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Lobby the government for indefinite life extension

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#1 brokenportal

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Posted 20 March 2009 - 05:50 PM

The Coalition to Extend Lifespans, C.E.L., is a lobby group for the cause run out of Washington D.C. by Tom Mooney. This is a major and important branch of the cause. If you want to get involved with this then please do help stir up ideas and activity and discussion here and or at the C.E.L. web site.


If you want to get involved with this then Tom will be happy to hook you up with some information and resources to run a local office for the lobby effort in your area. Tom was intereviewed on the Sunday Evening Update.

They have a petition but it seems outdated, needs to be revised. If you have ideas then let us know. We havent been able to get a hold of Tom for a while. If we cant get a hold of him to update it then we can make our own. We have members that are already enthusiastic about helping manage it.

Tom has worked in government for a long time. In his interview he mentions how if a few people write a letter on certain issues that suddenly its a big deal. So lets get these petitions running and then we can add that to the list of recommendations of things to write about at our matching goverment representative contact drive here at imminst.


Edited by brokenportal, 21 March 2009 - 01:01 AM.

#2 DJS

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Posted 13 April 2009 - 11:35 PM

I like the idea of having dedicated lobbying organizations in Washington. However I feel that, in order to be successful, the term 'Immortality' should be avoided in favor of life extension or 'unlimited lifespans' or 'indefinite extension of lifespans'.

I've come to the conclusion that it is fine for ImmInst to have the name it does (because we're hardcore and cater to our base), but we really do need an 'ImmInst ultra-light' when it comes to lobbying efforts in Washington.

The C.E.L. looks promising, but someone should definitely talk to its founder about changing his marketing approach.

Edited by DJS, 13 April 2009 - 11:35 PM.

#3 DJS

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Posted 14 April 2009 - 12:32 AM

There are also some broken links on their sites. Generally speaking, the layout/quality of the site isn't very impressive. It could use a programmer/web designer to spruce it up a bit.

On a positive note, I listened to the Immortality Update with Tom Mooney and he left a good first impression with me.

#4 DJS

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Posted 14 April 2009 - 05:50 AM

From the site's "how can you help" page:

If you want to be involved as a local coordinator or assist in any other way please contact us at once. The 2006 Federal Election for Congress is just around the corner. C.E.L. will be involved; supporting our friends and opposing our enemies. People matter in politics and You can make a difference!

This doesn't instill confidence in me that this is a functional organization.

#5 brokenportal

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Posted 14 April 2009 - 06:27 AM

Exactly, Ive been telling him about the Immortality thing, about not using it. I think he agrees. The site just needs to be updated. If some of us get together and meet with him Im sure we can get this all spruced up. Im really looking forward to seeing if we can get some people together and spruce that petition up a bit and get that moving. Im thinking a general petition to all governments would work.

Tom is busy writing a book right now, its about the politics of life extension. That should have some awesome insight into helping us all get through to more politicians, maybe inspire more life extensionists to become politicians, etc..

If a couple of people want to set up a meeting for this, maybe weekly or bi weekly, then we can go over this stuff, make a list, bring it to Tom and get this stuff all moving again. From what I gather, Tom has some influence, and hes constantly busy working on the cause. A little spark from some of us might help him become a much larger fire. Theres a wide open space for collaboration and opportunity here.

#6 DJS

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Posted 14 April 2009 - 06:39 AM

Exactly, Ive been telling him about the Immortality thing, about not using it. I think he agrees. The site just needs to be updated. If some of us get together and meet with him Im sure we can get this all spruced up. Im really looking forward to seeing if we can get some people together and spruce that petition up a bit and get that moving. Im thinking a general petition to all governments would work.

Tom is busy writing a book right now, its about the politics of life extension. That should have some awesome insight into helping us all get through to more politicians, maybe inspire more life extensionists to become politicians, etc..

If a couple of people want to set up a meeting for this, maybe weekly or bi weekly, then we can go over this stuff, make a list, bring it to Tom and get this stuff all moving again. From what I gather, Tom has some influence, and hes constantly busy working on the cause. A little spark from some of us might help him become a much larger fire. Theres a wide open space for collaboration and opportunity here.

I think it would be wise if we made an effort in getting to know Tom better. That being said, I think this relationship could have potential, especially if Tom is comfortable with receiving outside help from allies.

BTW, I love the name 'CeL - The Coalition to Extend Life".

#7 DJS

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Posted 14 April 2009 - 06:41 AM

If a couple of people want to set up a meeting for this, maybe weekly or bi weekly, then we can go over this stuff, make a list, bring it to Tom and get this stuff all moving again. From what I gather, Tom has some influence, and hes constantly busy working on the cause. A little spark from some of us might help him become a much larger fire. Theres a wide open space for collaboration and opportunity here.

Count me in. :)

#8 brokenportal

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Posted 14 April 2009 - 02:56 PM

Alright, great, and do you know anybody else who may be interested in such a meeting? In the mean time if you want, if you go to CEL and email him, he usually will call you back with in a day or two, or you could just call him directly. I think his number is there. Hes a networking machine like that, at least he used to be. I think a major reason for the lull in some activity is him having been busy with the elections and now this book.

#9 DJS

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Posted 15 April 2009 - 08:29 PM

Alright, great, and do you know anybody else who may be interested in such a meeting? In the mean time if you want, if you go to CEL and email him, he usually will call you back with in a day or two, or you could just call him directly. I think his number is there. Hes a networking machine like that, at least he used to be. I think a major reason for the lull in some activity is him having been busy with the elections and now this book.

I did email him and his reply was cogent.

I don't think this sort of project will need many participants to get the ball rolling. I'm definitely interested in helping out because I see this as possibly having a big payoff for a small amount of effort, however I may need to delay for a week or two as I have exams coming up.

#10 brokenportal

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Posted 15 April 2009 - 09:06 PM

Alright, as one suggestion, if you want to head up and lead a regular meeting, maybe weekly or bi weekly here then I can help you promote it. If you want to keep supplying the agenda and structure then I can help you mine for volunteer hours and resources and skills and the like for it.

One thing Im really hoping to get out of CEL as soon as possible is an updated functional petition. One thing Im doing is that Im in the process of working out a packet of promotional material that I put out and get other people to put out. Im going to want to be able to spread that petition along with this outreach too. I would hate to have hundreds of thousands of peices of literatures distributed around the world and not have promotion of the petition in there with it.

#11 brokenportal

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Posted 25 April 2009 - 12:37 AM

Some things to add to the agenda involving cel collaboration:

Figure out what it would cost to buy cel.org from whoever is using it right now, and find some funding for it.

Ask Tom if he supports having a sub forum for cel in the "teams" forum here at imminst and then put it to a quick vote for inclusion.

#12 DJS

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Posted 25 April 2009 - 11:00 PM

Until we get more familiar with the factors involved in this project I wouldn't worry about going after domain names (which can prove quite expensive).

For starters, what are we hoping to accomplish via CeL? I'm hoping that we can use the name, a spruced up version of the website and its DC mailing address to pursue life extension lobbying and PR efforts.

Whether or not this can be a successful collaboration depends a great deal on Tom, the owner/founder of CeL. Is he cool with handing off some of the creative/strategic control of CeL? Is he willing to allow his address to be used for mailing purposes? What are his long term plans for the site? etc etc.... These are the sorts of preliminary things I'd like to know before moving forward. I suppose the best way to find these things out is by phone. However, first we should put together a comprehensive list of what our objectives are, plus run this by the Recorders for suggestions and approval.

#13 DJS

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Posted 27 April 2009 - 05:28 AM

Agenda items:

1) create teams subforum for CeL collaboration
2) Craft a broad vision of CeL's political philosophy/platform
3) Revise/recreate petition
4) assess content and functionality of cel website
5) find volunteer web designer/programmer who might potentially help with some minor site adjustments
6) touch base with Tom

7) Proposal to Tom
a) present with new petition and propose that it be widely distributed.
b) seek permission for web site admin access - revise content and fix functionality
c) seek permission to use DC address

8) If proposal is accepted, initiate 7 a&b

Longer term

8) recruit regional contacts
9) compile a "target list" of local/state/national political reps (perhaps also offices at government agencies)
10) identify issues worth pushing
11) create mailing materials

.....................more to come....

#14 DJS

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Posted 27 April 2009 - 05:32 AM

Ask Tom if he supports having a sub forum for cel in the "teams" forum here at imminst and then put it to a quick vote for inclusion.

BP, one suggestion I would make is that we not go to Tom until we have prepared adequately.

#15 DJS

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Posted 27 April 2009 - 05:47 AM

In terms of overarching message, I like the angle being taken over at LifeStar. I see no reason why we can't, to a large extent, be copycats.


#16 caliban

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Posted 28 April 2009 - 06:13 PM

My 2 cents as Recorder

Firstly, I don't think we should move whole threads into this area unless the first post is edited to clearly display the proposal that is being made. Otherwise its too much gesswork.

So the proposal here is to co-operate with CEL?
CEL comes across as very much a one-man band at the moment. And Mr Mooney does not seem to have the time or the inclination to do much with the idea at the moment. So the proposal encompasses to liase with Mooney if ImmInst can take the CEL initiative off his hands.

What I think needs to be more clearly defined is why we should try to appropriate CEL. In personal communication, Don has pointed out that he'd like to leverage the name and the Washington DC adress. It could also me that we'd like to benefit from the experience of Mr. Mooney or diversiify our contacts database but these and other considerations need to be more clearly written up for board approval.

I did email him and his reply was cogent.

Well, one would hope he is cogent - but what does he say? This idea will not get anywehere unless there is at least the potential for interest.

Proposal: Join with CELS
Team Leaders: 1
Leader workload: 3h/week
Team Members: 1+
Members workload: 1h/week
Members only? - Yes
Legal/financial risk: some, small
Reputational risk: some, moderate
ED Oversight: 1/h week +
Board Oversight: some
Funding Required? - No

#17 Mind

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Posted 28 April 2009 - 06:56 PM

I am dismayed by Tom's disappearance. Would be nice to have someone who is a little more available and reliable. I'll give him a second chance though (after he is finished with his book). Maybe he just needs a little extra help (and social pressure) from others who are in the life extension fight.

#18 DJS

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Posted 28 April 2009 - 10:49 PM

My 2 cents as Recorder

Firstly, I don't think we should move whole threads into this area unless the first post is edited to clearly display the proposal that is being made. Otherwise its too much gesswork.

Um yeah, my bad. Didn't think it would be an issue, but I can always move it back to...

In personal communication, Don has pointed out that he'd like to leverage the name and the Washington DC adress. It could also me that we'd like to benefit from the experience of Mr. Mooney or diversiify our contacts database but these and other considerations need to be more clearly written up for board approval.

This idea will not get anywehere unless there is at least the potential for interest.

Mind: I am dismayed by Tom's disappearance. Would be nice to have someone who is a little more available and reliable. I'll give him a second chance though (after he is finished with his book). Maybe he just needs a little extra help (and social pressure) from others who are in the life extension fight.

Two points here.

First, I agree with both of you that we need to access Mr. Mooney's (a) position on cooperative efforts, (b) his level of interest and © his flake factor. However in the mean time there are certain things that we can move ahead on regardless of the eventualities. For example, the petition can be put together with or without a relationship between imminst and cel.

Second, if [a,b and c] are favorable it will not be necessary (or realistic) to come up with a comprehensive plan for how this arrangement will be utilized. Instead, the ImmInst-CeL affiliation should be looked at as a potentially useful tool that we can utilize as things come along.

#19 DJS

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Posted 28 April 2009 - 10:56 PM

Second, if [a,b and c] are favorable it will not be necessary (or realistic) to come up with a comprehensive plan for how this arrangement will be utilized. Instead, the ImmInst-CeL affiliation should be looked at as a potentially useful tool that we can utilize as things come along.

IOW, let say a political issue arises (stem cell, NIH funding, whatever) and we wish to put together a mailing campaign. Would we rather the materials are tagged with "The Immortality Institute" and a Wisconsin address, or with "The Coalition to Extend Life" and a DC address?

(Note: and of course this is assuming a new and improved CeL website/platform)

#20 caliban

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Posted 29 April 2009 - 02:08 PM

For the Recorders meeting:

It seems like DJS is a project champion, cost at this stage are nil and risks minimal.

I support bringing this project to the board to approve that DJS may act as ImmInst spokesperson in negotiations with CEL.

#21 brokenportal

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Posted 30 April 2009 - 07:38 PM

DJS, this agenda looks good and thorough.

If we continue to build interest in a cel sub forum here at imminst like this then we should be able to help cel start hitting on all cylinders.

We could prepare a lot of this stuff and touch base with Tom, but it may be better to chat with him about the details first. For example, he may know of somebody much more qualified and experienced in writing petitions than we do and or maybe he could direct us to one. If you want to see if you can get one made before you go to him though that could work too.

I think there is a ton of potential for forming teams to stay on top of writing representatives through the imminst forums. A section for every state seems like to much. Is there another way we can break it down?

I can see a new updated petition going far with imminst help.

#22 Mind

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Posted 30 April 2009 - 09:31 PM

Recorders propose that DJS contacts Tom Mooney about potential future collaboration. Find out if he would like some help with his website and petitions. Also, find out an ETA for when he will be more available/done with his book. Please post his comments here.

#23 DJS

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Posted 05 May 2009 - 10:05 PM

Alright, I'm glad that Recorders have given me the nod to go ahead with this.

After 5/22 I will have significantly more free time to move things forward.

Edited by DJS, 05 May 2009 - 10:05 PM.

#24 AgeVivo

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Posted 03 June 2009 - 11:19 AM

i don't know whom to contact exactly but it would be nice if toxicology tests in mice were lasting longer than 2 years (eg 3) so that effects on lifespan would be known. At least those which show high survival at 2 years.

It shouldn't cost much because everything is already set up; it would provide very meaningful knowledge in this period of late-life focus, including life-extending compounds.

Edited by AgeVivo, 03 June 2009 - 11:21 AM.

#25 bacopa

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Posted 03 June 2009 - 12:05 PM

I would like to get involved with this organization...keep me posted.

#26 bacopa

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Posted 06 June 2009 - 12:44 PM

I contacted C.E.L. and the director is getting back to me. This is something I think I could really help out on. I've already sent emails to Jay Olshansky and James Hughes who recommended focusing more on science based researchers, public health officials, and lobbying the European Union. Mr. Olshansky stressed that Congress probably would not listen to immortality but maintaining the support to the 3 billion they will give annually towards antiaging is a good idea. He made it sound as if letter writing was not a good idea, but maybe if we got alot of people on board to write about healthy life extension, not immortality, than we could make an impact in ensuring that Congress continues to fund antiaging therapies.

So does anyone want to help me with this effort? First I should probably contact Mr. Olshansky again and see if he has a better method of influencing Congress.

#27 bacopa

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Posted 11 June 2009 - 07:08 PM

Jay never got back to me and I don't want to bother him again, because I know he is busy. I would really like to help with the lobbying end of things.

As for the site it seemed sparse to me and not enough, or any information, except the petition. But nothign on how or who we should be focusing our efforts on, besides Congress.

Perhaps Tom, or one of us, should look into other people to lobby besides Congress, as I have said before. I'm also may be helping SENSF with their future lobbying efforts.

Does anyone here have any recommendations on who to lobby? I was told, again, researchers, EU, and public health officials and maybe Congress. If we do Congress we should not mention immortality of course.

Edited by dfowler, 11 June 2009 - 10:28 PM.

#28 bacopa

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Posted 12 June 2009 - 10:28 PM

Hello everyone, James Hughes just wrote me this when I asked about which groups to lobby

I think ImmInst, like Humanity+ and IEET, should focus on educating
people about existing policies and policy debates, without direct
lobbying. Educating your audience and activists is a prerequisite for
their lobbying anyway. There is nothing more counterproductive than
walking into a legislator's office and saying "We demand X" when that
was just voted down, or voted in, or never a matter of discussion. So
you should be writing about the Longevity Dividend idea at the ImmInst
site, reviewing the research programs of the National Institute of
Aging, and distributing key documents like this:


When there is direct lobbying to do the Alliance for Aging Research will
give us the lead.

Another reason to focus on political education instead of lobbying is
that we are all international organizations. Lobbying and mobilizing
your base to write letters and contact their congresscritters doesn't
work very well when you are scattered all over the world. So we should
be promoting the general political/policy arguments that are useful

I also mentioned C.E.L. but he never said anything about it. I think he thought I was suggesting lobbying through only imminst and was not aware C.E.L was a group made up specifically for lobbying.

But perhaps imminst could set up a political education tab, or whatever they're called, on our home page, perhaps next to the take action tab. James also warned that non-profits "are not supposed" to engage in direct lobbying for a specific legislation or endorse any one candidate. But C.E.L. is not a non-profit. So I would imagine it's fine.

He still did not answer my question directly, but I don't want to keep bothering him; maybe he just doesn't know.

#29 rhodeder

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Posted 13 June 2009 - 01:28 AM

If immortality institute wants to create a website for themselves for a purpose of bringing attention to life extension research and government petitions i could possibly take some time away to develop and design a website for you. Here is my resume.

#30 bacopa

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Posted 13 June 2009 - 01:40 AM

James Hughes just warned me that C.E.L. did not seem very reputable do to several reasons listed in the message below. He reemphasized that imminst should be focusing more on educating people about the longevity dividend and to perhaps hold off on writing letters for now. Here is his letter. Maybe we should focus more on getting more known in political arenas? If we could just interest a few politicians in the LE cause than we would have ammo ready for when we should start writing letters. But it seems it is premature to start writing letters advocating funding or anything like that.

This group:

is either a well-meaning but unprofessional attempt by an individual, or a scam.

It indicates no staff names, no board members, no organizational allies, and the membership link doesn't even work.

It also doesn't indicate whether it is a 501c3 or a registered political lobby or whether they are registered at all.

Nor do they appear to have a tax ID number or be registered with Guidestar, the central site for nonprofit accountability and fundraising.

So I would basically tell them to grow up, and for you to focus on ImmInst education.

> congress could be a target for lobbying?

I don't understand what you want to know. Yes Congress is a place to lobby. But lobbying is a variety of activities that starts with grassroots mobilization, political education, the preparation of arguments and documents and websites, the building of coalitions and ties with financial and political and academic supporters, and then, only when the right opportuinities present themselves, results in visits to Washington D.C., or letters to Congressmen. As I said, this isn't the time for that. Focus on educating yourself and ImmInst about the Longevity Dividend arguments. You can use this curriculum I developed (You see the full curriculum once you sign in):


Edited by dfowler, 13 June 2009 - 01:51 AM.

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