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#31 jackinbox

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Posted 10 May 2009 - 04:41 PM

Any news from you noopept takers? Have you guys noticed anything different?

It take 2-3 weeks to have any effect so I will have to be patient.

#32 yowza

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Posted 13 May 2009 - 03:14 AM

Hello everybody!

I recieved 4 packs in the mail yesterday!

I started by taking 2 10 mg pills in the evening. About an hour later, I took another 10 mg. About 5-6 hours later, I took 1 more for a total of 4 noopept pills that day. The effect seems to build up over a longer period of time. With 10 mg it may take a few days to start feeling something but if you take 30-50, I'll be willing to bet that something will be felt right off the bat. I'm guessing there's a reason why each noopept pill is in such small dosages (10 mg per pill as opposed to phenotropil which is 100 mg per pill).

Later in the evening I definitely felt something going on. Abit of increased flow/stimulating feel was felt from taking this. Compared to phenotropil, it kind of felt similar in some ways. Both nootropics are slightly different though. With phenotropil, I've noticed an increased ability to creatively think/put things together in an analytical way (organizing). With noopept, I can't really say yet since the affect felt similar yet different than phenotropil in some way. I can't really put this into words.

Maybe the best strategy would be to alternate every other day to get a good feel for each.

Edited by yowza, 13 May 2009 - 03:19 AM.

#33 jackinbox

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Posted 13 May 2009 - 04:06 AM

Tell us if you take more than 30 mg at once. I might try it too. I suspended my trial of noopept since I'm having so much success with tianeptine that I don't want to stop. I will try noopept again when I will be sure I can discriminate the effect from tianeptine. I have so many things in my trial pipeline now I can't try them all.

#34 yowza

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Posted 13 May 2009 - 04:37 AM

Tell us if you take more than 30 mg at once.

You might want to read carefully for what I said. I pretty much did take 3 at once.

I might try it too. I suspended my trial of noopept since I'm having so much success with tianeptine that I don't want to stop. I will try noopept again when I will be sure I can discriminate the effect from tianeptine. I have so many things in my trial pipeline now I can't try them all.

You don't want to get distracted though. If you trial 1, I'd stick with it for a bit and maybe take notes each day on the effect.
You didn't go up to a higher dosage at all before quitting after a very short period (at least for what you reported).

It seems you may be having trouble deciding what route to go. I'd suggest 1 thing at a time. With each new supplement you try take both subjective (personal experience) and objective considerations (try to take notes/memorize the mode of action/concept that each supplement is used under).

Edited by yowza, 13 May 2009 - 04:38 AM.

#35 jackinbox

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Posted 13 May 2009 - 02:03 PM

Tell us if you take more than 30 mg at once.

You might want to read carefully for what I said. I pretty much did take 3 at once.

I might try it too. I suspended my trial of noopept since I'm having so much success with tianeptine that I don't want to stop. I will try noopept again when I will be sure I can discriminate the effect from tianeptine. I have so many things in my trial pipeline now I can't try them all.

You don't want to get distracted though. If you trial 1, I'd stick with it for a bit and maybe take notes each day on the effect.
You didn't go up to a higher dosage at all before quitting after a very short period (at least for what you reported).

It seems you may be having trouble deciding what route to go. I'd suggest 1 thing at a time. With each new supplement you try take both subjective (personal experience) and objective considerations (try to take notes/memorize the mode of action/concept that each supplement is used under).

You might want to read carefully for what I said. I said "more than 30 mg" :) That's the problem with stuff that works on the long term (at least, that what the maker of Noopept says). You need a period of time with some stability. Since I already get result from tianeptine (reduction in anxiety), I will wait a few weeks before introducing noopept. Tianeptine could have a nootropic effect that I would confuse with Noopept. I didn't open my semax 0.1% yet and my 1% is on the way. I don't know when I will try those.

#36 yowza

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Posted 13 May 2009 - 10:07 PM

Hmmm... Must have misinterpreted the first part somehow...
If Stablon's working out for you great!

Here's an update on the noopept:
I had been taking Phenotropil each day (usually about 1 100mg pill per day but sometimes 2) for about a week before taking the noopept. The day after taking the noopept (yesterday), I experienced some brain fog especailly after taking 1 tablet of phenotropil along with some vitamins (mainly b6, PS mixture, Folapro). The brain fog abated later on in the day as the stuff wore off. It appears that the noopept (taking 4 tablets the day before) was the culprit. All in all I don't know which racetam I prefer more. I'll try the noopept at a smaller dosage and see what it's like. I'm guessing that one or the other (noopept or phenotropil) are best for promoting hemipheric integration. This at lower dosages with a nicotonergic could probably yield interesting results.

I'd have to compare subjective effects then research both of these in order to really get a feel in terms of how to describe how these differ in terms of their subjective effect (for me at least).

Please feel free to ask me any questions about my trial since that'll maybe help me explain it better if anyone would like.

#37 jackinbox

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Posted 14 May 2009 - 12:48 AM

Hmmm... Must have misinterpreted the first part somehow...
If Stablon's working out for you great!

Here's an update on the noopept:
I had been taking Phenotropil each day (usually about 1 100mg pill per day but sometimes 2) for about a week before taking the noopept. The day after taking the noopept (yesterday), I experienced some brain fog especailly after taking 1 tablet of phenotropil along with some vitamins (mainly b6, PS mixture, Folapro). The brain fog abated later on in the day as the stuff wore off. It appears that the noopept (taking 4 tablets the day before) was the culprit. All in all I don't know which racetam I prefer more. I'll try the noopept at a smaller dosage and see what it's like. I'm guessing that one or the other (noopept or phenotropil) are best for promoting hemipheric integration. This at lower dosages with a nicotonergic could probably yield interesting results.

I'd have to compare subjective effects then research both of these in order to really get a feel in terms of how to describe how these differ in terms of their subjective effect (for me at least).

Please feel free to ask me any questions about my trial since that'll maybe help me explain it better if anyone would like.

That doesn't sound good (the brain fog the day after). It's not something common with nootropic. You have a theory on why you had this side effect?

#38 yowza

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Posted 14 May 2009 - 04:08 AM

That doesn't sound good (the brain fog the day after). It's not something common with nootropic. You have a theory on why you had this side effect?

Nothing specific. I took 1 pill of noopept today and really didn't feel much. The mechanism it seems to work by is more round about. If you take too much, you may feel a sense of good connection but maybe just a bit spaced out. In this case, more "synergy" (the effect that noopept is supposed to promote) isn't always better it seems.

#39 NootropicEU

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Posted 10 June 2009 - 10:19 PM

I spoke to my friend who has been taking Noopept for about a 1.5 months now. He told that the effect was hardly noticeable and it might be placebo. However it's is important to mention that he has not responded to any nootropic yet ;)

Edited by anony4mous, 10 June 2009 - 10:21 PM.

#40 canz

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Posted 18 June 2009 - 01:31 AM

I spoke to my friend who has been taking Noopept for about a 1.5 months now. He told that the effect was hardly noticeable and it might be placebo. However it's is important to mention that he has not responded to any nootropic yet :|w

I am not impressed with this. It is supposed to be so much more effective and stronger at smaller doses than piracetam? I had much better results on piracetam, and will probably be switching back after another week of 10mg x2 of noopept if nothing progresses.

#41 Legis

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Posted 06 September 2009 - 09:33 PM

I received 3 packages of noopept 3 days ago. It took about 3 weeks for them to arrive after I had placed an order in pharma1010. They came from Ukraine in recorded mail, which I did not even ask. First time ever an outside-EU order did not end up in the Finnish customs. I think it was because the sender packed noopepts so well that the mail package did not jingle or rattle at all.

After 3 days of use (20mg per day spaced in two doses) I think I have found another very good noot for myself (besides Cerebrolysin).

I am mainly a non-responder to many noots, but noopept is definitely something I can feel. After dissolving one pill under tongue, in 5 minutes you can notice a boost in concentration and brain's energy level and a reduction in anxiety. General feeling is self-confident, calm and totally awake. The effect becomes less noticeable after three-four hours, but it does not wear off completely before the next day's dose.

Without any proper memory testing, I would say I have not witnessed any noticeable memore enhacement yet, but I don't think it can even be this fast with noopept because of it's mode of action. I would guess that NGF and BDNF levels peak after 1-2 weeks of use.

Noopept is, In My Opinion, a very good, very inexpensive nootropic.


#42 msied

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Posted 06 September 2009 - 11:47 PM

Noopept in terms of cost-to-benefit ratio is probably my favorite nootropic. I've tried piracetam, oxiracetam, pramiracetam, phenylpiracetam as far as the noticably useful cognitive nootropics go. Noopept takes it to a whole different level. I work from 7 am to noon every weekday (just for the summer) doing routine paperwork and filing, so I've been able to compare all the nootropics at this level of function demand. Phenylpiracetam was nice in that it let me memorize some ten 5-digit numbers all at once easily (pulling file jackets from a cabinet)... noopept was somewhat the same but with less stimulative instinct to do wild things like that, even as the ability was fathomable.

The best way I could talk about noopept is by saying it increased my unconscious thought processes. While I was just going about my work, new ideas were just popping up in my head about how to make the tasks more efficient, how I could solve issues in my personal life, and anything else that seemed somewhat challenging to me at the time. I didn't consciously consider any of those, but through repeated use, I found that noopept was the key component to epiphanies of various types. Outside of work, I found that I could look at a difficult conceptual puzzle without luck, pop some noopept, and by the end of the day I would either have figured it out or been on the brink of realizing the solution.

Of course, others' experiences will vary. But I would generally advise that noopept works unconsciously better or as well as it works for conscious cognitive ability.
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#43 nito

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Posted 07 September 2009 - 04:24 AM

how does this nooept cost? Any links?

#44 msied

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Posted 07 September 2009 - 04:53 AM

how does this nooept cost? Any links?

http://www.pharmacy1010.com/ Search it here. $16 for 50.

#45 Ben

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Posted 11 September 2009 - 12:27 AM

Noopept makes me crazy. Really crazy and angry. Gets me motivated though. Sadly comes with a deep seated loathing for all mankind.

#46 msied

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Posted 11 September 2009 - 12:50 AM

Noopept makes me crazy. Really crazy and angry. Gets me motivated though. Sadly comes with a deep seated loathing for all mankind.

Hmm now that you mention it, it does kind of make me a little schizo, but only in that it puts me on a mission to show everyone I'm better and I that have enough security in some internal teamwork to do it!

No distinct anger or hatred tho.

#47 Ben

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Posted 12 September 2009 - 11:47 AM

Noopept makes me crazy. Really crazy and angry. Gets me motivated though. Sadly comes with a deep seated loathing for all mankind.

Hmm now that you mention it, it does kind of make me a little schizo, but only in that it puts me on a mission to show everyone I'm better and I that have enough security in some internal teamwork to do it!

No distinct anger or hatred tho.

Anger is probably the wrong word. Very, very, very highly irritable, is probably a better way of putting it. I become a bit of a haughty tyrant that doesn't suffer fools.

#48 Mortuorum

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Posted 13 September 2009 - 07:11 PM

Noopept makes me crazy. Really crazy and angry. Gets me motivated though. Sadly comes with a deep seated loathing for all mankind.

Hmm now that you mention it, it does kind of make me a little schizo, but only in that it puts me on a mission to show everyone I'm better and I that have enough security in some internal teamwork to do it!

No distinct anger or hatred tho.

Anger is probably the wrong word. Very, very, very highly irritable, is probably a better way of putting it. I become a bit of a haughty tyrant that doesn't suffer fools.

Ben, I am interested in this compound, would you be able to analogize its' affects in any way to any other substances you've experimented with, nootropics or otherwise, I have very mixed resultant effects with the racetams I have been studying and synergistic combining and varied dosage increments, timing implementations often make the world of difference in terms of affects garnered? What else were you combining your usage with at the time, other nootropics, etc.? Many thanks!


Edited by Mortuorum, 13 September 2009 - 07:17 PM.

#49 Ben

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Posted 14 September 2009 - 03:56 AM

One thing you should know, any effect from any of these things is going to be very subtle. Like perhaps not even there subtle. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar, or for whatever reason is trying to glamourise the compounds. Also, with most of these things, you can only really tell if they're having an effect when you are actually engaged in an activity that requires strenuous mental effort.

Noopept was interesting though. It gave me greater confidence, made me more outgoing, acting as a mild stimulant and perhaps helped me to think better.

It also makes me very irritable though. It's like, you've had just the worst day, everything has gone wrong for you-irritable. Angry and irritable.

It's really not worth it in my opinion. Piracetam is good though. Get some and some choline. You wont notice any perceptible effects unless, as I mentioned, you are engaged in an activity that requires you to think very hard.

#50 Bluejay1

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Posted 09 November 2009 - 02:12 AM

FYI, I had a friend that recently dropped out of college after a month of taking Noopept - he was a straight A student too, him and I used to study together if we were in the same class.. I don't know what that says about the drug, but it can't mean anything positive... I don't know if it is somthing I'd want to risk. Perhaps it what happened to him was what previous posters mentioned.. I haven't had a chance to speak to him since he dropped out, but he did seem somewhat disturbed now that I think of it.

#51 msied

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Posted 09 November 2009 - 03:50 AM

I can second/third/fourth/etc the irritability effect. I thought it was just because I was taking it in combination with pramiracetam, but even alone it definitely has a pinch of paranoia generating the notion that "something is really off, and that is unacceptable". I would venture to say this is because, at least for me, it raises the unconscious-to-conscious thought ratio. As a consequence, things tend to seem much less manageable on an emotional level.

But like any nootropic, I would definitely say it has it's uses. For creativity purposes, or solving an abstract-styled problem, I can see how it may be useful.

#52 Bluejay1

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Posted 27 November 2009 - 05:42 PM

Well I got curious so now have several packs of it . The crap seems pretty worthless to me, I guess my old buddy just was naturally crazy. I can literally take a whole pack of it with ZERO effect. Just reinforces my belief that 'nootropic' is a shady word of false hope.

#53 chrono

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Posted 27 November 2009 - 07:49 PM

Well I got curious so now have several packs of it . The crap seems pretty worthless to me, I guess my old buddy just was naturally crazy. I can literally take a whole pack of it with ZERO effect. Just reinforces my belief that 'nootropic' is a shady word of false hope.

Bluejay, if you want your contributions to have any value for others, details would help. How much did you take, over how long? Did you honestly take a whole pack? Megadosing is not the best test of efficacy. What else are you taking at the moment? Were you looking for subtle enhancement, or some kind of feeling like you were taking psychoactives?

PLEASE try to take some of your own advice from your rant in the DSIP thread; anecdotal evidence only has value when other people see evidence that you're taking trials seriously.

#54 Bluejay1

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Posted 27 November 2009 - 08:38 PM

Chrono, no such Master list exists. So my posts are going to be just about as useless as everone else's, they can't help but to be! That was the intention of that post you refer to. I could write the longest most detailed post and it wouldnt make much of a difference. We need something more static and easier to navigate.

The noopept I don't really care to go into right now. If you can get the higher ups here to show more interest in the maintenanc and generation of a master list I'd be glad to contribute all I can but I almost feel as though it is wasted if people have to dig around for little bits of heresay information.

As far as pronounced effects go, noopept is less noticeable than racetams, NPEP12 and others I've tried. It is also easier to tolerate as it doesnt feel like you are on anything. Mine are written in Ukrainian and in English would look like they are spelled 'HOONENT'.

I can always defer to you to be a voluntary tester. You can always procure your own and post your own subjective post as I have. Nothing better than firsthand experience. But trust me, we really need a TRUE all-encompassing master list for neuro-drugs and supplements. It is not out of our scope.

Sorry I cant be that helpful we are on our own here as individuals thats why i keep mentioning a maintained evidence based master list of substances would help us all out in the long-run. i think

sry typing fast
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#55 magister

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Posted 09 March 2010 - 06:34 PM

Noopept in terms of cost-to-benefit ratio is probably my favorite nootropic. I've tried piracetam, oxiracetam, pramiracetam, phenylpiracetam as far as the noticably useful cognitive nootropics go. Noopept takes it to a whole different level. I work from 7 am to noon every weekday (just for the summer) doing routine paperwork and filing, so I've been able to compare all the nootropics at this level of function demand. Phenylpiracetam was nice in that it let me memorize some ten 5-digit numbers all at once easily (pulling file jackets from a cabinet)... noopept was somewhat the same but with less stimulative instinct to do wild things like that, even as the ability was fathomable.

The best way I could talk about noopept is by saying it increased my unconscious thought processes. While I was just going about my work, new ideas were just popping up in my head about how to make the tasks more efficient, how I could solve issues in my personal life, and anything else that seemed somewhat challenging to me at the time. I didn't consciously consider any of those, but through repeated use, I found that noopept was the key component to epiphanies of various types. Outside of work, I found that I could look at a difficult conceptual puzzle without luck, pop some noopept, and by the end of the day I would either have figured it out or been on the brink of realizing the solution.

Of course, others' experiences will vary. But I would generally advise that noopept works unconsciously better or as well as it works for conscious cognitive ability.

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#56 msied

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Posted 10 March 2010 - 12:08 AM

Noopept in terms of cost-to-benefit ratio is probably my favorite nootropic. I've tried piracetam, oxiracetam, pramiracetam, phenylpiracetam as far as the noticably useful cognitive nootropics go. Noopept takes it to a whole different level. I work from 7 am to noon every weekday (just for the summer) doing routine paperwork and filing, so I've been able to compare all the nootropics at this level of function demand. Phenylpiracetam was nice in that it let me memorize some ten 5-digit numbers all at once easily (pulling file jackets from a cabinet)... noopept was somewhat the same but with less stimulative instinct to do wild things like that, even as the ability was fathomable.

The best way I could talk about noopept is by saying it increased my unconscious thought processes. While I was just going about my work, new ideas were just popping up in my head about how to make the tasks more efficient, how I could solve issues in my personal life, and anything else that seemed somewhat challenging to me at the time. I didn't consciously consider any of those, but through repeated use, I found that noopept was the key component to epiphanies of various types. Outside of work, I found that I could look at a difficult conceptual puzzle without luck, pop some noopept, and by the end of the day I would either have figured it out or been on the brink of realizing the solution.

Of course, others' experiences will vary. But I would generally advise that noopept works unconsciously better or as well as it works for conscious cognitive ability.

This looks like an advert from the seller, registered a few days before the post

I guess I do write in an odd way... but I do like noopept where it's applicable. I'm in college and before I lost my passion for nootropics (I don't post around here anymore, just browse), I used to take noopept before my classes and it was actually very helpful. Then I reverted back to cramming so I don't deal with nootropics much any longer--but noopept + stimulants makes for quite the cramming combination.

Just trying to be helpful, in case anyone else might experience the same effects. I feel like when it comes to describing sensations of a mental nature, it becomes increasingly difficult to paint an accurate description of what's going. You have more nerves at the bottom of your body than the top (painful to stub your toe, won't notice your brain being cut into for surgery), so it makes for an interesting challenge to describe the effects of nootropics. If it read like an advert, maybe I was just a little too sensational in my writing.

#57 nito

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Posted 10 March 2010 - 01:58 AM

how does this nooept cost? Any links?

http://www.pharmacy1010.com/ Search it here. $16 for 50.

How can it be this cheap if it works?

#58 msied

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Posted 10 March 2010 - 04:38 AM

how does this nooept cost? Any links?

http://www.pharmacy1010.com/ Search it here. $16 for 50.

How can it be this cheap if it works?

Scroll up. The downside is that being super smart means being super schitzo and irritated with the world. That'll push the price down. :)

#59 bobman

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Posted 10 March 2010 - 07:39 AM


Dude, I don't mean to seem rude but could you maybe look thru the posts? There's some good info. on dosages and other stuff that's already been posted.

If you search the internet (using yandex; a russian search engine) you'll find a Russian site with the instructions. Google translate it and you're good to go. :)

It's Ukranian :)

#60 magister

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Posted 10 March 2010 - 11:48 PM

Noopept in terms of cost-to-benefit ratio is probably my favorite nootropic. I've tried piracetam, oxiracetam, pramiracetam, phenylpiracetam as far as the noticably useful cognitive nootropics go. Noopept takes it to a whole different level. I work from 7 am to noon every weekday (just for the summer) doing routine paperwork and filing, so I've been able to compare all the nootropics at this level of function demand. Phenylpiracetam was nice in that it let me memorize some ten 5-digit numbers all at once easily (pulling file jackets from a cabinet)... noopept was somewhat the same but with less stimulative instinct to do wild things like that, even as the ability was fathomable.

The best way I could talk about noopept is by saying it increased my unconscious thought processes. While I was just going about my work, new ideas were just popping up in my head about how to make the tasks more efficient, how I could solve issues in my personal life, and anything else that seemed somewhat challenging to me at the time. I didn't consciously consider any of those, but through repeated use, I found that noopept was the key component to epiphanies of various types. Outside of work, I found that I could look at a difficult conceptual puzzle without luck, pop some noopept, and by the end of the day I would either have figured it out or been on the brink of realizing the solution.

Of course, others' experiences will vary. But I would generally advise that noopept works unconsciously better or as well as it works for conscious cognitive ability.

This looks like an advert from the seller, registered a few days before the post

I guess I do write in an odd way... but I do like noopept where it's applicable. I'm in college and before I lost my passion for nootropics (I don't post around here anymore, just browse), I used to take noopept before my classes and it was actually very helpful. Then I reverted back to cramming so I don't deal with nootropics much any longer--but noopept + stimulants makes for quite the cramming combination.

Just trying to be helpful, in case anyone else might experience the same effects. I feel like when it comes to describing sensations of a mental nature, it becomes increasingly difficult to paint an accurate description of what's going. You have more nerves at the bottom of your body than the top (painful to stub your toe, won't notice your brain being cut into for surgery), so it makes for an interesting challenge to describe the effects of nootropics. If it read like an advert, maybe I was just a little too sensational in my writing.

you deviate off on your own tangent like a politican or an internet marketer...

Anyway I don't have time to care, I just sniff thru datastreams enough to know the patterns.

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