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If you had an artificial body

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#1 VictorBjoerk

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Posted 26 March 2009 - 09:09 PM

If or hopefully WHEN you get an artificial body, what would it look like? (excluding the brain which may be the same as before)

What kind of special abilities would you have, would it be a two-legged humanoid? Would it be some kind of contraption travelling at light speed?
What kind of functions would you have? Would you still keep things like eating,sleeping, sexual desire etc?

Or would you like to have your own body but without aging and maybe with security equipment to prevent choking, breaking legs,unhealthy viral infections,autoimmunity etc...

#2 forever freedom

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Posted 26 March 2009 - 09:23 PM

I think i'd have whatever body allowed me to maximize my capabilities of doing whatever i would want to do by then.

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#3 valkyrie_ice

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Posted 29 March 2009 - 06:20 AM

points to her Avatar.

#4 Luna

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Posted 29 March 2009 - 03:14 PM

Immortal, winged, beautiful :)

Fold able wings! ^^

Edited by Winterbreeze, 29 March 2009 - 03:15 PM.

#5 Connor MacLeod

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Posted 01 April 2009 - 10:47 AM

If or hopefully WHEN you get an artificial body, what would it look like? (excluding the brain which may be the same as before)

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#6 biknut

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Posted 01 April 2009 - 02:04 PM

[Posted Image

With a 14 incher.

#7 harris13.3

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Posted 27 November 2009 - 11:44 AM

I know this is an old thread but nothing really happens in this forum so I thought I might post a reply...

If or hopefully WHEN you get an artificial body, what would it look like? (excluding the brain which may be the same as before)

I don't really want an "artificial" body in the sense that I don't want to look like Bender from Futurama (although I suspect many people in these forums would like that) so I'd prefer an extensively bioengineered "natural" body instead.

What kind of special abilities would you have, would it be a two-legged humanoid? Would it be some kind of contraption travelling at light speed?

If everyone has transformed themselves into machines/giant interstellar brains then I think I'd grudgingly follow suit just to avoid being left out.

What kind of functions would you have? Would you still keep things like eating,sleeping, sexual desire etc?

I'd still like to be able to eat but I wouldn't want to rely on it to the point where I would die of starvation without it. Sleeping would be optional; I'd probably still keep my regular sleeping patterns but I'd still keep the ability to switch off the need to sleep just-in-case as it would be useful for emergencies or situations where I need to make the most of my time.

As for sex, I probably wouldn't need it.

Or would you like to have your own body but without aging and maybe with security equipment to prevent choking, breaking legs,unhealthy viral infections,autoimmunity etc...

yes. I suspect many of these things will be commonplace once the tech arrives. - Just like the way babies are immunized against infections today.

And I know this hasn't been mentioned here but I'd also like the ability to change my form; as I'd probably spend a big chunk of my time as a bird. I've always wanted to fly.

#8 Reno

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Posted 01 December 2009 - 11:53 PM

I've lived with morfans syndrome my entire life. Without treatment the estimated lifespan of someone with morfans is mid-30s. Because of that I'm super tall, i've had two heart surgeries in my early 20s, and have scars all over my body. I just want to be relatively comfortable in my body without any limitations. I want the ability to change anything at any moment. I want to be able to not fear pain, or the looming hover of death. I don't want wings to fly, or sticky feet to climb walls. I just want to be average.
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#9 Elus

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Posted 02 December 2009 - 02:45 AM

I'd want a liquid metal nanite body that can resolidify into any shape. I probably assume a humanoid structure most of the time, as an iconic homage to the legendary race from which I come.

I would want to be able to leap hundreds of thousands of feet into the air, and soar like wisp above the highest cloud. I want to be able to touch a book and absorb its contents, furthering my everlasting quest to expand my own knowledge of the world.

I want to be able to harvest energy from nearly anything in my environment and use it to power my body. If the energy exists in kinetic, heat, light, or material form, I want to be able to absorb it and never again have to rely on primitive sources of power ever again. I will not have to sleep, eat, or breath - I will genuinely be one with my environment.

I'd also want a way to back up my conscious. This feature could be enabled via a direct communication between an external brain, whereby I will take control of the second brain and my primary brain at the same time, and then only the secondary brain. This would ensure that the stream of consciousness that constitutes who I am would be preserved.
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#10 Cyberbrain

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Posted 02 December 2009 - 03:19 AM

Once the technology becomes available, I'd like to have a cyborg body (which will last for several decades, till the next big technology comes along).

Features (off the top of my mind):

-resistant to radiation
-breathing is optional (can survive in a vacuum and underwater)
-sleeping and rest is optional (mainly for luxury)
-augmented intelligence, memory and direct wireless neural connection to a computer (which would link me to the internet and other devices to control)
-neural chip will also enable matrix realism style dreams (which I can also record) and video gaming
-being able to download knowledge in my brain
-increased strength, stamina, endurance, flexibility, etc
-I'm able to eat anything I want with no consequences (here come the big mac attacks!)
-disease and sickness free
-augmented sense of hearing, seeing (see further away, in the dark, etc), sensing and smelling
-instantaneous healing
-a way to back up my conscious
-have a way to directly control pain, bodily functions, growth of hair, etc
-have the ability to have multiple orgasms indefinitely
-I think that about does it!

#11 niner

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Posted 02 December 2009 - 03:32 AM

I would want to be able to leap hundreds of thousands of feet into the air, and soar like wisp above the highest cloud. I want to be able to touch a book and absorb its contents, furthering my everlasting quest to expand my own knowledge of the world.

Well, at least you're not asking for something that would be, you know, technologically difficult...

I want to be able to travel directly through the center of the earth nearly instantaneously, and morph at will between a steamed pork bun and a Nash Metropolitan. And back up my consciousness.

#12 Reno

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Posted 02 December 2009 - 05:22 AM

I would want to be able to leap hundreds of thousands of feet into the air, and soar like wisp above the highest cloud. I want to be able to touch a book and absorb its contents, furthering my everlasting quest to expand my own knowledge of the world.

Well, at least you're not asking for something that would be, you know, technologically difficult...

I want to be able to travel directly through the center of the earth nearly instantaneously, and morph at will between a steamed pork bun and a Nash Metropolitan. And back up my consciousness.

Posted Image haha That was good.

When all this becomes possible I want to be able to run windows 2020 on my molecularly built ice cube sized computer and have it be snappy.

Edited by bobscrachy, 02 December 2009 - 05:25 AM.

#13 27GV

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Posted 02 December 2009 - 01:51 PM

My mystical body will be able to rearrange itself at the atomic level into any biological or mechanical system. At my will.

Though more realistically a biological body works just fine for me once you remove all the, well, bugs. There is something fulfilling about knowing that if you go out for that jog or do that set of pushups you will build that muscle, rather than having some body with super strength that you can't actually really contribute to, save going out to the cyborg-synthetic-body-part shop and asking to have the latest muscles installed.

Adding resistance to pathogens, removing the possibilities of developing genetic diseases and the ability to heal wounds rather more quickly would be just fine for me.

#14 Elus

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Posted 02 December 2009 - 03:25 PM

Well, at least you're not asking for something that would be, you know, technologically difficult...

One can dream. :-D :)

#15 Infinitytimes2

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Posted 02 December 2009 - 10:52 PM

I'd like to be a hyper evolving organism that can adapt and change just by thinking it, and hopefully i won't think myself to death and turn into some hideous mutated blob thing.

#16 vernes

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Posted 31 March 2010 - 09:32 PM

You say artificial, so we're talking at least 100 years into the future.
It would look exactly like that of a human, but perhaps with an subtle uncanny-ness.
Near perfect proportional body-parts. Mathematically designed shapes and skin tones that lack blemishes.

But in all it's fabricated form, it is an imitation of what we already know. Just a bit more optimized.
Still alot of living tissue, but with highly optimized genes, and perhaps a partly synthetic brain.

#17 Aetherius

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Posted 03 April 2010 - 02:59 AM

First post. :|?

Initially i will be more than happy with a plain biologically immortal human body.

Some times i feel people tend to get immersed futurism and start looking too far ahead, to the point where we might as well be talking about the best type of career for a velociraptor on a dyson sphere (excuse me for the hyperbole). However, this sort of thing does promote creativity and inspire, so here goes.

The Butlerian Jihad in the Dune series presents an interesting concept; Have your organic brain enclosed in a homeostatic canister with cybernetic attachments that link to an electronic input/output bus. From there you can attach yourself easily to any sort of robotic body, be it humanoid, a hexapod, or a spaceship. Realistically you would need to have a very complex medium between your consciousness and the body, otherwise you would take forever learning to interpret the new senses and motor control for a new body, but i dont see ability to do all this as being horribly far off in the future.

For the distant future that includes vast knowledge of physics and biochemistry, make a species that is genetically engineered to perfection. You could link your consciousness to a dynamic genome, allowing you to consciously assign tasks to individual cells, from generalized on a macroscopic scale to specific per cell instructions. Biological cells have vast potential, they just need the correct instructions. With the aid of some sort of computational device, whether its an implant or integrated into the CNS, you could take the form of any biological life of posthuman design, including modifications to the CNS. Since you completely control your genome this would be safe and fast so long as you had the necessary elements, energy and understanding of phenotype.

I had two more ideas for bioengineering but there applicable to the near future and not necessarily to immortality thus i keep them for potential profit.

#18 Reno

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Posted 09 May 2010 - 09:46 PM

Well, at least you're not asking for something that would be, you know, technologically difficult...

One can dream. :) :)

I didn't post that champ. :|?

#19 Alex Libman

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Posted 10 May 2010 - 01:59 AM

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We Are All Libman

#20 Kolos

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Posted 10 May 2010 - 10:47 AM

The Butlerian Jihad in the Dune series presents an interesting concept; Have your organic brain enclosed in a homeostatic canister with cybernetic attachments that link to an electronic input/output bus. From there you can attach yourself easily to any sort of robotic body, be it humanoid, a hexapod, or a spaceship. Realistically you would need to have a very complex medium between your consciousness and the body, otherwise you would take forever learning to interpret the new senses and motor control for a new body, but i dont see ability to do all this as being horribly far off in the future.

This cogitor/Titan brain idea was among the few things I liked about this prequel but I wouldn't say it such a horribly distant future, I would expect more in the next 200 years(theres no mention of things like nanotechnology in the whole Dune universe) separating brain from the rest of the body might be just a first step.

Anyway it would be cool to look like the 3 stage guild navigator:

Edited by Kolos, 10 May 2010 - 10:50 AM.

#21 AdamSummerfield

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Posted 24 May 2010 - 09:18 PM

When I as 12 or 13, I watched 'Exodus Earth' on one of the Sky Discovery channels we had. It was first transhumanist-oriented material I was exposed to (you can watch it on YouTube, it introduces everything - biotechnology, cryonics, space voyaging), and so I expect my first silicon form to aesthetically appear like the robot seen at 9:23 in this clip:

However that machine is expressionless. Facial expressions are very important, and I would like to keep them as a posthuman. Later I would like to look (and communicate) like the AI's that revive David at the end of 'AI':

#22 Reno

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Posted 24 May 2010 - 11:07 PM

However that machine is expressionless. Facial expressions are very important, and I would like to keep them as a posthuman. Later I would like to look (and communicate) like the AI's that revive David at the end of 'AI':

Why? They didn't really have an interesting form. What was described in AI was more or less a generic template. Seems like it would be boring to me.

Edited by Reno, 24 May 2010 - 11:08 PM.

#23 AdamSummerfield

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Posted 24 May 2010 - 11:38 PM

However that machine is expressionless. Facial expressions are very important, and I would like to keep them as a posthuman. Later I would like to look (and communicate) like the AI's that revive David at the end of 'AI':

Why? They didn't really have an interesting form... Seems like it would be boring to me.

I am a Daoist. :)

#24 Reno

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Posted 25 May 2010 - 12:51 AM

However that machine is expressionless. Facial expressions are very important, and I would like to keep them as a posthuman. Later I would like to look (and communicate) like the AI's that revive David at the end of 'AI':

Why? They didn't really have an interesting form... Seems like it would be boring to me.

I am a Daoist. :)

Good for you... Is that your answer?

#25 AdamSummerfield

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Posted 25 May 2010 - 01:09 AM

However that machine is expressionless. Facial expressions are very important, and I would like to keep them as a posthuman. Later I would like to look (and communicate) like the AI's that revive David at the end of 'AI':

Why? They didn't really have an interesting form... Seems like it would be boring to me.

I am a Daoist. :)

Good for you... Is that your answer?

As to why - yes.

#26 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 25 May 2010 - 09:29 AM

I don't really care what it looks like, if I'm alive and think I'm me, I'd be happy with anything (without calling to mind extreme dystopic gothic horror sci-fi scenarios ;-) ). But for choice, it would depend on what is the norm, at first I'd probably want to look human if that is what I identify as, but that might not be the norm and I'd want to fit in, and that could change over time anyway.

#27 Daniel Memenode

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Posted 12 July 2010 - 09:42 PM

It's hard to think that far ahead. My current preferences are largely a culmination of a somewhat random set of past experiences so future experiences will likely augment those preferences.

But as of right now in addition to the ability to quickly regenerate any bodily damage and disease, basic organic immortality, I would probably want to keep a largely humanoid look and feel, but with a skin that gets impenetrably stiff when necessary to protect damage, the ability to wirelessly plug into virtual worlds, as well as overlay augmented reality (with different switchable modes depending on information I want), without any additional equipment, and typically quoted improvements in strength, intelligence, stamina, speed etc.

Beyond that it gets blurry. I'd love the ability to fly, but I find it hard to imagine having huge wings on my back as very pleasurable for some reason. :D I like the idea of being "interfaceable" in some sense, but not necessarily like having a brain that could interface with multiple bodies, but more like having a body that can seamlessly interface with different exoskeletons.

So some of these skeletons could be flying machines like Iron Man, others might be personal space vehicles, mechas and things like that. Perhaps ideally I'd have a single exoskeleton that can serve all of these functions.

#28 cyborgdreamer

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Posted 01 August 2010 - 01:55 AM

If or hopefully WHEN you get an artificial body, what would it look like? (excluding the brain which may be the same as before)

What kind of special abilities would you have, would it be a two-legged humanoid? Would it be some kind of contraption travelling at light speed?
What kind of functions would you have? Would you still keep things like eating,sleeping, sexual desire etc?

Or would you like to have your own body but without aging and maybe with security equipment to prevent choking, breaking legs,unhealthy viral infections,autoimmunity etc...

I've grown pretty attached to my squishy, human body so I'd want to look and feel mostly the same (maybe with a smaller nose). But I'd want to be immune to disease and aging and as close to indestructible as possible. In case something did happen to me, I'd need to be able to have regular backups of my brain that I could restore in an emergency. As for abilities, I'd want enhanced speed, strength, senses, and dexterity as well as the ability to fly. I would keep the ability to enjoy eating but remove the need to pee and poop. (If that wasn't possible, I'd at least have waste that was sterile and odorless.) Being unconscious is something I'd prefer to avoid so, instead of sleeping, I'd give myself the option to lie down and doze for a couple hours if I got bored enough.

#29 Reno

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Posted 09 August 2010 - 03:08 AM

I've grown pretty attached to my squishy, human body so I'd want to look and feel mostly the same (maybe with a smaller nose). But I'd want to be immune to disease and aging and as close to indestructible as possible. In case something did happen to me, I'd need to be able to have regular backups of my brain that I could restore in an emergency. As for abilities, I'd want enhanced speed, strength, senses, and dexterity as well as the ability to fly. I would keep the ability to enjoy eating but remove the need to pee and poop. (If that wasn't possible, I'd at least have waste that was sterile and odorless.) Being unconscious is something I'd prefer to avoid so, instead of sleeping, I'd give myself the option to lie down and doze for a couple hours if I got bored enough.

Fly... like Ironman? You want some sort of methane powered turbine up your rear? That way you wouldn't have to worry about stinky bacteria infested waste...

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#30 cyborgdreamer

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Posted 09 August 2010 - 12:07 PM

I've grown pretty attached to my squishy, human body so I'd want to look and feel mostly the same (maybe with a smaller nose). But I'd want to be immune to disease and aging and as close to indestructible as possible. In case something did happen to me, I'd need to be able to have regular backups of my brain that I could restore in an emergency. As for abilities, I'd want enhanced speed, strength, senses, and dexterity as well as the ability to fly. I would keep the ability to enjoy eating but remove the need to pee and poop. (If that wasn't possible, I'd at least have waste that was sterile and odorless.) Being unconscious is something I'd prefer to avoid so, instead of sleeping, I'd give myself the option to lie down and doze for a couple hours if I got bored enough.

Fly... like Ironman? You want some sort of methane powered turbine up your rear? That way you wouldn't have to worry about stinky bacteria infested waste...

I was thinking more along the lines of retractable wings.

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