to have to replace that machine and get function out of it. But really, I got my money's worth out of the device and it's still going strong. Worry about your teeth first, your machine is easier and cheaper to replace. ;)

#74 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 15 February 2009 - 03:32 AM

...and I'm not really a fan of H202.

No one seems to like the H202, what made you "not a fan"?

#75 zorba990

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Posted 15 February 2009 - 04:08 AM

...and I'm not really a fan of H202.

No one seems to like the H202, what made you "not a fan"?

Well for starters I'm currently making a mess with this thing and I'm more
comfortable with spraying a salt solution everywhere than H2O2 (eyes, skin, etc).

In general I don't like the idea of using an oxidizer on any tissue on a regular basis.
Actually, once the red areas are gone I'm planning to switch to using EM probiotics,
since I don't think sterilizing is the way to go long term - it's a losing battle.

I guess salt seems more natural as temporary means of cleaning the area.

#76 zorba990

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Posted 18 February 2009 - 07:39 AM

OK, I'm getting better at this. I can just do it by feel and bend over the sink
with my mouth open the way the instructions say to (so I'm done making a mess)
What is it about salt solution all over the bathroom mirror that ladies don't appreciate? Go figure.

LOL I'm starting to believe that on high power this could rival waterboarding as a torture method.
Especially with cold water ; )

#77 zorba990

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Posted 10 March 2009 - 06:39 AM

OK, I'm getting better at this. I can just do it by feel and bend over the sink
with my mouth open the way the instructions say to (so I'm done making a mess)
What is it about salt solution all over the bathroom mirror that ladies don't appreciate? Go figure.

LOL I'm starting to believe that on high power this could rival waterboarding as a torture method.
Especially with cold water ; )

As an unexpected side effect, my teeth seem to be getting a bit whiter. Cool!
Very little discomfort now. There are only a few small areas of concern left.
Now I wonder how long before my pockets go to zero? Possible?

#78 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 10 March 2009 - 09:18 AM

OK, I'm getting better at this. I can just do it by feel and bend over the sink
with my mouth open the way the instructions say to (so I'm done making a mess)
What is it about salt solution all over the bathroom mirror that ladies don't appreciate? Go figure.

LOL I'm starting to believe that on high power this could rival waterboarding as a torture method.
Especially with cold water ; )

You always want to get those temps lukewarm. Much nicer feel.

#79 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 10 March 2009 - 09:20 AM

OK, I'm getting better at this. I can just do it by feel and bend over the sink
with my mouth open the way the instructions say to (so I'm done making a mess)
What is it about salt solution all over the bathroom mirror that ladies don't appreciate? Go figure.

LOL I'm starting to believe that on high power this could rival waterboarding as a torture method.
Especially with cold water ; )

As an unexpected side effect, my teeth seem to be getting a bit whiter. Cool!
Very little discomfort now. There are only a few small areas of concern left.
Now I wonder how long before my pockets go to zero? Possible?

To get back to zero, I think it depends on a lot of variables.

#80 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 10 March 2009 - 09:22 AM

Hey Caston, you still out there?

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