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VIP outreach Goals Archive

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#181 brokenportal

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 03:08 AM

Alright, they are in the mailbox now. Im suprised you were unable to get them sent out by the end of the month Fowler.

As soon as we receive verification that the Somers book was sent then Ill close this topic. Somebody can go and start the January topic right away any time now.

To all, we are looking for more people to join this team too, so if your interested then let us know.

#182 David Styles

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 03:34 AM

First week: Select three celebrities
Best people we can!

Second week: Acquire addresses and craft letters
Being swift about the former and thoughtful about the latter

Third week: Letters up for editing
Getting them polished

Fourth week: Send letters and book(s) at beginning of week - rest of week used as buffer and for any follow-up
With all due attention given to communication and efficiency

Sound like a plan?

Edited by David Styles, 06 January 2010 - 03:37 AM.

#183 David Styles

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 03:39 AM

Somebody can go and start the January topic right away any time now.


#184 David Styles

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 03:43 AM

How about Viggo Mortensen?

For those who only know him as an actor (he is also an artist, poet, and writer of prose), please consider the following comments that have been made by and/or about him:

How long would he like to live?

"Forever." Without hesitation.

Really? Wouldn't you get bored?

"There's no excuse to be bored," Mortensen says. "Sad, yes. Angry, yes. Depressed, yes. Crazy, yes. But there is no excuse for boredom, ever."

Finding Viggo by Alex Kuczynski, Vanity Fair magazine, January 2004

"We each have only a limited amount of time here. We have to do more with it - pay attention, explore, be open to all of life. Because we have only one chance, we have to make life seem longer than it really is."

Viggo Mortensen
I Still Ask Why, Dotson Rader, Parade magazine, 2004

“….I must confess that I’m interested in collecting as much experience as I can from wherever I go because I don’t know what happens in the next world. I’m not counting on anything happening. That’s one of the great things about making movies – you get to explore these things.”

Viggo Mortensen
Crimes and Misdemeanours
By Phillip Berk, Filmink
October 2007

This is one helluva guy folks. Gentle - very soft spoken - and yet completely intense. He speaks with you, not at you. His obvious respect for life was refreshing. Viva le Viggo. Oops I guess that should be Danish...

Singin' in the Reigns
by Emily Blunt
The Blunt Review, Mar '04

Wherever there is a noble cause to defend, we see him, and that is not the product of my imagination but of such an obvious and truthful reality that it has a full name.

And those who stand involved in these matters of conscience know it perfectly, because he is a hero of our time in the broadest sense of the word, as well as a humanist.

Reunion with Alatriste in Uclés
Diario de León, by Miguel Ángel Nepomuceno - translated by Paddy
26 June 2005

...and yet, in his many careers, ego has no place...and if ego has no place in his career, apathy has no place in his life. Viggo Mortensen has earned a reputation for having endless energy, for being consummately curious. He drives himself hard in all aspects of his life... He is a connector, the agent who brings people and ideas and feelings together in ways that transcend customary forms of expression and measures of success. We have known Viggo Mortensen through his work on film, and we have been privileged in recent weeks to know him more fully through his photography and poetry. St. Lawrence University is honored to welcome home from the class of 1980, to share some of his poetry with us, Viggo Mortensen.

Daniel F. Sullivan
St. Lawrence University
March 1, 2003

"Viggo Mortensen is an extraordinary person...I suspect a defect somewhere. It's not possible, I have never met someone who has no defect. He has all : he is kind, he is generous, he is tender, he is a pacifist, he is tolerant -I'm also tolerant, I like that kind of people- and he helps everybody. He writes poetry, he makes photos...it's extraordinary...he is handsome, he acts well...then we say ourselves it's not possible, people like this do not exist. I did not manage to find it out but there has to be a defect somewhere. One cannot be that perfect ! (laughs)"

Omar Sharif
"Hidalgo" : en tête à tête avec Omar Sharif...
by Peggy Zejgman
allocine.com, 24 March 2004
Trans. by Casablanca

“Even though many people seem to be not interested in art or in things like nature or life itself, we must force ourselves to remember, we must force ourselves to be deep in life."

Viggo Mortensen, The Photographer Of Dreams
By Giovanni Valerio - translated by Cindalea
July 2008
Source: Panorama First

What are you still determined to learn to do?

What I haven’t.

ForWord magazine
17 January 2007

’I’m a very curious guy and I stick my nose in everything. I travel a lot because I’m interested in knowing how the rest of the world lives. I love to learn about other cultures, to submerge myself in them, to learn of points of view that are different from mine.’

Viggo Mortensen
"I’m a guy who sticks his nose in everything"
By Stuart Gollum, Gala Magazine
30 August 2006

And what's more, any mailing we send him will be read by him:

"I like to take care of my own problems, shoulder my responsibilities. I don't have a bevy of people assisting me and filtering what I hear or what I say. I'd rather be overworked and underslept and have a good idea of what's going on."

Viggo Mortensen
Q&A with Viggo Mortensen
by Neala Johnson
Herald Sun (Australia), March 8 2007

If there are no objections, I will draught a letter to him within the next few days and post it for editing in this thread.

#185 brokenportal

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 03:59 AM

Alright, sounds good. Sounds like hes a critical thinker, and like you say, that he seems like he would be more likely to read it himself. Youll also want to pass these through the filter of who we have available addresses for too. We've been able to find workable addresses for them all so far, even those on the fly, but it would be good to check ahead of time. Fowler said he will give you the access info to the celebrity contact list.

I had some more good picks in mind for some good idiosyncratic reasons but I forget who they were at the moment. I like Kalabeths suggestion of less celebrity types, and more producer types. Maybe we could pick a producer this month. We have made similar picks in the past. I like the idea of contacting producers of shows like the Today Show, but I guess that might be better reserved for a media outreach team we'll eventually start up, or hire a publicist for. I also like Sentry Snipes suggestion of Elon Musk, Co founder of pay pal, of which Peter Thiel is also a co founder. Peter Thiel has given millions to the SENS Foundation so far. Elon also founded spacex. Thats not that program that the Mprize was modeled after was it?

#186 David Styles

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 04:29 AM

Alright, sounds good. Sounds like hes a critical thinker, and like you say, that he seems like he would be more likely to read it himself.

I think he seems like an excellent fellow. To business, then!

Youll also want to pass these through the filter of who we have available addresses for too. We've been able to find workable addresses for them all so far, even those on the fly, but it would be good to check ahead of time. Fowler said he will give you the access info to the celebrity contact list.

That'd be great :)

In the meantime, I've found two (publicly available) addresses for him, both agencies. If there's a better address available, that's fantastic. I have:

Viggo Mortensen
The Rawlings Company, Inc.
5962 E. Oak Meadow Place
Oak Park, CA 91377

Viggo Mortensen
Creative Artists Agency
2000 Avenue of the Stars
Los Angeles, CA 90067

Phone: (424) 288-2000
Fax: (424) 288-2900

I had some more good picks in mind for some good idiosyncratic reasons but I forget who they were at the moment. I like Kalabeths suggestion of less celebrity types, and more producer types. Maybe we could pick a producer this month. We have made similar picks in the past. I like the idea of contacting producers of shows like the Today Show, but I guess that might be better reserved for a media outreach team we'll eventually start up, or hire a publicist for.

That's certainly something to think on, at the very least.

I also like Sentry Snipes suggestion of Elon Musk, Co founder of pay pal, of which Peter Thiel is also a co founder. Peter Thiel has given millions to the SENS Foundation so far. Elon also founded spacex. Thats not that program that the Mprize was modeled after was it?

Has the team done Peter Thiel previously?

#187 bacopa

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Posted 07 January 2010 - 07:08 PM

Portal I sent the verification out in a pm to you. Aye the end of this month was very busy with new job and all and with insomnia and printer problems, and seeing as you offered to mail them I thought to leave it in your hands.

I promise next month I WILL mail the finished letters.

So David thanks for starting the January topic and you are instrumental in this project now!

Thank you Portal, very much,

#188 bacopa

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Posted 07 January 2010 - 07:19 PM

Okay the first address was accurate for Mr. Mortensen, and I think he is a good pick for this month.

Portal Peter Theil obviously has given a lot to life extension, the Musk guy sounds like a real possibility as well.

I think we should focus more on people who are not Oprah huge this month as well.

I think one, or more of us, should brain storm philanthropists that seem like they might endorse life extension.

Somewhere down the line Stephen Spielberg should be contacted because of his obvious interest in science as well as being a philanthropist I would imagine, and his seeming love for life...but I would think most celebs love their lives!

Ok, I'll timely mail the letters for this month, but I want your opinions on when, and if, we should make phone calls to agents, publicists, and managers. Is a follow up call the preferred method? Or for some VIP's would phoning BE the best way for an initial contact?

For this month we should focus on Producers and well known leaders in some kind of big field who may have some financial clout. I'm sure you've imagined how simple Aubrey's fundraising would be if an ultra wealthy CEO decided to give millions or hundreds of millions to SENS. Well focusing on producers, directors, well known CEO"s seems to be a great method of action.

Edited by dfowler, 07 January 2010 - 07:24 PM.

#189 David Styles

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Posted 08 January 2010 - 07:00 AM

A little ahead of schedule, but I had a long flight with time to write and no internet connection to do other things, so here is my letter to Viggo Mortensen already up for your perusal:


David Styles
Immortality Institute

Dear Mr. Mortensen,

I hope that all is well with you and yours.

Recently, I have personally enjoyed a number of your writings and interviews. I am not a man who is easily impressed, but your take on life is most rare. It seems that you decry the shortness of life, would rather live forever, and do not waste a moment of that time which is gifted to you (for that reason I will try to keep this letter brief). So few people are so clear-thinking, let alone live their philosophy as you do.

I’m writing on behalf of the Immortality Institute, in the hope that we can be of mutual benefit. The Immortality Institute aims to promote advocacy and research for unlimited lifespans. We do this chiefly by a combination of media outreach, and issuing research grants.

We may be quite close to achieving our aim in any one of a number of ways; a few examples are given on the accompanying page. Should it interest you, then you will enjoy the book I have sent to you, the Scientific Conquest of Death.

Our biggest task, perhaps, is not the complexity of the technicalities of defeating death. It is helping people to understand that it is an achievable goal, and worth pursuing.

If you would consider involvement with our cause, in any manner however small, it would help bring attention to the aforementioned point. With such things, we can gradually change the cultural meme towards valuing life as it deserves being valued.

The single best thing you can do to help is to use what we freely offer. Avoid death. Let people know you’re avoiding it, and how, and why.

If you’d consider doing a short talk, or even just giving an interview (we have a small weekly online TV segment for things like this) sharing your philosophical views, that’d be especially brilliant. We’d really, really, appreciate it.

But if that’s too much, anything you can do would be great! Even just a short reply letter that you wouldn’t mind us reproducing would be a huge help, frankly.

I look forward to hearing from you, when it is convenient for you to respond.


David Styles
Immortality Institute
+44 7706 149 771


Then on a separate sheet (so that the initial letter looks nice and short and not at all imposing)

A few examples in a few of the areas in which we are working to promote long healthy lifespans:

Genetics: Factors within the genome that cause aging have been identified, and researchers are working to reverse them. Perhaps you have heard of the genetic disorder progeria, where someone physically ages drastically more rapidly than should be the case, and becomes like an old person when still a child. That is an extreme, but aging itself is a genetic disease, and diseases can be cured. Sometimes discoveries even happen almost by accident. The mycoid rapamycin, recently found on Easter Island, gained attention when it became apparent it had the property of protecting the telomeres that ensheathe DNA, thus significantly limiting damage to the DNA, reducing aging dramatically. It’s also a powerful immunosuppressant, however, and thus can’t be used without ruining one part of the person’s health to promote another. So close and yet so far!

Lifestyle: Dietary factors are also researched; for example in tests with non-human mammals, calorie restriction without malnutrition has been demonstrated to increase lifespans by dramatic percentages. A paleolithic (unrefined and chiefly raw) diet seems to provide similar benefits. This sort of thing can help people to live long enough to see the benefits of other anti-aging developments.

Plan B: Should one not “beat the clock”, it is possible to choose cryonic suspension in place of burial or cremation. A hundred years ago, if you stopped breathing, you would be buried. Sixty years ago, if your heart stopped beating, you would be cremated. Nowadays, resuscitation is most common. Medical science has pushed back the boundaries of what is considered irreversibly dead, and continues to do so. Many people are either not aware of cryonics, or if they are aware, are unaware that it has advanced considerably since the 60s, to the point that we have now successfully suspended and then transplanted with complete viability mammalian organs. We might be nowhere near restoring human patients to health yet, but we’re on the way. Many people are also unaware of just how accessible and affordable cryonics is, especially when funded by life insurance.

The above are a few of the main areas of our broader spectrum, but you can read more in our book, “The Scientific Conquest of Death”, which I have sent to you.

A long and happy future to you!

#190 brokenportal

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Posted 08 January 2010 - 08:39 PM

Hey, you missed the cut off date. Alright, the three for this month then are Mortensen, Musk, and Speilberg.

I think your letter looks a little too long. I was having that problem too. Mine kept turning out about like that. If its all really personally written then I think that size might work alright, but other wise, I could be wrong, but I think that people are probably unlikely tread anything beyond a few maybe 10 lines.

I mean, think about it, when you get emails do you read them all? When like, IEET send me an email I skim the first paragraph and thats usually about it, and Im already directly interested in them. When the cable company sends me the offer I skim it for points and toss it.

However, I think that more detail that we would like to put in the initial letter, will work well to be put in to a pamphlet we send along with the letter, and your second part there, going over what we do, I think is a good inspiration for a start to a "what we do" section that Joseph and I are currently working on working in to this developing pamphlet.

Rather than genetics we'll probably want to go over the point that the main thing on the table right now is the 7 forms of damage that cause aging. There are some tentative plans to help develop more strategies than just those 7 but Im not sure how we might word that in to a "what we do" section yet.

Cryonics is another good part.

Lifestyle might work. Im a little skeptical about pegging us as supplements people in official type things like this, however I think we could word it right, and that it could help to be an added draw in this pamphlet, to help it act as a hook for more target crowds.

#191 bacopa

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Posted 11 January 2010 - 01:17 AM

What are your suggestions on calling VIP's? I think the phone part could be instrumental to the whole team. I don't know if we should call write after to see if they got the letters, or if we should call in the same way we use the letters for...in order to get their attention.

Portal, Styles, Vgamer1, Morgenator, Shannon, anyone please chime in and express your opinion on this matter!

#192 bacopa

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 03:28 AM

my biggest qualm is how are we going to attract the Spielberg's with a simple letter? We NEED competent speakers who are willing to sell our vision to the VIP's reps, like I said. Styles do you feel comfortable talking on the phone? I don't I tend to say uh a lot and I just don't think I speak as well as I'd like to.

Portal are you down for making calls? Morgenator is still willing and I bet Shannon would be great on phones too. I'll pm her, since I haven't heard from her on this topic in a while.

I think with Spielberg it will be all about the phone conversation with the agent, manager, or publicist. If we can get a great speaker then we stand a chance at getting through.

#193 brokenportal

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 04:26 AM

First thing, If I were you, I would sit down and knock these last two drafts out right now. Write them with the idea in mind that there may be nobody revising them. So you want to be as close to ready to go as possible.

If I sat down right now, I could knock out 2 workable drafts. I would post them, and if somebody edited them, then we would use the best of the edits. If they didnt, I would tweak and send what I had. Do that, get your deadline in, worry about extras between goal completions. Work out three final drafts first thing on the third week, then you have a whole week to worry about calls.

Ask Styles or Shannon if they would be willing to call all the numbers while the letters are in transit. If not, we can look for others later. But we can not let that get in the way of getting these letters done. Unless you want to restructure the team, thats up to you. But I would focus on chalking up a stack of results, and then worry about possible restructure.

#194 David Styles

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 10:41 AM

Yes, I'm good with phone calls.

How about this shorter version of the letter to Viggo Mortensen:

David Styles
Immortality Institute

Dear Mr. Mortensen,

I hope that all is well with you and yours.

Recently, I have personally enjoyed a number of your writings and interviews, in which you have expressed a desire to live forever, and decried the shortness of life.

I’m writing on behalf of the Immortality Institute, in the hope that we can be of mutual benefit. The Immortality Institute aims to promote advocacy and research for unlimited lifespans. We do this chiefly by a combination of media outreach, and issuing research grants.

We may be quite close to achieving our aim in any one of a number of ways; should it interest you, then you will enjoy the book I have sent to you, the Scientific Conquest of Death.

Our biggest task, perhaps, is not the complexity of the technicalities of defeating death. It is helping people to understand that it is an achievable goal, and worth pursuing.

If you would consider involvement with our cause, in any manner however small, it would help bring attention to the aforementioned point. With such things, we can gradually change the cultural meme towards valuing life as it deserves being valued.

The single best thing you can do to help is to use what we freely offer. Avoid death. Let people know you’re avoiding it, and how, and why.

If you’d consider doing a short talk, or even just giving an interview (we have a small weekly online TV segment for things like this) sharing your philosophical views, that’d be especially brilliant. We’d really, really, appreciate it.

But if that’s too much, anything you can do would be great! Even just a short reply letter that you wouldn’t mind us reproducing would be a huge help, frankly.

I look forward to hearing from you, when it is convenient for you to respond.


David Styles
Immortality Institute
+44 7706 149 771

#195 JLL

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 11:09 AM

Much better.

#196 Mind

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 07:15 PM

See this suggestion.

#197 bacopa

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 09:46 PM

Yes, I'm good with phone calls.

How about this shorter version of the letter to Viggo Mortensen:

David Styles
Immortality Institute

Dear Mr. Mortensen,

I hope that all is well with you and yours.

Recently, I have personally enjoyed a number of your writings and interviews, in which you have expressed a desire to live forever, and decried the shortness of life.

I’m writing on behalf of the Immortality Institute, in the hope that we can be of mutual benefit. The Immortality Institute aims to promote advocacy and research for unlimited lifespans. We do this chiefly by a combination of media outreach, and issuing research grants.

We may be quite close to achieving our aim in any one of a number of ways; should it interest you, then you will enjoy the book I have sent to you, the Scientific Conquest of Death.

Our biggest task, perhaps, is not the complexity of the technicalities of defeating death. It is helping people to understand that it is an achievable goal, and worth pursuing.

If you would consider involvement with our cause, in any manner however small, it would help bring attention to the aforementioned point. With such things, we can gradually change the cultural meme towards valuing life as it deserves being valued.

The single best thing you can do to help is to use what we freely offer. Avoid death. Let people know you’re avoiding it, and how, and why.

If you’d consider doing a short talk, or even just giving an interview (we have a small weekly online TV segment for things like this) sharing your philosophical views, that’d be especially brilliant. We’d really, really, appreciate it.

But if that’s too much, anything you can do would be great! Even just a short reply letter that you wouldn’t mind us reproducing would be a huge help, frankly.

I look forward to hearing from you, when it is convenient for you to respond.


David Styles
Immortality Institute
+44 7706 149 771

good letter...just some things that maybe worth fixing, or not.

The single best thing you can do to help is to use what we freely offer. Avoid death."

This sounds awkward to me. Maybe, the single best thing you can do to help us is to care deeply about avoiding death...just an idea...or something like it.

Should you include the word meme? It's not a common word outside of certain scientific circles...but it is an important word, so I'm not sure

We may be quite close to achieving our aim in any one of a number of ways; should it interest you, then you will enjoy the book I have sent to you, the Scientific Conquest of Death.

I think you should it emphasize that defeating death MAY be simpler than we thought. We don't want to give false hope that defeating the 7 causes of aging will be a cinch.

Also the should it interest you, doesn't fit in with the first part of the sentence. Maybe, "we may be quite close to achieving our aim in any one of a number of ways;" and then state a specific possibility like SENS...

Other than that, it's a good length and I will write two letters to Speilberg and the other dude tonight.

Edited by dfowler, 12 January 2010 - 09:48 PM.

#198 David Styles

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Posted 17 January 2010 - 10:46 PM

The single best thing you can do to help is to use what we freely offer. Avoid death."

This sounds awkward to me. Maybe, the single best thing you can do to help us is to care deeply about avoiding death...just an idea...or something like it.

Actions speak louder than words. I've simplified it to reflect that.

Should you include the word meme? It's not a common word outside of certain scientific circles...but it is an important word, so I'm not sure

He's an intelligent and well-read person. I'm sure he can handle it.

We may be quite close to achieving our aim in any one of a number of ways; should it interest you, then you will enjoy the book I have sent to you, the Scientific Conquest of Death.

I think you should it emphasize that defeating death MAY be simpler than we thought. We don't want to give false hope that defeating the 7 causes of aging will be a cinch.

I have included the word "may".

Also the should it interest you, doesn't fit in with the first part of the sentence. Maybe, "we may be quite close to achieving our aim in any one of a number of ways;" and then state a specific possibility like SENS...

I've omitted the "should it interest you" part that caused you trouble. I've not mentioned SENS, because originally I talked about the various ways, and it was decided that this was too long. Mentioning only one way makes it sound like it is the only way. Better to include none and allude to the book having multiple ways in it.

Other than that, it's a good length and I will write two letters to Speilberg and the other dude tonight.

Did you do this? If so, could you please post it as it is now the end of week two?

#199 David Styles

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Posted 17 January 2010 - 10:49 PM

David Styles
Immortality Institute

Dear Mr. Mortensen,

I hope that all is well with you and yours.

Recently, I have personally enjoyed a number of your writings and interviews, in which you have expressed a desire to live forever, and decried the shortness of life.

I’m writing on behalf of the Immortality Institute, in the hope that we can be of mutual benefit. The Immortality Institute aims to promote advocacy and research for unlimited lifespans. We do this chiefly by a combination of media outreach, and issuing research grants.

We may be quite close to achieving our aim in any one of a number of ways; hopefully you will enjoy the book I have sent to you, "the Scientific Conquest of Death", which talks about these.

Our biggest task, perhaps, is not the complexity of the technicalities of defeating death. It is helping people to understand that it is an achievable goal, and worth pursuing.

If you would consider involvement with our cause, in any manner however small, it would help bring attention to the aforementioned point. With such things, we can gradually change the cultural meme towards valuing life as it deserves being valued.

The single best thing you can do to help is to avoid death. Let people know you’re avoiding it, and how, and why.

If you’d consider doing a short talk, or even just giving an interview (we have a small weekly online TV segment for things like this) sharing your philosophical views, that’d be especially brilliant. We’d really, really, appreciate it.

But if that’s too much, anything you can do would be great! Even just a short reply letter that you wouldn’t mind us reproducing would be a huge help, frankly.

I look forward to hearing from you, when it is convenient for you to respond.


David Styles
Immortality Institute
+44 7706 149 771

This now has incorporated suggestions from everyone who's put in input so far. I think it looks good to go. As we also have the address for Mr. Mortensen, are there any objections to me going ahead and sending him the letter and book, while we're waiting for the two letters that Mr. Fowler has written?

I realise it's a week ahead of schedule, but if it's done, it's done.

#200 brokenportal

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Posted 18 January 2010 - 12:06 AM

In the current system, we may have wanted to wait, but since we are having a bit of trouble with weekly goals, how about if we move to a 1 outreach minimum per team member system. I wanted to wait until we had two more people in addition to Fowler and you, but we can try it now if you all want.

I'll take on the Musk letter. This means we disregard weekly goals, and make each outreach a personal goal. You can do it all right away, or even at the end of the month if you want. Of course, then also people can do more than 1 if they want as well.

Lets post them here before we send them, have at least one team leader sign off on it first. You and Fowler are co leaders for this team, and all Directors are default team leaders.

#201 bacopa

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Posted 21 January 2010 - 01:28 PM

David Styles
Immortality Institute

Dear Mr. Mortensen,

I hope that all is well with you and yours.

Recently, I have personally enjoyed a number of your writings and interviews, in which you have expressed a desire to live forever, and decried the shortness of life.

I’m writing on behalf of the Immortality Institute, in the hope that we can be of mutual benefit. The Immortality Institute aims to promote advocacy and research for unlimited lifespans. We do this chiefly by a combination of media outreach, and issuing research grants.

We may be quite close to achieving our aim in any one of a number of ways; hopefully you will enjoy the book I have sent to you, "the Scientific Conquest of Death", which talks about these.

Our biggest task, perhaps, is not the complexity of the technicalities of defeating death. It is helping people to understand that it is an achievable goal, and worth pursuing.

If you would consider involvement with our cause, in any manner however small, it would help bring attention to the aforementioned point. With such things, we can gradually change the cultural meme towards valuing life as it deserves being valued.

The single best thing you can do to help is to avoid death. Let people know you’re avoiding it, and how, and why.

If you’d consider doing a short talk, or even just giving an interview (we have a small weekly online TV segment for things like this) sharing your philosophical views, that’d be especially brilliant. We’d really, really, appreciate it.

But if that’s too much, anything you can do would be great! Even just a short reply letter that you wouldn’t mind us reproducing would be a huge help, frankly.

I look forward to hearing from you, when it is convenient for you to respond.


David Styles
Immortality Institute
+44 7706 149 771

This now has incorporated suggestions from everyone who's put in input so far. I think it looks good to go. As we also have the address for Mr. Mortensen, are there any objections to me going ahead and sending him the letter and book, while we're waiting for the two letters that Mr. Fowler has written?

I realise it's a week ahead of schedule, but if it's done, it's done.

I think that letter sounds just great go ahead and send it, I'll have my letter done by tonight. David, I forget, would you feel comfortable talking on the phones to say one of Speliberg's Managers?

Yes Portal we can try a one member outreach system if you'd like. We should be coming up with more people per month it seems to me. Part of this is my fault.

Edited by dfowler, 21 January 2010 - 01:30 PM.

#202 David Styles

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Posted 21 January 2010 - 06:39 PM

I think that letter sounds just great go ahead and send it

Excellent. The post office is closed now; I will therefore post the letter first thing in the morning (and I will order the book for him immediately upon doing that, again, first thing tomorrow morning). Bear in mind that first thing tomorrow morning for me is tonight for you guys.

I'll have my letter done by tonight.

Marvelous. Thank you. I look forward to reading it!

David, I forget, would you feel comfortable talking on the phones to say one of Speliberg's Managers?

Yes, I'd be quite comfortable talking to anyone on the phone. Are you going to pass my contact details to him/her/them, or are you going to provide me with details to contact them?

Yes Portal we can try a one member outreach system if you'd like. We should be coming up with more people per month it seems to me.

Onwards and upwards!

Part of this is my fault.

Here's a funny thing; I never concern myself with whose fault something is (mine, someone else's, etc). It is courteous of you to say (and therefore presumably consider) that part of this is your fault, of course. But the most important thing?

The most important thing, I find when addressing these kinds of things in myself, is whose problem it is; whom it affects, whether I care about the problem, and if I care about it, what I can do to fix it, since I take the (perhaps cynical, but regardless, useful) view that I can't rely on anyone else to solve my problems for me, I'll have to do it myself.

So, any faults of any kind in our system, regardless of the origin, are the problem of all of us, so it's the responsibility of all of us to do whatever we can to fix those problems.

In other words, I'm less concerned about where as problem came from, than I am about where the problem is going, and what I/we can do to hasten its departure.

I thank you for your considerable part in this!

#203 brokenportal

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Posted 21 January 2010 - 08:56 PM

Part of this is my fault.

Here's a funny thing; I never concern myself with whose fault something is (mine, someone else's, etc). It is courteous of you to say (and therefore presumably consider) that part of this is your fault, of course. But the most important thing?

Right, dont worry about perceived faults. Fowler you dont need to apologize to us. Im not sure if you know it, but you do it alot and you dont need to, you can if you want, but I mean... I apologize for not being clear. (<-see, there) Your doing fine. Your doing way more than most. We flex and build projects to fit people and we can work with you to help make it work for you. Dont worry about apologizing. Theres nothing to apologize for. Its superfluous if anything. I used to get caught up in that kind of thing alot myself too, but dont worry about it, if you want to keep doing work for the cause, we can help, we all work together to help make it work for all of us.

Ive written up this letter to Elon Musk here toward my section of this months goals. Does it look alright? Ill wait for a couple of days on some feedback. I keep falling into the longer letter trap too. I was trying to keep this even shorter, I think this can work though. In part because its mostly personable stuff. No? Yes?

Dear Mr. Musk,

Some of us here at Imminst, an organization working with the Advocacy & Research of Unlimited Lifespans, have been discussing your Space X and other work. At first we were thinking it had something to do with the X Prize, after which the famous Methuselah Mouse Prize, M Prize, was modeled. Your work with this and things like Tesla Motors is a big part of the reason why we do what we do in our work to help see if we can make indefinite life spans a reality - so we can continue to increase our intellectual and material capital.

Im reminded of a quote by entrepreneur and author Robert Ringer, In a radio interview he was asked, “In order of importance, what would you say are the three most essential rules when it comes to making money?” He said:

1. Stay alive
2. Stay healthy
3. Stop losing money

Of course, you can't entrepreneur and make money and do things when your dead. We’re sending you a copy of our book, the Scientific Conquest of Death. We implore you to read it. I personally am confident that you will at least find it worth your while.

We also want to invite you to be interviewed on our small, but growing show, the Sunday Evening Update. It includes news and views on the world of life extension. We have had many bigger name entrepreneurs, thinkers, inventors and the like on in the show in the past. You may have heard of Drs.Terry Gross man and Ronald Klatz for example. We have recently gotten in touch with futurist and social engineer Jacque Fresco about doing the show. He reminds me of you in some ways.

Some questions we might ask you on the show include: Do you consider yourself a social engineer? What do you think of Jacques Venus Project? What do you think of the X Prize? The M Prize? Indefinite life extension?

Thank you for considering, we look forward to hearing from you.

Eric Schulke

Edited by brokenportal, 21 January 2010 - 10:17 PM.

#204 bacopa

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Posted 22 January 2010 - 04:07 AM

I'm collaborating with Lauren to see if we can perfect a letter here is my rough draft to Spielberg with my version alone first.

Dear Mr. Spielberg,

Ever since I saw your film AI I realized that you clearly have an interest in a field that many of us at our organization, imminst.org, also have a vested interest in, which is, if and when artificial intelligence could bring about what some now call a technological Singularity. That is a further out concept but we could use your expertise in something more managable today, which is defeating the aging process in humans.

I'm writing to you on behalf of our charitable organization imminst.org which focuses on research and advocacy into unlimited lifespans, or to put simply, anti-aging technologies that will allow us to live 50, 100, even hundreds of years more than we currently do.

We here at imminst, help with issuing research grants as well as help with gathering a pool of scientists and other thinkers together in close nit communities all working on the conquest of defeating aging. In light of this I have sent out out book called SCOD.

Our biggest task, perhaps, is not the complexity of the technicalities of defeating death. It is helping people to understand that it is an achievable goal, and worth pursuing.

I'm writing this letter in hopes of interesting you in this cause of all causes. You may have heard of Dr. Aubrey De Grey and his SENS Foundation which is working on defeating the aging process from a unique engineering perspective. Aubrey De Grey has been featured with Dr. Sanjay Gupta on a half hour CNN spot focusing on pro-longevity as well as several other mainstream programs, and is a rising star who we believe could lead the way to defeating the aging process in humans.

We also want to invite you to be interviewed on our small, but growing show, the Sunday Evening Update. It includes news and views on the world of life extension. We have had many bigger name entrepreneurs, thinkers, inventors and the like on in the show in the past. You may have heard of Drs.Terry Gross man and Ronald Klatz for example. We have recently gotten in touch with futurist and social engineer Jacque Fresco about doing the show.

Some questions we might ask you on the show include: Do you consider life extension as a key area of concern for humanities welfare? What do you think of artifical intelligence bringing on a technological singularity? And many more questions.

You can, of course reach me at,

(David Styles address)

Edited by dfowler, 22 January 2010 - 04:16 AM.

#205 bacopa

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Posted 22 January 2010 - 04:11 AM

the letter needs some editing as it doesn't flow right in some areas, I courteously copied text from both of your letters when it seemed appropriate as it makes the letter flow much nicer.

Edited by dfowler, 22 January 2010 - 04:15 AM.

#206 bacopa

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Posted 22 January 2010 - 04:20 AM

Here's a funny thing; I never concern myself with whose fault something is (mine, someone else's, etc). It is courteous of you to say (and therefore presumably consider) that part of this is your fault, of course. But the most important thing?

The most important thing, I find when addressing these kinds of things in myself, is whose problem it is; whom it affects, whether I care about the problem, and if I care about it, what I can do to fix it, since I take the (perhaps cynical, but regardless, useful) view that I can't rely on anyone else to solve my problems for me, I'll have to do it myself.

So, any faults of any kind in our system, regardless of the origin, are the problem of all of us, so it's the responsibility of all of us to do whatever we can to fix those problems.

In other words, I'm less concerned about where as problem came from, than I am about where the problem is going, and what I/we can do to hasten its departure.

I thank you for your considerable part in this!

hehe I guess I apologize, really, for my punctuality problems due mostly to a chronic problem with low energy, and when I see you guys working so hard, I feel like I should explain my slackerdom! Sorry this is also a personality flaw of mine!

#207 bacopa

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Posted 22 January 2010 - 04:22 AM

So David I suppose I should get Steven Spielberg's contact information and if you can give me your email address either here or in PM I can give add you to the edit list for the VIP's in google docs!

I "apologize" if I asked you for this again :)

#208 bacopa

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Posted 22 January 2010 - 04:24 AM

Steven Spielberg
c/o Staff Member
DreamWorks SKG
1000 Flower St
Glendale, CA 91201

one of his agents

Jay Baker
Creative Artists Agency (CAA-LA)
2000 Ave Of The Stars
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Phone: 424-288-2000

another one of his agents

Richard Lovett
Creative Artists Agency (CAA-LA)
2000 Ave Of The Stars
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Phone: 424-288-2000

#209 David Styles

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Posted 23 January 2010 - 02:20 AM

the letter needs some editing as it doesn't flow right in some areas, I courteously copied text from both of your letters when it seemed appropriate as it makes the letter flow much nicer.

Then with your permission I'll have a tinker with it later this morning.

#210 bacopa

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Posted 23 January 2010 - 02:22 AM

the letter needs some editing as it doesn't flow right in some areas, I courteously copied text from both of your letters when it seemed appropriate as it makes the letter flow much nicer.

Then with your permission I'll have a tinker with it later this morning.

Go at it matey!

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