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SEMAX ® and Phenylpiracetam (Phenotropyl)

Thorsten3's Photo Thorsten3 09 Mar 2011

Where do you buy this stuff? I have previously ignored these sorts of compounds with the exception of afobazol but these two sound very promising, almost too good to be true.

Source and price are the main problems.. anyubody know any sources?

I guess you didn't see the link I posted right above your post.


Jeez it looks like I may need some of this stuff. I did follow the link but I didn't really have a look around. If I did I would have discovered that they were selling the stuff too. Thanks anyway bro.

Which one are you interested in, phenylpiracetam, or Semax or both? I don't know how good either will be, I'm more interested in trying Semax since I'm having some early success with piracetam. You never know until you try.

What do you mean by thanks anyway? You do know this guy is selling phenylpiracetam, noopept, semax, and selank?

I like the sound of Semax. Selank sounds good too. Phenylpiracetam does intrigue me as I initially had great success with Piracetam so I am wondering what it might be like. I'd like to experiment with all of them to be honest. Semax would be my first choice though. I'm going to look to get some next month when I have the funds.

Logan's Photo Logan 06 Jul 2012

Anyone want to chime in on recent experiences with Semax? Mine is on it's way. I will report here to share my experience.

c60tester's Photo c60tester 08 Sep 2012

Anyone want to chime in on recent experiences with Semax? Mine is on it's way. I will report here to share my experience.

Any updates?

I plan on buying this myself.

Healthy Tony's Photo Healthy Tony 18 Oct 2012

I recently begun my trial run of SEMAX. I have been taking it for almost a week now, and am still not 100% sure of its effects. Overall I feel that SEMAX gives one a really clear headspace; however, this has been hard to judge since I have had to pull two all-nighters this week. That being said, this does wonders for keeping one functional during sleep deprivation, and it also seems to be pretty potent in regards to anxiety. Subjectively I would like to say that it seems to help a little bit with learning, but nothing drastic. When I am finished with my bottle I will try to give you a more thorough review. Thus far I will say this, if there is no long term tolerance buildup, and the price decreases, I would take this every day.

Out of curiousity has anyone taken both SEMAX and cerebrolysin and would like to comment on the differences in effect? I beleive they both act by increasing BDNF and NGF.

dear mrclock's Photo dear mrclock 19 Oct 2012

whats up with the fucking price ? and i certaintly wont trust chinese vendors selling it "pure" for cheaper price.

112358134's Photo 112358134 12 Nov 2012

I've been reading this forum only for 1 week and I've already found it useful. I actually don't usually write on English forums since English is my second language and it takes for me more time. I'm actually from Russia.

I prefer to read notes of other people.

But when it comes to both SEMAX and phenotropyl I couldn't help laughing. Guys, you do have a greater variety of drugs. But I simply can't understand why you can get different kinds of amphetamine that is illegal in most countries and cannot buy some basic medicine that is safer and more efficient. I've been using Semax and Phenotropyl for 3 years with many breaks and consider them as my basic supplements when I need alertness, energy boost or just better communication skills. Of course I combine it with Choline Alfoscerate etc.

Phenotropyl is probably the most popular stimulant in Russia. As for me, I personally fell it at 30-50 mg. (I know it isn't much) The main disadvantage of it is poorer concentration. In this regard it is like caffeine to some extent as far as I can see.

To overcome this and other problems caused by stimulants (Phen, caffeine) I use Semax that helps me focus on the task. Semax is just a gift not because it is efficient (it may look not as efficient at first) but because it doesn't have any side effects at all. At least this shows all research I made during last years and my own experience. It's like you get only clear headspace and clearer thinking and nothing more. All other drugs change your behaviour somehow and Semax is not the case.
Edited by Ololoman, 12 November 2012 - 09:49 PM.

Werper's Photo Werper 12 Nov 2012

Ololoman, Where do you obtain your semax. from?

Christian Hunter's Photo Christian Hunter 14 Dec 2012


I know I wasn't asked, to chime in on your question in regards to Semax availability, you can purchase from Awakebrain.com and expect the real thing. One particular distinction that makes Awakebrain.com more valuable as a resource is that they cold-pack their shipments of sensitive solutions like Semax and Selank.


Christian Hunter

FYI: I have no financial or any other interest in the Awakebrain site/company.

Werper's Photo Werper 14 Dec 2012

First I would like to say.....that I have the same first name, So from one Christian to another, Thank you!

AwesomeName's Photo AwesomeName 14 Dec 2012

I've been reading this forum only for 1 week and I've already found it useful. I actually don't usually write on English forums since English is my second language and it takes for me more time. I'm actually from Russia.

I prefer to read notes of other people.

But when it comes to both SEMAX and phenotropyl I couldn't help laughing. Guys, you do have a greater variety of drugs. But I simply can't understand why you can get different kinds of amphetamine that is illegal in most countries and cannot buy some basic medicine that is safer and more efficient. I've been using Semax and Phenotropyl for 3 years with many breaks and consider them as my basic supplements when I need alertness, energy boost or just better communication skills. Of course I combine it with Choline Alfoscerate etc.

Phenotropyl is probably the most popular stimulant in Russia. As for me, I personally fell it at 30-50 mg. (I know it isn't much) The main disadvantage of it is poorer concentration. In this regard it is like caffeine to some extent as far as I can see.

To overcome this and other problems caused by stimulants (Phen, caffeine) I use Semax that helps me focus on the task. Semax is just a gift not because it is efficient (it may look not as efficient at first) but because it doesn't have any side effects at all. At least this shows all research I made during last years and my own experience. It's like you get only clear headspace and clearer thinking and nothing more. All other drugs change your behaviour somehow and Semax is not the case.

Does it help with working memory at all?

Introspecta's Photo Introspecta 14 Dec 2012

Wow awake brain seems like quite the rip off. 50 bucks for 10 phenylpiracetam pills? You can get 60 of them for the same price

3AlarmLampscooter's Photo 3AlarmLampscooter 16 Jun 2013

I did 100mg of Phenylpiracetam today. Went a canoeing trip, so I can't say a tremendous amount about how it helped mental performance. I can say it definitely made me more alert, and helped with heat tolerance and aerobic capacity/endurance a fair bit. But canoeing isn't terribly mentally taxing, so I'll try it for more brain heavy tasks and report back.

stolpioni's Photo stolpioni 11 Jan 2015

I am currently on Semax, about 800mcg that I split up into 2 doses SUB-Q.


It's nice. Will do a larger dose tomorrow of 1-2mg straight up.


Nneeoo's Photo Nneeoo 08 Feb 2015

Using second bottle of original Semax 1% from Russia, you know. Dose about 3000-6000 mcg daily.
So, i tried a lot of nootropics, and Semax is my favorite now. So, some benefits for me:
1. Think which i noticed first is reaction. In FPS i react faster 3-5 times than before.
2. Field of view, i can see everything around me! And vision... I have new HD texture pack IRL now. :3
3. Memory, memory is photographic i need not my mobile phone to make notices. 

FW900's Photo FW900 08 Feb 2015


Using second bottle of original Semax 1% from Russia, you know. Dose about 3000-6000 mcg daily.
So, i tried a lot of nootropics, and Semax is my favorite now. So, some benefits for me:
1. Think which i noticed first is reaction. In FPS i react faster 3-5 times than before.
2. Field of view, i can see everything around me! And vision... I have new HD texture pack IRL now. :3
3. Memory, memory is photographic i need not my mobile phone to make notices. 




Semax 1% has roughly 500mcg per drop.


You're taking between  6-12 drops per day I'm guessing?


Nneeoo's Photo Nneeoo 08 Feb 2015



Using second bottle of original Semax 1% from Russia, you know. Dose about 3000-6000 mcg daily.
So, i tried a lot of nootropics, and Semax is my favorite now. So, some benefits for me:
1. Think which i noticed first is reaction. In FPS i react faster 3-5 times than before.
2. Field of view, i can see everything around me! And vision... I have new HD texture pack IRL now. :3
3. Memory, memory is photographic i need not my mobile phone to make notices. 




Semax 1% has roughly 500mcg per drop.


You're taking between  6-12 drops per day I'm guessing?


No, for original Semax 1% concentration in 3-4 drops about 3000 mcg.
I do around 2-3 drops twise/thrice daily. :V :V :V :V 

strider's Photo strider 08 Feb 2015


Using second bottle of original Semax 1% from Russia, you know. Dose about 3000-6000 mcg daily.
So, i tried a lot of nootropics, and Semax is my favorite now. So, some benefits for me:
1. Think which i noticed first is reaction. In FPS i react faster 3-5 times than before.
2. Field of view, i can see everything around me! And vision... I have new HD texture pack IRL now. :3
3. Memory, memory is photographic i need not my mobile phone to make notices. 



The One has awakened. 


blueenigma's Photo blueenigma 11 Feb 2015

Hi everyone. Late last night I ordered the  .1% SEMAX solution from AwakeBrain.com, and expect it to arrive within the next 3 days. I'm a first-time user of this peptide and I'm quite excited about trailing this substance. I keep a pretty consistent supply of phenylpiracetam in my arsenal so after trailing SEMAX separate and apart from other nootropics, I plan to experiment with SEMAX in conjunction with phenyl. If anyone here has any experience with combining the two, please do update with your protocol and anecdotes. Specifically, dosage, acute subjective effects, long-term effects, objective metrics, if any, and duration of use. Further, if you've combined SEMAX with any other substrate, please share as I've a cabinet filled with racetams and a variety of other nutraceuticals and it would be helpful to lean what others have experienced by variously marrying these substances. 


jroseland's Photo jroseland 25 Aug 2017

I just received both and am interested in trying the two together

Out of curiousity has anyone taken both SEMAX and cerebrolysin and would like to comment on the differences in effect? I beleive they both act by increasing BDNF and NGF.



112358134's Photo 112358134 25 Aug 2017

Both products are very good and safe. Just yesterday and today I tried them both simultaneously. Nothing strong but still pretty good.
